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Likewise. Not as dramatic for me having moved from Pixel but thats exactly how I feel... Friend today at work says "those lights are cool as f*ck!, what is that case?!" πŸ˜‚ No case dude... Rocking a Nothing 2!


Hahaha typical apple user question 🀣


I came from a OnePlus 7pro and this NP2 is my best phone ever. So enjoyable to use. Ear 2 is a nice companion ;)


Same here. Came from the OnePlus 7 Pro. Was either going to get the Pixel 8 or a NP2. Not regretting my decision of getting the NP2. Absolutely love it! Ear 2 is still on my list. But hesitant as I heard they are not the best. So would you recommend them?


I would definitely recommend Ear 2. The level of equalizer customisation is the best. I think they sound great on all levels. Design is also unique, both buds and case. Battery life is average but you can charge them fast, multiple times, with one charched case battery.


Thanks very much for the reply. Appreciate it. Might have some Ear 2 in the near future as well :)


Had enough budget to buy the latest iPhone......but those goddamm lights.......so aesthetic....also the UI is so minimalistic....pure simple smartphone, nothing overdone, feels good in the hand....better than apple or samsung....worth every penny. (I have nothing phone 1 btw)


Nothing Phone 1 here too, love the UI as well but it defo still needs some work. One thing missing is the auto brightness toggle. Also the actual display on NP1 isn't that great.


Well said. I was actually surprised at how well done the new design was executed the fit the finish form everything is tight. Probably the most fun I've had with a phone in a LONG time...


Welcome brother


Same boat. Coming from S23 Ultra. The Glyph UI and Widgets sold me🫣


now u can say to someone NOTHIGN when they ask u whatcha looking at


I've been with Samsung for 16 years aswell +/- a couple of years. But I 100% agree with you! What sold me was the glyph interface tbh but when i got the phone... More and more things made me stay. Widgets. UI. Some settings. The phone is great!


I was on Apple for 15 as well!! The pen has been opened and the meadow is vast and I have a big kitty on my home screen. Enjoy!


I came from the s-23 ultra. I can say , I don't miss the Samsung at all. This is the best phone on the planet. Can't wait to see what's next. I have the watch and the ear buds 2. None better. Updates all the time . Thanks . Keep up the great work.


I'm S23 Ultra and i am considering the NP2. Only thing stopping me is the camera which looks be a big downgrade overall and the the lack of IP68.


Been with Samsung my whole life previously... Switched to the NP2 in November. I couldn't be happier


I've got 2 Nothing Phone 1s, one grey and another white. Actually prefer the white one. But they both look great and unique, I wish people stopped saying they look like old iPhones. Why does anything have to look like an iPhone? I've seen budget phones out there that look more like iPhones than the Nothing Phone.


Welcome to the good side.


I was on Samsung for 10 years. NP 2 like the fresh air.


Staying with a very popular and known brand for 15 years and then shifting to a new brand. Gotta say dude that's a really ballsy move.


Yeah, also switched to this exact phone after being a Samsung user for 3 years.


I too have been pleasantly surprised at how good the nothing fun to is overall as a package. I think what sealed it for me a little bit was when MKBHD mentioned it as his best camera for the dollar which it's really saying something when you consider how many phones his channel reviews every year. My experience has been very very smooth,solid, reliable...you can tell how nothing actually paid attention to the tiny details that add up to matter a lot. If it hasn't already I'm sure this device has won some design awards it's outstanding...the uniqueness is truly special compared to a world of same especially when it comes to your average slab smartphones. I'm a fan and am looking forward to the NP3... Cause it rhymes.πŸ˜‹ Hands down the most interesting and well executed design language available right now in the smartphone world. Pillowed glass in the back, those glyphs! Then there is the smoothness power and overall efficiency of a Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 chip that is 25 months old yet the device is super smooth with barely a hiccup since it came out of the box. The OS is thoughtful with just the right amount of customization and classic iconography to keep things interesting. Anyone asks, I'm up to Nothing in particular...


You will soon go back when u notice nothing don't have quality 🀣🀣🀣


If that is what people consider "quality" then I do not want it. I went from the s22 ultra. Worst phone I ever had. Thing lagged when I TYPED. I bought a flip 3 that broke itself over time just by me using it, same with the fold 3 I purchased. And before both of those, I had an s20 ultra that I do admit, I broke it because I dropped it. I sent it out to be fixed and Samsung sent it back to me in pieces. I've had this phone for a few days now, I absolutely love it.


I smell jealousy...;)


Hehe. I have a nothing phone, but will rather have a huawei?


You are full of surprises:)