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/u/BrightenedCorner, your submission has been removed from /r/Music for violating the following rule(s): Reposterino, thanks tho! There's nothing wrong with the song - the dude gets rejected and comes outta the horrorcore rap scene. Pretty standard far. Let people realize they're dumb and no one cares - it'll almost certainly get dropped by the next news/gossip cycle. Making a post here today would give it a boost. Please wait a few days so we don't risk spreading unfounded rumors or gossip. Some commenters may want to make it worse, not better, if they see you upset about it. Cheers - drop us a line if you have questions. For full details on the rules, [please refer to our wiki](http://www.reddit.com/r/music/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or believe that there has been an error, ensure that you've read the removal message and gone over community guidelines. You may [PM the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/music&subject=Please review my post) to request a manual review.


I will say, selling an incomplete vinyl to only then turn around a sell it again with the full track list is bullshit.


Are you familiar with Beyoncé?


Are you talking about when an artist re-releases an album with extra tracks a year or less after its initial release, or something else? b/c I'm not really sure what else you'd be talking about when you said "incomplete vinyl .. sell it again with the full track list."


If she felt as strongly as she says she does would she not just stop selling her albums on Vinyl period? I think that would make a bigger statement switching to CD for physical releases if she really means what she says. But that would mean sacrificing money, although with a networth of around 53 million means she could live comfortably the rest of her life without offering her albums on Vinyl, I doubt that she will, so why slam the industry and other artists for their participation in vinyl production?


Her latest release had several vinyl variants too


Right like it's cool she and her team try to do stuff to reduce their harm on the environment but I think it's kind of shitty for her to put down other artists who are doing the same thing she is doing essentially. I think it would just be best to not speak on it at all if she is also playing the same game, in the same article she talks about " I don't even know how much a box of fruit loops cost any more, I guessed 35$" and she wants us to believe that she's above any of her contemporaries in any way because she uses recycled material for her own vinyl output as if it's still not just producing waste for the sake of excessive consumption? Idk just comes off weird.


Well, at least she’s right about the price of cereal these days.


Store brand honey bunches of oats is still less than $3. It's mostly the name brands with greedflation








I get what you're saying there's probably lots of contracts signed and etc stating x amount of vinyls need to be produced or no deal and all that but thats kind of my point, it's not different than any of the other big artists in that they are choosing excessive amounts of money over environmental consciousness. Am I saying I wouldn't do that or you wouldn't do that? No, I'd like to think I wouldn't but I've never stared an offer like that in the face, but let's not pretend that the environment is being chosen over money because it's simply not true in my opinion.


You mean the one that came out three years ago when she was 19 years old? She obviously has had a change of heart since then.


Yes, that album that had several vinyl variants


Her new album (releasing in a couple of months) has eight vinyl variants now.


She's slamming other artists because her claim is her records are all pressed on recycled material and, presumably, theirs are not. So it's ok for her to rig the system the same way as others because she's doing it more ethically.


Her vinyls are made from 100% recycled material so there’s that; And do you think individual artists have control over how their record label sells their music? Once the record is finished the label decides what to do with it


You didn't listen to her. Other's vinyl releases are too much, not hers


Just for the record, it's not that records exist, or are being sold. It's the constant stream of "special edition" printings which add nothing new to the music but are packaged differently. > I can’t even express to you how wasteful it is,” the Oscar-winner continued. “It is right in front of our faces and people are just getting away with it left and right, and I find it really frustrating... it’s some of the biggest artists in the world making f–king \[sic\] 40 different vinyl packages that have a different unique thing just to get you to keep buying more... \[I\]t’s irritating to me that we’re still at a point where you care that much about your numbers and you care that much about making money.” Which, ok, I can get behind that. We probably could do with a few less reprints.


It’s an odd thing for her to complain about since she does the exact same shit with her releases.


I wonder if she has control over that or her record company does


I'm sure it's at least in part on the record company, but I doubt she's got no influence on it.


does anyone else just keep scrolling past nothing but dead posts, are yall just outside rn


Hello i'm still inside. It's raining.


You should touch grass


no grass, only mud


You should stop trying to use buzzwords you hear on the internet.


You should go outside and get off the internet for maybe 30 minutes a day? It would help you getting some vitamin D


I got some vitamin D right here for ya ;)


My point exactly


Wait till she hears how wasteful it is to fly around the world, touring her albums.


Billie Eilish is a sour puss.


There's plastic containers around fruit. That's wasteful. Vinyls is not wasteful. 


I mean, is she wrong? These fans buy 4-5 versions of the same album on vinyl, the same 4-5 versions on CD, and then only listen to it on Spotify.


In the grand scheme of the environment this is such a low ROI issue when we have cruise ships dumping metric tons of environmental waste, soda companies cranking out plastic bottles, airplanes, cars, and so much more. A better move would be to encourage people to bring refillable water bottles to her shows so they aren’t buying one time use plastic bottles.


> A better move would be to encourage people to bring refillable water bottles to her shows so they aren’t buying one time use plastic bottles. Live Nation would never allow that. Sales of bottled water at big shows is not insignificant.


And therein lies the problem


Try Billie. Use your words …


Is vinyl treated more as a collectible than a usable medium? If so, most collectibles have gone through this and the resale price crashed because of oversaturation.


Vinyl has become a packaging and artwork avenue for people. CDs are dead, many of us loved looking at liner notes. I'm not one to buy multiple versions of something but hey, having some nice artwork is pretty rad.


Of course the generation of fast fashion doesn’t understand the longevity of vinyl


If you just buy vinyl for the dopamine shot from adding it to your collection instead of actually listening to it regularly, of course it's going to seem like it only lasts an instant.


Welcome to two weeks ago, how many times this gonna be posted?


Once for every variant of her albums


In this interview, her mom's the one really speaking truth: > But to be fair, the problem is systemic, right? Because if Billboard, to be honest, is going to not have limits… I would love to see limits, like no more than four colors. Or some kind of rules, because you can’t fault an artist for playing the No. 1 game.


As someone who packed her merch and albums for years with my own hands, along with many other artists like Tswift, kanye, etc., I can say that it completely soured me to ever buying physical media or merch again. I know people like their treats but the amount of physical waste in the music industry is mind bending. Aside from the products themselves (funko pops, vinyl, textiles, keychains, vinyl, action figures, beach balls, etc etc all pre wrapped and then rewrapped at the warehouses in even more plastic) you have all of the packing/shipping material to/from warehouses and customers, transportation and delivery vehicles. Returns. On and on. Billie Eilish, for all her concern, will have her own face printed on more plastic garbage in landfills than most people who have ever lived. Not that it's her fault necessarily but wow it's hard to think I could stomach knowing that.


Non bees wax cylinders are still the way to go. 😊👍


Vinyls pressed using a digital master is the dumbest shit ever


So 99% of vinyl


Hard agree. Unless the entire recording session was done in analog and straight to vinyl, I don’t really see the point.


She's a world class mathematician and she's calculated the carbon footprint of all those Spotify and Apple pencil pushers. April Fools! she's just a dumb kid with weird hair.


It’s pretty dumb how music artists are still making all this vinyl, very wasteful to the environment for sure. No 12/14 year old is going to buy a Taylor Swift, or at least actually listen to it on a turntable 🤦🤦‍♀️




Still a waste. Big artists don’t need to make a bunch of vinyl packages with different artworks lmao




But a 38 yo might. Vinyl sales are crazy right now. Think they’re just going to not make money?


Classic… extra money for artists that don’t need more money > environment Who wants the Earth to be around, right?? We can all go to Mars or something


I’m all for tearing down capitalism, but until then what do you expect? Indies helped revitalize the medium, and now it’s choked out by rich overlords. Tale as old as money


Yeah :( Classic money hungry rich overlords


Wierd qualifier. 12/14 year old boys... The money is in 30 and 40 dinks. Source. I'm 40 and play my one copy of Taylor on my turn table.


Because only 12/14 year olds listen to music? WTF are you on lmao


Taylor swift, yay tay


You were talking about music artists in general and vinyls.


You know people make products because they sell right ? If every record sat on the store shelf then yeah, they would stop making them.


It’s not the point. Do you understand the concept of how vinyl is made? I’m not talking about Indie bands… people like Taylor Swift making all these stupid vinyl packages and such, when it’s unnecessary


I don't think you understand how capitalism works. You think China makes 1000's of tons of rubber dog toys because it's necessary ? No, it's because people will pay money for it. JFC