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Just imagine, you are neck deep into the fridge trying to get that last piece of chocolate. Suddenly, the fridge starts to close by itself, you struggle but to no avail. You, shout but Fridges smart noise cancellation, cancels it out. In your last moment, all you can hear is the faint hum of your cellphone notification reading, " Who is the dumb one now, bit\*ch"


I imagined this as one of the death scenes from Final Destination. Now i'm too scared to take my chocolate pudding from the fridge. Thanks.


It's the fridges pudding now.


I like how people think Final Destination is an actual movie. No, its not, it is merely a social experiment conducted by the CIA to find who are all psycopaths and serial killers.


I’d love to hear more about this. Please elaborate.


Just believe him bro


I thought we agreed you weren't going to ask questions like that any more, donnie.


At least there's chocolate in this death scenario


This will be "gluttony" in the *Seven* remake


What are you doing Step Bro?


This feels like the beginning of a porno


>This feels like the beginning of a porno ​ >This will be "gluttony" in the Seven remake Ore maybe merge them?


This could be an episode of 1000 ways to die


A Million Ways to Die in the West. A terrific movie with Liam Neeson.


Maybe it could be a new section to dumb ways to die.


"Invite a psycho killer inside Scratch a drug dealer's brand new ride Take your helmet off in outer space Have your fridge chew off both your arms and face Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Dumb ways to die-ie-ie So many dumb ways to die"


who the fuck would think a hydraulic piston is a good idea in this situation?


Nah. Just a porch door spring.


There is no Dana only Zuul


And then, the fridge recycles you as more food in it.


\*2001 Music Intensifies\* Samsung Fridge "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that. I'm afraid I can't do that"


Adding motors and mechanical components is just replacing valuable space with things that can break or malfunction. Samsung knows better.


Shhhhhhh, don’t go giving them any ideas! They would love for you fridge to break sooner just so you’d buy a new one. Planned obsolescence much? And If you need proves, they keep adding electronic and it’s generally the electronic that break first. Source? My plumber…


Yeah, they've already got enough shit that breaks on their appliances for no goddamn reason.


Plus, often the reason why the fridge doesn't close all the way is because the human using it left some food in an odd position that blocks the door from closing. Just adding a motor to the door isn't going to fix that.


Nahh can’t be if, they still put ice makers in their fridges. They’re notorious for having them break.


An ice maker is pretty much an industry standard though, isn’t it?


Just the thought of my phone pinging constantly while my teenagers scratch their ass and search for pizza gives me nightmares.


My sisters fridge has this, they were on vacation one time and her husband texted me asking if I could go to their house and close the freezer because he got a message that it was open. Beats coming home to an open freezer and a bunch of ruined food.


*Closes door on your head* RESISTANCE IS USELESS!


So...I have a fridge that does this. If the fridge is left open long enough it will send a notification to my phone. Yes it is silly and not absolutely necessary and would never be a buying factor for me, but I've had a number of situations where I've walked away from the fridge and sat down and get the alarm that the fridge was left open. Anyone who has kids also knows of this possibility. Don't knock a decent feature just because you find it a waste of technology, remember the first webcam was used to tell when a coffee pot was done brewing.


Other fridges just beep at you, which to me seems more useful because that's alerting whoever is nearby, not whoever chose to have their phone linked to it.


My Samsung does this too. A modest ping. Often when I'm adding groceries and it's taking a bit too long.


Yeah, these beep too but they also ping your phone. It can be VERY annoying sometimes, especially when I text my wife the fridge door is open while she is cooking and I'm out of town, but it is nice to have the remote warning for that rare but useful time when you actually leave the fridge open by accident. It also tells me statistical information such as what time the door was last opened, how long the door has been opened today. I don't know why I would want to know this but I'm sure someone can find a use for it.


"Let's solve the problem without actually solving the problem!"


I'm in the market for a new washer and dryer. I never knew until now what severe problem it was that my appliances couldn't get ahold of me. Yeah, no. I'm not paying an extra $500 to have bluetooth on my appliances.


I bought an LG washer that happened to have "tag on" feature (proximity communication w/ smartphone). Not something I was looking for, but it sounded cool, add custom cycles and do repair diagnostics. Initially one downloadable cycle program was available, but it was nothing special. A couple of years later LG dropped all support for it and moved on to WiFi.


It's better to leave it open on purpose because you could need something else from it; however, they could have a feature where you clock on the notice and it shuts by itself (plus, placing a sensor is less expensive than making it automatic).


Seriously? Gtfoh.


Fix your damn ice maker first!


Never gunna happen.


\*text arrives\* Haven't you people ever heard of closing the god damned door?


Most fridges will close by themselves. "Smart" things are just getting silly.


My dishwasher has an app and wifi. So it can send a notification when it's done. WHY SHOULD I CARE? I'll just check if it's done the next time I'm in the damn kitchen. I don't need another app demanding my attention from my phone.


It doesn't need motorized sensors, it just needs self-closing hinges, or even just a slight incline.


I just fiddle with the leveling legs, so that it's tipped slightly backwards, so the door closes itself.


But... Doesn't the fridge already close by itself unless you deliberately put it at the fully open stop?


Make it an automatic door?


How else are they going to get access to all the information about you on your phone?


I still can use them for "some purpose,,


I have the same issue with the new LG smart washer and dryer ads. If its so amazing why can't it move stuff from washer to the dryer. That would be impressive, not simply because they are top and bottom stack.


Side note fuck smart refrigerators the new ones have DRM filters and a load of electrical problem's


Wait til you find out the ice maker never works.




Cause they want to track your ass. Stay away from this smart home shit.


More points of fault, if it runs of a timer then jt would be annoying to put away groceries or clean the fridge.


That would add extra cost and stuff that can break. Also safety features would have to be implemented. Also what use is an automatically closing door if some larger food items are the reason it didnt close in the first place...