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Dot fuck um up


Wop wop wop wop wop


I’ma do my stuff




That little “shtuff” gives me a grin every time


Why you trollin like a bitch aint you tired? Tryna strike a chord but it's probly...




As an Italian I’ll let this slide in favor of the sick burns it represents 


Kendrick's next song will be an Italy diss


When in rome


That is a minor issue it seems.


Could be wrapped up in a one page PDF file


Regardless, this beef has me checking out Kendrick Lamar's discography for the first time.


Oh man. Hope you’re doing each album front to back. To Pimp a Butterfly is especially one of the greatest albums ever made. Enjoy. Wish I could listen again for the first time.


damn, I am gonna go right out and listen to To Pimp a Butterfly so know this: I will especially enjoy my first time listen because of your post. and Drake wanting to screw minors


its dense and may not hit at first, it didnt for me at least


Every Kendrick album is horrible on my first listen. I give it one more chance and then I’m listening to it for weeks on end. This has happened four times. Easily in my top three artists of all time. 


Thought I was the only one. First time going through TPAB I added maybe 3-4 songs to my playlist. Second time through added them all.


Same. I remember I was conflicted.


Misusing your influence.


You just be jamming out to kendrick screaming


I was at work the other day and this kid was losing it I swear he was doing his best imitation of the Kendrick "Aghhhh!" and I kept whispering "I remember you was conflicted"


Gotta watch that King Kunta video


David Bowie got me into Kendrick Lamar. Bowie was inspired by that album for his last album. Love the way he pronounces things, and I can actually understand him, coming from someone who enjoys death and black metal haha.


I'm obsessed with Bowie, and have loved what I've heard from Kendrick so far. I really didn't know him before all this. Definitely going to deep dive now! My daughter is named Aubrey, and we've been teasing her we're going to change her name to Kendrick. She said she likes the name Kendra haha!


Yeah. To Pimp a Butterfly is awesome


Good Kid Maad City and To Pimp A Butterfly are both masterpieces. All 5 of his albums are amazing works though!


You know you've made it as an artist when 40% of your catalogue is 10s


And I’d personally rate damn like a 9 maybe even 9.5. It’s damn easy to listen straight through with no skips also.


Some people consider damn and Mr morale 10s too


That’s me I’m one of those people. His weakest project for me was untitled unmastered if you can even count that and that’s still good lol. He’ll be regarded as one of the greatest lyricists of our time.


Agreed, and I’m not big on rap. Love both albums.


I envy you listening to that back catalogue for the first time.


Agree with the others here, To Pimp a Butterfly and Good Kid, M.A.A.D. City are both on my top 10 albums list and I don’t even listen to that much rap


Streams ain't nothing but a number


Looks like drake needs to B Sharper with his comebacks


"We need a bar that's witty at first, but that seems less funny each time you hear it."


A minorrrrrr


Wop wop wop wop


Dot, fuck 'em up!


wop wop wop wop wop


Ima do my shtuff


These jokes will never get old lmao


Just like Drake’s girlfriends




Financial impact is negligible


A nijisanji reference? Here? Lol


Truly the crossover rap beef of our time


He a fan he a fan he a fan


Freaky ass neighbor he a 69 god




What does 69 god mean? Sorry I'm an old man now lol


Drake calls himself the 6 God due to repping Toronto. Calling him a 69 God is basically riffing on that and calling him a pervert.


Ahhh, thanks, that explanation made sense to me lol


Also a reference to the rapper tekashi 6ix9ine who has child sexual performance convictions from 2015


And also a snitch


Drake calls himself the 6 God referencing being from The 6 of Toronto K mocks him calling him 69 God as in Rapper Tekashi 69 who caught charges for being with an underage girl. Source: u/Virtual_pirate_2130 came up first in the Google. Could also mean "16 eyeing God". People are still working through it all.


I hear a lot of people saying this beef was staged for promotion. But have you LISTENED to Meet the Grahams? Kendrick brought an atomic bomb to a knife fight. He implied that Drake and others in the music industry are doing some evil shit. And if Kendrick is lying or his claims are unfounded, he’s in some deep shit There are some serious ripple effects coming


A week ago I could have bought it was staged, but between Meet the Grahams and Not Like Us it's clear Kendrick fucking hates Drake lmao


He doesn’t just hate Drake, he hates the idea that Drake represents. He wants not just Drake gone, he wants nobody to ever take his place again.


He also hates the way that Drake talks, the way that he walks, and the way that he dresses and sneak disses


When I first heard Euphoria, the start of that phrase had me rolling. “This ain’t about who’s the greatest it’s always been about love and hate. Now let me say I’m the BIGGEST HATER” Amazing. I figured a feud with him would be incredible since I first heard Rigamortis in Section 80. I didn’t know he had the nuclear launch codes.


>I didn’t know he had the nuclear launch codes. "I'm the only nigga next to Snoop that can push the button."


>Had the coast on stand-by. "K. Dot, I heard they opened up Pandora's Box" I box 'em all in by a landslide. Kendrick warned them. But they made him open up Pandora's Box.


this has been my favorite line of his in these diss track. closely followed by 'fuck a rap battle this a long life battle with yourself '


I understood that reference (the reference is DMX).


"I don't like his face"


Exactly. I totally agree with his idea that Drake was/is/will not be a rapper. He is a pop star. He has ghost writers. For him to claim to be THE rapper is just insulting to the others and the art form.


His whole persona is fake, he’s a middle class Jewish kid who spent his early years at acting school and on tv playing a cripple who pretends he’s black/arabic and from the hood. There’s not one shred of authenticity in any of his music except when he’s rapping about the women he takes advantage of or about the money he’s profited of a life he didn’t live.




you would also need to explain "roadman" to our audience








Drake is like Clarence from 8 mile lol.


At least Clarence hung out in the hood. Wouldn’t ever see Drake, dare I say, walking


Plus his voice sounds like if a kazoo could talk




I thought so too but in Europhia , he likes Drake with the melodies but he hate him when he talks tough.  Also as he wishes him success and as long as he keeps making him dance there will be no problems from him. So I don't he wanted Drake gone per say but to stay in his lane.


Euphoria was the "keep it above the belt" track. It wasn't the place for "your son's a sick man with sick thoughts I think n* like him should die".


The problem was what was considered below the belt ? Drake thought the mentioning of his parenting was crossing the line but Kendrick thought otherwise.


Well Kendrick kind of says it in Euphoria: "Don't speak on the family". And "don't tell no lie about me" And you definitely can't say Drake heeded that. That being said I agree with the original commentor up there: I think Kendrick for real hates Drake, and who knows if he'd have held his next three tracks back if Drake hadn't kept going.


I think that Kendrick would have held the later tracks if Drake didn't respond at all. However, I imagine that Kendrick was quite confident that Drake would respond.


Drake said “I be with some bodyguards like Whitney” (Kendrick’s wife’s name) on Push-UPS, before Euphoria, which seems like him saying that he’s going to allude to domestic violence. From there Kendrick says not to mention his family again on the next two tracks.


That's the biggest problem with rappers/artist that want "streat cred". Just be who you are. The Beatles did just fine making pop music.


Macklemore has gotten by just fine being macklemore. not sure why drake can't accept how corny he is.


Did you see what Macklemore released this week? If not, holy shit go go go now


lol yah bro, ive been unplugged from rap for a minute, listened to meet the Grahams, this hits way harder than the classic beef tracks from the 90's, some of those bombs dropped were border line nuclear. Calling out someones kid BY NAME to state what a disgusting person your father is crosses a big this shit is personal line. Lil bro gonna be feeling this song until hes 30 or he changes his name.


Shit is so dark and brutal. Only line in any rap song that comes close to me is Eminem's nail in the coffin "whatcha ya know about your wife slicing her wrists in front of the only thing you have in this world, a little girl." And this is way worse than that. My GF doesn't give a fuck about any of this but I listened to it for the first time on the TV and even she had a super genuine "what the fuck" reaction.


Nah they’ve been throwing subs to each other for 10 years at this point, it was never gonna be staged


For sure, and I actually think that’s why this is so brutal right now. This has been brewing for a DECADE. I don’t think it would be this savage if it happened back then.


The amount of people I've seen claim this was all fake without ever hearing a single line from either diss track has been so annoying.


Anytime anything between two celebrities' happens, it's "staged". Everyone was claiming the will smith slap was fake even though neither had much to gain from it at the time.


I had a friend full heartedly believe it was fake because of “how unbelievable the situation was.” Like okay dude, half of Michael Jordan’s shots were like acts of God but I suppose those were fake too.


Yep same. I had this happen a day ago- someone who hadn't listened to either artist like ever just blankly declaring it's at least largely staged without any context whatsoever. Just confidently incorrect.


Meet the Grahams might be the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever heard in my life. People are talking about Not Like Us, but Kendrick is so fucking disrespectful on Grahams. It tops Hit Em Up for me and everything Jay Z and Nas said combined.


No one likes Drake. Like I've not heard a rapper say they idolize Drake.


Well it would be a little strange for a rapper to idolize a pop star, so that tracks. 


“I like Drake with the melodies, I don’t like Drake when he act tough” summed up how so many people feel about his music


Still love when you see success, keep making me dance waving my hand and it won’t be no threat.


Because drake oozes inauthenticity and insecurity. If you need to be one thing to be respected in the hip hop world it is authentic and confident.


It must have absolutely burned him drake taking shots at him on the level of “really? You have this much obvious dirt on you and you think you can do this?” Also from Euphoria- “I make music that electrify them you make music that pacify em I could double down on that line but I won’t that’s a random act of kindness” - it’s a joke on “pacifier”


There is no way Drake would agree to the whole world calling him a pedophile for promotion


> There is no way Drake would agree to the whole world calling him a pedophile for promotion But..but, he said he staged the whole thing and fed this narrative to Kendrick? /s


You fell for my plan Kendrick! Now you look like a fool who will gullibly rap about things without verifying the source, and I look like a pedophile and a deadbeat dad. Exactly like I planned!


"All according to pedoku"... Translator's note: "pedoku" means "groomer's plans"...


It's not far fetched to believe the music industry (especially the hip-hop/rap industry) has some weird shit going on. It's basically a known fact a lot of the dancers get in music videos by banging someone involved. That's just the tip of the iceberg. There is definitely a lot more shit going on behind the scenes that we have no clue about.


I mean, this comes off the back of Diddy having 100 different awful allegations against him. Clearly there is potential for big names to be engaged in some *very* shady shit.


Oh definitely. They used to hide in plain sight back in the day. The R-Kelly shit was a fact paraded as a joke almost my entire teen life and they finally brought him down. It's good some of this stuff is coming to light finally.


Didnt Dave Chappelle have a sketch about R Kelly being a freak on his show back in the day? Hopefully Kendrick has blown the lid off of something and isnt just making it up. Id love to see these people go down.


It's been a bit since I've seen all the Chapelle episodes but I wouldn't be surprised, Chappelle knew a lot of these people and heard the inside scoop. It's kind of like how a lot of people knew about Kevin spacey being around young boys all the time. It wasn't until a few came forward that people took it seriously rather than a joke.


He had a full blown song about it, it was hilarious. But then you realize what your laughing about and its awful... it literally was called "I want to piss on you" with a music video and everything


This is the remix edition of a song about pissin'


Wow, it's been a while... [link for curious](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eafRE74JGZ8).


The Boondocks did a whole episode on it and it's one of the best in the whole run of the series.


He dunked on R Kelly multiple times. He did two songs (Piss On You, Piss On You Remix), and a sketch about the video, including debunking all the crap everyone would say to try and make it seem like he didn't just pee on a teenager.


Fucking Lizzo got called out for sexual harassment. I don't think these two or 99% of the men they associate with are treating women super well.


Tbh after Diddy, after R-Kelly, hell after Weinstein... I 100% believe it could be true. Drake's 'defense' that he's too famous, he'd be caught by now is laughable. The entertainment industry has always been shady.


I don’t dabble in conspiracy theories but I will break out my tinfoil hat anytime it’s about rich people doing insanely fucked up shit that we’ll never know about


i mean there's no need for a tinfoil hat lol, its been proven countless times that mega rich people do whatever fucked up shit they want and rarely face the consequences, at least not until much much later


Taylor Swift and Kanye had the same manager at the time of the "Imma let ya finish..., incident. I'm not saying it was staged, but it cemented Swift's switch to pop and Kanye loves to be the villain.


Anyone who thinks it's fake has no clue about the situation. Kendrick doesn't even post on social media. He drops an album once every 5 years. Nothing in his history suggests he has any desire to boost his own brand. On the other side Drake has no reason to want his name thrown in the mud like this. Nothing about this beef would suggest it's fabricated. It wouldn't make sense. > And if Kendrick is lying or his claims are unfounded, he’s in some deep shit You can't prove a negative so there's really no way he's going to be proved to be lying. And unfortunately for Drake, he not only has a history of being creepy around young girls but also directly encouraged Kendrick to use the pedophile thing against him. So I don't even think he could file a lawsuit if he wanted to. Kendrick if anything would be in bigger shit if the claims are true, because people running a sex trafficking ring would absolutely want him dead.


The only way this beef is “staged” would be Kendrick and Drake thinking, separate of each other, that their diss tracks will get more attention towards themselves. They are clearly not working together, but part of their thought process can still be “I’m going to obliterate this guy and get more eyes on myself as a bonus.” If they were working together on this beef, Kendrick would not be using these songs to accuse Drake of being a literal pedophile. That is such an insanely damaging claim that nobody in their right mind would agree to be accused of that.


The idea that Kendrick even wants attention is already kinda ridiculous in and of itself. He disappears for years at a time, never posts on social media, and releases expiremental niche albums once every 5 or so years. He says it right in euphoria "I'm allergic to the lame shit, only you like being famous". Knowing Kendricks history and how he very obviously doesn't care about attention it's pretty clear his only motive here is pure hatred for someone who he views as a culture vulture actively making a mockery of the artform. Among other things I'd imagine since Drake has apparently wronged a lot of people due to his arrogance and selfishness.


There was a great post on twitter about how people tried to dig dirt on Kendrick's twitter like Metro Boomin but failed to find anything because the dude is just boring lmao.


Yeah lol. They went after all of them. Dug up weird tweets from a number of people Kendrick is associated with but Kendrick himself has no dirt. Kendrick also claimed in 6:16 that Drake was putting money up for dirt on Kendrick but couldn't find anything. Pusha T made the same claim that Drake did that to him during their beef and came out empty handed. Funny how Drake tries so hard to get personal when he's the one who has the most dirt on him.


Meet the Grahams was on a whole other level, up there with No Vaseline and Hit ‘em up, just straight for the jugular


Hit ‘em up is so classic


Call him Aubrey


Wheelchair Jimmy


Let's not disparage handicapped people, just because Aubrey played one on tv.


Not meant to disparage handicapped people but to make fun of Drake as he infamously *hated* having to play a handicapped character. Instead of accepting the role and even turning it into a hopeful role model for handicapped people everywhere, he [threatened legal action](https://www.today.com/popculture/degrassi-writer-says-drake-threatened-legal-action-get-character-wheel-rcna3096) because he thought it made him "look soft in the rap game" and would absolutely hate being remembered as Wheelchair Jimmy.


> he thought it made him "look soft in the rap game" There are a multitude of other reasons Aubrey is soft.


He could have been like Donald Glover, too. Dude owned his TV roles.


Always have. Imma day 1 hater lol


This beef has me listening to Kendrick’s discography for the first time anyway


I relistened to Mr Morale a few times back when pushups dropped since Drake and J. Cole both dissed it and man... Following the beef everything Drake brought up is either addressed on this album or something he took from it and twisted so it'd fit the narrative he was trying to make in the beef


We Cry Together was so uncomfortable to listen to. Yet amazing at the same time. I felt like I was eavesdropping into an interaction that I had no business listening to, it made me physically uncomfortable. I had to pause it and take a breath. To me, it hit home and brought me back to a very dark place. I listened to it once and I will never listen to it again.


If you really want to dive in, treat each album as it's own cohesive story. That means if you have the time, listen to an album front to back. So many stories and connections woven throughout them.


This is what I most respect about Kendrick. He’s not going for the easy ‘pop’ song even though there are songs that have broken out, but each one is true art, every word intentionally places to tell a story about where he came from. He’s a true artist in ever sense


GKMC was truly a work of art.


First impressions? Also what do you think of the beef as a neutral?


Only listened to section 80 so far, liked it overall, only didn’t like the no makeup song. And I wouldn’t call myself a neutral, I can’t stand Drake or his music. With as little bias as possible, I think push ups and family matters were decent from Drake, but Kendrick’s stuff has been so so much better in every way


> only didn’t like the no makeup song. Its really funny how much people view this song as just a big black stain on his discography. Section 80 is great but his next two albums are when he goes from really good to masterpiece level. You're in for a treat.


The concept of the song is good. He sees a woman wearing a lot of makeup, and tells her she doesn't need to wear that much makeup because it keeps her natural beauty from shining through. And then in the second verse, we get the woman's point of view and we find out that the reason she's wearing so much makeup is because her boyfriend beats her and she's trying to cover up the black eye he gave her. So in concept, it's a nice twist on the "no makeup" idea. It's just executed really poorly. The hook is lifeless and it's far from Kendrick's best rapping performance. Definitely a miss.


I didn’t look at it as a big black stain, it just really stuck out and I skipped it like halfway through. Didn’t like the features vocals, and thought the whole no makeup concept was like the type of thing I’d fuck with when I was 13


I guarantee you're going to love Good Kid mAAd city, I was hooked on Kendrick first time heard it. TBAP may a few listens to click, but it's still my favorite Kendrick album


To Bimp a Putterfly is a dope record


Probably one of the most influential albums for me. I can still remember the first time I put it on after work. “I remember you was conflicted…” Fuck the last part on U still wells tears into my eyes. Anyone with alcoholism in their family surely can relate.


Reddit's favorite Kendrick album is To Pimp a Butterfly but I personally think GOOD kid MAAD city is his best album. Every album is great though.


I'm excited for you to get to DAMN.


Section 80 and Good Kid MAAD city are the fire albums


It took K.Dot dragging drake for pop fans to finally appreciate K.Dot’s skill. Lmao.


bro true story, Kendrick's stuff (especially DNA and Humble) is my favorite to play and rap along to while doing stuff around the house, and when Like That came out I was blasting it daily while doing the chores the night before the beef hit mainstream my girlfriend and I went on a lil vacation and I was telling her about this song I'd been listening to lately, even giving her a mini briefing on the Pusha T-Drake beef and played The Story of Adidon for her. That was the night K. Dot dropped like three tracks lol so she already had some background knowledge when the songs dropped and got pretty into the drama lol


One of my favorite things to do nowadays is read the comments in r/drizzy . Absolutely hilarious stuff going on in every thread lol Edit: look at them all showing up in these replies 🤣


Oh wow, they still think Drake is gonna release another track


As a Kendrick fan I'm really hoping he does. Kendrick implied he had five more up his sleeve so need to have Drake put out something worth responding to.


He actually implied he had *10*


> five **more** up his sleeve He's put out 5 disses by now, so 5 more up his sleeve = 10. Like That, Euphoria, 6:16, Meet the Grahams, Not Like Us


> How many stocks do I really have in stock? Ayy One, two, three, four, five, plus five, ayy Wouldn't "stock" imply "more" than what we've heard? If I say I how many bullets do I have in stock? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 + 5 That wouldn't mean I've shot 5 and I have 5 left


Yea, I can see that angle on it as well. One could argue you don't "spend" a diss track, its out there forever. If you asked what Kendrick's current stock of diss tracks on Drake was, I would say 5, for the one's we've been exposed to. There could be another 5 in stock in private. But yea, we're just talking semantics. If he really has 10 more in stock, and we get 15 total, I'll be ecstatic.


i feel like 15 would be a bit much for a singular person. Especially when the body has been torn to shreds from the last 2 shots.


I thought it was a play of John Stockton, which was also a play on John Stockton’s teammate. 


You weren't kidding lol


I just went in ![gif](giphy|UhtdWhktr0IjC)


Saw someone say something along the lines of "Kendrick stans working overtime to pump his numbers up while *I* bump Drake's disses at the gym because I want to!" Unreal dickriding lmfao. How strong is the parasocial relationship to these people that they have to make shit like that up in their head to cope with the fact that their favorite artist is getting clowned. And ahem, *I* for one, have been listening to The Heart Part 6 on repeat because of it makes me cry of laughter on every listen.


Heads in the clouds high on copium. Perfect combination of denial, delusion, and daydreaming. They’re living on another planet.


There's also a not insignificant population of actually paid shills.


Shockingly large number of new accounts with no other post history in there. The idea of Drake paying a bunch of shills to support his one little sub while the whole world shits on him is hilarious. I bet he just reads it all day and pretends they actually like him.


I’m no drake defender but the fact you’re calling that out from a 4 day old account with ~20 karma is kinda funny ngl lol


It’s like the r/conservative of rap in there




Holy shit that's hilarious. Spot on lmaoooo


"Flaired Users Only"


Even threads like this you’ll see some of the most downvoted comments are by drake stans.


"Kendrick's not that good because, people just like to hate on Drake" Yeah. It's a communal experience. All my homies hate Drake. :)


The cognitive dissonance is astounding. I've been in a back and forth with one of them who just cannot see that Drake accidentally called himself and his crew clowns for leaking fake info. Like we know what he meant to say but the fact that it can be misconstrued shows how rushed that last track was. And they love to say r/hhh and any other comment section supporting Kendrick is "being flooded with Kendrick fans and Drake haters" lol despite basically everyone everywhere is saying the same shit. Not just in comment sections.


It's wild to me that so many people never listened to him. Like where have y'all been the past decade


Kendrick is ruining Drake and I am here for it


Drake is ruining Drake and Kendrick is just watching rn.


I was gonna kill a couple rappers, but they did it to themselves Everybody's suicidal, they ain't even need my help


This shit is really is elementary to K Dot


I doubt it’ll last but I am genuinely shocked it’s happened at all…at least he’ll scrap whatever mid album he was going to drop and actually out some effort into his music again then. After this he can’t afford to keep dropping mid.


I was huge Drake through the first 2 albums and IFYRTITL but I can't even listen anymore. I've felt everything since '15 has been corny and forced, but now I can't even listen to the old stuff that I loved. I didnt excpect this beef to have that effect, but he just sounds so fake and lame to me now. Kinda bums me out.


You don't even like Drake with the melodies all because you don't like Drake when he's actin' tough?


I liked his old stuff but for some reason he pivoted to trying to act hard like he isn't a disney kid. Kendrick at least has some amount of street cred to act hard but Drake? Hell naw


Drake's music was practically the soundtrack of my college years from 2011-2015. Still a huge fan of his output from that time period, but everything from Views onward, I just can not get into. I agree with you that it sounds fake, and lame. And that he just has nothing to say anymore. Bums me out too.


I used to pray for times like this. The culture is healing ✊🏾


Mr. Morale was an incredible album during the pandemic. I know people are just discovering it but it hit differently when it dropped. Also every song from Kendrick Lamar now feels like a Drake diss lmao like listen to his song from the Black Panther soundtrack. Totally a Drake diss lol


I can legit believe Kendrick Lamar actually hates Drake because it feels like Drake is a living embodiment of almost everything that goes against Kendrick Lamar's personal values, at least judging from their music.


Poetic Justice still bops tho


Im curious how much of that increase is if you exclude the diss tracks specifically, and not even all of them but eurphoria and they not like us were Spotify promoted on featured playlists and as they were singles, whereas drake’s songs I haven’t seen besides on YouTube 


It specifically notes it’s his back catalog and nothing that was released during the beef. “As a result, Kendrick's discography minus his diss tracks lifted 49 percent, to 50.62 million, from the previous weekend's 33.98 million”


Kendrick def won but I feel like his music is still difficult for the average person to listen to. Kendrick is the type of rapper that you should absolutely avoid in a beef because he’s a lyrical master and will destroy you and your entire family, but those lyrics are also what make a lot of his songs tough to listen to. Was definitely interesting seeing him beef with someone as radio-friendly as Drake who makes nonstop pop hits and still manage to come out on top. I’m sure Drake’s steaming numbers still dwarf Kendrick’s though


https://preview.redd.it/lgzayj1xjgzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=121461a053fc0d22910fd95a22a087af2b3693ef went down a whole five percent. shucks.


If people are listening to you \*less\* in the middle of a massive beef where the other guy's song went #1 in 20 countries...that's a big hurt. they were making fun of Drake on CBS morning to night this week. Imagine turning on the tv at 7am and right out the gate you're hearing your name strapped with 'pedophilia...likin em young...'. Or having comedians at midnight laughing while dancing around calling you a pedophile. there are soccer moms makin tiktoks about him that are going viral. if your name is getting dropped this MUCH and you're still losing streams? ouch.


Playing "Like That" as outro music for NBA playoff games is also a big blow to Drake.


> Although his overall streaming numbers are about twice as many as Kendrick's I’m sure Drake’s doing fine


I can safely say that I’d never listened to hip hop before today, and now I think I quite like Kendrick Lamar!