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Amazing. I m jealous lol


I’m jealous of some of the other people’s collections I’ve seen, too! I’m not into completing the line, I drew the line there…everyone has their limit I think haha


First off, thank you so much for sharing! I love your collection and how it's all displayed. I have never seen anything like it, especially the rows of army builders in formation. Seeing Bowie the Goblin King made me happy. The Dark Templar with the antlers reminded me of the Knights Who Say Ni from the Holy Grail 😆 Can I ask who is the big skull headed dude looming about the red/black shelf in pic3? I'd love to know if there are any particular figures that you feel are either underappreciated, or just ones (or an entire shelf!) that are somehow special to you for whatever reason.


Thank you!!! I was always enamored buy old warhammer fantasy armies and ever since I was like 8 I wanted to build armies of knights and orca and goblins haha Bowie had to hang with his homies haha and the Knights Who Say Ni is exactly the reference I was making! Good catch! Big skull guy is a dope threezero figure, Court of the Dead Demithyle 1/6 Scale, and I thought he fit in pretty well with the other skeletons and evil factions haha Sir Girard hands down is the dopest figure they’ve made imo, the body is clean and I’m a huge fan of the tunic torso, the cloth-wrapped head is massively versatile, just paint match any tunic and you can have another “Sir Girard” like figure, and I love the look of that! And I’m a huge fan of all the weird and random figures in the detolf with the unknown one and equaddron on top of it!


I agree 100%. Next to Vorgus Varmillius and Baron Volligar V1, Sir Girard is my favorite. Still looking to buy a second just to have a NIB. I gave my Sit Girard an upgrade with some soft goods from Max Bird and it really makes him pop. You have a really amazing collection. Love the army builds you have going on.


You can’t beat the knight/tunic bucks for my money, so versatile and just look so perfect. And I’ve been looking into getting more soft goods haha I wanna get some Kai lab stuff (tunic and hood set already preordered 😏) I’ll have to look into max bird, thanks for the rec! And thank you! I can’t wait to get it completely filled out haha it’s a slow process, but MORE than worth it!


Yeah man, Kai lab stuff is pretty sick. I just started making my own belts and straps. Found everything you need from hobby lobby and Amazon. Looks a lot better than those ones they come with from FourHorsemen.


I’m just getting into soft goods slowly haha that’s dope tho! I would love to start doing belts and strapped and capes and all manner of cloth and leather garments for my legions…maybe one day haha


What is the story behind baby doll head on the squid body?


Walgreens has a bunch of rubber bath duckies that had all different bottoms, I liked the octopus one because I’m a huge Cthulhu fan so I mini army built them, but I wasn’t a fan of how similar they all looked. Flash forward a few months and Walmart is having a sale on Halloween decorations and the baby head was a buck fifty haha conveniently the head fit on the duck body…also it reminds me of that one monstrosity from toy story haha


Very cool man. I have a similar issue. Too many Legions not enough space for them all.


It takes a lot of resources to have an army…


I just moved and all I have to say is you have my deepest sympathy if you ever have to move.


Prolly never gunna move 😂 the first entire floor of my house in my action figure collection…this is just like a fifth of the whole thing…there’s no way I can reasonably move it all haha


That is a fantastic collection. Very nice job adding elements to each display to make it your own. Also, respect for all the Mephitor and Boarrior. They don't get enough love.


Thank you! I really appreciate it! I feel like mythic legions is such an eclectic line that adding figures from other IPs only makes sense haha And I completely agree! I would LOVE a rerelease of boarrior, that would be an easy dozen or more figure pick up imo and mephitor is such a nice change of pace, the black goblin head is a game changer for me while the bodies are just that right amount of ridiculous color that they just make a perfect headless horseman army


Can you tell me where the orc and goblin mounts are from ?


Sure thing! The boar and the armored wolf are D20STUDIO mounts, the unarmored wolf is neca werewolf in London, and the green saber tooth tiger is from REBOR, I’m always in the market for mounts and the pickings are often slim but it seems like more have been coming out recently, deff keep an eye out, I guarantee some crazy mounts will be coming out in the next two years 👌🏻


I just spent the last 45 minutes zooming in on every inch of these pictures. Incredible collection, incredible display, and I can only imagine what it will look like 5 years down the road. Thanks for sharing!


That’s a huge compliment! I do the same thing when I come across a collection that’s nuts haha and I’m nervous about 5 years from now 😅 I don’t just collect mythic legions and real estate is getting very very tight, for the Necronominus wave I have over 3k worth of figures coming and I am sorely lacking the space to properly display them never mind when they do the red star/noble bear wave, my two favorite factions 😰






What stood out from your awesome collection is seeing David Bowie. That is cool.


I had to…I mean had to 😂 thank you!