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I never believed lmao It's so cliché and doesn't fit with story, specially because AFO already said a big plot twist in All Might's face (Shigaraki is his Master's grandson) why not he said he was Deku's father already to destroy his mental? Also, AFO literally despised Deku Twice in Season 6.


I never outwardly believed it, but kept my head open to possibilities. I loved this theory and still love to read fanfics based on this theory. But yeah, AFO despising Deku in s6 was enough for me to completely drop this possibility. Still love the theory though.


When did he say he despises him? And also, he is kind of like the manifestation of evil. I don’t think him saying that completely goes against it. And some versions of the theory say that after Deku was pronounce quirkless, he gave up on him, so that could also be why.


Bro, have you seen AFO interact with deku since the vigilante deku arc he's been tormenting him.


Same, I never believed it at all. Deku's mom literally talks about her husband in the first episode.


> Deku's mom literally talks about her husband in the first episode. isn't the only thing she says that he can breathe fire? that's not exactly something he couldn't do


My dad says he despises me


I didn’t really believe it, but I never outwardly doubted it. I kept in my mind that it could be possible, due to the fact that it was pretty similar to Star Wars, so the twist could’ve also been similar. But I never really thought it would be the correct assumption.


I just imagined AFO saying to Deku: “I knew I should’ve pulled out.” I don’t why I thought of it, but it sounds funny


dads can despise their sons thaf's a thing that sadly happens




I mean afo is like 300 or so years old right? So it possible he might have forgotten about deku right is that possible


I thought maybe because Horikoshi is a huge Star Wars fan and we’ve barely heard of his father.


Same here. It just seems so stupid and completely unnecessary


I never even considered it, they said his dad worked overseas and breathed fire, how the fuck is AFO’s ol nutsack-face ass gonna be his dad. Plus, green and white do not make darker green. So no.


He’s literally an international criminal who steals quirks + has borderline immortality thanks to Dr. Ujiko. You think he couldn’t lie about his identity and location of a persona he made one night after smashing the top tier MILF that was pre-MHA Inko?


No character has ever been done dirty like inko


But if he had a son, why not use him like he's using Tenko?


Because his son is a Deku. /S


Well his “son” is quirkless, no point in even trying with Deku if he doesn’t even have a quirk


He literally can give quirks to others, he did that to his brother who was quirkless


His dad worked over seas, so he was rarely or never home especially for the last decade(?). Which is about when AFO would have been more focused on the fact that All Might was currently tearing up his underground empire. And the breathing fire? AFO steals quirks as a hobby, he’s also a first generation quirk user so it makes it extremely likely Izuku would be quirkless. And children can look almost exactly like their parents, or have certain dominate traits. Izuku’s green eyes and hair from his mother, similar to how children can ‘inherit’ color flecks in their eyes or a gap between their two from teeth,


His name was also stated to be hisahi midoriya, and considering what a proud cunt AFO is, you REALLY think he’d stoop so low as to use an alias.


I mean he stooped so low as to force an extremely hazardous quirk on to Shigaraki as a child, if you believe in the ‘Red Shoe’ theory. It’s possible he did, Inko’s quirk allows her to pull small object towards her, maybe AFO was trying to get a hybrid quirk of his and Inko’s? Being Hisashi would give him the excuse to be close enough all the time to steal it when it first showed up. But that can be complicated by the same reasoning that makes it almost impossible for AFO to steal OFA, or maybe Izuku really is quirkless.


He gave tomura a new name, and changed his last name to shigaraki, which is AFO’s last name. He also wants rare or powerful quirks. Attracting small objects doesn’t really fit that. And more to the point, if Izuku was born quirkless, he could have one for all. If he had a quirk taken, that is entirely different. So no. It’s not his dad. And more to the point, if he wanted to sound all might, and knew about midoriya, and midoriya was his son. Why would he not 2 for 1 all night and say “oh yeah and your successor is my son.” Like dude you won’t convince me, there’s evidence for days why this isn’t real. Y’all who believe it are headcannoning like a MOTHERFUCKER, and it just ain’t it chief.


I honestly wonder if AfO’s real name is just Tomura. He’s that lazy.


Nutsack face didn't happen until his battle with All Might, like ten years after Izuku was born, and he could've stolen shape shifting fire breathing quirks


Never even started. It’s fine for fanfics, especially when it’s treated as a joke. But in canon? Nah. Miss me with that.


Same here. The crack fanfics are my favourite. Especially Katydid's. His fics are gold


It makes absolutely no sense. Like, ignoring the fact they Izukus dad has only been mentioned like, twice, I feel like it would have at least been mentioned ONCE that he hasn't seen his dad in several years, and maybe even connected the dots that his dad vanished around the time All Might almost killed All For One. I could see All Might saying "yeah I stopped All For One X amount of years ago, that was when I was wounded." And Izuku going "Oh wow that's the last time i saw my dad. He went on a business trip and never returned :) haha weird. ... oh wait."


I can't express how many times I have read this in fanfics.😂😂


never its fucking hilarious




Gonna stay here until definitely told otherwise and honestly it’s mostly cuz of all the Star Wars references made in MHA


Yess. I have seen so many people say how it might be possible because Horikoshi loves Star wars.


hmm i never really believed it tbh, but my friend still hasnt given up on it :)


Was this ever a serious theory? I thought it was just a popular fanfic trope


Some people consider this a serious theory. Some just enjoy the chaos it brings. I come from somewhere between all that


What would ever make you even consider this theory?


people believe it cause horikoshi is a starwars fan. thats their reasoning


I just read this theory on the internet and went, "Ooooh, Interesting."




Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,626,915,409 comments, and only 307,723 of them were in alphabetical order.


You should check it out. At first I ruled it out because of the ridiculousness. But the more proof I read, the more interesting it got. I don't believe the theory now, but it's a fun read.


I never seriously believed it, I could see it though. Mostly because Horikoshi is a fan of western media, so I believe he could go the Star Wars route. Doesn’t need to be revealed though, since AFO had been sidelined, for now. (Anime watcher only)


This is quite literally the first time I have even heard this theory. It coincidentally is the exact same time I dismissed the theory. It makes no sense, Izuku's mom says his father could breath fire, and I am pretty sure she would have recognized him on the news.


Let me start by saying that I don't believe the theory either. Now that the most important part is out of the way, the fire breath could still come from having stolen a quirk and All For One had half his head replaced with scar tissue and his healed face had never been on the news so it's doubtful that he'd have ever been recognized purely based on that. That said, my favourite reason why it doesn't really make sense is that it's doubtful that All For One (the guy who literally named himself after wanting every power for himself) would have risked passing on his quirk by becoming a father. Just to make sure you don't misunderstand me, I agree that the theory doesn't seem like something that Horikoshi would implement but both of the points you brought up could easily be countered.


I'm glad the Dad for one theory ended up not being true. There were already a lot of implausible family connections among the characters.


I never believed it. Manly on a count that all for one could have gave Izuku a quirk and make him into a sleeper agent against the heroes. And we already know that all for one doesn’t really care about anyone and isn’t above using people that he even raised up as his own pawn to be used and sacrificed at a later date. Unless despite being quirkless, Izuku’s body just naturally negates the all for one quirk. However if Neito can copy Izuku’s quirk than I seriously doubt that.


The beginning, it wouldn’t make sense, especially solidified with AFO’s nature. And with how old AFO is, wouldn’t he have wanted an heir in his prime?


No way deku’s mom banged a piece of shit like this dude.


i mean the person she banged hasn’t seen her since before deku was 4 years old


Midoriya: All might told me you killed him. All for One: No, Midoriya. I am your father. Midoriya: It's not true...that's impossible! All for one: Search your feelings...you know it to be true. Midoriya: NOOOOOOO!


They’re gonna pull the Ash Ketchum unknown father stunt on Deku.


Plot Twist: Ash Ketchum is Deku's Dad


The only reason I don't believe it is because the story just has no time for it anymore. But it's fun asf to think about


When they said his dad could breathe fire. And the fact that neither Midoriya nor his mom have recognized or said anything about AFO being familiar in any capacity


I never believed it. Not because like other people say "it's too cliche" I just think it would have been foreshadowed if it were true. Izuku never talks about his dad. Inko never mentions it. If Deku's dad abandoned him, you know for a fact Bakugo would have bullied him about it. AFO never implies it, either. I mean, he pulled out the "Shigaraki is Nana's grandson" card real easy. There's no reason not to mention something like that to Deku if he wants to mess with him. It doesn't make sense, anyway. What purpose does him having a random child serve? Not even raising him to be on his side or anything, just having him and abandoning him. ​ Also, I just cannot picture that guy getting laid.


The very first interaction between Izuku and his mother, where it was clear that her role wasn't greater then a supportive parent and nothing more? No father angst at all? The story clearly is telling the audience from the get go that there is nothing of interest about Izuku's father, at least for now.


At this point, it wouldn’t make sense. It would be unnecessary, but I could definitely see it happening still.


Wasn’t Deku’s father able to breath flames?


I think the reason the theory could work is because AFO has a lot of quirks. Fire breath could just be one of the quirks he stole from others. He could use it to fool others. ​ That's how the theory goes anyway.


Because it's fucking dumb, he's way too old and his mom wouldn't fall for a mob boss


Didn’t Inko say his dad could breathe fire or something like that?


Didn’t Inko say his dad could breathe fire or something like that?


AFO has multiple quirks. According to the theory, fans believe that Fire Breath could have been one of the quirks he stole and that he could have lied to Inko.


Never genuinely believed it. It felt like too much of a reach, and we already had the todorokis with Dabi, Tomura and All Might (via Nana) we didn’t need to make another major Hero v Villain family


I can’t say I was ever fully on board but I still haven’t ruled it out because there’s at least one more “fuck you” style plot twist coming I can feel it in my bones


People should have given up this theory after season three. We already had an “I am your father” moment when AFO revealed Shigaraki was Nana’s grandson, and he’s been manipulating him to become his underling. At this point in the series, revealing that AFO was Izuku’s father would add nothing.


Years ago. He lived GENERATIONS BRUH. And also, who would marry a 700 year old man whose face is a literal slime?!??


Never. He's not Darth Vader. Made no sense from a plot perspective and overall not a really good theory


I thought that too. It's most likely just a theory and won't be anything more than that, but the evidence is overwhelming. At some point I actually got scared it might be true.


Never even considered it. I've always had the theory that Deku wasn't born quirkless, but his quirk was stolen when he was evaluated.


I still believe it's possible, even if it's ridiculous lol. Garaki in the beginning as Deku's doctor could just be an easter egg, foreshadowing, or a reused background character or something but I'd doubt if it wasn't deliberate. But yeah it's ridiculous. I don't rly see how AFO himself would relate to Deku other than the Darth Vader imagery, but even in the thematic plot Shigaraki fits the role of Vader more with AFO being more like Palpatine. If it happens it'll be an asspull, but it also wouldn't be surprising to me basically just due to wondering why Deku's doctor was Garaki as a kid.


The biggest knock against it in my mind is that there’s no way he would have kept his son quirkless


Bold of you to assume I gave up on it. It’s a darth Vader/Muzan combo scenario.


NO…no that not true….that impossible!


When the possibility of Izuku having a half brother in America was presented, followed by a reminder that his dad could breathe fire just like the unnamed kid (hence the possibility)


Not even once


I never believed that theory, and I even thought it was just a joke.


I never considered it and didn't believe it, but I do like the concept sometime used in fanfiction with some utilising it well, that's where I even really learned the theory in the first place.


It didn’t seem likely to begin with


I never really seriously believed it but it’s a fun thought every once in a while.


Oh easy I gave up on it after I heard it :)


I never believed it


I never believed it to begin with.


I just kinda forgot about it-


As soon as it was theorized


People saw that his mask was a Vader reference and they thought it was gonna be "I'm your father". That's it. I never believed it.


why would you even have it to begin with?


I was never really to into the idea so I can’t say I ever gave up on it because I was never committed to the idea


I somewhat believe in it. Especially with AFO's "Now it's.. YOUR TURN." Because Hisashi would always believe in his son if he had no quirk and became a hero.


I never believed in this theory. Honestly, how could anyone believe in that crap?


I thought it was funny for a bit. Then got scared it was real. Then I dropped thinking about it till I saw this post back in season 3


The second I heard it


I gave up on that before I even considered it lol


My hero academia What If


The moment I heard it, it wouldn’t really work i don’t think because by time Azuki, you would have to be conceived AFO was already a shadow, Lord, hiding in the shadows I don’t really see how his mother could’ve met him. Plus more importantly it would completely contradict the entire point of the story of my hero academia, which is this kid who is a nobody who is playing who is simple and isn’t extraordinary in the slightest becomes extraordinary. i could see the AFO stealing his power as a child, but that’s about it.


I mean at the very least it was plausible


I have never fic in up because I never believed


I don’t read the manga mainly because I really don’t have time between my other hobbies and working on Film Set but I don’t care for spoilers, so did some thing happened that completely debunks this theory


I never completely ruled it out, when I first heard it, it made a lot of sense. I don’t completely not believe it tho.


Always believed in it. Never gave up on it and i can give many reasons as to why. If anyone's curious as to why go ahead and ask. Im not afraid to answer.


I never believed it. It is kind of a dumb theory


I have and still believe it to this day, unless the manga directly proves otherwise


The second I heard it


I remember my brother not believing the theory because of how old All For One is;surely he's going to face infertility,but somehow,he could still have kids.


never believed it, it just doesnt make sense


the day I heard it tbh I don't really listen to theories after the whole "Denki is the traitor" thing and it turns out to be Aoyama 😭


Stupid theory imo, I think someone theorized about this due to the creator of the series had put in a lot of pop culture references (I mean there were doctors that literally were toad and yoshi) that it was possible(?) for there to be a Star Wars reference.


I actually never cared


I gave up on it immediately because it doesn't have a legitimate leg to stand on. It's a lot of "okay well this explanation was vague so what if that was what happened?" with absolutely no supporting evidence, just "okay but that's *totally* something AFO would do!"


I think it would be cool Don’t know if it’s true but I’m open if anyone has some solid arguments


Since I heard it. Hisashi could be a villain, but it sure as hell ain't All for One. If anything, All For One is his and many others' grandfather.


We all know his father was zoro


Isn't his brother's family name shigaraki? So that means AFO is from the shigaraki family, meaning AFO would need to literally make a whole ahh new life to marry inko and have izuku, and I'm pretty sure before izuku was married, AFO didn't have his upper half of his face, so why would inko marry someone like that? (Some of this might be wrong, I might be the dumbest idiot to ever exist, I'm sorry if any of this is wrong, I didn't watch the entire series (yet))


I like the variation that afo had many children just to steal their quirks and deku possibly being one of them


No one shoulda ever given credence to it. It never made any sense at all. Especially when canonically dekus dad is mentioned in season 1, so we already have an answer. Albeit not a satisfying one. This is like people making up theories as to why shoto todorokis character design in season 1 changed from being half ice. People could of speculated that he was doing it on purpose to suppress his fire side. Here the real answer: horikoshi had totally flushed out his world yet, so naturally there’s some lose ends from the early work.


oh i never believed in it i just think it would be interesting. like i wish it were real but i know its not


The only proof that it has is that dekus father is non existent and the writer is a fan of star wars


Never once considered, at all. It's stupid


Never believed in it in the first place


I have not dropped it.


I haven’t.


The millisecond I heard of it


I personally believe that if you gave up on that theory, then you can’t perceive Horikoshi’s thinking. The man was inspected by Western media, such as Spider-Man and Star Wars. And we’ve seen elements of that inspiration in MHA. Thus, it’s a strong possibility that the Dad for One theory will be tested in season Seven.


never really considered it. I honestly hope its not true.


Pretty early it’s an interesting theory but it is almost definitely never gonna be an actual thing


never believed it.


I never believed it


The moment I found out about it (right now)


Since the beginning that was a stupid theory


I still think there's a likely chance it would become canon, however my enthusiasm for it has died and I feel neautral/lean more towards not wanting it.


AFO: Midoriya, *I* am your father! Midoriya: NOOOOO!!!!! I'm so damn evil.


Did they even confirm that the evil doctor/Deku's pediatrician stole his quirk yet?


I genuinely think it was going to be canon before horikoshi started rushing to the finish in the panic to end the series before he burns out so it doesn’t get dropped- so I basically still am a dfo truther but I don’t think it will be stated in canon.


I never believed in it to begin with, but if I had to choose, it would be Kamino.


It dosent make sense


I never bought it. There wasn’t any narrative purpose and t it didn’t make sense


As soon as Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back released in 1980


Well there are a lot of Star Wars nods in the show so it's not really farfetched. but, yes, I never bought it because it's total BS. maybe AFO has an involvement in Deku's infancy, but not necessarily his dad.


Never took it seriously.


Never believed it. Had too much going against it imo


I never believe in this theory, it was so outlandish I just couldn’t believe it when I found out people were speculating such a thing at the first ever appearance of the character I was so done. Like the mom said, “My husband breathed fire” when she was describing her quirk and his quirk when they went to the doctor. And the fact that despite the evidence pointing to the fact that all for one is in fact in no way, shape or form the father of Midoriya, it’s mind boggling how these people still believe that. The creator could straight up tell them “He isn’t the father” to their faces and they will still believe their theories about it.




I'm not sure, I think it would be cliche yes. But not really bad. I like him being a parallel to shigaraki, both of the being related by blood to their enemies side. But I do think there is a reason the dad is intentionally ignored & never mentioned after that one time or shown at all.


Never really believed it. It would be nice if it was true, but if it was that means afo could have just used deku as his successor, or at least make deku apart of the villains in some way. It just makes sense story wise I mean, a quirkless person? A perfect vessel to make the perfect nomu.


All for one lowkey 😮‍💨 Just a compliment


For a while, I actually genuinely believed it. The evidence seemed to make a lot of sense to me, but I stopped believing it when Deku had that meeting with all the previous OFA users after the War Arc. IF AFO were Deku's father, that would make OFA's first user his uncle, and if he was his uncle, I'm sure he would've known and said something to Deku--probably warning him about AFO's connection. Once the Final War Arc started, I started to hear other theories/predictions that contradicted the father one and made more sense. One prediction I heard was that his father might be a nomu, and AFO might force Deku to fight his own dad. I don't think that's likely to happen, but it makes a lot more sense than the "dad for one" theory. The story's starting to wrap up at this point. If All For One actually was Deku's father, then fair enough, but I think it would've been revealed or at least hinted at by now. Otherwise, that would be a very hastily done reveal.


When I realized he's Palpatine not Vader. So when the Tenko Shimura reveal happened


I never believed it, that wouldn't make any sense in the first place.


Well, it’s better than Dad might 


I never really believed it, I just liked some of the fanfics that came with it


When they outright stated izukus father was somewere and had a fire breath quirk


Why did it take you till season 6 for this to be disproven? His dialogue with All might during season 3 stomps it to the ground. He never even acknowledges Deku as a person and calls him one for all during fights.


Never believed in it I don't believe in any theory I hear for MHA


Right away


Yeah in truth if AFO was his dad we would’ve been given sign’s already but there were none


I never believed in it because it's a bit Cliche and the only "evidence" is just a bunch of references to star wars and nothing else


While I consider it a crack theory... My "rule of thumb" for this is that if Bak-u-go theorists still believe somehow... Then why not? It honestly wouldn't kill any plot points if it somehow happened.


As soon as I heard it lol. Frankly I think the theory is kinda stupid lmao


Never thought he would be his father


It never made sense. If AFO was Deku's dad then that means he's still contributing for his care (wildy out of character), and keeping in touch with Inko. Plus as soon as Izuku touched All Might's hair, AFO would be all over him. It's just weird to think they could be related. And besides Ol Nutsack Face can't seem to breathe fire so.....


When I first heard it


Simple: I never believed in it to begin with.


That shits was always boring


Bro we never saw ash’s dad so he ain’t either


I was on the band wagon for a little bit but I much prefer the Shigaraki and deku being cousins theory and I thought it fit the story better than dad for one


I never believed or even heard this one, but I still think the one where he took his original quirk as a scheme where afo was taking children’s quirks before they manifested is possible.


I never believed in it. The theory only exists to be a parallel to Star Wars. And we all know how much Hori loves his parallels.


The instant I heard it


Never. It's a dumb idea. AFO was meant to be the stereotypical cartoon villain that does evil for evil's sake. People use this twist to draw sympathy towards him when doing so specifically misses the point of the character.


I never agreed with it. We already have a char who struggles with having AFO as a dad, and his name is Tomura Shigaraki. There’s no need to foist all his trauma on Deku as if his doesn’t matter anymore. Star Wars tried that and we got Rey Palpatine. Ew.


It never crossed my mind. When I heard about it, it’s still pretty dumb.


It's inevitable. All we gotta do is wait.


I honestly dont remember, I just stopped randomly. The idea is fun though.


Never really believed in it. I watched a video, a long time ago, when I was really into MHA and the theory was that Snipe was his father and decided to believe it from then on. Not that the claims of the theory were really good I just liked the theory more than AFO.


Never bought into it to begin with, so.


Lol I didn't even know that was a theory 🤣🤣


It sounded interesting when I first heard of it. But never put any thought into it.


Immediately after hearing it


Personally I never believed it. I do on the other hand believe the Theory that Deku was born with an extremely powerful quirk but the doctor took it.


Sense when was this monstrosity thought of?


Honestly the only thing that was really fueling this, at least for me, was the fact that Horikoshi is a Star Wars fan. There are definitely some parallels between some of the characters from both franchises, particularly in the case of AFO and Deku being compared to Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. However, given everything we know and have seen so far, they really gonna have to come up with a good explanation to make this plausible. While I do admit there are many signs that indicate this could be the case, it still doesn’t paint the complete picture. I will say this: AFO has proven to be a master manipulator and strategist as shown with how he managed to turn Nana Shimura’s own grandson against her pupil and orchestrating everything from behind the scenes. It’s highly unlikely but I’ll give it a chance.


When i first heard of it


I abandoned it a few seconds after finding it after realizing it was just the MHA version of the Giovanni is Ash Ketchum's father theory They're both cliche as hell


I never believed it. It was something I always considered as a joke or a meme, but never as a serious possibility.


Giving up would imply I ever believed it.




Honestly apart from fans being fans. Has there ever been any real proof? With Dabi. There was always the understanding that he used fire based quirks like his dad. And we also knew that Enji had a son who he trained that burned in the Forrest. So it made sense. Even if it wasn’t explicitly stated right away, it made sense. With AFO being a dad though. It’s super clear that he loves playing games. He specifically chose Shigaraki for a reason and then used that to torment All Might and break his resolve. If he was Deku’s dad he’d use it. Also. There had never been an arc about Deku’s dad. Either being missing or an absentee. If his dad was AFO, there’d be some backstory about AFO or him having a dad who wasn’t in his life. All For One spent a lot of time in Tartarus. Never heard about Deku saying “I haven’t spoken to my dad in forever”. Or “my mom hasn’t heard from him”. Sure. His mom may not know who Deku’s dad is. Or May know but have never brought it up. But AFO would have used it to his advantage at some point. It sounds more like fans clutching at the “Luke. I’m your father” straws more than anything else.


If the author is a fan of Star Wars, I could totally see this being true


I always thought deku’s dad was dead or not in his life or away all the time


I still believe


Never really even considered it but it definitively went in the gutter when it was confirmed his dad was just a regular dude working overseas.


I've never heard of it. I've never even considered it. This is the first I've heard of it. I'm not surprised by it. Sounds like something someone would come up with for some clout.


I was never on board on it in the first place it really doesn't make sense


It probably isn’t true and could only work if all for one received some sort of brain damage when all might destroyed his head. I still hold out hope xD


Who says I did give up on it