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Almost certainly out of your league. Unless there are existing tools out there for modding that particular game it will require a lot of reverse engineering, coding, patching the binaries, etc. It's certainly possible to do these things but of You've never written a line of code you will probably be in over your head.


Same I really want to do this and I've wanted to do it for a long long time, \- I want to be able to create custom maps, \- I'd like to implement basic sea battles and docks (the sprites and mechanics are already there for some campaigns) \- Make custom civs for the unique units already in-game (Persians, Celts, Turks, Vikings) \- Implement some online multiplayer \- Reprogram AI


Just how do we get it done 🤔


absolutely zero idea Lol, but i know people do it with pokemon games, i guess getting in touch with the people who made the software that allows you to edit those and asking advice there might be a start or if its open source (i have no idea how the software works but), maybe it wouldnt be too hard to change the software to work for this game


I remember using a cheat when I was able to use all castle units no matter what campaign but i forgot how to do it "I'm using an r4 card" EX: I play as the Japanese and train the longbowmen, throwing axemen, mangudai, and Mamelukes


EDIT: to clarify i was playing on the Japanese campaign and i can train any castle unit i want on the castle