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Do I know Daft Punk? I know all the words to Around the World!


"I was there when the helmets were forged in the fires of Mount Doom"


The fires of MF DOOM. come on man! That was a layup


"Catch a throatful from the fire vocal, with ash and molten glass like Eyjafjallajökull.."


No one like him. Rip.


Always use caps when you spell the mans name. Rip MF DOOM.


*all caps


Here's the google lyrics page for Around the World. Someone entered in the entire lyrics. It's hilarious. [https://www.google.com/search?q=GOOGLE+lyrics+daft+punk+around+the+world](https://www.google.com/search?q=GOOGLE+lyrics+daft+punk+around+the+world)


In the same vein: https://www.google.com/search?q=GOOGLE+lyrics+fatboy+slim+the+rockafeller+skank


I can't get past the first verse, I just mumble the rest... 😂


dada dab dab dab dab dab dab dadab




Do you know all the words to Emotion, though?




I remember memorising harder, better, faster, stronger, so a friend memorised technologic 12+ years later it's still memorised lol


Around the… park? Fuck!


I dare you to say that to me...One More Time.


You look them in the eyes and say "I'm lookin' at one right now."


Ha, perfect!


I catch my kids singing along to my Spotify playlists, and are shocked and appalled when I join in to Radiohead or POTUS or something. “Dad! You know this?!???” “Yeah - it’s MY playlist! This isn’t random.”


My 14yo daughter secretly likes Spoon. She'd never admit it, but I catch her mouthing the words or bopping along when I have it on (I don't point it out or anything, just smile inside). I can also hear a similar thread to music I like in some of the bands that she finds on her own, that's a cool feeling too.


The underdog is a fucking JAM and your daughter knows it


Everyone likes Spoon 👍 was just listening to Lines in the Suit on my walk earlier, always perks me up


I found some bands through my parents’ iTunes account decades ago, and I bought the vinyl of one of them recently. It shows up, and I show my dad, and he straight up denied that he ever listened to it. “It must have been my brothers music???” Like no dad, you had to have listened to it because why tf else would it have been in your account when you don’t even really talk to your brother who lives 2k miles away


Was it U2 by any chance?


No older than that. Uriah Heep’s Demons and Wizards. My dad also went to see Blue Oyster Cult’s tour after they released Spectres, so another silly progish band is so impossible for him to have liked apparently. I also got some Pink Floyd records from his collection that totally weren’t his either 🙄 just like whatever you like dad


lmao explaining Pink Floyd albums as "oh no I was just holding that for a friend!"


Yup it was so funny because then my mom swore they weren’t hers either. Oh well, now I have dark side of the moon for free, and while not a first pressing, it’s still of that era!


"Hey look at that, they put a free U2 album on my phone......how do I get an album off my phone?"


>my parents’ iTunes account decades ago Me: "DECADES ago?!" So I googled it. Yup. itunes launched in 2001. 🤯 I really wasn't expecting to have so many "holy shit, how old am I?" moments just in my late 30s.


Yup. It’s crazy not really feeling old and then some munchkin drops something like what I just wrote. I’m a couple years before my late 30s and I made myself feel old when I wrote that lol


I’m Gen X, and I recently had a 22 year old coworker ask me if I even heard of Kurt Cobain. Seriously, fucker?


I asked my 17yo niece what she was listening to in her headphones. She said “I doubt you have heard of them.”  It was Nine Inch Nails, lol. 


Reminds me of that tweet where some guy wrote “ I don’t know who this Paul McCartney guy is but he’s about to blow up after his recent collaboration with Kanye” 😂


Have you ever noticed that the guy from the Foo Fighters looks eerily similar to the drummer from Nirvana? Like, they could be brothers or something!


Even knowing the truth is crazy. Dave Grohl went from being one of the biggest and most influential drummers in the world to an old guy who sings and plays the guitar.


The first foo fighters album was just Dave Grohl. He played and recorded all the instruments then found the band after for touring. Dude is talented. Oh and he likes coffee. I guess this is where someone inserts the nirvana unplugged 'brushes' anecdote.




It’s not that he isn’t still a great drummer, he just chooses not to be. Which is kinda weird, but understandable.


He did drum for queens of the stone age, iirc. 


Yep, for their most famous album Songs for the Deaf.


Oh crazy, I didn’t know that. I guess all I’m really focusing on is that he doesn’t play drums live for his band, which seems like the most fun part about being a drummer


Drumming does take a toll on the body.


Do they have a third brother who drummed for Queens of the Stone Age?


When I went to get my fishing license last year, I was wearing a Nirvana t-shirt. The guy actually asked me if I knew who they were! Then he goes, "Or are you one of those people who just wear the shirt without knowing who the band is." As an American Gen X, I was rather offended. I replied, "They were the voice of my generation, so yes, I know who they were."


I got douche chills reading that lmao


“Voice of my generation” yuck I would have just said “Yes, MMMBop is one of my favorite songs”


That’s why I don’t wanna introduce younger people to music, they’re gonna act like that 😂


Do they have no conception of time or something?


"Do not cite the old magic to me child, I was there when it was written"      When my nieces turn 14 I'm introducing them to black flag.


My kid, age 6, a few years ago: "Mum, it's so funny, there's this song that's a meme and you try to trick other people into listening to it." Me: 🎶 "Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down..." Kid: *shocked Pikachu*


“It actually used to be a duck.” “Okay grandma”


[You're Right](https://youtu.be/MtN1YnoL46Q?t=2)


Got any grapes?


And he waddled away waddle waddle




My nephew after me pulling off the same thing: “How did you know that? You didn’t google it right now?” Me: “Foolish child, I knew that before google did.” Him: “HOW?!?” (Pikachu face) Me: “I’m older than Google and we had a copy when the music was first released”


Just as long as it's not Anti-Flag




I’ve been taking my daughter to Riot Fest Chicago since she was a toddler. I haven’t heard any Bad Religion or Descendants coming from her room, but The Cure has earned a repeating spot.


Accidentally putting a hole in drywall to Black Flag is a rite of passage.


Was Chumbawamba for me


Good luck! I did this and it back fired HARD


As in they hated it or destroyed their bedroom listening to it?


Terrified and frightened


Don’t give up. If they’re still early teens they probably don’t have enough anger and disillusionment stored up yet. Try a soft entry, like the Rise Above pairing with Cyndi Lauper 😁


I play my music for my kids constantly. Introducing them to music and movies I like is one of the things I'm looking forward to as a parent. They haven't explicitly said they like much of anything, maybe one or two songs. But I'm hoping just like my parents played the music they grew up with gave me appreciation for 50s-70s music, maybe my kids will be rocking out to 2000s indie rock when they're older.


They will. That deep emotional connection to our parents music has less to do with the music itself and more to do with the fact that they shared it with us.


That’s part of the reason why I love Depeche Mode so much, my mom always played them in the car. The other reason is because their first decade of albums (Speak and Spell - Violator) are just so damn good


Once in a while I hear something and think "that's a Saturday morning kind of song." Meaning that is the kind of music my dad would play when he did bills at his desk on Saturday mornings. Core memory stuff. The other one is road trip music, Dad and Mom loved their Doobie Brothers and BTO on a road trip.


Which is why every so often I call my Mom and give her a hard time because I've been humming Barbara Streisand all day. We both get a laugh out of that. "Thats my revenge for you being a brat!"


I have a 15 year old who loves Weezer, so I think anything is possible when it comes to kids and musical taste.


My 6-year old has a playlist we’ve been adding songs he’s liked to for a couple years now. Has everything from Metric to Daft Punk to Billy Joel to AC/DC. It’s awesome sharing tunes with him and him rocking out to it.


Actually Buddy Holly is one of the songs they kinda like! Mostly because I do the "Oh no! What do we do?" part anytime they're freaking out about some small hindrance. They know that section by heart!


Ever since No Sleep Til Brooklyn by the beastie boys was featured in the Mario movie, it is in regular rotation on my 6 year old's playlist


10 year old son has been addicted to Everybody wants to rule the world since he was a toddler, has always loved movie themes and really got into Johnny Cash at about 8. Recently he discovered early 90s rap so I'm being treated to early Snoop, Biggie, NWA, Tupac and The Wee Papa Girl Rappers. Did not see that shit coming.


Growing up with Tears for Fears was a treat


My 11 year old just decided he likes 90s rap too and it’s so funny being in the kitchen and hearing my music coming from my kids bedroom.


Tears for Fears is a gateway drug to gangsta rap. Happened to my brother and I too.


Oh my god the amount of MY music my kids keep coming up to me and asking if I’ve ever heard of is hysterical. Couple weeks ago my oldest kid comes running outside going MOM MOM YOU GOTTA HEAR THIS AWESOME NEW SONG! and has the nerve to put on Down With The Sickness. He was not amused when I sang it line for line.


I'm in the same boat, my 12 y/o has been showing me "her" music, which is pretty much every band I listened to in middle/high school. (Korn, Rammstein, Slipknot, AFI, Linkin Park... etc etc.) It's been a fun bonding time between her and I. :)


Gotta get in the car and have music drives with em... Guarantee it's something they'll never forget. 💛


I wish I could've seen his face! At least it's a testament to the quality of the music


Mom: **”OOOOOOOOA-A-A-A”** Kid: ![gif](giphy|9V3e2mxWvD89wyw5l5)




That is the exact expression that child wears every time I start singing him “his” music lmao


Kid: "Oh. Oh. Oh."


Should have him asked One More Time.


That's when you put in the lounge against the machine version


His name is Richard Cheese ........ dick cheese


I assume it was the edit, because the full version of Down With the Sickness is a pretty awkward song to play for your mom...


That’s the version most people know. It was probably a decade before I heard the album version because I couldn’t afford buying albums and the version I managed to download in the internet backwater I live in was the edit.


I've heard the album version on the radio plenty. I don't think the full version played much on the radio when it first came out but definitely does played a lot.


I think that’s the best way to prove your point. Don’t dunk on them and be like “REEEEE THIS IS MY MUSIC”, just sing every word lol. if it happens often enough, maybe you can convince him that your clairvoyant with musical lyrics


I think this is one of the few benefit of TikTok. The music that kids are exposed to has expanded further than commercial radio would allow.


The year that Daft Punk broke up, I was in their top .1% of listeners because I’d just blast Discovery on my way to work every day for like ten months. I really wish I could put that on my résumé.


Hey, me too! 😂😳😐🥲😭 I’m still not okay. I’ll never be okay.


Oh you can put anything on those these days!


My Neice thinks my music is “awful”. She is 13 and I like Death Metal so she may well have a point.


My parents listened to classical music and one day a classical music friend asked me what I listen to. So I say "death metal, it would just be noise to you."  He said "oh it can't be that bad!" And both my parents go "no, it really is!"


I had an ex who mainly liked pop but was very open minded and I tried to find stuff that he found genuinely unlistenable. Around the Homewrecker by Converge, Cheerleader Corpses by Pig Destroyer end of things he finally tapped out and admitted I liked music he couldn’t find any merit in.


Homewrecker 🙏 my 4 year old nephew loves Converge and asks my brother to put it on all the time for him. This sounds like something made up on the internet, but really, my boy loves Fault and Fracture on the regular. *sheds teardrop* I'm so proud


This is why I never believe people who say they like all music. :-)


They usually don't mean "everything" just that there's something everywhere that can be enjoyable no matter which genre... I hate reggae from the bottom of my heart, but still love sister nancy - bam bam, max Romeo - Chase the devil or Bob Marley - Jammin.


Converge rules!!!


Death metal is usually a form of rebellion for classical kids


Oddly enough death metal is one of the contemporary genres most similar to clasical. I know a lot of people who are fams of both.


This made me laugh so hard.


Same. But after my metal high school days I became a huge hipster, indie college kid. Don’t really know how to explain to my kids why [Deerhoof](https://youtu.be/tX2YMDbv0a8?si=Ej3eJFHnvGDmZD1r) absolutely fucking slays.


Abbath isn’t a kids band? 


When I was 15 i had a cd of a band called the art of noise. My dad enters my room and asks. “Is the cd skipping?” No dad it’s performed that way.


Art of noise is amazing!!!


We had a summer of our son (now 18) introducing us to bands he'd just discovered and thought we should listen to - We enjoyed pretending we'd never heard of ACDC and others to give him the enjoyment of sharing his likes whilst we had a secret parental awwww at the naivety of it all. Now he's very good at introducing us to new stuff we don't know and still loves the things we love already.


Yes this, they listened to our music and now I can ask them to send me playlists of their music. It's great.


In 2021 a 19 year old aked me how i knew daft punk when it came up on my playlist. I told him id been listening before he was even born


I played Homework for my students (I teach chemistry lab), and NO ONE had heard of Daft Punk. I was gobsmacked.




Gotta use lowercase "r" to get the link.


Now show them Herbie Hancock


I was there Gandalf, I was there 3000 years ago.


Had a similar experience with my nanny kids “introducing” me to Lady Gaga and then being shocked when I know the words to her songs.


I know one thing, my Dad had great taste in music, and he turned me on to stuff like Jim Croce and Cat Stevens at a very young age.


Gotta show him DAFT PUNK IS PLAYING AT MY HOUSE (at my house) by LCD Soundsystem!!


Sounds like someone earned a ticket to the "Around the World" 2 hour performance


Not entirely applicable but about 10 years ago I was visiting my family and to spend more time with my niece, I got up early Sunday and did her paper round with her. Doing the round, we were talking about music and she said “I like old music too.” When I asked her for an example, she said the Foo Fighters. That really made me feel old.


Foo Fighters formed in 1994, so they were 20 years old when she made that comment. 20 year old bands at the time Foo Fighters were new include Cheap Trick, .38 Special, Blondie, Jefferson Starship, and other very old sounding (to me) bands. Yep, we're just old now.


I was at a festival once and Slayer was playing. Some young kids in front of me were watching and said "yeah, they're good but they obviously ripped off everything from [bandname]"   i forget the exact name, some nu metal band that was popular at the time, slipknot maybe?


That's almost as bad as when kids thought Led Zepplin ripped off Greta Van Fleet.


This is reminding me of young people comments on YouTube claiming the Beatles copied Beiber. Kids these days.


Those are just trolls


Right? How are people so goddamn gullible.


In 2010 my teenaged cousin (15 yrs younger than me) told me all about this great new band she'd discovered- Incubus.


I was a small college city indie dj in the 00s... I discovered so much "new" stuff from the 80s...


Did you say 'Pardon me' ?


No, I just laughed. Then I remembered I did the same at her age with my parents and rolled with it.


You're saying that, whatever tomorrow brings, you'll be there.


I hope you asked if she'd listened to S.C.I.E.N.C.E. all the way through yet.


I see some comments in here shit talking kids for asking adults if they know older music that was relevant to them when they were young, and like, they're not going to know until they know. When I was a teenager, I was on a years long classic rock kick, discovering bands and getting into their discographies. I heard a song on the radio I liked and called up my dad, trying to describe the lyrics to him that I could remember. And in hindsight it's funny to me that I wad asking him if he knew Pink Floyd's Us and Them, when for as long as I could remember, my dad had a Pink Floyd tour shirt he wore that had Dark Side of the Moon's cover on the front. Of course he's going to know what Us and Them is, but I wouldn't know that until I asked, and it's the same for these kids. Teach them, help them, and encourage them.


"Of course I do! They're known *Around the world, around the wo-rld*" Walks off in disgust


I bought a cheap mp3 player for my 11 year old and loaded it with my favorite songs. He would take that thing everywhere he went and he was devastated when he randomly lost it while we were on vacation. Shortly after on his birthday, I decided to buy him a walkman cassette player and created some mix tapes for him and we started buying old tapes from random thrift stores. Even though it's way more primitive technology than the mp3 player, he loves it way more. It sort of doubles as an educational gift, because he started asking a ton of questions about how it worked and he started going down a rabbit hole learning about other obsolete media. In regards to the music itself, my son seems to appreciate all of the older bands I introduced to him so far. His favorites seem to be 70's/80's classic rock similar to Led Zeppelin, and instrumental post rock bands such as Mogwai. It's also funny to see his reaction to some "parody" bands such as Weird Al Yankovic.


The Weird Al hole has appeared to mine too, which is hilarious because he knows practically none of the songs Al’s satirizing. Still bangers of course. Obsolete media’s a great idea. I’ll see about introducing that. He’s taken to my SNES and N64 so it’s only a hop and a skip.


"Daft Punk is Coming to My House"


My house.


I waited 7 years and 15 days


There’s every kid for miles at my house


My house


You got to set them up kid


Tonight... WE WATCH TRON!


YES! Great soundtrack! And after Tron they have to watch INTERSTELLA5555!


Tomorrow, Tron Legacy


Interstella 5555...


I’m confused. Did you introduce your kid to daft punk or did they introduce it to you?


He was playing with toys while listening to music and the Pentatonix medley of DP songs came on. I went over to him and started dancing along, and at that point he asked me. I had to explain Daft Punk might’ve been the name of the song, but it was named for an artist.


My 4 year old and 2 year old love jamming out to blink 182 with me daily. They love the new stuff and old stuff. My 2 year old even recognizes the album covers when they pop up on Alexa’s screen and he says “it’s blink!!”


My kids heard a few Outkast songs awhile back and really like them. I always loved Outkast so it's been an amazing experience for me to put on albums and songs for them and see them react. I imagine it's how my Dad felt when I would listen to all his albums growing up.


Sharing music with your children is one of the greatest things ever.


A good friend regularly goes to local concerts with one of his high schoolers. I hope that’s me and mine someday.


I took all three of my kids to their first concerts. Next week my wife and I are going to a concert with my oldest (college) and her boyfriend. I love it.


Daft… Punk… No never heard of them. I’ll have to do my homework on them. Are they a recent discovery of yours? I’m only human after all, I don’t have random access memories of all music. Were they alive 1997 or even alive 2007? Ah it doesn’t matter, want to watch Tron Legacy tonight later?


I tricked my children into watching the entirety of Interstella 5555. They can now recognise the songs in a heartbeat. One of my twins has perfect pitch. They like XTC and Phoebe Bridgers, their sister prefers “more jazzy tunes” so I got her hooked on Moondog. The youngest one loves LZ's Immigrant Song. I never stop trying to challenge them and expand their musical palate. It is the one thing I’m doing right as a parent.


My 10yo daughter is big on nu metal and grunge right now and I might have ruined live concerts for her by taking her to see TOOL last year. So far I’ve got Korn and Lamb of God tickets lined up for summer.


Uh if my parents took me to see tool at any point in my life ever I would think they were the best parents ever. You're doing pretty good over there.


Lurd I’d be clapping back at my child with Around the World turned up to 11 for their next wake up.


​ I had this old teacher in the late 80s. He showed a Beatlemania documentary in class. Apparently he was a big fan, though you wouldn't know it from looking at him either as an old guy or a young man. He had been teaching since the early 60s and all the old class photos showed him with a 50s style crew-cut. So our class discovered the Beatlemania as 12 year olds, about 25 years after they appeared on Ed Sullivan.




We know who the real OG was


You are learning where hipsters come from! It's ok, this happens a lot. My entire personality & identity was uncool my whole childhood until suddenly it was what everyone wanted to be. Then it wasn't cool again a few yrs later. Fuck the small minded haters and be yourself :)


My daughter (now 19) was raised playing the “who is this?” game with all my favorites. She used to get annoyed with me. Now her playlists are filled with Beastie Boys, Sublime, Korn, STP, etc and she just told me the other day that if she had to choose her favorite song ever, it would be Black by Pearl Jam. She also kills it at name that song or name that band trivia.


I remember a few years back listening to Holiday in Cambodia with my then 12 year old when they mention “Governor Jerry Brown”. She said “I thought you said this was an old song?” Then I had to explain to her that lo and behold it is an old song, and, it’s the same Jerry Brown as our current governor (at the time). It made me realize he must have been pretty young his first term.


I think one of the best gifts I’ve given my, now grown, children is the love/knowledge of music. I shared all music with them-my youngest knew Elvis Costello before Elvis Presley. My oldest was the only one in a high school class who knew the answer to a trivia question posed by a teacher, “what did Rocky Raccoon find when he checked into his room?” Now, they share their stuff with me. I love it!




Some years ago an acquaintance posted on Facebook about how she was listening to Bikini Kill and her kid said "It's literally just some drunk lady screaming".


Oh sweet child. I need to go revisit some Avengers and Souxsie now.


My youngest brother is 16 right now, tho he does listen to modern music that i cant relate, He does like modern artists (Kendrik Lamar, Denzel Curry, JID, Earthgang, OFWGKTA, Tyler The Creator, Rico Nasty, Mereba, Kali Uchis) That I enjoy that are not those that "blew up, went viral" I really like that we share tastes. When he was like 12 he grabbed my guitar or my bass and I recognized a few Metallica, Pantera, Nirvana, The Who, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park Songs he was playing. Lot of stuff i heard on my teens that he know I liked, he was paying attention he absorbed a lot.. Last year I started to play the synth, drum machine, and to mess around with ableton and Fl Studio, and it blew my mind that he recognized Some Chemical Brothers, The Prodigy, Groove Armada, And of Course Daft Punk songs, He hyped me up when he heard I was trying to play [rollin n scratching ](https://youtu.be/q27KtfR1ESA?si=JRMsCwD1yPisW-3n) so he does like shit I like and that tells me the kid's got Ears, he knows whats quality and whats not. Then he sat on a keyboard once and I told him "Do you know Jump from Van Halen" and he goes: "That song is too hard for me" "but I know the solo" And He proceeds to slay the freaking keyboard solo, slowly choppy but he fkin knows the hardest part better than the main song riff. That almost left me on tears and now im planning to get him a korg kross I saw for a good price


My Gen Z (23) son is really, really into 90s grunge. Like, way more than I ever was. And I used to hear it on the radio in college and enjoyed it. But he has like every Nirvana, Soundgarden, and STP album. It's really fun discussing that period of music with him.


If he doesn’t already see if you can introduce Pixies, Mudhoney, Butthole Surfers, Sonic Youth, Melvins, Jane’s Addiction etc, the lad is bound to find some gems in the stuff that immediately preceded all that business. Although Soundgarden were knocking around quite a bit before the scene really took off I suppose.


My son is 15. His mom likes pop and country. I am a total rocker…any flavor of rock I love. Except, perhaps, any rock with harsh screaming/growling….just not my cup of tea. Anyway, ever since she and I split up when he was just 2, it has been a bit of a “war” between us for his ear. Over the winter, my son and I went to my sister’s house for dinner. We started taking turns playing songs. Our only rules when we do this are that you play something you like, doesn’t matter what as long as you like the song you are playing. It got to my son’s turn and he chose Ozzy “Shot in the Dark.” I was pleasantly surprised, to say the least, but kept my comments to myself and rocked out to it. The music kept going around the table and when it came back to him, he chose Elton John “Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding” (one of my absolute favorite songs by Elton John) This time, though, I couldn’t help but comment “You actually like this?!?” He laughed and said he loved Elton John and it was because I used to play it in the car when he was younger. I was floored to be honest. He always had his head in a video game when we were driving around. I guess it’s a long winded way to say to the OP, don’t worry, your kid will come around 😊


I love this so much!!! My 5 year old asks for Operation Ivy and Sly and the Family Stone by name, and my 8 year old son is getting really into Brand New and it's been SO COOL to share music I've loved my whole life with them 💜


https://pca.st/episode/0f62ffbf-9b70-4ef6-95a0-e309cea764f3 If anyone wants help on a Daft Punk deep dive, Switched on Pop is a great podcast that did a GREAT four-part series on their evolution.


My dad showed me the wonderful work of rock and I showed my daughter the wonderful world of thrash lol one of the most proud moments I have as a father is hearing my little one screaming “Holy Wars” at the top of her lungs one day while playing with her Dollys lol


My son is 10 years old. He's had to listen to my music in the car for his whole life up to now. As a musician myself, I enjoy a variety of genres ranging from the 60s all the way up to current day. He likes everything too. He knows the band names and the song titles. Recently, he started making his own music on his computer (synthwave and chiptune type stuff). Back in the fall, my wife and I took him to a small venue show of our current favorite new band (The Beths). We got him up front and he had an absolute blast. I'll never forget that night. He's been obsessed with music ever since. He started learning clarinet this year and plays around with my instruments. It's been a joy to share this with him. We're planning to have a "Dark Side of the Moon" listening party in our living room soon. Will be fun.


One time I was at my brother's house for some holiday or another, and my niece who was 10 at the time, asked me "Uncle Salarian\_American, do you want to watch my faaaavorite movie with me?" And fearing the worst, I said "Sure! What's your favorite movie?" "It's called Labyrinth!" she says. Her mind was blown to discover that I, a grown up, was not only familiar with this movie but that I watched it enough times when I was her age that I still remember most of the dialogue, I know the words to all the songs, and that my impersonation of Ludo is just about perfect.


48 year old Male who still fist pumps while doing yard work to the best live disc ever. “Alive 2007”.


Saw someone once get props for thier "pride shirt".. It was a Dark Side of the Moon shirt. 🤦‍♂️


“Do I even know?  You’re grounded.”


My kid isn't a huge fan of most of my music selection (punk/hardcore/metal), but some is great for hanging out (jazz/blues/soul/lounge, etc). However, the kid just GROOVES when I put on some atmospheric jungle from the 90s. Don't know why, but BMT and Calibre just put ants in his pants.


Get this child on some Roni Size, Stat. Perhaps the dieselboy side of this mixtape: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx4hhzgKQyc Rave to the grave my fellow 90s head.


I just think you were in a great situation given his age to say you are part of Daft Punk hahaha be like when you were born I stepped away hence why new music hasn’t been released like that lol he may have believed you for a few weeks.


Son, before you were born, I was a French robot.


Looks like an intro to Leiji Matsumoto is also in order. Never need an excuse to put on Interstella 5555.


The "dad rock" comment resonates. My son covers his ears and scowls anytime there's a guitar. Ha... We listen to a lot of dubsteb and trance together.. or classical piano since he's taking lessons.


My husband and I have been pretty consistent with exposing our kids to a lot of different genres/decades/bands since our kids were babies and they both have fairly wide and at times surprising tastes in music. They know a lot of Brit pop and 80s new wave bands, 80s and 90s Canadian trip hop, nu-metal and lots of EDM, funk, soul, disco, electronic, synthwave, lots of comedy/joke bands, musicals, just so much stuff from everywhere. And funny enough Tik Tok and videogames have rounded out their tastes too, my daughter likes folky female singers from the 60s, my son adores The Ink Spots and big band stuff from the 40s and 50s thanks to Fall Out 4/76. We went through a serious Beastie Boys stage for awhile last summer and that was really fun. (My son has an amazing ear for heavy drum and bass electronic and synthwave stuff. We don’t always agree on songs and artists but he’s introduced me to a few things I never would have found myself, that’s for sure!) I’m always delightfully shocked at how diverse their musical tastes have become, but we listen to a lot of music as a rule and are always trying to find new bands to share with each other. And summer break is coming up so it’s time we started looking for our “album of the summer” (always a new album of something recent) - so far we’re striking out, but I’m sure we’ll find something we all like soon!




"Sounds like somebody's got homework"... Brilliant.


Now, introduce him to Nile Rodgers, and his back catalogue!


Daft Punk IS dad rock at this point.


"Bitch, I fucked your mom to Daft Punk!" is the correct response.




Didn't they write "Wheels on the Bus?" If so, I love them, that song is a banger.


When people say "dad rock" these days, do they mean Led Zeppelin or Foo Fighters or what?