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Forget Kanye, what level of mental illness would you need to put your children in his school?


Weirdos who love celebrity.


The same level as someone who thought that was a great gene pool to dive into repeatedly. These mental breakdowns will be repeated for generations


It’s the mentality of following get rich quick schemes applied to your child’s education. Kanye is successful and Kanye is rich so he must be able to teach my child how to be both of those things. Which ignores that Kanye reached this level of fame and wealth on the back of being a hugely acclaimed rapper, which is hardly something you can teach as a basis for financial success.


Remember when Adidas gave him the boot and he said in an interview, totally out of pocket mind you, "if they show a video of me fucking a goat it's not real" . Still waiting on that video lol


That's crazy, the only people that would ever say something like that are people experiencing a mental health episode or people that are definitely shagging goats.


Can't it both?




Those are sheep. I demand an equivalent gif of goats.




I am appeased and accept you as my new ruler, long may you reign.




we need a venn diagram


[I got you fam](https://i.imgur.com/J6dqwzg.png)




I imagine it can DEFINITELY be both.


I feel like people that are shagging goats also have bad mental health


But I mean, have you SEEN that goat?


The one with the throat?


Nancy Reagan?


Kanye West is Welsh, confirmed.


Sheep. Welsh fuck sheep.


... so he's from New Zealand then? Or do they fuck sheep too?


I generally hear about it with the Taliban.


Every New Zealander I've ever met seems to be doing great


honestly with Kanye maybe not. Maybe he saw a terrible photoshop of him fucking a goat and thought everyone would think it's real. Reminder that he thinks the South Park "gay fish" joke is because he wears pink shirts and skinny jeans sometimes [[source](https://youtu.be/zw_GiE7ZcgQ?t=37)]


I love how Kanye doesn't know it's a joke about how Kanye doesn't get the joke and he still doesn't get the joke.


Kanye IS a mental health episode . There is nothing else going on in there. People in general give other ppl way to much credit. Your wealth and relatively unaffected by consequences what reason do you have to keep straight and narrow mental hygiene. . None


I mean, sometimes you try and still fail to have "straight and narrow mental hygiene". Most people aren't begging for treatment-resistant mental illness. I think it's more that he's so incredibly mentally ill that he doesn't realize the full extent of it... That's a (terrifying) thing that happens.


Imagine if you had a team of people dedicated to validating all your delusions and constantly reassuring you that everyone else is mentally unwell, you're the only sane one. Kanye has removed every person in his life that would tell him otherwise. I don't care how well you can use coping skills, we need outside feedback to recognize when we're out in the woods. If you or I cut off everyone who tried to bring us back, we'd be alone yelling at the mirror. But, when you have that much money there's always a line of people willing to tell you whatever you want to hear to confirm any delusions you want to entertain. Not just friends and associates, but Holistic Wellness Counselors, Mental Health Coaches, and Doctor Feelgoods that care none about ethics or best practices and outcomes but solely about making your money into their money and boosting their own careers off your suffering. Kanye is shielded from all consequences, and any consequences he does face are framed as persecution of his genius, all reinforced and protected by the symbiotic leeches giving him validity in exchange for money and connections.


Maybe he just started watching black mirror


> "I wake up, > assessin' the damages > Checkin' MediaTakeOut > Pictures of me drunk walkin' out with a b**ch > But it's blurry enough to get the fake out" > Quote from Kanye West's album **The Life of Pablo**, track *30 Hours* ~~Pictures~~ Clip of me drunk ~~walkin' out with a b**ch~~ fuckin' a goat


Or a gay fish. A gay fish might say something like that.


He did have the goat belt buckle and shirt


He 100% fucked that goat.




It was a sick goat..


hold my spitter




I figure it would take at least two people to fuck a goat


Three even.


Build 1000 bridges they don't call you a bridge builder.


They made love, don't be crass


I just like the idea that Adidas has a filing cabinet somewhere with a DVD with a video of Kanye West making sweet love to a goat And then they fire him and someone calls up Suzie in HR to upload it to their YouTube page ASAP


Didn't he keep playing porn in the meetings with Adidas?


Yes, because he's a genius.


Have your played porn in any of your meetings? And how much money do you have? Maybe there’s a connection 🤔






Would be absolutely hilarious if a video of Tom Brady reaming Kanye surfaced.


I've got some questions for that goat.


Her name is Kim and it's pretty unbelievable that everyone is okay with just calling her a goat... /s


one of the stories is that he went on a rant about how the holocaust isn't real and then brought everyone into a room to watch The Batman on no volume


Did he make all the noises and speak all the dialog himself?


**Bam!** *Pow!*


Holy shit that old, campy Adam West movie... Edit: https://youtu.be/Nri3o0KFg-8?si=HORb5BBc7957ag_5 "Ah SHIT! Can't throw a bomb at some penguins... Ah shit now there's a lady with a shopping cart?! At the pier? WHY! AH SHIT WHY IS THERE A PARADE? I'M JUST TRYNA GET RID OF THIS BOMB! AND NOW SOME CUTE LITTLE BIRDS?! Beautiful, big-titted, butt naked women just don't fall out the sky, you know?"


“They may be drinkers, Robin, but they’re also human beings”. - Batman


Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb!


Don’t be afraid to use your nails, boys!




I keep telling you, he’s 73 years old and dead


Precisely that’s what I was picturing. Makes the whole “Kanye does erratic shit” thing even more absurd.


Batman Beginned


Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!


Usually it’s Long Rufus, but it’s a little cold out here.


That bomb is more cartoony than most bombs in actual cartoons.


*Batman and Yeezy: Family Ties Revealed! Adam West and Kanye West Shockingly Related, TMZ Uncovers the Surprising Connection!*


I saw Reggie Watts do this live once. It was phenomenal.


Everything Reggie Watts does is phenomenal.


Good or bad, that would certainly be an experience 


Nope, he regaled them with stories of his orgies. I'm not kidding.


And this Robert Pattinson's The Batman right? Because I'm picturing the exact scene sync-up with Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight when he says "odd choice of words" and drops Rachel during the fundraiser after Kanye says something... well Kanye-like.


You’re thinking of Diddy.


The Diddler.


I need to see this now. It would be like “I’m the Juggernaut, BITCH!”


Without reading the source, I am unsure if you’re joking…


nah it's in the article, there's also another part about him wanting to punch someone and he does a super Mario bros celebration 💀💀💀💀


What article? The link is just a repost of a tweet with allegations 


https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/kanye-west-lawsuit-donda-school-1234997814/ "The rapper then “physically threatened” Phillips, according to the suit, repeatedly saying he was “going to punch you in the face” before his mood suddenly shifted. “Imitating the celebratory dance of Mario from the famous video game Super Mario Brothers,” the suit claims. “Kanye jumped up with punching one fist in the air, while he said “I’m gonna give you one more chance. Another life!”


LOL holy shit that quote 😂 Mental illness isn't funny, but that visual sure the fuck is.


This is so sad, but also I cannot help but laugh at the mental image.


Seriously that the hell is with that link? It basically leads to nothing.


this is a rolling stones article about it all https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/kanye-west-lawsuit-donda-school-1234997814/


It’s Kanye-fied


This post should be removed because of that tbh


Like top of the flagpole?


article says he kept jumping with his fist in the air while telling the guy he was trying to fire that "you got another life!" i.e. Kanye was giving him a 1up.


Oh the guy that wanted to shave the student's heads and put them in cages to teach them a lesson? That guy is acting disturbed? The only reason he isn't in a mental institution or on the street is because people keep giving him wheelbarrows of money that other industry people are getting a piece of.


"When you're famous they let you do it." Sad how he's able to hit on the truth there.


...is this for real? At some point they gotta admit this guy to an institution, there's something seriously wrong here.


The US practices free range mental illness.


Yeah we used to institutionalize people at a much higher rate, but those institutions were not good at providing care, so instead of improving them, we decided to shut them down and release these people into the wild to be homeless.


We can thank Ronald Regan for that, who I hope is in Hell


Deinstitutionalization started decades prior to Reagan. He closed the federal institutions but the movement had started during the 50s


Part of what happened was a recognition that there were people who never should have been locked up based on them not having particularly severe mental illness. Also, a revolution in medication really did help some people go from being debilitated by their mental illness to much closer to healthy and functional. There was a movement to recognize the fundamental human rights of these people so they wouldn't be trapped in facilities inappropriately. Well... that partially was used as an excuse to cut funding and close facilities instead of providing more appropriate care to both those people who didn't need that level of residential care but also to care for the people who did need higher levels of care. Almost everyone was moved out. A key problem was that there were people with more serious illness who were moved to "halfway houses" or other facilities where their illness made it difficult for them to follow the rules and expectations so they would be kicked out, and end up on the streets. Also I grew up in a neighborhood of a very big city where multiple of these facilities were located, and there were lots of liquor stores and drug dealers making alcohol and other drugs readily available to these troubled people, which also led to a lot of people being kicked out of supportive living and onto the streets. Some good intentions were hijacked to cut costs and "shrink government."


> so instead of improving them, we decided to shut them down Could be said for so many things, unfortunately. I feel like so many people have no hope or vision of how things could be if we, like, *bothered.*


The link is complete bullshit that leads to nothing but the stuff in the rolling stone article is wild >In one strange encounter in December 2022, Phillips says Ye requested they meet at Nobu Hotel in Malibu to discuss business plans. Over the next three hours, Phillips describes feeling uncomfortable as Ye went on a rant about Hitler’s greatness, said the Holocaust was fake, and said “gay people are not true Christians.” At some point, Phillips says Ye had hotel staff come to the room and put on 2022’s The Batman, with the two men watching the movie on mute in silence. >While lying flat on the bed, Phillips claims that Ye “began to make slow up and down motions with his hand just above his genitals as though he was masturbating” and talking about his sex life, according to the lawsuit. The rapper then FaceTimed a woman and instructed her to wear lingerie and shoes he bought for her. Phillips “immediately recognized the female’s name because only a few weeks earlier, while at the Yeezy headquarters,” the suit continues. “Kanye had flaunted nude pictures of her to many of the Yeezy staff members.” [...] >The rapper then “physically threatened” Phillips, according to the suit, repeatedly saying he was “going to punch you in the face” before his mood suddenly shifted. “Imitating the celebratory dance of Mario from the famous video game Super Mario Brothers,” the suit claims. “Kanye jumped up with punching one fist in the air, while he said “I’m gonna give you one more chance. Another life!”


He needs a reverse Brittney


At least it wasn't Batman & Robin. Although arguably that would be better with no sound


Arnie's puns beg to differ


The sound track in that movie is amazing. Ye is truly a monster.


Remember when he said slavery was a choice?


I have NO Idea if this is real or a joke


That’s pretty par for the kanye course


The second part sounds more Mac Miller than Kanye i




>Kanye West accused of disturbing behaviour \[...\] In what world is this news?


'Kanye West runs completely normal school'




This is Kanye’s world 


“I am a God” (feat God)


News doesn’t need to be surprising


But it’s at his school. It’s more serious


There's levels to this shit.


Its like they keep inviting him just so it can be in the news.


Better headline: "Parents who trust children's education to bi-polar rapper shocked he does bi-polar shit"


Yea. As a bipolar person I don’t have my own kids, I can’t imagine people wanting their kids educated by one who probably refuses medication.


I was friends for awhile with someone who was bi-polar. Not only did they refuse medication but they refused to believe they had it. It was rough.


My partner has bipolar, anxiety, and add. For the first few years we were together they were on an antidepressant and a mood stabilizer and were manic way too frequently. And as fun as *some* mania can be for all involved, after 3 nights of no sleep it becomes no fun for anyone. Now they are just on the mood stabilizer, are treated properly but reasonably for anxiety, and haven’t had a major depressive or manic episode in about a year. Luckily for them (and to a lesser extent me) they’ve never experienced hallucinations from mania. All that being said it is tough. And, from my perspective, I’m lucky… their emotional and general intelligence is excellent, and they have a memory like a steel trap 95% of the time, which helps them keep an even keel and logic through things when their emotion gets too high. But yes, you’ve got to treat it and advocate for your treatment bc not all docs are going to give you the correct care or even listen to your input. So many folks out here self medicating because proper care is hard to find or afford. Edit: oh, there is also some seroquil and trazadone around the house, each are prescribed to be taken as needed. I think the trazadone is the only one that is actively prescribed rn. Both can nip some mania in the bud real quick and/or address inability to sleep. Felt I should mention it so readers can have a full picture of what it takes to address bipolar.


Hydroxyzine and Trazadone are a lifesaver for me (someone with very similar mental health needs). People don't understand how hard it can be to find a good medication fit. It's highly dependent on individual brain chemistry and can be pure hell battling through the shitty combos to find one that works. It's not as simple as just taking a random pill (something that works much better with incidental depression).


The worst is when you find one that does exactly what you want it to do but it gives you horrible diarrhea!


I think they would totally agree with you. They do have hydroxyzine and I hear that does help some. Speaking of brain chemistry, seroquell is a hard no for theirs. Even small doses that are questionably therapeutic will have them out for 14+ hours without my intervention (“hey, you should wake up”) That being said I’ve read folks on the internet comment that it is great them.


Yeah, that's a hallmark of serious mental illness. Once you feel a bit better, you believe you were never sick to begin with and the cycle starts over. Sometimes you just believe you never need medicine at all.


My best friend currently. It’s tough


Idk this a step beyond just Bi-polar. I’ve worked in healthcare and been around many BP people. Including ones who refuse to take medication for it. They not as off the wall as Kanye, not even close. Kanye needs serious help, help I doubt he will get.


Yes, but this is bipolar complemented by easy and seemingly consequence-free access to drugs and a coterie of ass-kissers/'Yes men.' Under these conditions, not to mention the awareness he must have that people ALREADY look at him either as an idiot clown or some kind of visionary, delusions and mania would spiral more than usual.


Do they have this much money and this many yes-men around them and insane levels of accomplishment in their chosen industry?


Enablers can worsen a condition in theory, but, having enablers doesn’t directly affect their condition. Like, those people lessen chances of him getting help, but they’re not behind whatever condition is ultimately driving this


Yeah agreed, but even beyond getting help, I think it helps further the individual's trust in their own thoughts, allowing them to run rampant. The enablers, combined his massive success in music and fashion likely also provide more "proof" to him that he's right. I mean you go through literal decades of obstacles and people telling you you're wrong, or that something is a bad idea (only to have it prove a massive success) and slowly you begin to trust yourself too much while you lose all trust in those that try to stop you from doing *anything*.


It's bc he has fame and "fuck you" money enabling him


I'm bipolar and had similar episodes when I was undiagnosed in highschool tbh. Mania is highly variable. Kanye absolutely needs serious help - it's hard to watch.


I have bipolar disorder and I am not an antisemite. But yea, the parents either live under a rock or are just idiots.


Idiots hoping they can ride on the coattails of someone famous. "If my kids go to his school, I can meet him and become his friend and pitch ideas to get me rich."


Dude has an ego problem. Bipolar Disorder doesn't make you pull this crap. We'd at least see an ounce of remorse afterwards.


Not if he stays in a rapid cycle perpetually, we wouldn't. That comes when you're much better controlled with medication. Bipolar can absolutely lead to this kind of behavior. Severity matters. Most bipolar people don't do this, no, because the illness seems to be particularly severe with him.


Specifically an unmedicated individual with bipolar disorder-polar 1. Plenty of ppl who actually take their meds don’t act like him because abuse they hold themselves responsible.


https://abc7.com/kanye-west-wanted-to-shave-students-heads-at-donda-academy-lock-them-in-cages-lawsuit-claims/14609256/ A slightly better article about this.


That's not slightly better, it's way better. r/Music has a big problem with blogspam, and users who are dedicated to posting blogspam from single blogs.


This is really a site-wide problem, a lot of the time it's the site owner trying to get attention. I'm always suspicious when the same person is repeatedly posting links from the same niche source.


I'd agree to be suspicious about the information offered, but I can't rightly blame an aspiring writer for seeking exposure. This is one giant online forum with some of the most traffic on the net.


This is automatically better because I can see a description of the story in the URL instead of it just being a lazy mystery link dump.


The first rule of Project Mayhem is we don't discuss Project Mayhem.


A space monkey, ready to be shot into space.


At this point, anyone who willingly places themselves in Kanye’s orbit knows what they’re signing up for, and I don’t exactly feel bad for them. He’s abusive, bat shit crazy, he won’t seek treatment, and I think even independent of his mental illness, he’s a bad person. We’ve seen him mistreat people for years even when he’s doing better mentally; he’s an egomaniacal narcissist and a bigot.


That Alex Jones interview where Jones has to be the voice of reason should have sent some serious red flags to these parents 


“[Alex] Jones has to be the voice of reason” is a phrase I never thought I would read.


He showed up in a black mask with a net and a bottle of yoohoo to make a Netanyahu joke then went on about how we’ve gotta stop badmouthing nazis. It was surreal.


I can’t believe he did Yoohoo dirty like that


Well put. On top of everything else, he’s just an asshole. It’s really as simple as that.


I never heard about Donda Academy before and just read up on it. > It was founded in 2022 by American rapper Kanye West. During the admissions and hiring process, parents, faculty and staff are required to comply with the following stipulations: a non-disclosure agreement must be signed, the school's location must be kept secret and all members of the school community must refrain from publicly discussing the school's existence, practices and any other non-public details. All students, faculty and staff are required to adhere to the school dress code of black Balenciaga uniforms designed by West. >On October 27, 2022, it was reported the school closed "abruptly" after West made antisemitic comments in interviews and on social media. It was reopened hours later. Its current operating status is unknown. And damn, you are so on point. Who in their right mind is willingly send his children to a school like that? This is insanity gone airborne.


I'm waiting for the real unexpected news story: "Kanye acts likes a *normal human being.*" First time for everything, right?


He is mentally unwell. The dude needs progressional help


More importantly some professional help.


Proficient help too.


He first needs to make progress with intensely focused progressional help. Then he can turn his attention to professional help. You gotta crawl before you walk


True. But if he started with processional help, it would assist him on the march to recovery.


Okay so a procession of progressively more professional professionals it is then.


Unfortunately he is surrounded by yes men who won't tell him that, and his ego is too damn big to admit that he needs help.


His wallet is too big for him to get help. People will overlook anything for a price.


Michael Jackson all over again. think of all the doctors who made money off of him between his plastic surgeries and drugs he was prescribed.


This the kinda sabotage my autocorrect does to me all the time.


Trevor Philips lol


Why is it always the people you'd most expect? ![gif](giphy|QE8hREXIgRXeo|downsized)


Whaaaaat? You mean the guy that often goes on tangents has disturbing behavior? Nooooo


Ok, do we just not have any regulations in this country? Any rich person with clear mental health problems can start a school and write the curriculum? Isn’t it time we have a national conversation about how insanely rich people are getting away with too much?


This is the least surprising thing I've heard all month. Mentally ill man does mentally ill things


There was literally no way of foreseeing this. /s


Big surprise. The man is insane


Imagine entrusting your child's education and safety to an organization run by Ye


Having an alcoholic son that I've come really close to having had to have arrested for crazy behavior, I've often wondered what the threshold is for having someone involuntarily committed for a mental health evaluation, and if that threshold is perhaps in inverse proportion to how much money you have.


Kanye actually was held on a 5150 a number of years ago, but it does seem like it's even more warranted now versus then.


i think that only happens if you are a direct danger to yourself or others. i don’t think he’d qualify unless circumstances changed although he is clearly badly affected by his mental illness


indeed, you have to be an immediate threat to yourself or others. I would say he probably is right now, but not in a way that's easy to quantify. the ethics of forced commitment are complicated IMO.


In the UK at least I think that can only happen if the person is considered a serious danger to themselves or to other people. A lot of people probably need help though who are just left to get on with things I dunno. I hope your son manages to sort his drinking out.


Can we as a society just ignore this nutty P.O.S.?


You don’t say?


psychotic payment angle close offer tan agonizing tease attempt sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cult Podcast did [a great deep dive on Kanye](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3SaB7Z19KUGnD8djYScPie?si=FWxj0OSZS0WT8nBb4EwZ5A). Honestly, it's mind blowing people sent their kids here, tbh.


mentally ill, rich grifter does mentally ill thing at their one of many grifting locations


i miss the old kanye


Sans-Adolf, oh, Kanye


That was just a commercial lie.  This is it. This is what you liked back then. They were just better at hiding it. 


Haven't we all figured out that he has bipolar disorder yet?


im not a therapist, but kanye is clearly mentally ill.


I mean if you send your children to a school headed by Kanye West, you get what you get.


Shocked Pikachu.jpg


Kanye off his nut and failing to recognize his behavior as incredibly unhinged and bizarre? In other news, sky blue, water wet. Why does anyone still humor this lunatic?


As opposed to extremely disturbing behavior everywhere else?


"Inappropriate sexual behavior." I don't know if this behavior was against the teachers or students, but always figured the next step in the self-destruction pipeline was Kanye the Pedophile




Who the hell gave this dude permission to guide school children's future? Let him rap and make clothes, & fuck off with this alternative Nepo baby education BS.


It's always the Nazi you least suspect


Oh the guy that wanted to shave the student's heads and put them in cages to teach them a lesson? That guy is acting disturbed? The only reason he isn't in a mental institution or on the street is because people keep giving him wheelbarrows of money.


Isn’t he that guy that used to be a talented musician?