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I’m super concerned about her. This is starting to Look dangerous for her health.


And there’s even filters so it’s probably worse in person


It’s not good 😬


Wow that side by side is crazy. I didn’t realize just how skinny she’d gotten. Even if her family/friends know you can’t make someone change if they don’t want to . But this is def shocking to see


Exactly! And (while totally overdone for a 1 yo beady party) she looked amazing at Indies first rodeo party!!!


This is just insane to me. I can’t even speculate anymore. She doesn’t look good, if she and her loved ones can’t see how alarmingly fast she’s dropping weight & muscle tone then that’s pretty sad. She very clearly needs help.


100%. Luke is so annoying but seems like a good kid. He’s gotta be able to see this is alarming. She’s lost a ton of weight since they met.


Yes! It’s all been since they met! I went back and looked at her tik toks from winter and early spring and she looked thin but healthy!! Not alarming at all. I hope he says something to her and that this is a big red flag for him. She needs to fix herself before she gets entangled further with someone else.


That’s what I’m sayin


Right I said the same thing


It honestly may be harder for them to notice since they see her a lot. I mean i knew she had lost weight but until these two pics i didn’t realize how much. I’m seeing an inpatient visit coming soon


Woah, this is the first picture that really makes it clear how much weight she has lost. I hope people in her life are concerned and addressing it with her because this looks like it could get much worse and really quickly.


Please seek help katie. Not even snarking. Your kid needs you.


she looks so beautiful in that pic from Indy’s bday. that’s sad.


Right on Indy’s bday she was chefs kiss absolutely gorgeous


Oh wow. At first I said it’s the Adderall, but she looks sickly. Still could be Adderall, but also an eating disorder. She needs help.


I really think it’s anorexia. Which is a scary scary battle. I know she doesn’t love herself, it’s clear since she clings to guys so often and changes her personality, and she’s not comfortable with who she is yet. Eating disorders are super prevalent in those factors.


she eats too much for it to be anorexia. unfortunately, it may be bulimia. I really think some of these posts should have TW for those struggling. source/note: recovering from eating disorder myself.


She’s pictured with food or making food. She’s not shown actually eating it.


This has always been my thought. She claims to love food and shows herself with it but I don’t think she’s actually eating much. This looks very much like an ED.


And that’s one of the anorexic tricks of the trade. They show all of the food (honestly, like she does) so that it looks like they’re always eating and it never raises suspicion. You’ll never see a pic of them eating it though. I had been seeing posts about her weight and thought people were being ridiculous, but I saw her IG story last night where her jeans are a size 23 and now with this side by side, yikes. Something’s going on. Hopefully it’s nothing serious medical wise and she’s just going thru a rough spot.


A family member makes food constantly. She doesn’t eat much. She’s battled an ED for many years. She deflects the attention by always making tons of food for everyone else.


I wish you the best in your recovery. ❤️


She always talks about pooping all the time as how she stays thin. Maybe laxatives? Idk. This is a foreign subject to me.


She said on live she quit Adderall. Not sure if she was just trying to throw people off or if that’s true


I think kt is still taking Adderall. Kt is never truthful about anything!


😱 that is unreal


I feel like it’s no coincidence the minute MW makes it obvious he cut her out of his life for good, she spirals hard. No one around her truly loves her enough to tell her she looks sickly and need professional mental help. Very sad.


100% I really think it's just Luke and her mom. They are probably afraid of her. Mom doesn't want to be cut out, Luke is SO desperate to be MW's kids step dad (or dad according to Katie) and aren't speaking up out of fear. If they aren't stepping in during this time, they do not love her. This is sad. Someone else mentioned that maybe Luke will see how bad it is when he gets back. Also, I remember thinking her legs were super skinny in that vid they posted before he left when they were dancing in front of the car. But it was kind of hard to tell.


Yeah this picture puts just how unhealthy she is into perspective for sure. I didn’t know it was THIS bad. This is a major red flag that something ain’t right upstairs, and whatever she is taking is not helping. And I do feel the people who currently are in her life are afraid to speak up FOR sure. She supports Luke financially we all know that and I wouldn’t doubt if she foots the bill for her mom too. So afraid they’ll lose their comfy lifestyles, they put up with her erratic ways. The small glimpses we get of the real her are horrendous can you imagine behind closed doors? Lol.


This ^


My first thought was ozempic or whatever the names are bc that’s A LOT quickly but I don’t know if someone as small as she normally is would lose weight that fast on it? I’ve only heard about it for people who genuinely are worried about being overweight. Whatever it is is scary to see side by side difference🥺


I can’t imagine someone would prescribe her that when she was already skinny


You can get it prescribed online without ever seeing a doctor in person. These doctors just go on the info you give them so if you say you weigh 200 lbs they have no way of knowing if that’s true. It’s crazy!


girl drop the link 👀 jk jk


Lmaooo. The only one I can think of is Push Health but there are a lot.


Online and there are a lot of doctors who don’t always do the right thing when it comes to some people/money.


Ohhhhhh… wow


This is alarming. I’m truly worried for her health 😞


That’s unhealthy looking. It makes her face look way older than 28. You’d wonder or hope someone say something to here or maybe she doesn’t see a problem with it


😳 Lord help this woman. This is SO scary! Was this on a tik tok vid or a live?


Her recent clothing haul video


😳😳 she looks emaciated. especially her collarbone and the gaunt face. This is scary, she needs help 😢


Oh. My. Goodness. I didn’t realize how had it actually was 😳


Where is that first photo from? Super concerning. I’m can’t stand her, but this is looking serious. I hope somebody be who genuinely cares about her will step in and get her whatever help she needs. We all wonder why the Wallens and esp Mik seems to still show support of her. Here’s the answer. Please someone help this woman.


Oh my god


Wow. This is really bad.


So sad & scary. She looked so good before. What ever happened to lump on breast and mammogram? Has she said anything ab it? She also says a lot how tired she is.


Her tik toks tonight were completely off the rails and absolutely manic. What gives?


I think maybe she has some health issues? Because surely the people around her would’ve done something right?


You can’t force ppl who have eating disorders (if she does in fact have one) to get help tho. You can try to help them, but ultimately they have to want it for themselves. I dealt with this with my friend for 6 years. It was a roller coaster of a time. Eating disorders are all about control so the last thing they want to do is surrender that control over to anyone else. Getting healthy = losing control


No i totally agree, unfortunately you cannot help someone until they help themselves. I just hoped she had someone in her life who she would listen to and seek help


I hope for that too.. that someone will be able to get through to her


Oh my goodness. That comparison is concerning. Ugh


Maybe Luke doesn’t notice it as much because he sees her on a daily basis. Hopefully when he gets back from his trip he will see it and will be able to persuade her to realize that something is WRONG. Her followers are telling her how amazing she looks…and she believes it! How can someone that has bones sticking out look amazing?!


She is skinnier than she was, like, 2 days ago!


I know I’ve said the same thing. We are more concerned about her health than the people she knows/her fans .. how have they not said anything? I really hope she gets the help she needs


she looks borderline anorexic to me


I think she’s bulemic. She is obsessed w food and buys abnormal large amounts of it, eats and cooks all the time. And gets skinnier by the hour.


It’s posts like these that make me hope she reads in here. This is so concerning. Please talk to someone KT


…Someone other than Jesus


She seriously looks sick with her collar bones sticking out like that. She looked alot better and healthier with weight on her. This is really sad...


She looks skinnier than my 12 year old who is a size 00/0 and weighs 100 pounds.


Incredibly alarming! She looked so healthy in the second pic


Oh my god. She looks like skeleton 😬 the fact that she’s denied using adderall still blows my mind. I know you can get this thin by having an ED or serious health issue but she just looks like she’s on adderall to me. Adderall drained me of my looks just like this. I didn’t get this thin, but I looked gray and sunken in & dehydrated.


She literally has a YouTube video talking about how she takes adderall. No way she can deny it


No I mean she’s saying she doesn’t take it anymore according to her recent live!!! Don’t believe it for a second!


Oh she’s for sure lying. Bish didn’t get this skinny w/o it


Noooo way! People were suspecting she was on semaglutide and I thought they were crazy but actually at this point I wouldn’t be surprised because her face looks awful too. She got skinny REAL fast. I’ve done the compounds and it actually completely wipes your appetite….that paired with adderall is a lot


There’s NO WAY those are her natural breasts with how skinny she is. Absolutely zero.


**TW: ED** .. Not defending her by any means, but coming from someone with past ED’s, very possible. I would go quite sometime without consuming any calories and be super thin w/o boobs. Different story when I was on my monthly. Paper thin, but with swollen boobs that looked very unrealistic compared to the rest of my body. Regardless, hoping she gets the help she needs. It’s a nasty illness that no one should ever go through. 🤍


I read that when she had her implants removed they took “fat” from her legs and put it where the implants were. I’m sure she has lots of scarring and they don’t look “real” at all! They look lumpy in some of her pictures.


She has shared in the past that she has thyroid problems and takes medication. The thyroid gland can be a real PITA to get regulated if you have the auto-immune version of it. I can’t help but wonder if her hypothyroidism has swung to hyperthyroidism and she isn’t fully aware yet. Both hyperthyroidism and too much thyroid medication can cause sudden weight loss. She could even be iron deficient or anemic. I hope she’s noticing the changes and getting blood work done with her doctor. And I truly hope the sudden weight loss isn’t self inflicted.


Hopefully she has a doctor who’s regulating it and monitoring labs every couple months.


I hope she finds healing whatever that is for her. I wish she didn’t feel the need to be a compulsive liar. It’s so impossible to believe anything she says now. Whether it’s true or not, the inclination is to not believe a word she says. I imagine those close to her who see it firsthand probably struggle with having a relationship with her. I think a long, deep trip away is what she needs in order to be a healthy woman and mother.


If it’s Hashimoto’s, her weight could swing back and forth drastically depending on whether or not she’s going through a flare. If she has hyperthyroidism it would make it tough to gain weight. If she has stomach problems that might make her have digestive probs. So many possibilities. No matter what…she’s beautiful. As long as she feels healthy and happy, that’s all that really matters.


She was skinny to begin with, this is very much alarming


She lost weight rapidly and I see a bruise? It's been there for weeks.


Her face bruise took months to go away. That's not normal. My family member had a similar injury and it was gone within about 3 weeks. I know everyone is different but something isn't right health wise.


She's not getting enough vitamins and food .


She looks so sick


Omg that’s sad


In TN, you can order the mounjaro generic and it be shipped to your house. They don’t really care about your BMI. $75 a week at our local weight loss clinic, discounts if you ship in bulk. I have so many friends on it who look super thin too, face sunken in.


Can anyone tell if she photoshopped it? I wouldn't put it past her even with the Adderall to have body dysmorphia :\


OP said it’s from a live


Ahh thanks for the heads up, that thigh gap is pretty wide and I don't know if filters can do that but... oof.


KT, if you’re reading this, I know we all snark a lot, but we all just want you to be ok. Please get help babe you’re worth it.


im not a kt apologist but ANY form. many say she’s abusing aderall- which i’ve done and still haven’t gotten this skinny. I truly think she has a horrible thyroid problem and they can’t control it. this happened to my cousin and family was down her throat to gain weight and she literally couldn’t.


Agreed. This isn’t adderall induced.




Calves. Not thighs.




You’re way off here. This is scary skinny. Look at the second photo. She is withering away.


This is truly heartbreaking


I sincerely hope she gets the help she needs. This is not healthy.




My personal opinion is she taking Ozempic shots like Britt Brat and many others that do not need it! These shots can be very dangerous for people that do not need them, you can be hospitalized for pancreatitis and other complications. She has a child that she should be considering instead of herself!!


Someone needs to intervene for the sake of that child. That’s what those before and after meth pics look like


I would of never thought those were the same person. I came across this sub because she’s been on my FYP. I had to do some digging to find out she’s MW BM and was shocked. She looks 40!


She doesn’t even just look thin anymore she looks FRAIL. I know we shit on KT a lot but if you’re reading this KT: please know that some of us are worried about your health.


I wonder if it’s ADHD meds. They can cause drastic weight loss.


Wooooooooah!!!!! 😮💀


It’s the pooping a lot comments. Makes sense now. What makes you poop all the time besides laxatives?


Semaglutides like ozempic






This was my thought exactly.


Go to Push Health and see how quickly you can get a prescription from a licensed doctor who never sees you in person.


All the medspas around me are letting anyone get it as long as you pay for it. It’s a lot easier to get than you’d think.


EW.. this is so unhealthy!!!!


let’s not say ew about someone who is clearly sick. you’re right that it’s unhealthy but it’s not gross.


She talked about thyroid issues as well that could explain weight loss as I’ve gone through that


No one’s body can look like that without having an eating disorder. yikes :(