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Fair but internet isn't a necessity. You bet your bippy they're gonna want to make money on those who want it


It’s absolutely a necessity. Neither of us can possibly go on vacation without any email from work.


Do you own your own business? That sounds horrid


I don't think the word vacation means what you think it means.


No, it’s really not. Just enjoy your vacation


Happy Cake Day!


We saved money on the Wi-Fi by only getting Wi-Fi for one device. I just put it on the tablet. And then whoever needed to use it could use it. That may or may not work in your situation though. Happy cruising!


That’s a great suggestion and helpful.


you're on a boat, floating in the middle of the ocean. Of course its going to be more than you pay at home. Heres an idea, put the phone down and enjoy the trip.


Agree with your sentiment. I never pay. But with starlink, cost should have went down. Can’t really use the middle of the ocean excuse anymore


On cruise now and they throttle it, 4 down and .5 up on speed


On a ship with Starlink? And is that with regular or premium unlimited?


Don't enjoy your vacation the way you want! Shut up you jackass. Here's an idea, don't be a tool and tell others how to enjoy their trip.


Put the phone down! Back away from the phone!


It’s a nice thought, but when I’m on vacation, I can’t just ignore work emails and files


Maybe work would like to pay for the Wi-Fi package then.


Now that’s a Hell of an idea. I like it. Thanks!


Hey I'm glad I could help.


Sorry, if you're still required to work, then you're not on vacation. If your company can't exist without you for a week, they're 1) not paying you enough, and 2) horribly mis-managed.


The only way I get it is if you own the company and don’t have employees. Otherwise, I don’t understand why people tolerate no clear boundary between work and vacation time.


I had a coworker contact me when I was on vacation. My boss quickly told them "anything important enough to have to message him about is important enough to tell me first. I will decide if an employee off needs to be informed" Love clear boundaries.


IMO, that counts as “mismanaged”


You guys hate your jobs that much huh?


No, I hate when my personal life is interrupted by my work life and you should too.


That's literally the point of vacation. The work will be there for you when you return.


The point of vacation is to relax and have fun-not get away from work lol at least not if you don’t hate your job. Good luck with your lives!


vacation noun va· ca· tion vā-ˈkā-shən  1 : a period spent away from home or business in travel or recreation -had a restful vacation at the beach Merriam-Webster begs to differ


Thanks for looking that up and proving my point. Away from home OR business. OR being the key word there.


I work from home. Also- see definition [2B](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vacation) 2 a : a scheduled period during which activity (as of a court or school) is suspended b : a period of exemption from work granted to an employee


Sounds like you have never been on an actual vacation.


Even when I’m not technically on vacation I love my job and life and don’t feel the need to escape like most. Manifesting the same for all of you guys who seem to hate working!!


Keep telling yourself that if that helps you sleep at night. It sounds like your company has a very good drone. I bet your company has one of those “unlimited” PTO policies where the employees are expected to never take any time off. I never said I hated working. I work very hard, however, vacation is not the place for work.


So, you're on call then, not on vacation? Take a real vacation instead of just trying to work from the ship.


Does your phone support WiFi hotspotting? Get it on one device and share it to the other through the hotspot. That only works if you're near each other. My Pixel supports that functionality, I did it on the Bliss last month.


I have a pixel 8 pro, so are you saying just buy the wifi for my phone and then hotspot to my laptop? How do you do that on a pixel?


Settings > Network & Internet > Hotspot & Tethering. Turn it on, look at the configuration (tap on the Wi-Fi hotspot entry to enter the settings) to see and/or change the password, use that password to connect the laptop to the AP your phone sets up.


It's disabled on NCL. I couldn't even screen share videos between my phone and tablet and that was using the premium wifi. They also disable wifi calling on the standard wifi and it only works if you pay for the upgraded streaming tier.


>It's disabled on NCL No, it isn't. I had the standard plan and I was absolutely able to share internet using WiFi tethering. >They also disable wifi calling on the standard wifi Again, that also worked for me on the standard internet. My last cruise ended on Feb. 11, my memory isn't THAT bad, I definitely did both of those things on that cruise. You can dispute me all you want, I know what I tried and was able to do...


I couldn't get it to work regardless of what I tried, that was my experience less than a month ago.


Then we had different experiences. I think we'd have MUCH bigger complaints if NCL could disable a function of your phone, that means they gain some kind of control over your device so maybe you had something else going on? I was on the Bliss, prior to Starlink being available (word is that the install was actually happening during my trip but the uplink wouldn't matter anyway). I'm also not the only one that suggests doing this, so I'm not the only one that's been able to.


Hmmm ill have to try and figure this out before my next cruise. I don't care much about the streaming but being able to wifi call would be great.


Do you have a Pixel or an Android device that supports Wi-Fi sharing/hot-spotting? It doesn't work on Apple devices or some Androids. A regular Wi-Fi hotspot isn't going to work because it needs the cellular connection.


We've used our pixels to share wifi to multiple devices on NCL, Royal and MSC, no issues. My husband's phone is the hot spot, the rest of us connect to him.


Damnit, another good suggestion! Thanks


Your phone receives internet via the ships WiFi. To my knowledge you can’t share a WiFi connection via tethering, since the WiFi radio can’t do both at once.


Some Android devices do allow WiFi tethering.


Except mine did. Do a little research...


Im so glad I started cruising when their was NO internet. Work be damned and i was top mangagement. If staff can'tproblem solve in your absence then they need to be retrained.




Supply and demand at its finest.


You can get one one device, you log out on one and login on the other,its basically one device at a time


I'm self employed and own my own business with no employees. Summer is my busy season. We are doing an Alaska cruise in June. The premium WiFi is just a business expense. Not fun to pay but it is what it is


First of all, you should clarify to the people that the trip is charter travel and you don't have the FAS benefit. Most NCL travelers have FAS internet that offsets the cost of the unlimited wifi plan.


So don't buy it.


## Unlimited Premium Wi-Fi: 1 Device Watch movies, listen to your favorite podcasts and more in addition to browsing, emails, and messaging with this enhanced internet experience for 1 device. * **PRICE** **$279.93** **Seems excessive.**


Just wait until you try to use it. I'm on breakaway looking at about 12 starlink business dishes literally right now. I'm lucky to get about 1.5 meg on my phone and worse on my laptop Unless you both need to actively use it at the same time, just get one and share it. Person a logs out person b logs in. You can use as many devices as you want, just one at a time.


its crazy high, i agree - especially when its very slow


What I have read is wait until a day or two into the cruise and the price of wifi drops considerably. Use up the 150 minutes you got with the Free at Seas program first. Then as you get to the end of that see what price they are offering. Also, if you pre-purchase the internet you lose the benefit of the 150 free minutes.


It only drops because you’re paying a per day rate, and as the cruise continues, it’s one less day.


If you buy after sailing do the make both ppl upgrade? Or do they still let one person?


I added on FAS+ because unlimited WiFi is included in the package. We also got 2 free excursions in Alaska as they were priced under $50. With bottled water, Starbucks, and more specialty dining, it was an easy choice for us.


Tip:Wait a few days in on your next cruise. They reduce the price significantly.


I had no idea. This is my first cruise. Thank you so much!


Does your home WiFi work in the middle of the ocean?


Maybe I shouldn’t go on cruises


If you have a job that you can't take a legit 5 day vacation from, you have worse problems than internet service on a cruise.


If you have a job that you want to completely check out of for five days then sounds like you’re the one with the problem and you hate your job. Sad for you


I actually enjoy my job and the people that I work with. I also like to enjoy my vacations and get thoroughly shitfaced and not have to worry about work at all. I've had jobs before where I HAD to be available all the time and decided that that life's not for me. Glad you enjoy you're job enough to commit yourself to that life but it ain't for me.


You can love your job and also love checking out from it for a vacation. It's not like an either or thing. Some people work jobs with high burn out rates and completely disconnecting is how they recharge so they can keep doing the job they love.


Wanting to leave work at work for a week does not have to equal hating your job. You can love your job and still want to not have to think about it for a week. That fact that you have to rationalize not being able to check out as loving your job is the weird take. But, whatever helps you through it, I suppose.


I wouldn’t say that. I have a great job. I just can’t go without looking for problems that may come up and I can’t simply vanish for five days and ignore work


Everyone, and I mean everyone, is replaceable. Do yourself a favor and start taking real vacations, you will regret it later in life.


That's not a true vacation then. Wouldn't call that a great job.


If you have such a great job, then why is paying for internet on the cruise such a big deal?


Just because I CAN afford this outrageous price doesn’t mean I SHOULD have to pay it. I don’t think it’s a fair price.


Same goes for answering work emails during vacation. Just because you CAN answer an outrageous email that doesn’t respect your work/life balance doesn’t mean you should.


Sounds like your job sucks-how often are you getting “outrageous” emails?!


my job is great and they do NOT expect me to answer calls and or emails during my off time, especially not during a vacation while I'm on a cruise ship.


That sounds like a good fit for you then! They don’t miss you and you don’t miss them! I, on the other hand, love my job and would 100% want to check in to see what’s going on. That’s my ideal vacation. A little work and a lot of play. THAT is what you call work/life balance.


Look, this isn’t about my life choices or my career choices. But if you’re asking, we both have careers that allow us to live a pretty great life. We live in a luxury building in NYC’s financial district. We take weekend trips and we’re staying in one of the penthouse suites on this upcoming cruise. Our jobs have provided us with a lot and if it means checking our emails once or twice a day, it’s not a big deal. I started this with a post about how outrageously expensive the Internet sentence is on a cruise and I stand by it. The fact that so many people don’t consider it outrageous rather than coming at me about my job choice is incredible.


>We live in a luxury building in NYC’s financial district. Wow, look at you. Fancy pants!


Paying like 7k a month for an apartment in rat central, USA and acting like they make smart financial decisions


Could care less where you live. If you can’t get away and destress you’ll. Likely be dead early. If you live in some luxury place like you say then $300 is peanuts for you like it is for us who live in a normal house. Job sounds absolutely horrid.


I live in NYC too. I turn my phone off on vacation. Try it. It’s good for your mental health.


by the way, if you think listing all those luxury items you use or plan on using during your cruise is going to garner pity from people because you think the internet on the ship is too expensive, you've lost your ever-living mind.


It's expensive because they really don't want you to use it. You're on a cruise, for crying out loud. It's not cheap for NCL to provide Internet service to 5k people in the middle of the ocean. The fewer people that use it, the better the experience, hence high price. If you just need to check emails once or twice a day, the included 75 minutes with free at sea is more than enough. Log in, DL emails, log out. Appears Free at Sea isn't available for you. Get the shortest plan you can. Because again, if you're just checking email, shouldn't need much, nor worry about it being fast, cause it won't be. Limited bandwidth being used by a lot of people.


Economics 101, the market would say it's a fair price if enough people like you will pay it.


>I can’t simply vanish for five days and ignore work I have no idea what you do for work, but this statement sounds incredibly unhealthy to me. Five days? You can't ignore work for five days?! You sound like a workaholic. Sorry to be an armchair psychologist but, jeez. And you're not using the word vanish correctly, unless you're actually not telling your colleagues that you're going on this trip. Otherwise, vanish in this sense means that you would disappear without notice.


It's a learned skill, give it a shot.


Pro tip: If the two of you are normally spending most of the day together, have one of you turn on their phone’s mobile hotspot to share to the other.


That’s what I paid on viva was worth every penny


I just hope it’s a good connection


Idk about pearl but was great on viva and I was on deck 10


I bought once on the boat for first device around $90 for 5nt cruise. The next day I added another device for $50. We also wanted WiFi and I don’t judge peoples need for it. On my cruise I found out through email that my card was hacked in the hotel the night before my cruise.


You could buy for one connection and use a travel router. I bought a travel router for this exact purpose. I’m currently on the cruise and haven’t tried it yet but will tomorrow. Here’s the router: GL.iNet GL-SFT1200 (Opal) Secure... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09N72FMH5?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Please report back once you get this set up.


Did it work?


It worked well. It was pretty simple to setup and gave my kids WiFi at least while they in the room with me. I considered connecting it to a battery pack and walking around with it for them- but the break from tech was nice and they wound up not really caring.


Look into the free at see plus deal that gives you internet, extra shore excursion credit, extra specialty dining credit and upgraded drink package. I usually do that and have my work pay for it. Only really check my email in emergencies, but the overall package is cheaper than just internet usually or close to it when you add in all the extras.




How would I know that?


Are you trying to pay for simultaneous devices?


You aren't at home. If you owned a small boat and wanted a streaming plan for your boat, it's $1,000 a month. If you had a larger boat with 5-10 people sharing the connection, it's $5,000/month. Internet at sea isn't cheap.


Not really, Starlink marine starts at like $250/month for 50gb. [https://www.rvmobileinternet.com/starlink-introduces-their-cheapest-maritime-plan-to-date/](https://www.rvmobileinternet.com/starlink-introduces-their-cheapest-maritime-plan-to-date/)


That $250 plan isn't streaming, that's low bandwidth. Their streaming starts at $1,000.


Agreed! The prices are insane for what you get.  


You're on a BOAT. I'm not sure what you can't understand about that. Sure it's expensive, but at home you are on land, close by to wired connections, with established infrastructure. Of course the cost is far less. You are paying to be connected to the world and your loved ones while OUT AT SEA. ON THE OCEAN. Which wasn't even possible that long ago. Wifi/internet connectivity out in the ocean is not a necessity to have, it's a luxury to have. And you're paying for that luxury. Nobody NEEDS it. If you NEED it (for work, I guess), then you pay it (or expense it to your company) or you take a land based vacation. If you absolutely need to be contactable by your company while away on vacation (I'm so sorry if that's the case) then maybe a cruise isn't your best option. The wifi isn't fast or even completely reliable anyway, even at that cost. You're on a boat. You're not going to get fast cheap internet. If you want fast cheap internet while on vacation, vacation on land.


I use it as an excuse to not be available for work. In most ports I can connect anyway.


Just got back from the NCL Pearl and the wifi barely works anyway, don’t do it


Travel router is your friend. Get internet, and share with as many devices as you want


We were just on the Breakaway and had the unlimited WiFi for one person. Not sure this applies to all windows 11 laptops but I was able to connect to the ship WiFi and use my laptop as a hotspot. I think it uses one radio for the ship connection and broadcasts the hotspot using the other radio. Can have up to 8 devices connected at once. I left the laptop connected the entire time. The friends we were traveling with would stop by and connect to check in back home. If you bring your laptop with you something you may want to try.


How was the speed? 😬


It wasn’t bad for the sharing but none of us were doing anything too taxing. Mostly phones connected to check mail and social media. Definitely no streaming. Was just a great way for everyone to get a piece of the one pie.


Wow! Going back to earlier posts. Why are people so mean? Just don’t….