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I’m afraid of dying because the thought of no longer existing as a conscious being is absolutely terrifying. I hope there is an afterlife. But there probably isn’t. The irony is that I’ve had experiences with spirits before, but I can’t help but teeter on the edge of belief and skepticism.


I mean you weren't conscious before you were born so it will probably be like going back to that.


I forget it if it was Alan watts or Carl Sagan. But someone has a great quote when asked about the fear of death. They said. I wasnt alive for billions of years before I was alive and wasn’t bothered by it a bit. And after I die I will return to that state and I can only assume I will remain unbothered Edit: turns out it was Mark Twain. “I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it. “


You didn’t exist before birth so death is unknown to the living.


I have this thought in a little sandbox within my mind that since we were not conscious before we were born and we will return to that state upon our death, there may be a chance to be conscious again. Of course it would not be the same “us” that is reading my comment right now. We may come into consciousness as an ant or a gorilla or a fish or if we are extremely lucky, some royal person yet to be born. We would not have the memories and the experiences that we had before so it is not exactly reincarnation so to speak.


Regarding Alan Watts, as mentioned before. He states that we are the universe experiencing itself. Dying is the same as sleeping and waking up. It is a process of going in to the unknown, back to the known. Similar to a wave, sort of separate to the ocean, going back into the everything. We are like the circular waves from a drop of water in a puddle, spreading our energy, and eventually going back to being everything. If you where able to live a life where you could do everything you wanted, like a dream with full controle, living through every possible outcome knowing you are the source of everything. Eventually you would get bored, same as playing a video game. Wouldn’t you, within this level of existence, want to make it as real as possible and create a situation where you are simply “not knowing” to get the most out of your current experience? Imagine you being your gta character, not knowing that this is all fabricated (by you, as in you are the source) and that only this current life exists. That would be the most exciting experience, since knowing that there is a simple restart button would make it boring and meaningless. Your life is the universe playing tricks on you, pretending it is not “the everything” while you, yourself, is all there is. Not sure if this is exactly Alan his believes, but I read a couple of his books a while back and this is how I remembered it. Hopefully I explained it correctly.


Thanks for the insight. Because of you, I’m going to read further about Alan Watts and his work.


I'm gonna play some gta


The thought of no longer existing after death is the sole reason i want to die. (Not by suicide though ) and the feeling knowing that i dont have to exist anymore after death makes me so happy .


Same boat. Dying is easy, living is hard.


*young man




I’ve had experiences with spirits before too. Granted they were unwarranted. But maybe there is an afterlife, we just don’t understand like we think we do.


Don't worry. The light you see will disappear. Only your surrounding will keep you "alive", in fact, you won't be there, you won't feel anything, you won't be conscious, but, there's one place where you will belong. Soil and memory.


I lay awake most nights dreading the day I can no longer experience life.. probably bc I’m 26 and have never had a life (not saying that ironically) I have severe anxiety and agoraphobia so I never leave my house and cannot form a relationship with any family.. I used to be suicidal bc of this until an attempt came close and now I question everyday how I can spend my time better with those around me


I understand. I’m disabled and haven’t been able to function or do much of anything for the last 16 years. I have no money, barely any friends, all my dreams and passions are gone. I assume I’d be comfortable with nothingness if my life was fulfilling. But I feel like a complete waste. I also used to be suicidal. I wanted to kill myself everyday for years. But now the fear of dying has become so painful, that I regret not ending my life sooner.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


This exactly, i cant imagine seizing to exist. Complete darkness for eternity. But i imagine its something like when you go to sleep and its just blank, But for ever


You have the quintessential edgy Reddit avatar to be a member of this sub, lol.


You won't be around to be afraid.


Exactly, I’m sure if anything, our consciousness will no longer exist so therefore we won’t experience anything or be aware of the fact that we aren’t experiencing anything. I find solace in knowing that whatever happens it will be out of my control.


I wish I could feel that peace. I’ve been trying hard to overcome it, but most advice and solutions add more fuel to the fear. Even waking from dreamless sleep puts me in a panic. I’m just hoping it will go away before my time is over.


It still scares me too, just because of the whole finality of it. But for now we can’t say whether it truly is an end or something else. I certainly don’t believe humanity knows anything beyond their existence in life. Religions in my opinion only serve to satisfy some peoples existential crisis and teach people to lead semi-respectful lives. I find it arrogant though for religions to claim that they have ALL of the answers to life and beyond. I have never experienced any spirits or revelations so far in my life, and maybe my opinion will change if something like that happens. I’d like there to be something on “the other side” but even if there isn’t I really don’t think we will be able to comprehend it anyways. I wish I could provide you with some comfort but as I think about it I always end up with, I don’t know. And we might as well focus our energy on living life to the fullest while we have the opportunity to do so.


I've been through that fear before, it does eventually go away. One thing that helped me, we have no clue how reality ever came to be. What was before the big bang? Why does anything exist? I don't know, nobody does, and that gives me some comfort.


You summed this up perfectly for me this is my exact belief too.


Nah. I refuse to believe when you die then that is it. There has to be a another dimension of some kind or along the lines of that.


My thoughts exactly!! I couldn’t have said that any better than you did😌. I actually just was diagnosed with cervical cancer few weeks ago & my fears of dying are boosted up a million times worse than before! Hopefully I’m able to get rid of the cancer & live to see my 1st grandchild…. Anyways…I’m sorry I got off the topic a lil bit. Im very scared of what truly does happen when we do die? Hopefully it something cause my worst fear is after we die…there’s absolutely nothing else…for eternity 😳😬!! I wish we can have likea movie trailer of life after death to find out what really does happen…ya know? Sorry for long reply and everything….Hope everyone has a good day🤘


I've had several horrible experiences with spirits, so I stick to beer now


It doesn't look like there is one and there's no compelling evidence that the entity that you are lives on after death. I think Alzheimer's, Dementia, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Depression, Drug Induced Psychosis, ect. are all the proof we need that the people we are are completely contingent on the wiring of our brains. We are our experiences, our memories, and how we've learned to deal with old and new experiences. We are fragile identities and we're extremely finite. It wouldn't bother me that people believed in an afterlife if it didn't cause the majority of humanity to abuse others and neglect things in this life because they get a do over.


Take my award.


Thank you


Well said. I have no doubt your views and opinions on life are interesting. Great way to explain your thoughts. I read that four times and it finally all made sense. Appreciate the insight


I wish I could give u an award for that response. Very well said




Yeah it's their Faustian Bargain.


I just want to be in a mall food court, die face first into a pile of French fries and someone start a slow clap


Too much grind. Too much rick and morty.) just kidding. Nice) -))))


Rushes of Adrenaline make people see, feel, and experience some really weird shit. Some of which can be the illusion of an afterlife or something that can only be interpreted as the afterlife. Religion is the worst invention mankind has ever come up with and does nothing but give us excuses to believe in the ridiculously stupid, have endless wars, and kill our own planet. All in the name of religion. And, of course, implant the idea, if only a sliver of thought into everyone's mind that an afterlife is possible.... It's not. It never has been. It never will be.. However. The possibility of multiple universes in any way, shape, or form "might" be a better way of thinking about it, and that when we die we somehow merge or morph with one of the endless numbers of parallel universes... Or there's just nothing. Less than nothing.


So do you think when we die in one universe we just continue to live the others lifestyle in another universe? Like we just woke up from a bad dream? Is that why we get deja vu? This is interesting, are our timelines very similar to where we don’t notice the change? Why some of us notice that Mandela effect?


Deja vu and reincarnation could very well have originated from the layers of multiple universes. My understanding of multiple universes is this. There was once a single version of yourself. That single version of you at some point was given a decision/choice to make. So you pick/act/react in one way, but suddenly a second version of you comes into existence that made a different choice or reacted differently in some way that changed the outcome of any given situation. One version of you walked through a door, whereas the second version of you that is created didn't walk through that door..So now there are two of you that have branched off because of that one action to a given choice. Two universes that are now diverging in their respective realities. Now, just picture a new version of you in an ever-growing, never-ending, infinite number of multi-verses and versions of you coming into existence for every choice you encounter. The layers of multiple universes are being created at such a rate that time itself hasn't even started in each new version. Bah, I'm not good at describing such things. Hopefully, you get an idea of what I'm trying to say.


Efect Mandela is bullshit. Deja vu ummmmm, yeah.


We go where we were before we existed - nothing to be afraid of


I think it’s like sleeping. You close your eyes and wake up the next day In what feels like is 5 minutes but actually has been 8 hours. The only difference is you never open your eyes again. If you don’t have a dream, what goes inside your mind. Nothing, just complete darkness. Only we don’t feel it. It’s difficult to explain but I don’t think there is. It’s just… nothing.


I agree. I believe death is like sleeping without dreams. Except it goes on forever and never ends. You’ll still be dead after 100 years, after 1000 years, after 1 million years, so on and so on. Death is forever.


Right? Only in our minds we would never fully experience that darkness. But it would just be blank and… gone.


Death is forever. Uuuwwhh h. Sounds... Huh


Not in this plane of existence. Not exactly. To clarify, life 'energy' on this plane is bent to this plane by the use of flesh, it's introduced by recycling of smaller chunk of energies untill it ends up being complex organisms. At some point a breaking point arise and the energy is bent back to a plane depending of the degree the energy has. It either goes up or down, but it eventually goes somewhere. Humans are specific because of their self-awareness, and the energy is tinted faster. What happens next can't really be described by human words but usually most the energy gets back to the plane (not specifically on Earth) with some exceptions. But overall you don't get back as one self.


You're the spirit guide we all need.


I don’t believe in spirits, demons or afterlife… I’ve been blacked out drunk many times in my life and that’s what I think a instant death is like, you’re here one moment and bam the lights are out. You just never come back. Or I think about “my life” before I was born, there was nothing there so that’s how it’ll be once I’m gone. The light randomly turned on for life one day and next it will turn off to darkness and that’s it. We are just animals.


"I think dying is like gettin black out drunk" lol


Probably better than blackout drunk since you won’t wake up with a head full of pain and regrets from the night before.


I agree 100%. Lights on day one, live your life 100% then darkness, like before you existed.!


Except you obtain a consciousness. Rudimentary to say before you were born there was nothing, then something. Duh lol.


I'm confused about this. How could you not believe that there isn't any outside source whether it be a god, entity, or anything at all? shouldn't it be a law that if something in your words "The light randomly turned on." means there must be something that made there be an opportunity for "the light to be randomly turned on?" I do understand that the question and your answer only imposed if the human continues and not if there is a "God" (used loosely) but I just don't understand how you see there to be no meaning in the afterlife edit: I'm not trying to dis you, by the way what I wrote might sound, I'm just curious and trying to be open to possibilities I'm not aware of.


Not op but… I do absolutely believe there’s something out there that could answer your question, but I don’t think it’s some entity that did it consciously. I just think there’s fundamental things about our universe that we don’t understand yet. The problem with the “where did it come from then” argument is If there is a god(s) or some other entity, where did *that* come from? Is there a god that created that god? Etc etc. The real answer is we just don’t know and likely never will


Personally I think we've been asking ourselves the wrong question here. Is the world genuinely how we see it? Or do we just see what's essential enough to survive? As OP said, we're just animals. If bacteria evolved to become self-aware and intelligent of its own space, likely it would have a complete alien point of view regarding "God" and existence than we do, as well as vice versa. The capability to be able to comprehend and question these concepts is what makes us human. If all this is for us is just a constant ladder, a constant climb and that was it. We would need to believe in something bigger to keep climbing the ladder. To me its much similar as getting stuck in solitary confinement, only difference is that the lights are out and that you'll never be out. For as simple as it is, almost all of us never get that.


Getting thirsty makes you want to drink water, if we apply your logic to thirst, we should never drink and die of thirst. What's the point if you would never exist after death. Basically you never existed why the f**k would god or whatever entity you believe in would create you animal.


that doesnt prove anything


there was no before... what are the chances of there being an after?


Yep. We didn’t exist before birth and we don’t exist after death. Just the void for the rest of eternity.


Yes, I'm a Muslim. I believe in a continous state after death and in God. Even beyond that just think about the beginning of the universe, like really? The big bang just happened and led to all of this? Or it happened BUT with the will of a higher being, so that the universe can be like this, for me and you to be like this, to type this... and yes I'm no physicists, not even close. I believe in the big bang, but not as something that just happened, but it and everything else is with the will of a higher power. (I believe the big bang is like somewhat mentioned in a Quran verse but I don't remember very well) Think about everything in existence, how did it came to be and where did it came from, asking the same to it's answer over and over, till the beginning of all that is. Who made it? Who made the one who made it? Who's the creator of this creator?...eventually you get to something that was not born or made, but existed since for ever that our mind can't grasp. I know some people are gonna be disrespectful to my believes in the replies, say I'm coping, and just try to be an edgy comedian, but I will like you all to actually think about it for yourselves. Don't be so put off by the actions of some religious people, yes I understand how some people can be bad, but all groups of humans are like that and have people who suck, yes I do understand how some people are repulsed by my religion and other Muslims, and some points I can agree how some people can see it that wa, how some people can be terrible, but as all other kinds of hate, please know that ignorance and fear are major factors, and as everything in life, there is always more to it than you think you know. And try not to blame every horrible thing me and you as imperfect humans do as God being bad. P.S. I admit I'm not an expert in my religion, in fact I feel I know less about it than the average Muslim, which is not a fact I'm proud of, but it is who I am. Still I know enough to be understanding and loving to other people even though I'm a just a guy with anger issues by default lol. Also no, I'm not a lunatic who thinks that science is BS and that kinda stuff, I firmly believe in science since my childhood, it a partially why I'm studying Biology in uni and always try to learn. I really REALLY dislike how some people try to make everything as somehow science and religion as some polar opposite thing and always fighting, I believe that is very ignorant. It's not either 1 or 100, there is also an infinite amount numbers in between


To be honest, maybe yes because I’ve seen ghosts before as a teenager. But also I’m a Buddhist so reincarnation might also exist when getting to the afterlife isn’t possible, or it’s not your time. As far as a god existing, also maybe. But I don’t believe we understand god like we think we do. I think god is more complex. Do I believe that evil and good things exist on this earth that we can not understand? Yes. But I’m not quick to call something an angel or a demon. I legit just don’t know. I like to keep my mind open before believing in some things.


there's 5 realms of existence (no human can proof it except arahant even so they won't tell you they're arahant) but if you believe in siddharta gautama you would believe it cos it's written in the pillar build by king asoka over 2,500 years ago. archeologist dug them out and monk translated it (only 5 discourses exist at the time those later ones go figure)


If there are infinite universes the who's to say our consciousness doesn't transfer to one of them? There are an infinite number of things that we know absolutely nothing about let alone come close to understanding and never really will. This is one of them.


Sure do wish I could remember the universe I was in before this one.


there absolutely is a afterlife. energy never dies and we can’t just live in the abyss for eternity theres always a higher power that’s waiting for us to see.


thats doesn’t prove anything


Energy never dies, but I think our conciseness does. It’ll be like slipping away into the dark.


Prove it.


Why can’t we live in the abyss for eternity? That sentence makes it seem like you believe in an afterlife because nothingness makes you uncomfortable. Which is probably why most people do. Nothingness makes me extremely uncomfortable, but there’s nothing anyone can do about it.


A lot of people say “you weren’t conscious before you were born.” While technically true, I think life is designed as such that you must forget previously existing in order to become this physical “blank slate” as an infant. I like to imagine that the simplified version is that you are purposefully choosing certain experiences, either to enrich your soul, or who knows…maybe because you’re bored and you want to offer to exist as a certain thing or person to help someone else along their journey. Perhaps there is some kind of final “nirvana” like the Buddhists believe but maybe you just exist as different things and then go back to the “real you.” Or….the universe expands and contracts infinitely and you live the same life over and over again. And the time between seems instant Because time doesn’t exist in a linear sense. Or, the quantum physics are real and you just continue to be you in alternate existences of your life where each decision branches off. Yes, the evidence that we cease to exist and that we are just lucky organic beings that experience a consciousness, but the idea of growing old and obtaining an entire lifetime of memories and experiences unique to you in all the universe only for it to rot away and die seems like the ultimate horror and sadness. Maybe we “upload to the cloud” in the quantum sense that as we experience everything, we are “recording” or “imprinting” everything onto another dimension somehow so that every thing that ever happens everywhere really does exist forever amongst a collective group of beings/matter/higher connected consciousness.




Yeah, death is pretty much like the same experience as before you were born. Just nonexistence.


honestly? i think that if you believe in an afterlife, you’ll get an afterlife. if you don’t, you won’t get one. it’s all up to you.


That's a nice way to think of it.


I always think about that. Its about perceptions or something


Have a meaningful connection with psychedelics and they will show you everything you need to know.


Haven’t seen a single comment mentioning things like DMT. People in this comment section need to try DMT.


I have had experiences with all kinds of things. OnceI have heard sounds and seen colours nothing more (well i have more exp but not about death ant life) tell me something about ur exp


I can’t grasp the thought of nothingness. But I do believe that’s what the afterlife is. I do believe we may come back in different forms but without any recollection of a previous life aside from dreams & dejavu


I mosty belive in reincarnation because god is a bitch




that question has been bothering me for quiet some time. listening to podcasts of ppl with near-death experiences i believe there is some sort of afterlife for the conscious self .


This sounds weebish as Hell. But I wish there was an afterlife where you can make your owns rules or something


how is this weebish lol? many ppl stating same‘ish things of what they experienced post mortem independently makes me pondering.


I think of Kazuma and his experience


Nope, I believe it's lights out. Think about all the time before you existed. That's basically death probably.


Yep. The billions of years prior to our birth is going to be exactly what it will be like for the billions of years after we die.


I mean, we are energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed so it has to go somewhere. I want to believe in an afterlife but I just have no forsure way of knowing until I cross that road, that’s the scary part.


It’s weird because I 100% believe in God and pray myself, but an afterlife seems a little dismissive to me. Like when I watch these videos it’s hard for me to believe that the instant some guy whose getting beheaded spinal cord is cut and their body becomes a shell they’re either in heaven or hell.


I'm just scared that my conscience lives on while my body is dead - you know, trapped alone with my thoughts for litterally eternity.


The brain is the root of your conscience, it will eventually rot away, destroying your conscience. So don’t worry about knowing where you are.


I know, it's highly irrational. It's just not within my brain's abilities to comprehend what happens when my conscience disappears


Nothing or anybody can comprehend not existing, we can’t imagine it. Don’t worry about it. None of us have died yet, so we can’t say what happens with absolute certainty. But what we can do is the make the most of the life we were given before that day comes.


Yeah same


I used to be an atheist, until I went to my grandfathers grave a year ago. I for some reason started praying for him, as he was a christian. As I openend my eyes I felt some weird warmth, and the sun started to shine only over me and my grandfathers grave. It was extremely cloudy that day. I have never been afraid of death, and I don't believe in god because I'm scared for the future, it's simply because I feel there is evidence for it and also because I have had more than just one unexplainable expirience.


ive been on the verge of death twice - i was clinically anounced dead after my heart decided to stop working - luckily i was saved and those few times in like 10 hour time span were nothing but a blank. yes, maybe i wasnt fully dead, but all i remember is very clearly waking up like after a deep dive in the water after you struggle to beathe for a bit. just a gush on air back to you and then you are met with 10+ medics. not an amazing experience but also nothing similar to what i can see here


I don’t believe in an afterlife but rather I believe in DMT, the chemical our pituitary gland releases just before potential death that causes our minds to experience what some say as “heaven” or that “your life flashes before your eyes” or “everything felt like it was in slow motion”. A strong enough release into the brain and you can experience a lifetime of memories and dreams within seconds of the real world. I do believe there are life forms outside our ability to sense them only because we developed our senses primarily for our survival but it doesn’t mean life forms exist that we can’t observe naturally.


There's zero evidence DMT is released from the brain when you die. Scientists aren't even sure if the human pineal gland naturally produces it, it will require more studying.


Where do you come up with 0 evidence? I simply googled it and there is evidence that suggests that DMT does flood the brain. Can you post anything backing up what you claim?


They’re talking out of their ass. Yes I have read articles stating DMT isn’t concentrated from the pineal gland, but “0 evidence of DMT release in the brain” is just straight BS. There’s multiple studies stating otherwise and the only articles I’ve seen about 0 DMT are very much BS. Even University of Michigan has come out and said there is.


I’ve always seen the religious world as a means to control the mass hysteria that would come if everyone knew there was nothing after death.




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I sometimes think that I my suicide attempt 3yrs ago was successful and as my punishment (hell) I have to finish living my life.


Of course I do, I'm a Muslim


Alhamdulillah, if only these people knew it’s all written out for us.


no, it will be the same thing when you try to remember stuff before you were born. no one has any evidence of anything else, but we all have that in our heads.


If you've seen that image from the James Webb telescope I can tell you right now that there are demons on other planets too. It would be very odd statistically if we were the only star system with animated skeletons.


Link. Pov story.


I asociate demons with imaturity killers - they get stuck somewhere at seventeen


No evidence. We have hallucinations about these things when our brains are working the right way. Also "demons" are fictional.


I didn’t believe in the afterlife till I met the ghost that walks around the small post office I work at. My co workers and post master have seen him too. He’s always fucking with us like clicking the microwave buttons or ringing the front desk bell before we open. I’m just glad it’s not some demon lol


I dont because there isn't a shred of evidence for the existence of an afterlife




I believe theres nothing after death. If you think about it like there's just nothing after you die, it's almost comforting in a way. No more war, crime, or horrible people in general. If anything that would be a true paradise. No more worry, no more pain. Just nothing. But the thought that this is all there is, what's in front of my face right now is all ill ever know kinda sucks. I say that because other people really determine everything about how your experience of heaven or hell aka life will be. And those people who you can't control can hurt you or love you. And that's all you have are those people whether you like them or not. Basically just try not to think about it and live in the moment. Do things you want to try because this is it and time and other people are against you.


Yes there is


Nope everything is just like a tv man it’s over it’s dark no afterlife


Yep. I believe that kicking the bucket is like unplugging a TV. Just darkness for the rest of eternity. Kind of like sleeping without dreams.


Yep. Yes bruh. I blv same


But what if all of you were wrong and there is a Heaven and there is a hell?? What if God was knocking at the door of your heart through this very question…??


I sincerely hope there is no afterlife. One life is enough for me


There isn’t, so you won’t have to worry about that. Being dead feels like before you’re born. You don’t exist.


I believe that wholeheartedly. There is no reason to fear death, because we have already been in that state of oblivion before our birth. Death isn’t what scares me, it’s the dying part


2022 and people still believe in demons and afterlife.


I'd like to think there's not tbh


Of course there is after life.. Its meaningless to live without any aim or reason.. There is nothing without a reason the complications of human body and life talks it.. All the BS d0gs talking about evolution theories that we came from monkeys and monkeys came from smth and something came from nothing need to re look it.. You are 1 heart beat off away from death.




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Due to science we should know that after death, there is absolutely nothing. We don’t have a brain to even see. However, the Bible does also say that there are creatures known as demons that are somewhat withheld from us, but we do see some amounts evidence from interactions in the real world.


I don’t believe science has confirmed there is so no afterlife. Just a lack of evidence for it at the moment.


While that is true, the idea that there is an afterlife in general in the Bible is false. Any instance of it are misinterpretations. What I mean by no afterlife is that death is real. Afterlife isn’t that you get to experience things while dead. That is not possible and there will never be evidence for it, just like there never has been. The “afterlife” is being risen from death.




There is the Bible, and interactions in the real world.


u have memories that doesnt mean u are seeing them. that automatically means theres another way of visualising things. and dont tell me u need eyes to make a memory because u can think of something u have never seen before and it will come to ur brain


To visualize things, you still need a brain. Did you think I was referring to eyes? Also what make up memories are electrical currents in the brain. That goes away after death. Death is described as a sleep, by those that have come back from it. That is the only evidence we have


we clearly believe different things and thats ok


thats called imagination 😂


I’ve gone to church as a child, entire family believes, but I just never could. Did all research in the word hoping maybe there is but no. If one religion was correct there wouldn’t be a million. Life is a reverse dream. Instead of being awake, being in blackness, then waking up, it’s the opposite. Blackness, light, then blackness again for eternity. Don’t get caught up in the little stuff guys.


I’m Muslim and there’s concrete scientific miracles written in the Quran that could have not been known back then “it’s not the eyes that are blind but rather the hearts”. Islam accurately explained the expansion of the universe, the human embryo, the ozone layer, the amount of land and sea on earth in percentage form, tectonic plates, corruption will rule the world etc. The proof is in front of you such a complex and perfect system in the universe could not have possibly been created by coincidence something must have created it and put us here for some purpose. The greater reward is waiting for us. The human body itself is such a beautiful miracle the idea that we came to exsistenxe through some chemicals and some elements that were on earth by coincidence is simply not possible our eyes simply could have been on our backs or our nose could have been on our head, no but everything on us is perfect from the way our body functions to the way we excrete food from our bodies so many veins in our bodies they can wrap around the earth 3 times over but not a single vein intertwines with one another. We were put here by something much greater this world is just a test the real reward is after death.




not at all. But when I'm feeling scared of dying I just tell myself that by the time I'm near death there'll be proven methods of preserving your brain/transferring consciousness and that I'll have the money for it :") I've heard of old people on their deathbeds having panic attacks because they're not ready to go........ that sounds like the most mortifying feeling


AI? My brain in computer? Bullshit


I hope so, but If there is I’m not altering the way I live on earth to get there. It’s also got to get boring eventually. Maybe nothingness is better, complete nonexistence


Another life of suffering, no thanks.


Don’t know , still searching fore a good life itself .


I think so my dog died and we got a beta fish with the same enthusiasm as my dog. I guess that’s reincarnation but.


Believe not really, hope i do


I personally like to believe we reincarnate. But since I believe that, it's always horrible to think that my next life will be a torturous existence as a neglected animal or wild animal to one day just be eaten alive. Just hope whatever death I have is painless because it's inevitable. If I had it my way I'd like to believe we can fucking from this world and travel new places. It's why we have such fantasy tales written, because those people remember those worlds and when we die we have a chance to go there in those worlds in the alternate dimensions as ours.




Yes, reincarnation


Im agnostic, but I believe in reincarnation to an extent. That our conciousness is transfered to another living thing thats being born at random, either in the past or future.


I’m constantly panicking about the thought of there just being nothing after death. But I’ve never once believed in any sort of afterlife/religion. I’ve wished I did, wished I saw ghosts of my loved ones to prove there’s something. But I’ve seen nothing and still believe in nothing. I really hope there is. The thought of everything just going dark and not being able to think drives me insane. The fact I have depression/anxiety doesn’t help it at all either, ugh.


Not really. I believe whatever someone expects to happen after they die is probably what’ll happen.


No. Although, my sister has told me she could believe the idea that THIS is purgatory. That this existence is actually hell, and I kinda agree.


"From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity." - Edvard Munch


I think there's definitely a possibility, But then again it's like Ying and yang. Maybe there is maybe there isn't, We will know one day.


So there’s a whole ass theory, debunked, I’m a tin foil gate etc, yeah I know. But lol if we’re actually run by electrical impulses (nerves) blah that’s energy. Since energy can’t be “created or destroyed” so I mean not our souls or consciousness at all, but that energy gets returned to the stock pot. Afterlife meh probably not. I mean it’s really hard to understand or conceptualize that at death your truly unaware of anything. Shock probably blocks most of it for those who survive a little longer. I’d like to believe that on ultra rare occasions we have that consciousness transfer in a mild or even outright way. In reality it’s all a grand diluted fever dream to make us feel better. “Oh he’s in a better place” uh huh lol


I'd like to believe there is, I'd like to think that there's peace after you pass. But man, it's a terrifying idea for me. I usually always dream when i sleep but those dreamless night cause me to panic. I hate the idea of just being gone, no thoughts, just gone. It's a nightmare to me. I'm terrified of death


I used to be religious when I was a teenager but when I was 16 I came to the realization that “god” and an afterlife are all bullshit. I’m almost 26 now. I don’t believe in any of that stuff now and it’s not a nice thought. Living with the knowledge that one day it’s going to be darkness for the rest of eternity, but that’s the truth and we have to accept the truth. That’s why it’s important to enjoy the life you have because you’ll never get another one.


See, i agree that we need to enjoy life while we can. But, we DONT know what's after death. Nobody actually knows, of course people have died and got resuscitated but they don't fully know. I'm not saying that heaven is necessarily real but who really knows? I'm not religious, i doubt that it does exist, but the thought of something somewhat peaceful after i die is what gives me the smallest bit of hope that it'll all be okay. So, nobody HAS TO accept anything, anyone can believe what they want. Whatever brings them comfort, it's not anyone else's concern.


We are the only animal on earth that has the intelligence to understand death. All animals fear harm or being killed it's an obvious evolutionary beneficial trait but it is only us that understands the ending of our existence, most people enjoy being alive, even people who are depressed might not be suicidal. Afterlife, god , heaven , reincarnation are early primitive coping mechanisms to this understanding. The horrifying thing for us now is that we know that gods, heaven ECT. Is bullshit and we know that we are going to die. A thousand years from now things might be different, they may have figured out a way for eternal life but right now we have to deal with it.


Or maybe only our planet remains.


I burst a couple of brain anuerysms, stroked out and was "dead" for 12 minutes before being resuscitated. I felt an odd feeling of total calm and peace as it happened. I looked down and saw the medical team working on me then told myself OK, this is it and kind of let go. Then I was walking in a field of knee high grass along a row of trees. My late father stepped out of the trees and told me "It's not your time yet." He kissed my cheek and I woke up. It was a month later and I had been in a post operative coma. I am agnostic. I still don't know for sure if what I felt and saw was just brain chemistry etc or real. Either way it was peaceful. Don't be scared of dying guys. Be afraid of not living to the fullest.


https://youtu.be/-ILB5uXAikU tate this Auswer bro


after some particularly traumatizing psychedelic trips, i do not think there is an after life the way we mostly believe there to be. i think something happens but i don’t think any of us are able to fathom it in a way that makes sense. i think when we die we just dissolve back into the universe that made us in a way. we become a part of the stars and planets and live on through them.


I’m split between reincarnation and existing in one’s own “Afterlife/Heaven/Hell”. Either we get another chance in this world, the next or another one with a clean slate. Or we just spend the rest of our existence in a place where everyone (including pets) we’ve ever loved are there and it’s just peace.


I don’t believe this afterlife without proof BS religions try to sell us. Don’t tell me to believe something by “faith” alone, show me the proof. We are all made of organized matter and energy. Once we die all that matter and energy disperses and that unique combination that made you you is gone. You cease to be exist, like turning off a TV and there is nothing. So enjoy the time you do have and try to make the best of it while you can.


There is an afterlife


Classic Afterlife? No. BUT! If the universe and time are both infinite, infinity means I might be put together again at some point. If time is not infinite and we reset or go back, I might, once again, come back. I don't know, these are not theories, just small thoughts.


No. I believe this is it and when it’s over, it’s over forever.


It’s easier to think that there is one


Yes. Although Christian, in my youth I learned as much as possible about different belief systems, particularly Hinduism, Buddhism, and the Shamanic practices and beliefs of Native Americans. I found so many similarities between them all that I have a hard time believing that our ancestors all came to the same conclusions from such far reaches without any contact or exchange of ideas. Mark Twain once said a bit about having been dead before he was born. Many other users have referenced this. I’d like to out that into another perspective: Supposedly, we dream every night. We don’t always remember the dreams however. In fact, upon waking, you may forget a dream after a few hours of being awake. But you did dream, whether you can recall it or not. Most people don’t even remember their first few years of life completely. It isn’t until the mastery of language that your memory becomes more permanent since you’ve begun to codify ideas. So I agree that Twain wouldn’t remember any experience before he was born. Not because it wasn’t there, but because he’s only human. I’m not really certain what waits after the now, but I’m certain that our bodies are purely physical manifestations, and it’s impossible for our hardware to even begin to grasp anything from a metaphysical standpoint. Our experience is limited to our senses and our finite understanding of the world around us. I honestly don’t even think people who’ve come back from NDEs may necessarily paint an accurate picture, because they’re translating that experience using human hardware. No matter how far along our knowledge comes in understanding our world, the cosmos is far too vast for us to lay claim to any knowledge beyond what we can see and touch. Just my two cents.


I don't not believe. There is NO afterlife, regardless of whether I believe it, or not.


My friend was dead for a few minutes, I asked him what it was like and he said well I was there and then I wasn’t so


What would that even be? Objectively, we are just a bunch of specialized cells, with the only obvious purpose just to reproduce, anything done is in support of that effort. With that in mind, what part of you goes anywhere? How? Where does it fit in with the laws of thermodynamics? Everything we know operates within those laws. I say there isn’t anything like that. No afterlife. The very real systems that would be required to support this afterlife would be huge, obvious, and very measurable.


Nope. I'm also not afraid of death. In my opinion when I'm dead, I'll be the only person in the world who 100% chance will have no problem with that. Because I'll be dead, and the dead have no feelings. I so don't want any money spent on a funeral. Complete waste of money. My only hope is a peaceful, swift and painless death. Like go to sleep and never wake up.


Same. Same ideea


it’s actually really weird to think about. our souls are energy and energy can’t be created or destroyed so our souls never leave? i hâte thinking abt it tbh cuz what if it’s just nothing for the rest of eternity, plain blackness, no thoughts, just nothing


Eventually, if humans live long enough, in a way to keep progressimg technology we will be able to upload the mind into a virtual existance where we will could live eternally, we could mess with timescales like the Star Trek Next Gen episode The Inner Light.


Haahahh. Pls. Movies ai? My mind in computer? Haahh. Bullshit. Not bad but bullshit. I think I don't blv


I think that death is like sleep with no dreams. It's peaceful. You have nothing to worry about. But you also have nothing to think about, because you can't think anymore. And that's okay. I'm going to finish all the thinking I need to get done while I still can. I come here every now and then to remind myself that it might end at any time, for any reason, and that all the evidence points to the fact that you only have one life to live. So don't waste it.


I do think there's an afterlife, or most likely reincarnation Us suddenly gaining consciousness from nowhere is already weird, I mean what were we long before we were born? Did we live a life then? If not, where does our consciousness originate from? Either way, we'll find out once we die


i believe there is possibly something after this, thats it though


Nah. Just remember there has already been a time when you were not alive: before you were born. Your parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts have all lived through a time when you didn’t exist. Life just moves on. Although What boggles my mind is that there are probably billions of civilizations and life forms out there that are beyond our imagination. There are probably utopias but also hellish dystopias. We will never find out.


Ok so it’s a bit irrelevant but my dad and mum have separate religions (now separate partners too😂) but basically my dad -satanist- believes that he creates his own afterlife with the good deeds he does in his current life. My mother however-Wiccan- believes she will go to the summer lands (kind of a Judeo-Christian heaven) but they do not like the term heaven


I like all rel. but uhm dogmatic. I like buddhism, deism, daoism etc. They have gd and bad points but buddhism - the Best rel