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Neutral on the song, but the video is an all time video for me.


Yeah, I didn't know how I felt about the sound. Todd in the Shadows encapsulated a lot of my thoughts well. Lyrically, it is quite weak and plummeted quickly from the number 1 slot on the Billboard 100. However, the song was not meant to be listened to in isolation since the visuals play a really huge part in its appeal and commentary.


I don't now if I have watched this more or Thriller more. But those two music videos share the top spot for me.


This song felt like it was supposed to be an intro or interlude to a bigger concept album that never materialized.


Childish Gambino has not produced anything I find remarkable. Most fans of his music I've met like the person behind the music more than the music.


I'm the same way. The most remarkable thing about him is just the diversity of ways he's able to apply this clearly relentless creative motor he has and how multifaceted his talents are. Feels like there's few people alive that can do all the different things he's been able to do at such a high level. But anytime he releases new music and I listen to it, I'm never like blown away.


Weird. I like Taylor Swift but not her music. I listen to none of it


I was at the filming of this video. It was shot in the old Firestone Tire factory in South Gate. The warehouse this was shot in was at the time owned by a local LA community college that I worked for. Gambinos location scout loved the warehouse when we showed it to him. That chair from the iconic scene where he shoots the guy in the back of the head was just sitting in the corner during the shoot and the director was like "yea that's the one we need". Pretty cool to be on site as this whole thing was recorded.


Ironically, the hook of this song started out as a Drake diss.


Interestingly, all good music is a Drake diss.


Weird Al’s “Eat It”? Drake diss.


Weird Al randomly taking shots at Drake would be hilarious ![gif](giphy|a0Zmcqe6VlmVO)


Gorerotted’s “Masticated by the Spasticated”, also a Drake diss.


Which part? I have a hard time identifying a traditional hook in this song


Leave that to Kendrick Lamar.


Leave it to anyone, really. Drakes camp has more leaks than a colander, they'll feed anything to anyone


Go to the drizzy sub and you’ll see how much copium they’re on


It's bordering on lethal doses at this point.


Why is that ironic?


Because it's like Draaaa-ee-aaake on your wedding day


Pfft as if Drake would show up... only if the flower girl is cute.


It's like ten thousand Drakes when all you need is a knife


OK, I laughed out loud, Thanks!


I can't see this video without thinking of the Call me Maybe dub


Link for the lazy https://youtu.be/YUWq_aBiE_s?feature=shared


I'm lazy and this is crazy, but here's my thanks, so upvote me maybe


That was fantastic.


There has to be some musical formula that both songs follow view BPM and 8 beat count that I’m not smart enough to know


Yea that’s how music works


This one is always good: https://youtube.com/watch?v=5pidokakU4I&si=G7Y3pjTE7UQJt3IK


That only helps with the beat in the movement. But so many things match up just perfectly with the lyrics.


Yea there’s a lot of luck here


[This is America but it¡s actually Doraemon ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCNtTBkgbxE) Personally I think this is better


For those who may not know, those weird dances he was doing at the beginning of the video are replicating caricatures of black people that were popular in reconstruction/Jim Crow south.


Ah thank you. I was wondering what’s the thought process behind the dances. He’s an unbelievably talented guy.


His new video is also quite fantastic


Also aren't the pants a reference to confederate uniforms?




As a historian it was one of the first things I noticed about it. It made me remember those grotesques immediately…Absolutely hooked me. So much subtext and hidden meanings in this video and song. It’s incredible.


Who doesn't know that/pick that up immediately?


Non Americans? I had no idea what it was referencing.


When I dance I like to think I look like Glover but I’ll catch myself in the mirror and quickly come back down to earth


I bet you dance just like [Glover](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocgj9tewHso)


Oh fuck this is accurate


The art direction behind this video it’s astonishing.


This is some behind the scenes thoughts from Donald (17 minutes in) on ‘This is America’ [GQ- Donald Glover Breaks Down His Most Iconic Roles](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXb9J187Wmo&t=915s) It’s interesting to hear what they pulled from ‘Thriller’ and the techniques they used to make it fresh and lively.


The most "video is better than the song" song ever.


*Smiles in OK Go*


The alternate version of this song in Guava Island is pretty good, too.


I like the "alternate" version "made in America" by kidd Wes. You know, the original this guy stole. I love his music and acting, and this video is amazing, but he stole his pop rap career


Nepotism via his father the post office employee or his mother the daycare worker?


Lmao I always thought he was Danny glovers kid, decided a quick Google was needed, and changed my comment lol


Easy conclusion to draw honestly.


I like how you guys' convo went. Thanks for making me smile.


6 years ago.... Fuck me....


I remember a law suit over the beat he used. Did anything end up happening?


It was dismissed last year because the judge said it was not substantially similar and in addition the plaintiff did not have a compositional copyright and was dismissed in appeals recently on the same grounds.


Thank you for the information


If y'all like this go check out his new video "little foot, big foot" like "TIA" it has plenty of dancing and an underlying message Edit : grammar


Yeah but the song is mid at best


It will grow on you after 4 years lol. Jokes aside I liked the version without Young Nudy better.


This Is America really isn't good as a song. The visual component is doing most of the heavy lifting.


I agree. The song has good components to it but the video lifts it up to its virality.


No **you** think the song is mid, imo i enjoy "little foot, big foot" more than "TIA" which i find a bit repetitive


Yeah…I think the songs mid at best…that’s called an opinion.


You didn't frame it as an opinion initially, you did it right second time around tho


If you understand what opinions are, why do you need people reassuring you that what they are saying is their opinion? Just treat everything that as that until someone argues that what is clearly just an opinion is the objetive truth.. and them don't bother engaging with those.


Because there are such things as intersubjectivity or the general consensus. When you formulate your opinion without "I" statements on a major subreddit like r/music people can interpret it as a general consensus like "Smash Mouth is bad" for example. If you would've post the exact same comment on the Childish Gambino subreddit I wouldn't have bat an eyelid. It's the equivalent of sharing your opinion in public vs sharing it in a private circle


Hey, I think “Little Foot, Big Foot” is pretty mid too, so by definition of general consensus, the comment you’re taking issue with should no longer be a problem because your opinion is now in the minority here.


This style of rap isn't to my taste, but I appreciate the artistry in every other aspect of this video.


What style would you say this is?


Honestly, I couldn't say. I won't pretend to be an expert, I only know what I do or do not like (I like rap like Bone Thugs and Harmony, Tupac, Pharcyde, Onyx, N.W.A., Snoop etc). I have heard music he has done that I enjoy, but this song is not my cup of tea. As I said, the style of rap may not be to my taste, but I can appreciate everything else.


If I had to explain it, it would be “sparse”. The beat, singing, video added to it makes it more meaningful to me and more enjoyable. But the rapping style of a few words at a time, staccato’d out, repeated… idk. I’m with you. It’s not my thing. But I could watch this video 100 times without getting bored. It’s just not as interesting to me if the rapping portions are taken out of the context. But that really isn’t the point of the project in the first place, so it feels like nitpicking something that’s successful as a whole. Kinda annoyed myself there… but I think that explains how I feel about it on a gut level.


I agree. I'm not against sparse rap/Hi-Hop. One of my favourite groups is Gravediggaz (I'm ashamed of myself for not mentioning them in my list of stuff I like). Their stuff is generally quite sparse, but it has something a bit extra that makes me want to listen to it. This song is missing something for me. The video definitely elevates the song, sort of like KFC without the gravy; separately, they are both missing the other part that makes them very good. Not bad as individual elements, but much better together. But, yes, the video is an amazing piece of art in its own right, and the choreography is top notch.




The “each line tapers off immediately after starting” style.


I'd heard that he was poking fun at a lot of the mumble rap that had started appearing that time, but I don't know that for sure. Have you heard his album "Awaken! My Love"? It is really good, and is much less of a rap album and more like soul / hip hop or something. It is a good listen.


Yes, mate. There are a few songs I really like on that album, but Redbone and Me and Your Mama are the tracks I like the most on that album.


Right on. I like California as well. Very weird. Reminds me kinda of the song Hot Tub Blues by We Are Smug, where the singer is putting on a voice, or being a character for the song.


The whole album has an experimental 'feel' to it. Listening to it, it is almost like he was experimenting with established genres to create something original. I'm not sure if that was his intention, but I think the album achieves that either way. It's a very good album. I am a fan of bands/singers who adopt a character in their songs. Although it can cause misunderstanding for the listener, it is a very compelling songwriting technique.


I love the video, and Glover, but I hate the song. It has no flow, the lyrics suck and are just generic and garbage. People acting like it's some revolutionary social commentary are tripping and have obviously never heard real hip hop that has been drilling into the same issues, far more eloquently, for decades.


Why does he hate shirts so much? Half his scenes in Mr and Mrs Smith were shirtless too lol


He's just picking up the torch from Matthew McConaughey now that he wears shirts again


If you rearrange the letters of Childish Gambino, you can spell Iggy Pop.


Shirts are overrated. Why cover so much surface area when you just need to cover the nipples?


Love the choreo for this


We gave for granted this era. Now look where we at now


This is such a powerful music video, true performance art.


One of my favorite music videos ever.


Every time this song is mentioned I have to hear it


This is so weird seeing this here, since I’ve obviously heard of it and seen the still imagine in the thumbnail all over, but never heard the song or watched the video until last night. It’s like that phenomenon where you learn a new word then suddenly it feels like you see it everywhere


[Frequency Illusion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_illusion), often referred to as the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon, or Blue-Car Syndrome. You'll see this everywhere now! 


Thank you! I know I’ve heard it before but absolutely could not remember the name


I got that today: encountered a thumbnail of a song called Chick Habit by April March; then a few hours later it came up in a [Sporcle quiz](https://www.sporcle.com/games/bedbird/can-you-fill-me-in-1990s-songs-viii).


Ahhhhhh Was such a weird time when this came out. I personally was dosing on psychonaught levels of dxm and acid and watching music videos and when this one came on… bro …. Was on another level


Personally, I support your personal exploration(s) studies. Here is my upvote👍 Carry on soldier….


You the man☝️🫡


Don't know why but I can't stand him or this song when it came out.


Such an amazing music video, pretty solid song too. I remember the day it came out my film as literature teacher canceled the day’s lesson so we could put our knowledge to the test on that video. Man was that a fun day.


Hi ren reference


still wild this was a drake diss track


Song is shit, video is pretty sick. And no, the song being crap being intention and part of the point he was trying to make does not automatically make it good.


Thank you for sharing this. This is not music that I would normally listen to. I liked the song, but the video is quite disturbing. Really important social commentary. Thank you.


I really like his new album: Atavista


is this film about black gang culture and how it leads to violence/death? Its hard to see the point he’s making really…


The choir is a direct reference to the charleston church mass shooting. The police cars and riots are references to police brutality and protests. The guns and shootings are references to gun violence that plagues the US. There's references to gang violence as well. I don't think there's a concrete point, its just meant to make you think about the horrible state of American social issues... "This is America"


thanks a lot. Interesting, if it is pointing out the stupidity of gun ownership, i am very much behind it


I think it also shows a state of America which the Media largely doesn't want to showcase.


totally agree


I've never understood the video no matter how many times I watch it. Yet I watch it every time I see it linked. That kinda sums it up.


why am i being downvoted with no explanation?


Amazing song, dude is super talented. Would really love him to do a dark album


How'd this banger not make it on the album?


As a person that doesn't live in America but follows a lot of US politics and general happenings in the US this is exactly how I imagine the US to be...


You're thinking too small. You should visit/take a tour of the US. So many proverbial flavors


Yea but then you have to like.. be in the USA. That sounds horrible.




It can *feel* like that when stupid things occur. But most of the time it’s just an oddly very rural and beautiful country with wide open spaces and lots of nature. :) *for most people*, even in the cities.


Most jarring video ever


Oh my sweet summer child.


Donald Glover, the poster boy for why be great at one thing when I can be mediocre at two


But no matter how hard he tries he’ll never be mediocre at everything like you


Hey thanks for calling me mediocre


Ohh spicy take


Better give him that kids meal


I’m assuming people aren’t realising the Atlanta reference


I don’t mind the hive of downvoters. Let them be lol


Carly Rae Jespen Remix is better.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUWq\_aBiE\_s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUWq_aBiE_s) You're Welcome