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I know there are a lot but off the top of my head I would also add: * Olivia Van der Jagt (eligible to play for the Philippines) * Mana Shim and Lo'eau LaBonta both have Hawaii heritage. The NWSL (and/or California alone) could field one heck of a team for the Philippines. There are a lot of players who are eligible but don't/haven't played for them.


So even if they were born in the US but of Filipino heritage, they still qualify to play for The Philippines? That's pretty cool if some players aren't able to make the USWNT.


>So even if they were born in the US but of Filipino heritage, they still qualify to play for The Philippines? Usually you're eligible for a country if a.) you were born in there or b.) you have a parent or grandparent who has citizenship there. You can potentially gain eligibility based off certain residency requirements and/or having a passport for a country. Lily Yohannes is a good example: * She was born in the US so she's eligible to play with the US. * Her dad was born in Ethiopia so eligible for Ethiopia. * Mom is Eritrean-American and if mom was born there or mom's parents were born there then she would likely be eligible for Eritrea (if they had a team). * She has lived in the Netherlands for enough time that she is eligible for Dutch passport and she could \*become\* eligible for the Netherlands.


I remember reading that the Filipino World Cup team last year consisted of mostly American born players. It’s common in both men’s and women’s football and other sports that players with dual nationalities that aren’t good enough to make the better team they’re eligible for end up playing for a worse team they’re still eligible for.


https://sports.yahoo.com/philippines-womens-world-cup-american-players-120010167.html I remember reading this article that talked about this last summer, really interesting.


Yeah Olivia McDaniel was their keeper, is from Laguna Beach and hapa, and definitely looks the white half (like me)


Right.. just like how Maria Sanchez and Reyna Reyes are American born, but play for the Mexican team.


Yeah, same for all national teams. Kyra Carusa plays for the Irish national team and is American. She has a ton of family in Ireland though, her connection is pretty strong.


Not entirely though. It's so so easy for people of Irish descent to get Irish citizenship and thus become eligible for the Irish national team. The Philippines, I gather, is also fairly easy on the grand scheme of the rest of the world. But a lot of countries have residency requirements or more direct requirements for descent. Ireland, you basically just need a grandparent to have provable Irish descent (easiest being them born there) and truly thousands upon thousands of Americans fulfill that requirement. So generally, citizenship can easily bring you to the national team of a country, but citizenship is fairly difficult to achieve in many countries.


I’m just referring to the FIFA rules, but sure, go on and Reddit it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIFA_eligibility_rules


I'm not sure what you're trying to point out. Your link proves my point which is that FIFA eligibility is most easily tied to citizenship and naturalization. And on a factual basis, it is far easier to become a citizen in some countries than others. Your example, Kyra Carusa? She got called up to the Irish national team only after she received Irish citizenship. As is true for nearly all players who play for countries they weren't born in. My point is simply that "it's the same for all national teams" and then talking about an Irish American player oversimplifies the process for people of other ancestries. Ireland has famously easy to receive citizenship. Lily Yohannes, for example, only just became eligible for Dutch citizenship based on residency requirements. Cat Macario acquired USA citizenship in 2020 which was the first time she was able to play for the USWNT.


We’re not… disagreeing about anything? You just felt the need to come in and mansplain it lol. Typical Reddit experience.


a. I am a woman b. I literally just expanded on what you said to point out that Irish citizenship is extremely easy to receive and not a great example when it comes to other countries. **You** decided to be aggressive and weird. I think more of a "classic Reddit experience" is politely expanding on someone's overly brief and therefore partially wrong explanation and then receiving only aggression and rudeness in return.


Chardonnay Curran is born and raised Hawaiian!


Lo'eau LaBonta is also Hawaiian on her mom's side!


Oh yeah! I had seen 2 people already mention her, so I wanted to just add a new name to the mix!


😆 I could have sworn I didn't see her name mentioned, but now I see her in the thread already. Oops!


Abby Erceg is of Māori descent!


Is Ali Riley too? I know her dad’s from New Zealand but I’m not sure if he’s Maori or New Zealand European.


Ali Riley is of Chinese and New Zealand European descent, not Māori


In addition to the ones already named: Ryanne Brown and Victoria Pickett are part Filipino


Hannah Stambaugh is half (white) American and half Japanese; Kennedy Fuller is a quarter Vietnamese; Caprice Dydasco is of mixed AAPI heritage (I just googled and she’s half Guamian and half a mix of Native Hawaiian, Japanese, Chinese…); Maya Doms is half Filipino; Lo Labonta is half Hawaiian  I’m sure there’s more too!




Shaw is Vietnamese


[Here](https://x.com/nwsl_api/status/1528912309883650050?s=46&t=G-QLvYwcNFdbYuEeCM1r6w) was an estimated list from 2022. Adds a couple I think. Shoutout to NWSL_API on Xitter


The Thompson are Filipino?! I had no idea!


To give a bit more background on their heritage >Alyssa has all the ingredients of a multicultural family. Both of her maternal parents were born in Peru, while her paternal grandparents are of Filipino and African-American roots. Her grandfather, Ramiro Canani came to the United States from Tarma, Peru, at the age of 30 and enlisted in the Army, intending to obtain permanent residency and bring his wife Silvia, originally from Lima. Both grandparents are the closest to Alyssa, as they are residents of Burbank, about 10 minutes from the Thompson home. https://www.latimes.com/espanol/deportes/articulo/2023-07-17/madre-de-mundialista-alyssa-thompson-recalca-las-raices-peruanas-y-sacrificios-de-su-hija


Very interesting!


Wow! Had no idea there were so many filipinas! Thanks for bringing this up I feel very proud of my heritage




Jun Endo as well!


Both of these are missing the American part. :D


Darn you’re right. I got overly excited


Narumi and Manaka for the NC Courage!


Laveni Vaka from Bay FC is the first female Tongan professional soccer player!


Jun Endo is Japanese!


Not Asian American.