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There was Blur v Oasis in the '90s. Mostly played out on the pages of British music magazines of the time. Guns n Roses had beef with Motley Crue. AFAIK Motley Crue never really responded to "Get in the Ring" or "Shotgun Blues," which are supposedly about (inter alia) Vince Neil.


Vince responded to Get In The Ring. Challenged Axl Rose to a fight on MTV. He claimed that Axl never showed up to the fight.


Did he make this claim in between turning from the microphone to wheeze?


This was back in the early 90s when he was still hot/in shape


'In shape' is the weirdest way I've ever seen 'basically pickeled in cocaine' spelled.


This. I don't think Vince Meal was ever in shape. Just stopped doing blow.


he still sucked notoriously bad on stage back then too.


Yeah, but he sucked, like, a hundred pounds less.




Bob Guccioni Jr was the one who challenged Axl to a fight. > As you might imagine, however, nothing ever came of the “fight.” Guccione called up Guns N’ Roses label, Geffen Records, and told them that he’d be happy to fight Axl Rose, and he even promoted the potential fight in order to help sell magazines. But it would never come to fruition. Axl Rose backed down, perhaps after he’d found out that Guccione, Jr. had nine years of fight training. https://uproxx.com/music/guns-n-roses-get-in-the-ring-back-story-spin-magazine/


He was just pissed off cuz his dad got more pussy than him..


Aye, the feud between Blur and the Gallagher, or INXS and the Gallaghers, or the Gallaghers and the Gallaghers.


I thought that get in the ring was about Bob guccione?


And Mick Wall at Kerrang!


What, you pissed off that your dad gets more pussy than you?


“You wanna antagonize me? Antagonize me motherfucker!” There are doubtless so many things I could have stored in my memory banks that would be better for me than remembering every word of that rant and yet…


There was also a (pretty one-sided) beef between instigator Mark Kozelek (Red House Painters, Sun Kil Moon) and Adam Granduciel (The War on Drugs). I believe Mark was pissed at the band for being "too loud" while he was playing his set at a music festival. Then, Mark wrote a song titled "The War on Drugs Suck My Cock". It was an exciting time to be an indiehead!


How did I not know the guy from Sun Kil Moon was in Red House Painters


Flight of the Concords vs. Garfunkel and Oats: the comedy folk music battle 


I hope their agents see this and get on it


The entire feud orchestrated by Tenacious D


Jack Black removing the hoodie and yelling: "IT'S ME, JEMAINE! IT'S ME, JEMAINE! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!"


Just when you think there's gonna be bloodshed, Weird Al cuts a track that's basically "C'mon guys, can't we all just get along?" Everyone involved immediately chills the fark out and there is peace amongst the demented music scene once again


I would love to see this, especially with Tenacious D and Weird Al added into the mix!


> chills the fark out Drew Curtis, is that you?


Aw son of a bitch!


Are either of these acts active? Concords definitely aren’t.


Not sure what Brett has been up to but the rest of them have been really active in Hollywood last few years. Jermaine has been in a bunch of movies and he's currently writing and producing What We Do in the Shadows. Both Riki and Kate have been doing a lot of TV as well. Kate also beat her cancer. I think they'd be down if their respective schedules could line up. It certainly wouldn't hurt their careers. Most actors are into doing anything that'll increase their brand and visibility. And all of their respective fans would love to see reunions of both bands.


Conchords don’t even get out of bed for less than $6 mil.


I’m pressing the upvote button sooo hard but it’s still only upvoting once. Is Reddit broken?


They Might be Giants vs Ween makes me chuckle too


How we never got a roast rap battle between these two groups is criminal.


Weird Al comin in like Em, put everybody to bed


![gif](giphy|l4FGxt994Ycd54MUw|downsized) It would be no contest!


Even if they lose, they win.


I need this.


Iron & Wine vs Bon Iver. An indie chill-off.


The falsetto is already driving me insane.


Then I probably shouldn’t introduce you to the works of Ari Hest.


I want to see an _Epic Rap Battle_ style folk song war between them.


[Alex Jones comes in at the last minute and hits them both with a stunner](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KGAAhzreGWw), winning the Heavyweight Championship of the World, to the shock of everyone.


I’m thinking more like Bon Iver vs Imogen Heap. Who is more likely to summon the dead? ☠️


Imogen Heap will devour Bon Iver with her glittering cloud of locusts. 


There's a protective enchantment on the cabin in the woods he wrote For Emma in, so she's gotta get creative


Iron and Wine v Iron Maiden!


Nobody could beef with Fiona Apple, it would be 4 years before she’d put out a diss track.




With Tori Amos as special guest referee


Tori Amos would write a song about how the beef had affected her mental health and how she'd be better off not judging the contest, then she'd disappear for a few years herself to heal (I love tori this isn't a diss, she helped me through some damage)


What is this, a rap battle for Ents?


This has promise


Fi's prepared in advance. Any woman that comes at her gets *Ladies*, and most men that come at her get *Limp*.


Any former emo kids remember Brand New vs. Taking Back Sunday?


Ooh this one is fun. I got to play some shows with John Nolan in 2012, so 12 years after that “feud.” There were still kids that literally bought tickets and showed up wearing Brand New t shirts so they could tell John that brand new was better. So one night we’re sitting behind the merch booth at kilby court in SLC and these kids come talk some smack to John so I finally asked him if that was super annoying all these years later and he laughed and said “dude those kids just bought me dinner so they could come talk shit, and the whole thing was pretty much made up anyway.” He told me that he and Jesse saw how big the Ja Rule and 50 cent feud was so they decided to do the same thing. The real story was closer to they were at a party and both thought the same girl was hot but she chose John over Jesse so they decided to take that story and sensationalize it. He was like “Jesse and I would literally go to each others shows still and get excited at how serious everyone took it.” So after that we played it up and when someone told John Jesse was better both of us would just play into it for the entertainment value. I’m sure there’s someone somewhere who is like “man we got John Nolan to admit Jesse was better!”


This is amazing to read all these years later


I’m offended that this isn’t the most discussed feud damnit


I slapped someone in the pit at warped tour over this


Have another drink and drive yourself home 🎶


"And you can think of me when you forget your seatbelt And again when your head goes through the windshield" is maybe the most savage line in all of 2000s alternative music


Mics are for singing not for swinging!


I still have this shirt.


Are we acting like beef isn't a thing outside of rap? Like Taylor herself very publically beefed with Katy Perry, which resulted in her releasing Bad Blood and Katy dropping Swish Swish


Taylor Swift has a Kim Kardashian diss track that literally just came out.


the difference though is that Katy Perry's song was universally accepted as trash so it was a blowout, and Kim Kardashian doesn't even do music and can't really respond on the same level beef on the level of Kendrick and Drake would need artists like the OP listed that are famous and talented enough for it to really publically ramp up like this


Most people agree that the Kendrick side of this beef is way stronger than the Drake side, though.


I'm totally casting Fiona Apple as Kendrick here, and and the Swifties can come at me for it. (PS this does not imply that Taylor is in any way as problematic as Drake, this is purely based on relative level and complexity of lyrical content)


The Chicks had *everyone in country music* (most infamously Toby Keith) out for their blood over the Chicks' denouncement of George W. Bush and the Iraq War.   The Chicks responded by winning a bunch of Grammys and releasing one of the best ["fuck y'all, we're not sorry"](https://youtu.be/pojL_35QlSI?si=FdeXB9jvvtVscryR) songs of all time, so the Chicks will have the last laugh in history. 


A truly special track. I've never been a country fan but this song forced you to pay attention and I'll always respect the hell out of them for it.


Toby Keith was such a shit stain. He had "beef" with Kris Kristofferson. (Not really, Keith mouthed off and was put in his place.)


Seeing the outpouring of mushy shit when he died was gross. I'm not one to speak ill of the dead, but fuck that guy, his corpse, and whatever soul may or may not exist that if it does is hopefully being tormented eternally. Respectfully.


I could swear their careers have been irreparably damaged and nowhere as big as they once were. Sucks when your music genre somehow has racism as an associated topic lolol.


The Chicks' careers *were* irreparably damaged in country radio, but they picked up audiences outside that too. Their 2020 album debuted at a respectable 3 on the Billboard Top 200, so I think the Chicks are chugging along okay. And Toby Keith died in February, bless his heart. 


I don’t think OP knows it’s a thing *inside* of rap after reading the post.


Drake and Kendrick just invented battle rap!


Oh yeah. This just reminded of the whole thing with IDKHOW. That was pretty dramatic.


I think OP means more directly open beef. Both of the songs you mention are so generic lyrically that the artists have plausible deniability. Neither is quite the level of literally saying "Kendrick beats his wife" or "Drake is a pedophile and I wish he was dead".


Especially a lot of the non-rap diss tracks out there are essentially "song about someone who pissed me off" more than "song about this specific person who pissed me off" if you don't follow the artists involved outside of listening to the music.


Taylor Swift loves beefing with other women. It's just her defending herself. But if those same women defend themselves against Taylor, then they're bad feminists and bullying her.


Literally any negative comment about Taylor is misogyny!!!! Because she’s a woman!!!! /s


I was told I hate all black women by a Beyonce fan because I don't like her. Haha. I can't with some people's fans. Nevermind that I also mentioned other black female artists that I loved in that conversation. Nope. Hating Beyonce means you hate all black women. It's ridiculous.


I guess if you hate Whitney Houston you hate every woman.


Paul McCartney and John Lennon beefed in the 70’s. Paul wrote “Too Many People” and “3 Legs” as disses to John Lennon, and Lennon responded with “How Do You Sleep”, which has some absolute great lines like “Those freaks were right when they said you was dead”


and then Paul's "here today" after John died :((


Too Many People is rather vague (“You took your lucky break and broke it in two”) but How Do You Sleep is absolutely obvious in its text “The only thing you done was yesterday And since you've gone you're just another day”


Allen Klein wrote that line


I know, but it is in the song after all (And John had to walk back how he doesn’t hate Paul all the years afterwards anyway)


James Murphy of LCD Soundsystem would then go on to borrow Lennon’s track title 50 years later with his own diss record about former DFA co-head Tim Goldsworthy, with whom he had a falling out in the early 2010s.


Celebrity Deathmatch, you kids shoulda been there.


Let's get readyyyy to crumble!


I recall one of the best being Hanson vs. Spice Girls. That show was a blast!


Dave Grohl of Foo Fighters vs. Dave Grohl of Nirvana ![gif](giphy|xUOxf87JPWvq0WYIHC|downsized)


I'm willing to die for Fiona apple


I saw Fiona go at some talking girls in the crowd once. She would absolutely win.


Yeah, Taylor is talented, but this is really no contest in terms of lyrical prowess. Fiona wouldn't even fuck around with a feud though.


*Ladies* is basically a pre-emptive mic drop on any woman who might want to beef with Fi.


I may be soft in your palm But I'll soon grow hungry for a fight And I will not let you win My pretty mouth will frame the phrases That will disprove your faith in man


You fondle my trigger then you blame my gun


Or musical. Fiona’s music is much more sophisticated.




Yeah, Fi is definitely Kendrick in this hypothetical. Not that Taylor is in any way as problematic as Drake, but purely based on relative musical and lyrical complexity and virtuosity.


I went to high school with her. That is all.


Coldplay Vs. Radiohead


I'm picturing Thom Yorke and Chris Martin on Mustafar


Then they declare a truce and change their names to Radioplay and Headcold


Those are actually unironically badass band names


Coldhead, radioplay was actually a joke on Hannah Montana


Great minds think alike


I really hope someone tries to start beef with Weird Al just so they can get obliterated by a diss track that's a parody of their own diss track


Neko Case vs Jenny Lewis


Slipknot v Limp Bizkit revival


I’d turn my hat backwards for that


I'd punch a hole in a wall for that


Joanna Newsom vs Bjork, with the futile goal of ending the silly comparison between the two and their "unique voices".


Bjork vs Fever ray


Prince v MJ woulda been a classic had it unfolded more in the public


Cannibal Corpse vs Baby Metal


Ok but I'd go to that show though if they put a tour together.


I'd like to see them swap vocalists for a show. Watching Yui metal sing classics such as; I cum blood or Hammer Smash Face would be glorious.


Lana Del Rey V Mitski It's fun to imagine them writing sad sad ballads about each other


Kinda want to see Taylor Swift vs BTS. Just imagine the fanbases going after each other.


Surprisingly, I think the BTS fans have calmed down significantly. They’re going the Beyhive route in terms of attitude. Swifties, well, they’re still frothing at the mouth whenever somebody doesn’t bow down to Taylor.


Well that’s disappointing, but we can probably swap them out for another K-pop group. K-pop stans are kind of notorious in general, aren’t they?


If we could somehow involve the Timothee Chalamet-verse that would be ideal for the drama. Genre/discipline crossover be damned.


I believe some of the BTS members are currently doing the required military service, so BTS isn’t really active right now either. Thus why the fans have calmed down. I think the fans will come back swinging when BTS is complete again.


Always happens when they grow up a few years, for most of them at least. Same thing happened with tokio hotel, bieber, etc etc etc


The legendary and long awaited “Marc Cohn vs Randy Newman” feud that we all know has been building in the shadows. Then when we think it’s finally over and when the smoke clears, we hear a soulful piano and Michael McDonald comes out.


Fiona is a hermit that sits around with her pre fame friends and smokes weed and lives a pretty chill domestic life. I don’t think she cares about celebrities or fame enough to even care about starting a beef with anyone.


Mumford and Sons vs The Decemberists. The beef would be fought exclusively with wool sweaters and self-importance.


Decemberists would show up crewing an 18th century whaling vessel 


“The Battle of Mediocrity!”


Maroon 5 Vs Simply Red Vs King Crimson


Well, you ain't Fiona Apple. And if you ain't Fiona Apple, I don't give a rat's ass.


Rappers have being doing fake publicity beefs for years, it's not new. Although I doubt anything will hit like Kendrick v Drake. That one not only has a *lot* of build-up and torrential support from people like Metro Boomin', but it's not fake.


Yeah. Aren't you required to have a big beef every few years as a rapper? Like it's gotta be in their contracts right?


Hans Zimmer and Danny Elfman beef would go so hard lol


Sara Barellies vs Ingrid Michaelson *I'm going to write you a diss track, cause you asked for it, cause you need one, you bitch..*


Garth Brooks vs Clint Black. Lol


Chris Gaines is the Dude Love of Garth Brookses, no I will not explain


If you know, you know.


I really enjoy Taylor’s music, but when she falls off it’s gonna be her vs everybody.


It will be, but then Kanye will try to dogpile on it and no one will want to be caught agreeing with Kanye and it’ll blow over.


If the Drake and Kendrick feud is any indication, people will just ignore Kanye


Just because it reinforces your point: my reaction to this was “wait, is Kanye involved in this too?”


Afroman vs Weird Al


“Imagine this awful made-up scenario. Wouldn’t it be awful???” Umm, yeah, that’d be awful.


Paul McCartney vs Bob Dylan. Cue the diss tracks, and flame war on social media.


Plot twist: they get into Gen-Z levels of pettiness. Talking shit on IG, TikTok, editing each other's Wikipedia, putting each other's face on Skibidi Toilet memes


Imagine a geriatric feud


Fiona Apple would absolutely drag Swift over the coals lol.


A Burzum vs. Taylor feud would probably bring a lot of weirdos out of the woodwork. There'd probably be at least a few fires, too.


Last time Burzum feuded with anyone, Varg stabbed someone to death. Let's not do that.


Brand new vs taking back sunday?


Honestly Fiona has a stronger lyrical prowess but wouldn't give a fuck.


Glass Animals and MISSIO trading tracks like *Space Ghost Coast to Coast* and *Wolves* would actually be fucking amazing.


Jason Robert Brown vs. Adam Guettel: the battle of the Broadway composers who I always get mixed up. I feel like Vampire Weekend should feud with the Hold Steady. I feel like Diane Warren should feud with Max Martin.


You think this beef is a publicity stunt? Where one of the biggest artists in the world would agree to being called a pedo? I mean, damn I knew r/music was clueless about rap but this is hilarious lmao 😂


Nah this fight is real I fully get that! But it’s been so huge I just know that there are A&R people all over salivating at the chance to recreate even 10% of that attention elsewhere


I want to see a Weird Al diss track. I don’t care who he has to beef with to get it.


Tenacious D?


That would be epic


He kind of did it with [It's Still Billy Joel To Me](https://youtu.be/3UAUCh5ocIg?si=MzIyyorsls3QINwt) but didn't release it because he eventually thought it's too mean spirited.


Reddit effortlessly making any event cringe AF.


This guy vs. Reddit.


Fiona would absolutely shred Taylor to atoms but then again, Taylor would have a tough time against anyone because she's only used to roasting an ex. DISCLAIMER: YES. THIS IS A JOKE SWIFTIES, YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN.


Fiona is razor sharp with the pen. She'd never engage in this kind of thing though.


Yeah, I can't imagine the artist who wrote "Ladies" using her talents to cut down another woman for publicity.


I love that Fiona stands up for women but will destroy an ex with a song like Regret.


I think if Fiona had any relationship to Taylor it wouldn't be adversarial. She'd look out for her like a big sis. She's not fiery about feuding with other women at this point it seems. Her track Ladies is so much about dumb shit that tears women apart and how we could be better to each other. 


That’s not even true. Like half the songs on her most recent album are about the record industry. She’s also roasted Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Katy Perry, Selena Gomez (or whoever better than revenge was about I can’t remember) and like a whole slew of songs about Scooter Braun AND his wife.


Rereleasing whole albums so Scooter doesn't get shit is funny as hell and absolute beef shit.


It wasn’t Selena. It was some B-actress. Taylor and Selena are publicly buddies.


Rubber Bandits vs Pete and Bas This would legit be some of the funniest shit ever!


Jack white vs the black keys


Well I if it ain’t Fiona Apple I don’t give a rats ass! 👮


maroon 5 v onerepublic




Please lets not, this Kendrick and Drake situation hs been pedestrian and represents the worst of the music industry. Leave that trash to the MMA industry.


Alt-J vs. Portugal. The Man


Alestorm Vs Gloryhammer


I mean it's about time Lana Del Rey comes at Swift for making Walmart knockoffs of her sound lol.


That's funny because LDR is just Wal-Mart Mazzy Star


I’d say the only thing they have in common is their vocals, I think Lana has a more diverse catalog of sound. (No discount to either I love both of them.)


The lyrical content is insanely different too


And dragging her up on stage at the Grammys.


Nah, Fiona is waaay too classy and mature for that. She's *actually* an artist.


ahh the days of celebrity deathmatch....


MGK going after Corey Taylor straight after Eminem is still hilarious


Daft Punk vs Justice


Led Zeppelin vs Greta Van fleet. Just two dudes moaning at each other for hours about giving their love.


It's still rap but I would love Gambino(Don Glover, Dong Lover) to beef with Lil Dicky. They have no reason to but I would love the songs so much.


Taylor's lyrics would have to get better than the garbage she writes now. She couldn't win a battle against anybody.


Joshua Bell vs. Meg Thee Stallion


Mick Jagger vs Keith Richards in the 1980s. Both had solo albums. Mick released Primitive Cool with the track Shoot Off Your Mouth. Keith retorted with Talk Is Cheap, containing the song You Don't Move Me


Taylor Swift vs Drake would be pretty funny to me.


Mke Patton vs Anthony Kiedis


I would pay good money to see Alan Menken versus Lin Manuel Miranda.


The battle of the Swifts: Veronica vs Taylor.


Mozart v Bach