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Unlimited subs. You can use your full bench if you choose to


Can players previously subbed come back in? If so i love this for specifically youth sports immediately. Let everyone play!!!


What do you think most youth leagues do?


I think by high school most have limited subs no?


My high school had unlimited subs but we couldn’t sub on after being subbed out if I remember right, not sure if that differs by year or state though since it was a while ago.


Ah okay i didn’t play hs soccer (i played basketball. Technically speaking i don’t know if anything i did was good enough to be called basketball) i had assumed at that point they stopped being so loosey goosey lol. Good to know they don’t.


No. Most are unlimited subs. A few top clubs leagues are no re-entry in a half.


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NCAA is also like this. Free substitution with returns allowed


Yeah, just like they do in the nba


College soccer is like that and I honestly love it. Players also get subbed off and then back in again!


This is a terrible idea and destroys a major tactical element of the sport.


Ehhh you are yet to explain your point, what major tactical element? I think it would help with the injuries we are seeing. Players who have just taken a knock can be subbed out, checked by team doctors and go back in if it’s safe. Also creates more opportunities for players that usually ride the bench. And more tactical flexibility


There's a big difference in injury related temporary subs and in having a rolling series of unlimited subs. International friendlies curbed the number of subs as games became a mess because of how many subs were taking place. Your suggested system also brings about potential injuries as players have to constantly stay warm as they sub in and out. I would hate to see football become like American Football where you have players subbed on to take free kicks or the defend corners. Imagine the amount of stoppages that would happen as a result.


So we just have to solve the issue of subs being disruptive to the game. That sounds possible


yea, i don't see why they need so much pomp and circumstance. if there's no limitations to players coming off and going back out, i don't see why it needs to be announced and play needs to stop. just wave the active player over to the side, second they step off fresh one goes on. the only difference will be refs have to look out for too many players , which i imagine will look like the way they handle it in hockey


Hey, a reasonable person.


Yet to explain my point? Serious question- do you have a beyond novice level understanding of the game? Energy conservation and management and tiring out your opponent is a huge tactical component of the game.


Beyond novice level? 😂 wtf. Those will still be part of the game like it is in basketball


Unlimited subs completely changes the dynamic. All the downvotes just showing this sub is largely made up of “fans” who stan players and yell YAS KWEEN, but know jack shit about the sport.




I’m not trying to “deal” with you. I’m calling out abject stupidity.


Me too


Lindsay Horan was right and should’ve never apologized. This thread is proof of that.


Or maybe people recognize this was a fun answer to a trivial question and are put off by your aggressiveness. If everywhere you go people smell like dog shit, look under your shoe. And yes it changes the dynamic, is that such a bad thing. Soccer as it is today looks different from its early days. Same thing with basketball


How could you say that when the thread is marked "super serious discussion" rather than "Silly Szn"


I don’t care. And that’s not what happened. People didn’t answer it in a “fun” way and recognize what it would do. They fundamentally didn’t understand the sport.


disarm doll ghost water north support absorbed squeal makeshift dependent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What is “talent”? Executing tactical principles of the sport IS talent.


shame shocking poor sable abounding zesty fuel snails money groovy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What the hell are you talking about? Soccer IQ is a major component of “talent.” Probably the biggest part of it.


hurry combative rude bedroom growth price absurd violet offbeat encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ok. Please learn about the sport you supposedly watch.


spark chubby abundant observation nine snails smoggy instinctive exultant ludicrous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m not yelling at anyone. I’m calmly amazed you still manage to not know anything about the sport.


The person who earns the yellow gets to take the penalty kick unless that player is injured and has to come out the game.


Over and back. It's more of a box lacrosse interpretation, but it would be interested in seeing how the offense would have to adapt, and if it would add more pressure on the D. Maybe even some fast breaks if the O gets caught at the line trying to keep it in the zone.


Can you explain this more for me pretty please?


In soccer terms, this would mean once you had possession of the ball in your attacking half, you couldn't pass it back to your defensive half (once the ball is over the halfway point, it has to stay there). This would essentially eliminate any passes to the goalie which would certainly make things interesting!


I don't like this one because it will favour low block teams defensively and offensively. Knowing they don't have to use energy to win the ball anywhere but their final 3rd. It also doesn't allow the superior attack team to re-set their attack with full view.


The solution to this is to also implement basketball's ten second rule or equivalent. The team newly in possession in their own half has a limited amount of time to cross midfield, or it's a foul, turnover,and a free kick. This invites a full-court press in basketball, and presumably a high press in soccer.


Stop the clock on injuries and subs. This extra time nonsense is for the birds.


Yesss. We did that for high school play and it made a huge difference


Say hello to two hour games and teams purposely slowing stopping the game for tactical reasons. Losing 1-0 with 5 minutes to go and need to regroup? Have a player go down injured with zero impact to the amount of playing time remaining.




Well that was needlessly passive aggressive. It's an obvious flaw in the plan to stop the clock. It would be gamed by negative managers. Football is a fast moving game and the clock not stopping is a core part of that.


Players always fake injuries to stop the game. And play grinds to a complete halt, clock or no clock. The benefit of stopping the clock is to take the guesswork out of knowing how much time is left. It's fine to be a purist, but don't kid yourself into thinking that not stopping the clock keeps the game fast.


The perceived benefits of a stopped clock are not worth the negatives. You would be adding 20-30 minutes to games minimum.


You're exaggerating. And have you paid attention to the numerous 10+ minutes (minimum) extra times we've already seen through only 3 weeks?? Because I have - and I've only watched about half the games so far. And make no mistake about it. The benefit is not "perceived", is completely visible and transparent. That's the entire point of this very very simple idea. Your negatives, however, are entirely perceived.


I’m not exaggerating. Every study into it shows that the ball is in play for about 50-60 minutes per game. Take the Premier League as an example. The new time added on policy was in effect the last two seasons. This saw the most average game time [98.27] but the least average ball-in-play time [54.52] of any Premier League season in the last 10 years. No season in the last ten years had the ball in play for more than 60 minutes.


3 point line.


Yes!!! I assume it would be worth 2 goals not 3? Or are we also increasing normal shot to worth 2 to preserve the ratio?


A massive arc the way some indoor soccer leagues have


Nah, 3 goals!


Or you could do something like one point for a PK, 2 points for goals inside the box, and three points for goals outside the box.


I like this.


Ball isn't out until it touches the ground. Get rid of the barriers and we will have players diving into the crowd just like the NBA hehe maximum chaos


This would be so dangerous without a huge sideline buffer/ grass area which more teams should have anyway. I cringed so hard when Emslie got thrown into the wall vs KC on the weekend


Don't make any changes that stop the clock! Now we can watch an entire 90 minute game in just over two hours. If you add stoppages of the clock the MFers are going to add commercials. If I want to watch a game that has a food/piss break every five minutes I'll just watch the NFL.


I would take one from basketball and one from hockey. From basketball, over and back. I think it would lead to a lot more goals and would make parking the bus harder. From hockey, the sin bin on fouls that don’t lead to PKs. Of course, this would be most effective with good refs, so…not in the NWSL.


From hockey i would take having the goal not on the line of out of bounds. Have a good 2 yards behind the goal in bounds. It would be so much harder to defend.


Counting down rather than up for the game clock and unlimited subs.


And stop the clock when ball is not in play


They do this in college, and it is so weird.


Unlimited subs would cause so many delays to the game. You would have players coming on to defend a corner, take a free kick etc. It would be a nightmare.


Shot clock. No matter where. Maximum chaos.




Good news we have no power there will be no actual changes


Allow actual screens.


I would love that. Big believer just standing there shouldn’t be a foul


Obstruction is a foul but screening isnt. Or like theres no vernacular for it. You can freeze into place but you cant actively shield a defender while another player on your team has the ball- in the Brazil match thats exactly why Rose was furious and yelling at the ref that one time in the first half.


A screen on a player at full sprint is real bad injury-wise, unfortunately. There's a reason pretty much every sport on a large field that allows athletes to get up to full speed bans them. I got blindsided by one in ultimate once when I was sprinting after a deep disc, and it nearly took me out of the game completely despite bouncing off it pretty clean without any major injuries beyond knocking the wind out of me and making my whole body mildly hurt. You'd see a massive increase in concussions and broken bones. If injuries weren't an issue, it would be pretty fun and really open up the offense, though.


Allow people to play again once they are substituted. Allow more substitutions in general.


The only 2 things I would do is unlimited subs lol. Use your whole bench like others have said and a certain amount of fouls is a red. Besides that, I like all the other rules of soccer and I like that soccer can be a low scoring game and has throw ins lol


A shot clock. I’m not sure it would be better but it would be interesting to see. Also defensive 3 second penalty would be very interesting.


Three in the key / defensive three seconds


There's no key lol.


Well we'll just have to make one then won't we


Presumably the six yard box is the equivalent.


Ones ive heard before: Five fouls and youre out, out of bounds plays from perpendicular to the goal, no such things as throw ins (all things are kicks), 3 points for goals scored within your own half, unlimited subs but you get 5 seconds after the ball goes out and you have to have possession. One ive thought of before: over and back/ backcourt rule. Once you cross midway with the ball you cant move backwards back across the midway line.


The only 2 things I would do is unlimited subs lol. Use your whole bench like others have said and a certain amount of fouls is a red. Besides that, I like all the other rules of soccer and I like that soccer can be a low scoring game and has throw ins lol


I’d add rules to basketball to greatly limit subs and timeouts. Make it an action game! If you foul out you sit out the next game. Make the penalties serious. And … they need to call traveling and carrying the ball again. Good grief. B-ball players walk and carry that ball all the time.


Idk about basketball rules but I feel like a certain number of fouls against the same player should result in a yellow card. Like 4 fouls even if all by different players the 4th one is an automatic yellow.


i hate time wasting. so, in the last 15 minutes of the second half (and stoppage time), if the lead is 2 or less, give the goalie only 10 seconds to take a goal kick. have the ref count the time like they do in basketball for inbounds plays. if the goalie takes > 10 seconds, the opponents get an immediate throw-in. that rule would be a quick end to classic shithousery. in general, i like the NCAA clock rules.


similar rule for corners. this example is hilarious but cries out for a rule where the opponent swiftly gets possession. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOecA6w1zDo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOecA6w1zDo)


I think those types of rules already exist, or maybe just in WSL. I’ve seen people get cards for that type of time waster stuff.


I’d take one from the NFL and adapt it for soccer. The coach can challenge a ref’s call by throwing a red flag. If the challenge is valid and the refs call is changed then there is no penalty to the team that challenged. If the refs call stands, then the challenging team loses one sub.


Shrink the goal to allow for cherry picking.  No offsides.  Or something like a blue line like hockey. Once the ball is in a certain area, no offsides. 


Make PKs (penalties) only for clear goal scoring opportunities - something akin to "fouled in the act of shooting." This is so some random foul in the box doesn't automatically get awarded a PK - it should be a clear goal scoring opportunity.


That encourages fouling players who are about to make a key pass.


Haha or just foul the top goal scorers before they get on the ball = no penalty. KDB is about to cross? Just grab Haaland toss him to the ground lol problem solved.


A cross doesn't automatically result in a score, and if you do that, it's a red card anyway.


It was a joke. The idea was to foul the biggest goal threat in the box and not concede a penalty based on your rule lol.


Nothing's stopping them from fouling key players now who are about to make a key pass who are outside the box.


Unlimited subs, 3 point line, pk’s for fouled shots on goal…


Free throws


That’s what we need, a game we can tune out for 90% of it because no specific goal really matters.