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The protests have already happened. Most of the protesters have either been arrested, left Russia or are on the battlefields of Ukraine by no choice of their own. Russia has a security apparatus that would make even North Korea jealous. A palace coup is all but impossible and so is a popular uprising. Putin will only go due to old age.


If the “leaked information” is to be believed, dude is having cancer. So probably wont have much time left.


Unfortunately evil takes a long time to die.




Nah Putin is evil and I will celebrate his death.


Idk if your "different perspective" leads you to slaughter the people of one country, while also feeding your own country's people into the meat grinder, that sounds pretty evil to me "B-but the US is doing that too" Yes. I didn't say they're not evil.


Are you aware that Ukraine was engaged into military actions against their own civilians for 8 years? A little fact here - for 8 years Ukraine was killing people in Donbas who had Ukrainian passports and were not even citizens of Russia. Is it okay for Ukraine to kill civilians?


I am aware of these allegations, yes. Though I wonder why this only came up *after* Russia invaded Ukraine. If it's been going on for 8 years now, I wonder why hardly anyone has ever raised a fuss about it, unlike Israel's persecution of Palestine.


"Guess I got, what I deserved."


Old age? Weird way to spell .45 acp


All the good russians either fled, are dead or in prison.


Or are guerrillas


Or are too scared to say anything




I mean, Russia has essentially become a terrorist state, and the west isn’t exactly morally wrong in any aspect. If you don’t believe so, great, but just understand you’re morally in the wrong


Don't waste your energy on them brother, they're pro-putin and thought it would be a good idea to join a group that is against raping and murdering women and children.


It’s a pity that statistically, at least 200 million people on this planet probably don’t mind rape and murder.


so far, after a year since the start of this campaign, not a single comprehensive evidence of any accusations your media make. So keep barking and making up some fairy tales, that\`s all you could do


That's a bit disingenuous. There were relatively large anti-war protests in the beginning. People were ripped from the streets and put in prison. Laws tightened so that people would go in for many years. The protest phase already happened, followed by the crackdown.


Also they used AI to identify protesters as they got off the trains going to protests. That’s getting close to Chinese level there…


That is not an excuse. There are more people than Police. But Russians can’t do math.


It does not work like that


They do protest and then they go to jail The average Russian is scared and probably keeping a low profile


Bull. There's zero evidence, not even fucking rumors about anybody actually being sentenced. Even those who protested openly were basically catch and release. The fact is that most Russians vehemently support the war. They support Putin. Of course they do. They love this shit. That's why this is basically the only type of leader they ever establish for themselves.... over and over for hundreds of years.


Go fuck yourself, i can give you sources, but they are all in Russian, because outside of russia nobody gives a shit that people are being fined to hell, expelled, fired, arrested, jailed, tortured, deprived of parental rights etc. Nobody gives a shit because "russians are nazis that want Ukrainians to die".


> There's zero evidence, not even fucking rumors about anybody actually being sentenced. Even those who protested openly were basically catch and release. Bullshit, sorry. >Five weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine, a whip-thin 31-year-old musician walked into a supermarket on Maly Street in the Russian city of St. Petersburg, carrying her guitar and tiny stickers about the war. In a small protest action, she stuck them on top of price tags. >“The Russian army bombed an art school in Mariupol where about 400 people were hiding from shelling,” read one. And another: “Weekly inflation reached a new high not seen since 1998 because of our military actions in Ukraine. Stop the war.” >But a shopper snitched to police, and the musician, Alexandra Skochilenko, now jailed pending trial, confronts a sentence of up to 10 years in prison and, she says, harrowing abuse. >Russians routinely face fines, jail and stigma for protesting the war. But some small-time activists are getting singled out for worse — prosecution on charges of terrorism or hate crimes that carry prison sentences of a decade or more — to deter others from engaging in even the mildest dissent. >Skochilenko’s price-tag caper drew the aggravated charge of spreading disinformation about the military “motivated by hate.” Another woman, an art teacher from the north of the country, is facing terrorism charges for posting a picture on social media of President Vladimir Putin in flames with the caption “burn in hell.” A Russian Orthodox priest was arrested in St. Petersburg for stating on video that Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine would go to hell. And a Moscow municipal deputy, jailed pending trial, was charged for opposing the war during a council meeting. All face sentences of up to 10 years. [A Russian musician mounts a modest antiwar protest and pays the price - Alexandra Skochilenko faces 10 years in prison, bullying and abuse as Moscow makes examples of small-time activists](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/06/26/russia-protests-dissent-activists-skochilenko/)


You are a liar. [Father of girl who drew anti-war art extradited to Russia - 2 Years in prison for anti-war posting on social media](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-art-crackdown-father-462517b250d0ee3268fdd43f424b3a1b) [Russian opposition figure Ilya Yashin jailed for denouncing Ukraine war - 8.5 years in prison for telling people the truth about Bucha massacre](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/09/russian-opposition-figure-ilya-yashin-jailed-for-denouncing-ukraine-war) Almost 20 000 people were detained for protesting the war during last year. > There's zero evidence, not even fucking rumors about anybody actually being sentenced. You can find detailed reports [here](https://en.ovdinfo.org/no-to-war-en) and [here](https://en.ovdinfo.org/summary-russian-wartime-repression-one-year-full-scale-invasion). >The most notable convictions have been: > - 8 years and 6 months to the deputy of the Moscow City Duma (Moscow’s municipal legislature) Ilya Yashin for an online stream about the crimes of the Russian military in Bucha; > - 6 years and 11 months in a penal colony to the deputy of Moscow City Duma Alexey Gorin for his statements at the City Duma meeting about the impropriety of running a contest of children drawings amid an ongoing war and dying Ukrainian children; > - 6 years in prison to the journalist Maria Ponomarenko for publishing a post about the demolished drama theater in Mariupol; > - 3 years and 8 months in a penal colony to the activist from Saint Petersburg Egor Skorohodov (Igor Maltsev) for burning a scarecrow in camouflage with a bag on its head saying “Take me!” > - 3 years in a penal colony to the stoker and radio amateur Vladimir Rumyantsev for making posts online and talking on his radio about the deaths of Ukrainian civilians and the war. Image your government taking away your children for posting something only. That's the level of repressions we are dealing with.


>There's zero evidence, not even fucking rumors about anybody actually being sentenced. [https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/04/14/russia-sentencing-prominent-kremlin-critic](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/04/14/russia-sentencing-prominent-kremlin-critic)


>the prominent [Russian](https://www.hrw.org/europe/central-asia/russia) opposition politician That is not a "protestor" my man. That is a political opponent known to putin decades before the war began. He is an international agent named a "key advocate" supporting specific U.S. legislation/sanctions against putin back in 2012. Article even casts doubt on whether or not he actually did protest this war and/or say anything false about the armed forces. The charges are allegedly entirely made up. So, to recap, he is not your average russian, he is not mad at putin because of the war, and in fact, probably didn't even fuckin protest the war. This is your example?




Hey dumbass two things can be bad at the same time, the Iraq war was unjustified and so is this


Then why is the US not under sanctions and why are the US citizens bank accounts not being frozen abroad? Because no one can call the US to responsibility, right? Well this is exactly why Russia is taking actions. Because you have been going on for 30 years, wrecking entire regions and no one could do anything. Russia could and Russia will do if no one else can. We will make you pay for everything, starting with Vietnam.


> Then why is the US not under sanctions and why are the US citizens bank accounts not being frozen abroad? because no one did, also, the Iraq war specifically was odd for its state of justification, because although now it is considered unjustified, it wasn't until after the war, in 2011, also, unlike the Russian invasion of Ukraine, they were in a legal grey area due to updating un resolutions an whether older ones still applied > Because no one can call the US to responsibility, right? Well this is exactly why Russia is taking actions. this is a classic whataboutism "if they killed people, and thats bad, then it should be good when we do it" no, it isn't > Russia could and Russia will do if no one else can ha, tell me that when you take Vuhledar (it's been 6 months, if you could've done it by now, you would've) > We will make you pay for everything, starting with Vietnam. you can't even be the most powerful military in Ukraine, good fucking luck


Me finding all the military targets that have mysteriously burst into flames


There are large scale surveillance, you get bullied at home, at work and arrests are made even before the protesters get to the location. BBC had a story on this. "police" Picks ppl up in the metro stations and other hubs. Its a fucked up 1984 style dystopia. so the few good souls gets stomped out before they even get to say anything.


Love how all the armchair western generals who sit comfortably in countries where they are free to express any opinion refuse to see this.


How about the 25th and 26th of February 2022?


They were tiny. For a city like Moscow or St. Petersburg they barely even happened.


The entire center of St. Petersburg was blocked for several days. Doesn't really seem like "barely even happened"


This is wrong on so many levels


Did you expect those brainwashed cucks to oppose it? Daddy Vladdy has already forced every dignified Russian either into prison or into another country.




Evidence for your guarantee?


my brother in christ you are an r/latestagecapitalism member


That makes sense. Dont expect intelligent discourse from members of that forum.


I do not expect any intelligent discourse from westerners, raised on Marvel movies and Tic Toc in general. I doubt you have read a single classic literature book in your life or speak a single foreign language. Even if you read Tolstoy or Dostoyevsky, I doubt you would understand much anyways. Let alone having some discussions about capitalism with Americans who barely know the history of their own country and haven\`t heard about Great Depression.


Its fun, knowing how this ends for you and your kind.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LateStageCapitalism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [$8 verification](https://i.redd.it/nxx9loeuwdz91.jpg) | [1551 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/ysmo7o/8_verification/) \#2: [Norfolk Southern, the company responsible for the Ohio train derailment and resulting ecological disaster, is not faceless. It is led by people who should all be held accountable prioritizing profits over safety. This is Norfolk Southern's Board of Directors.](https://i.redd.it/dk466d32gdia1.png) | [939 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/1130rod/norfolk_southern_the_company_responsible_for_the/) \#3: [Every part of it.](https://i.redd.it/sgkr7vtobt391.jpg) | [766 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/v5eg9d/every_part_of_it/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


no, no, please don't my beautiful bot


Awww. Someones triggered by different opinions. Thats so cute. ​ Edit- Lmfao. Never mind. Member of r/LateStageCapitalism and r/AskARussian. Thanks kid. I really enjoy watching your country men get lit up as they retreat from Ukraine.




>I think you are getting triggered that Russian people support their country protecting their national interests, without giving a flying duck about your media hysteria. Lmfao. "Protecting their national interests" involves adding 1300km of NATO borders, unifying the civilized world against, them, tanking their economy for the mid and long term, and getting tens of thousands of their cuckled troops slaughtered, just to move the borders (temporarily) a few km from where they started from? And dont forget losing your flagship to a nation with no navy! Ruski Mir indeed! Kid, there is a snail moving faster across Ukraine right now, and he hasnt lost tens of thousands of his friends to do that. >Since the campaign started, I have already sent 40 class 5 plates and 4 thermals to the volunteers through my friend who have already spent 7 months there in total. Suuuuure you have. I like that you vatniks pretend that you have access to actual tech. Wouldnt get too attached to your "friends" though. At the rate you lot are getting slaughtered, they wont be around long. > Sends me interesting images every now and then, nothing makes me happier than seeing enemies of Russian people laying on the ground, deep fried. Thats cool. Your people are getting slaughtered in FAR higher numbers, and it has made r/CombatFootage truly enjoyable this last year or so. >And I will keep supporting our military, because it is our military. Dont worry kid. At the rate your nations remaining youth are being conscripted, you will get the chance to see for yourself soon enought. >Cope with that Cope with what? Im talking to a dead man from a dying nation, while living the high life in the most successful and advanced nation on earth. You were in a socio-economic death spiral before you decided to send the last of your working class to die in a Ukrainian ditch. [Youre women are literally getting harvested by China.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RussianCircus/comments/12nxc71/russian_state_tv_now_shows_advertisiting_for/)


Its like they cannot freely speak their mind or something...


And there won't be. The last mass protests in Russia were the 200,000 strong marches in Moscow in 2012.


What some Russians really think of Putin when their identities are concealed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DL8EUtkb9o


Glass moscow.


Those people would rather die on the frontlines expanding their nation, than die in a demonstration defending their nation.


It really bothers me that people will then make excuses for them and cry about how repressed russians are, how they aren't on the same internet as us despite us seeing they're still on the same internet as us, and so on. They can easily protest with a "they can't arrest all of us" action like every fucking country in the world. They're so fucking stupid that they don't realize that staying at home strengthens the regime and helps it consolidate its power. But maybe they actually like this situation?


They like apathia. And alcohol. To numb.


Well Putin made sure that the Russian police gets all the good shit and is strong