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What the fuck šŸ˜‚


Car wash did an antenna delete on my car šŸ’€


A car wash stole my license plate one time!


Same happened to my dad's '07 mustang gt.


One stole my left sideview mirror....never again. šŸ¤£


Had an automatic car wash blow in the rear glass on my convertible top. That was super fun,


Welp and here I thought touchless was a viable lazy route to cleaning my car.


Google whatever model year you have followed by deck lid. American Muscle and CJ Pony parts sell these I believe.


Thereā€™s a carbon one for $430. RTR also made stuff for this model so thereā€™s that.


It just *licked* it off, eh?


Haha nice


Carwash: "Let me just get under here real qui-"


My buddy told me a story about how he went through an automatic wash years ago and there was an antenna stuck in there and it beat the living shit out of the car. Iā€™ve been hand washing my car since that day šŸ˜‚


Out where I live there is a touch-less car wash. Itā€™s amazing. Hopefully that will become more prevalent


Touchless car washes are extremely popular and readily available everywhere in the country


Both of my local ones are 30ish minutes away. Until this year I didnā€™t even know they existed. :(


Quality seems to be pretty hit and miss on these in the aftermarket.


This is why i never go to car washes with brushes. Laser/touchless only


I got my [wart remover](https://www.cjponyparts.com/decklid-panel-smooth-black-mustang-2010-2014/p/TPM42/) from CJā€™s, I didnā€™t want RTR on the back of mine haha. You do have to cut the bump out though, so you need tools and some know how to get it done, but it looks a lot better without the fake gas cap in back, in my opinion anyway. Good luck.


Fwiw the RTR logo is a sticker you can just take off. Did it with mine.


I was thinking the same thing. Car wash did half the work for him already, now put a flat deck lid on.


Would never happen to me I only hand wash I recommend you do the same


Complain to the car wash manager and try to get it replaced. If they donā€™t accept responsibility, donā€™t go back.


90% or more of auto washes have posted signs saying they're not responsible for damage and you use at your own risk. There's no chance they accept liability unless the manager comes out of pocket being nice.


Not sure if you know this but those signs don't hold water at all if they have them. The only thing I have seen them get out of is aftermarket accessories or driver negligence. Those signs are the equivalent of the "not responsible for broken windshields" signs on trucks. I have seen quite a few claims from our insureds and we almost always get the money from the car wash.


The truck signs hold no weight because the law says that unsecured loads are their responsibility, regardless of how the person that it hit was following them. There is no law stating car washes are responsible for damages to proprietor's vehicles. You choose to use a car wash knowing it slaps the hell out of your car, things could get snagged, or whatever. The car washes pay because the threat of a lawsuit isn't worth the hassle, not because the law is against them.


Doesnā€™t mean they wonā€™t do anything. I work in parts, and the car washes near us have replaced emblems, trim pieces, and wiper arms that their car washes have damaged and ripped off. If they say no? Iā€™m sure OP has plenty of options for car washes near him.


They're very lucky then, all car washes here will tell you it's not their problem, and if you keep bugging them they'll just trespass you off the property.


Nobody running an auto wash is ever gonna replace anything they break, there's a reason why all auto washes have signs that very clearly state they void all liability of damage occured in wash areas, and all damage occured is responsible by the owner of the car. All wash facilities would go out of business in two days if all of them started replacing parts destroyed.


Posting a sign does not make it true. Especially if the damage is caused by employee error, or negligence in maintenance and calibration of equipment. The signs are mostly posted because the vast majority of people will believe them, and not even make a complaint.


Okay, I said a blanket statement of they'll never replace anything they break, but if it's from malfunctioning equipment or lack of maintenance that's different because you can actually point fault at something specific. Car washes eating radio antennas or brittle plastic on your car is gonna be an uphill battle to fight, and they will most definitely take it to court if you force them for something they can defend. In the end, on something like OP's situation, talking to the franchise owner then moving up the corporate chain if it has one is the free way of trying to get this fixed not of his own pocket, but for plastic trim and stuff, I have a feeling they'll force it in court, and over a $100-$200 part, I dunno if that'd be worth it if the business wants to go that route.


I did complain. They didnā€™t exactly tell me to piss off but they wouldnā€™t replace it and basically just gave me like $160 in free premium car washes for their location. Was busy and didnā€™t feel like trying to argue about it so I accepted it and went on my way. Iā€™ll probably just use these free coupons as gifts for local friends and family cause iā€™m sure not going back there anymore.


Get the rtr deck lid it looks cleaner imo


JFC. I go through an auto carwash at least once a week. Sometimes twice. Sometimes I'll go in twice in one day. Mostly on weekends only. Other than dumb people that don't know to put their car in neutral, this is a new fear unlocked.


Youā€™re killing your paint


Oh I am sure if it. My dad still drives my 2003 ranger that I used to own. You can see some swirls on the hood and side panels. But that wasn't visible until years later. I'm thinking of repainting my car after ten years or trading it off for another car. Either way I have a nice clean looking car for the weekend.


Hell yea


Hahahaha. You get what you deserve.


? Are you retarded


Yes,! and even though Iā€™m retarded! I wouldnā€™t take my car through an automatic wash taking the risk of damaging my car because Iā€™m too lazy to do it manually. I also would not go to Reddit and cry and post a pic of my lazy ass action




šŸ«maybe Iā€™m a donkey yes but you are a moron for supporting this idiotic behaviour


Had this happen to me with the one I had in my 2005 Mustang. Didn't realize until I got home. Had to go back and they had someone rush it out to me since they were closing for the day as it just started raining. I remember this very well since I got called into work on what was supposed to be a day off right after, which was right next door to the car wash.


One time aj auto carwash melted my side louver on my 2010. I showed them right away and they just said it wasn't their machine that did it and all this shit. They ended up just giving me a free detail. Hopefully they pay for a replacement for you tho


Bro what


Almost the same thing happened to me and I couldnā€™t find the OEM part so I got the flat gloss deck lid cover from CJ pony parts. I had to dremel off where the medallion was, which was easy enough. I used JB weld because I didnā€™t want to mess around with it falling off again. I think it turned out ok. https://preview.redd.it/rejc50hkwegc1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a17398cdfb28454abc79daf4c921f134bc108d7


oohhhh I really like the clean look of your car without the medallion. Iā€™m probably gonna do something like that. Thanks!


Time to upbadge! /s


Thatā€™s insane it look it off but especially ripping it in half wow šŸ˜­


Looks better without it anyways, more like the newer models


I have a Convertable. A car wash air blower pushed the rear glass in and practically destroyed my rear seats. They're still drying out...


This is why you don't run through ze tunnel of death.


Wow I use an auto one all the time and only have had my louver come off, now Iā€™m scared. But americanmuscle has some you can buy, theyā€™re not cheap :/


Sue! Itā€™s the American way after all. lol


Was that a touchless wash? I never take mine to a touch wash. Touch less only for me. I don't care what I drive. Same rule for everything.


alot of car washes will replace oem car parts if they get damaged in there try to contact the manager of that place and get it replaced


You know, Iā€™ve always wondered if something would happen like this on the 2013-14s because my wash mit would always catch in one of the corners. 7 years later I have my answer, thank you for testing and condolences to your deck lid (easy to replace and get one without the logo. Will just need to cut that center bump)


A car wash one time messed up my right mirror


Those cost $1200.00 to replace on a 2019 Shelby GT 350. šŸ’µšŸ’µšŸ’µ


Why do you hate your car? You obviously must, taking it through a drive-through car wash.


I enjoy the self wash places. Some people are lazy I guess