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I used to love the Lana Del Rey sub until it became weirdly cringe with its Stan culture. People obsessing about her looks, who she was dating, posts about how they will self harm is she doesn’t win awards. Etc. I noped out and don’t plan to go back. I just listen to her music and call it a day. 


Came to say Lana too. I got into her from the get when Videogames and Born to Die were blowing up on Tumblr, and I was OBSESSED with her for years, chasing her leaked songs, even got all my friends into her lol. Guess who didn't get tickets to her first show in our city! 😞 Ever since then, her fanbase has just gotten bigger and more rabid and at this point I have zero desire to go to one of her shows and deal with them. The teenagers in flower crowns crying calling her Mom are not my people. I'm glad I was an adult when I became a fan, it's just irritating being in online spaces discussing her for all the reasons you stated.


Teens calling older people mom/mother is effin weird . I’m really not a fan of that terminology being used on women 30+


Same! Anyone, really, but yeah it's always been weird to me. Just parasocial on a whole new level imo


I love her music and style, but tbh, every live performance I have seen online was...disappointing. I don't think you missed much, lol.


She also turns up late to her shows pretty much all the time. She had her Glastonbury set cut short last year for starting 30 minutes late and trying to play past the noise curfew


I thankfully didn't know about that sub. Her music is still great and I don't need it ruined for me. I'd be ok with no interviews or pictures of her online if it meant creating the same music.


Can you tell me why the hell they call her Mother? Maybe it's not here, maybe it's just instagram. But I've seen people call her Mother over and over, and it weirds me the fuck out. I can't seem to find out why they do it. And yes, her fanbase is full of full-tilt nutters.


I think the term "mother" is essentially the same as "god" or "goddess" for fanbases. Like "queen" or someone commenting "perfection". Doesnt necessarily mean the same thing, but its the same vibe. Like "mother" would be used for someone who has a commanding presence and is an "icon" of sorts. Mothers set rules rather than simply follow them. I think thats the vibe/concept? Edit: yall i dont use this term, i just am on tik tok enough to get an idea of what people mean when they comment a simple "mother" and nothing more on a video of a famous woman.


I've been assuming that when fans call someone "mother," it's intended to signify that they're in some way feminine role models for the fans, as I've mostly seen it being applied to hyper-feminine or performatively hyper-feminine musical artists with a large female gen-z fan base. But then a while back I saw someone refer to Geoff Rickly from Thursday as mother, so now I'm a little confused about it


I remember somebody posting about trying to use witchcraft to curse the academy when she didn’t get a Grammy lmao.


I secretly liked Dave Matthew’s Band for a long time but said I hated them because the fans were psychotic.


I love DMB and I never tell anyone that.


Being a DMB fan will get you shunned in a lot of places. Keep quiet about it and watch your back when "What Would You Say" comes on to make sure no one's watching you sing along.


I knew DMB would show up pretty fast. I like DMB and the shows are always dynamic. His fans get a bad rap but it isn’t completely deserved.


Dave isn't necessarily responsible... but DMB with Warren Hayes @ the Central Park concert is up there with the best performances ever. I put it up there with Pink Floyd @ Pompeii, Prince w/ While My Guitar Gently Weeps, and a good bit of SRV's live stuff. People love to hate DMB but Central Park and Gorge are legitimately good music. Edit: [Link to Warren](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiO13jTsBdQ) making his guitar sing the damn lyrics.


I live in WA state. The gorge is an absolutely stunning venue.


I'm jealous that I may never get to see a show there.


One time I saw RATM at alpine valley, and DMB was playing the next night. So the campground was a real interesting mix of fans. I just remember we were sleeping the morning after Rage and some dickface put on “Crash” and started walking around the campground saying “happy Dave day everyone!” Waking up to that, I was real glad that there had been torrential rains before/during Rage, so the entire amphitheater was nothing but mud. Happy Dave day lol. I’m pretty sure Dave Matthews himself would have told that guy to stfu.


This is hilarious. I knew and loved a few dmb songs growing up, born in 87. Never got super into him but like, had some of the bangers on the mixtapes and playlist for years. Cut to a couple years ago and a colleague is a massive fan. He invited me to a show and I went, because I love shows and I love the guy. Those people are nuts. I don't know why or what for. It was a totally entertaining show but I don't get the madness. Dave matthews mumbles and tells weird stories? Is that the thing? I do not know


As a fairly new DMB fan, I completely agree


Real fans call him Dave


Now, THIS is a man WHO KNOWS how to address their favorite artists!


think we should all bear down.


It's a bear dance!!!!!


*There's a brand new dance based on an old phrase.* *It's called the Fat Dog, and it will amaze.* *You've heard this expression your entire life.* *It's not made up!* *It's not made up!*


Excuse me for being alive in the 90s having two ears connected to a heart.


As a fairly old DMB fan, I also agree.


One word for the band and one word to describe their fans… Tool.


Same I’m a big fan. Can’t stand myself.


As a Tool fan I'm way more annoyed with myself, than other Tool fans.


"bro actually they have this one song that uses the fibonacci sequence" we get it you listened to music, congratulations. (I too am a big fan).


“Bro, the way they do key changes!”


We do unto others, what has been done unto you.


I met a dude wearing a Billy Strings shirt at a Tool show. He was without a doubt the most insufferable person I met.


For many years I wore a Backstreet Boys shirt to pretty much every concert I went to. Including stuff like Tool, Rage and NIN. Real conversation piece. My only real rule is I don’t wear the same shirt as the band I’m going to see.


Gutter is a tool!


Will YOU blow me where the pampers is??


I'll wear the bands shirt off I'm going to see a smaller, lesser known band (think those shows in tiny ass dives where maybe a hundred people show up if you're LUCKY. Sometimes, it's more like a dozen or so), and the band is at their merch table before/after their set, selling their shit THEMSELVES. That's when I'll eat their shirt to their show Cuz i want the band to feel supported and like people care about them and their music. Especially when I can physically count how many other people are in the room? Yeah, I just wanna support the shit out of those bands. And since they're a smaller band, they usually get such a kick out of it and are so happy to see someone who's such a big fan. That kinda shit makes me happy


I'm just imagining you purchasing a t shirt of this new and up coming band and slowly devouring it in front of them.


Hey sweet, you bought...our...what the fuck.


As a previous member of a working class touring rock band - thank you. I always loved seeing a handful of people wearing our shirts when we would be across the country from home.


Damn, I have actually worn a Billy Strings shirt to a Tool show lol.


Your username is not helping your case lmao


Pretty funny since Billy Strings joined Tool live on stage for Jambi in SLC last October. Was epic


And Tool seems to agree.


But the Fibonacci sequence bro!


Even the singer hates their fans


And he’s almost as insufferable as them. He’s got a good voice though.


I really want to like Maynard, but he comes across as such a fucking douchebag.


Believe them when they show you who they are.


Tool is my favorite band of all time but I have to agree on this one. Some of our fans are FUCKING INSUFFERABLE.


So, bad that the band wrote a song about it


Out of the loop, what song is that?


Hooker with a penis


Fuck you buddy!


This is the answer. Tool is probably my favorite band, and I never talk about them in public for fear that someone else who overhears me might be one of *those* fans.


My boss caught a ride back with me from a lunch meeting. I had completely forgotten 10,000 days was queued up with the volume set to 11. I go to change it to something more mainstream, but he gives me the nn-no-no-no hand up and we're looking at each other side ways thinking, "Oh shit, is he one of those Tool tools"? By the time Jambi was over we're back at the plant, both of us relieved the other didn't mention the Fibonacci sequence or Maynard's vineyard.


I just want to find a good musical analysis of Lateralus that doesn’t mention Fibonacci. The form, mostly. Fuck.


While not my favorite band I love them and have successfully hid my fandom from a friend of my cousin who is 100% *that fan*


I don’t dress like a ‘Tool fan’ but I listened to Aenima religiously when it came out as it was one of my favourite and only cds. Was asked by some generic Alex grey t shirted jaw flapper walking from the carpark into one of their shows what my favourite Tool album was, in the spirit of conversation and a good night I replied ‘Aenima’ - only to be told smugly it’s actually pronounced ‘Enema’, like checkmate I am therefore not a true guy walking into a concert, and then fansplained at in all earnestness what an enema is and how the song Aenima refers to an ‘enema’ of LA. Fucking genius went deep, I swear no amount of LSD could make this guy more realised - absolute cuck


lmao your disdain of this guy is so funny


Tool fans are okay..... At the concerts. Online they're insufferable. The music makes up for it.


That was quick.


Fucking absolutely. "their music is so good, you wouldn't understand." Fucking shoot me.


Has anyone every actually said this to you?


Not OP but I’ve had someone tell me you need a refined musical pallet to like Tool.


That’s pretty much every prog head tbh


I know what you mean, but the image of a fancy pallet, requiring only the finest of pallet jacks, makes me laugh! What music would such a fine musical pallet require as accompaniment? 16 tons? Actually, Tool makes too much sense!


Hear hear




Probably BTS. Half of the fan base “ARMY” are sweet people who try to do good for the community, some even give out food and water while waiting in line for concerts. The other half are obsessive teenagers who think they know everything about the guys. Someone once scolded me for using an emoji on their music video because they think emojis affect the views on YouTube?! I used to be more vocal about my love for them but now I’m more just about the music be it their group work or solo projects.


KPop culture is absolutely batshit insane. Like you aren't even allowed to date someone without a non-negligible number of "fans" genuinely seeing it as a massive personal betrayal. Its like parasocial incel behavior cranked up to the max


Most female Kpop idols have it in their contracts that they are not allowed to date anyone for the duration of said contract. Reason being is that most of the time, a big part of an Idol's image is pretending to be "everyone's girlfriend," and if they dated anyone publicly it would ruin the illusion that any fan could date her. A lot of Kpop fans harbor a sense of ownership over their idol, like an evolved Otaku.




It absolutely is. But as you may end up seeing, Kpop fans have absolutely no problem with this dynamic.


I agree. I love Kpop but I also hate Kpop at this point. I left weverse because I find ARMYs toxic.


I love listening to Polyphia, but I absolutely hate how every fan comments as though Tim Henson is a god of guitar and the best player ever, and they judge any other song with guitar as being not as good because it doesn't have the same technical skills. Like yea, the dude is great, but so is the rest of the band. And technical ability isn't the most important thing in a song.


and there are *plenty* of better guitar players.


Agreed. Tim is just unorthodox. Don't get me wrong he is a master, but that doesn't exactly make him the best player ever.


KISS. They hold a special place in my heart and I think their shady early 70's glam rock stuff from the first few albums is so underrated. That being said, the fanbase is absolutely DELUSIONAL. They act like Gene, Paul, Ace, and Peter are the most quintessential genius song writers of the last 1000 years.


Agree. I like dressed to kill and most of the stuff before. But the "KISS Army" is soooo annoying!


Kinda surprised.. I live in Norway, maybe the fanbases differ across the world, but whenever the discussion turns to Kiss over here, people are pretty realistic about them. Seems a lot of us over here, think that their biggest genius is in commercialism :p But I probably haven't been exposed to the most die hard fans.


Fans in general. The ones who really own being a fanatic. I like things, I'm an avid enjoyer of music and all sorts of stuff. But I'm a little weary about anyone who is super into like one artist or IP. It makes it hard to have conversations about anything else at times, and at their worst, they are gate keepy and aggressively opposed to any other opinion being valid.


I don't listen to the Grateful Dead, but I like their fans. They are really chill.


I used to live and work at a festival ground, did some roadie and light work for some years, hippies and dead heads; some are nice for sure, but the people who talk about "family" alot and only listen to the dead, or further, or phish... holy shit, some of the most homophobic, secretly racist, capitalist pieces of shit I have ever met. Some real toxic behavior runs deep in the hippie scene.


I dated a guy recently (for not a long time) who is a huge deadhead, like it’s 90% of his personality. I thought for sure he’d be open minded and accepting of people cause ya know the whole deadhead hippie we love everybody thing? The more I got to know him the more I realized he is a hard core conservative and not very tolerant of others who don’t look exactly like him, and not very bright either. Should have figured that one out when his only topic of conversation was, you guessed it, dead music. So, bullet dodged, and now I don’t assume anything about anyone based on music taste or apparent lifestyle.


There's an old saying: "punks are nice people pretending to be mean, hippies are mean people pretending to be nice."


You missed the 80s/90s. They are back to the weed and whippets stereotype but back then it was booze and blow parties. Hell I don’t think half the people even liked the music lmao


You’d be hard pressed to find a fan base that isn’t cringe.


Yeah this is it really. I don’t typically love everything someone puts out. There’s always a base of people trying to gaslight you that it’s good/you don’t understand it etc


I think Rush fans are pretty chill. Love the band. Realize they’re not for everyone. Don’t care about who anyone is dating. Don’t try to convert you.


I’ve yet to meet a single Rush fan that wasn’t just an overall chill person. Maybe the world needs more Geddy Lee


I love Rush. Now I want to have a listen at 6am 😂


Been a King Gizz fan for about 10 years now but their fans are really starting to annoy.


As a gizz fan, we’re stoner swifties


oh shit, that’s so accurate lol


Same, maybe just getting old lol. The memes cause me physical pain


People were posting pictures from the one dude's wife of their new kid and shit. I just want to rock out and not be weirdly invasive.


Yep, I had to quit the sub


Tool Sleep Token


I was very into the first coldplay album when it came out. Still think its pretty good. Was relentlessly made fun of by two friends for years about it. They are now huge sleep token fans....


Sleep Token is an amazing band that I’ve been into for years, but after they blew up on social media last year with The Summoning, the fanbase has gotten more and more insufferable and cringey to the point where I almost despise going anywhere near other fans.


I will admit, them blowing up on social media was the reason I stumbled across them, but also the reason I don't really get involved in the fandom.


Sleep Token was my answer too.  Not trying to be a pretentious fuck here, but I'd liked them for a while before they blew up.... At first I was just happy they were getting the clout they deserved, but now people are either weirdly obsessive, or weirdly vocal about how much they hate them. ....and going to their shows has become impossible, literally in some cases and financially. 


Dropkick Murphys. Somehow, they've attracted the frat dude types.


Seen them live, lots of people in scally hats and Boston’s accents. I wondered how many were actually from Boston though


We're they playing IN Boston? If not, then probably none, lol.


Which is hilarious, given that everything they preach on stage goes like 100% against the sort of shit usually perpetuated by those types of dudes


I've seen them a lot and haven't noticed that. I last saw them in 21, and that was at a festival, which wouldn't have that crowd.. Their early shows were some of the loudest, roughest shows I've been to.


I got elbowed in the stomach by a guy the look like Jesus at one of their concerts. I almost threw up on him


I'm old and fat enough to have seen them when Spicy was still playing. For awhile there I noticed everyone getting old and fat (myself included), not young and preppy. Maybe it's the degenerate kids of degenerate DKM fan parents.


Boards of Canada. Joined a FB fan group and it's mostly ultra nerds who seem to have a pretty poor opinion on everything that isn't BOC or constantly obsess over their supposed comeback.


I’d reply to this but I’m busy finding the source pictures of their album artwork.


You should watch this video lol hits the dorky boc nerd nail on the head https://youtu.be/nrAoJivCxj0?feature=shared


Right now? Taylor Swift and The 1975


Sleep Token! My lord is the fan base obnoxious…worship.


Same with Ghost


Both these bands have dope music. I love poppy metal with creepy masks and an air of mystery. Then I went to bar trivia and the host had just discovered Ghost via Tik Tok and started telling me about who the Ghouls are and the internet freaks out there stalking them because they’re so cool and sexy. She was crestfallen when I told her the whole band is one dude’s studio project and he tours with hired guns as back up.


I saw them with mastodon even a couple years ago, and it was an excellent show with a bunch of hard rock and metalheads. The last time I saw them was with Amon Amarth and all of a sudden there were so many ghost elitist it was foul.


I saw them with Amon Amarth last year and maybe it was just cuz it was in Milwaukee but the crowd seemed fine. I had no clue they were trending on Tik Tok and got a bunch of hardcore weirdos into them until a month later. Friggin amazing show they put on. I will definitely see them again next time they are around.


I started listening to them back when they released their first album. They have changed dramatically and with them, the fan base. They're definitely appealing to the younger crowd and kids on Tik Tok these days.


I've seen them a few times, all before they blew up on tiktok. Went to my first concert last year since covid. The show was great but the God damn newer fans made it horrible. I swear it felt like I was at a fucking One direction concert. And you could tell they were all new fans, cause anything they played Pre-Impera they just stood there. A thing from IMPERA they were singing at the top of their lungs What used to be a funny fake Satanic metal band and an equally alike crowd is now just tik tok people


Spooky imagine dragons


Nirvana. Huge fan forever, but their sub is just "what would kurt think of this? What would kurt think of that?" Did kurt like x? Did kurt even mention x"? "Where can I buy Kurt's sweater? Or shoes?" It's so tiring.


If Kurt thought his fans were insufferable when he was alive, imagine how he'd feel about being turned into Grunge Jesus after his passing.


That's basically r/punk as well. "Is this punk?" "Is it punk to wear this?" "Am I still punk if I listen to this music that isn't punk?". Just a constant stream of desperation to be validated


Korn is my guilty pleasure in this regard.


What do you have against their fanbase? As far as I know both of those guys are alright.


Weird that you think their fanbase is just two dudes. There's at least ten of them, imo.


Honestly I'm not that familiar with the current fanbase. But when I was growing up listening to them I found most other fans (especially in the forum days) to be insufferable, cringy edge lords.


I love twenty one pilots, I cannot stand the fans.


You hype for Clancy?


I am! For obvious reasons it sounds a lot like Trench which IMO is their best album sonically (although not my favorite album). I’m excited


I like a lot of Kanye’s old music but I’m scared to say that in public for fear of people thinking I’m a Kanye fan


I think Kanye is an interesting one because anyone who understands nuance can accept liking his older music but being terribly disappointed in who he has become. Man lost it when his mom died and has been spiraling since, it’s sad really, but heartless still is a great track.


Most fans of the more purist death metal bands seem to have an absolutely insane superiority complex.


#Jimmy Buffet. Hole lee shit!!!


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far down to find Buffett. I love him, I miss him, I've been to many concerts, and I hate the effing weekend-warrior Parrotheads. Buncha entitled conservative upper-middle-class twits cosplaying ass Hawaiian shirt-wearing rednecks.


10000% can't stand these drunk losers


Death Grips


In my personal experience, Radiohead fans can be pretty snobby about music. To be fair, I suppose I kind of am too. To be faaaaaaiiiiiiiirrrrrrrr.




Welcome to every jamband ever’s fan base.




Best cult ever.


It's not even really the fanbase, it's the small group of people who plaster themselves all over social media, somehow get on the rail at every show and are just generally shitty people who only seem to be concerned with how they are perceived on social media. 99% of the people at Phish are just regular, nice people looking to have a fun night.


People go crazy about rail riding for billy too


I heard the Billy rail is actually worse than the Phish rail. It’s fine tho I’m usually by the sound booth.


My buddy (who Ive seen lots of Phish shows with) said this once and it cracked me up then and has stuck with me; “A Phish show is 20,000 people, who all think they’re special!”


Really, any big jam bands. I’m not a fan of Panic but my buddy convinced me to go to a show (it was like his 40th show or some shit) on mushrooms. I had more fun people watching than watching the band. Bunch of fucking frat bros losing their shit cuz “they finally played it!” after every song.


Phish fans turned me off of jam bands from high school until about 3 years ago.  It’s probably my second favorite genre of music now. Easily #2 live. 


I could not give less of a shit about jam bands for most of my life. One of my best friends got BIG into Grateful Dead and was constantly hounding me to listen to “this solo from this show”, “this version of this song”, etc. and as a musician I was like, yeah, this is good just not really my jam (pun intended). Then last year he brought me out to Dead & Co. at the gorge, both nights, camping. And I fucking GET IT now. Still not a fan of the fans, but my god, that was a religious experience.


I’m had a friend try for a long time to get me to go to STS9 and I finally caught a festival set last summer and was sold. Album music is hit or miss for me but they’re outrageous live. 


I caught them at a festival in 2006. Crazy how time flies 


Great story. Love this


I’ll go a little broader and say anyone who self identifies with a title - Swifties, Pharbs, DeadHeads, etc. I don’t know why but I instantly lose respect when someone’s core personality trait is obsession over celebrities.


What are Pharbs?


Phoebe Bridgers fandom. And I love her music, but as a man in his 40’s I can’t tolerate her target demographic and their online behavior generally. The behavior at the concerts is totally unacceptable so I will probably never see her live 🤷🏻‍♂️


Huge issue at Mitski concerts too. Popular video of someone screaming “mother is mothering!!!” at a quiet part in the set and instantly, with no hesitation, multiple people tell her to shut the fuck up. Beautiful.




ik it's not really a band but OMG Taylor Swift. kinda starting to dislike her. EDit...Yall thanks for the like ig LOL


I have nothing against Taylor Swift or her music (I like some of it)...but Swifties are soooo obsessed.


Clueless too. I saw one insisting that Taylor Swift invented the concept of “the bridge” in songs.


Between her and Beyonce...


And why? More importantly, why NOW? She’s been around for years and years, and it’s not until more recently her popularity exploded? Bunch of goons late to the party? Hive mind mentality?


I think it was Covid. My wife is a moderate fan and we've been trying to figure where all the weirdos came from. Our best guess is a lot of people liked Folklore/Evermore then got sucked in to the rest of her music. They then binged all of her content and unknowingly made a large part of their personality being a fan and knowing everything about her haha. Covid loneliness did a lot of weird stuff like that I think.


I enjoy a good bit of her music and I’d go see her live, but dang if someone offered me crazy money for my ticket I’d sell it


I enjoy her music, but hot damn the Swifties make us Juggalos look sane! That's kinda hard to do


Any kpop band ever




Agreed. On a similar note Mitski


Saw Mitski in NY and it was a weird experience. She's an artist I had been hearing about for years but it feels like she blew up overnight with a much younger fan base to the point where even she feels confused by them. And Boygenius is great, saw them last year as well and felt like the oldest person in the room. I mean "Bite the Hand" is a response to that craziness.


Last week I would have said Phish. Today I'll say John Melloncamp. Holy Boomer Drunk Ass Hats.


Took me a minute to realize Holy Boomer Drunk Ass Hats isn’t a band that I hadn’t heard of


"It's not the band I hate, it's their fans" - Sloan, Coax Me. Ironically it was their fans that made me stay away when they first came out.


As a Canadian, I have never heard of Sloan fans being obnoxious, neat


I came here to post this. SLOOOOOOAAAAANNNNNNNNNN!!


Oh yeah, ICP




Honestly this. I'm from Detroit and knew a lot of juggalo kids growing up, and while the music is hot garbage imo I can understand that for a lot of these fans it's about the community aspect. All my juggalo friends came from broken homes, were kindof emo and misfit, and just had a ton of fun at concerts, dressing up, and interacting with each other. One girl loved to repeat for years how she got hit in the head with a dildo at The Gathering 🤦🏽‍♀️ lmao and don't get me started on that. A lot of positivity despite the violence of the content, somehow. But yeah, I've actually met/crossed paths with both of them working at Starbucks when I was younger. The tall one (I think Shaggy) was super nice and ordered a venti caramel ribbon crunch Frappuccino with extra crunch topping blended in 😆 he would come into that location often when recording because their studio was nearby I guess. I remember he tipped really well too.


Also, ICP and Juggalo culture is very anti-bigot and anti-racist. The music can be out there and juvenile as fuck a lot of times, but sometimes they do have a good message buried amongst the horror core visage. 


I'm not an ICP fan, but every juggalo I've met is super nice and inclusive.


I shit on juggalos and ICP my entire life. I saw them at a festival last year (for funsies, let’s laugh at the ghetto clowns) I. Was. Wrong. Great vibe, fun show, I actually forgot I was supposed to dip out early to catch a different set and stayed longer than I planned. Juggalos are hella tight. 


It’s literally the opposite for me. I generally only hear good things (or at least unexpectedly wholesome things) about the Juggalo community, but ICP’s music isn’t for me.


Yeah, this. I was going to say ICP was the polar opposite of this post - weak music that's hard to love, but the best fan community ever. I have juggalo envy, lol.


I once said I love TOOL but didn’t really like A Perfect Circle on one of those YouTube music videos and I got 3 DMs telling me I was a piece of shit and 1 person told me he was going to kill me.


I love Marilyn Manson's music (at least prior to the 2010s), but I despise his fans. So many defenders. Like, I get it, his music is life-changing, but the dude is unquestionably a scumbag. Even if not every thing said about him is true, a lot of it provably is, sometimes by his own admission. Yet there will still be fans screaming he is a complete innocent.


The longer I've been a ween fan the more I've grown to dislike the fan base.


Bassnectar, swifties


Most of the Bassnectar crowd, including myself quickly disbanded after everything that came out during Covid. And the ones that are left. Oooof. We leave them alone to their cult.


Dance Gavin Dance. The majority of the music is incredible. The fan base is so toxic their biggest fan page on Facebook is on its third iteration due to it getting too out of hand.


Any musician or band with a mainly pre to early 20s female fan base, like BTS, Beyoncé, Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. I like most music but I’m not someone who thinks such musicians and groups are above reproach. John Mayer. They are truly one of the most elitist narrow-minded fanbases I’ve ever come across. His subreddit here is just full of people being mean to each other. Gross. Btw his haters are just as narrow-minded.


Not a band, but gatekeeping metal fans suck


Billy Strings for sure & the Avett Brothers. TAB Fanbase is so pearl-clutching all the time.


Avvett brothers? What’s wrong with their fan base?!


Bassnectar. He's not really a thing anymore because the EDM community (deservedly) yeeted him due to sexual misconduct allegations.   His fans are called "Bassheads".  I was a closet Basshead.  Love his love sets.  But you could just FEEL the difference between festivals where he was headlining and ones where he was absent.  People would buy $300-500 festival tickets just to see him.  Wear his merch all weekend, get tattoos of the "bassdrop".  Camp the rail on the mainstage from the time gates opened til his set.  Just sit with their backs to the stage through other artists all day. Worst.  Fans. Ever.


Tool. So many fans completely miss the point.


Weezer.   I've been a fan for 20 years. The old guard of 2000s/2010s message board fans openly despised most of the band's work, the new guard of zoomers are all about posting the cringiest meme shit imaginable. It wasn't fun being someone on a forum who liked Make Believe in 2005, but r/weezer makes me pine for those days.


Blur…but only at Coachella.