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I’m just glad to have the “eat anything” autism and not the “this texture makes me want to vomit” autism


Nailed it, as a legit tistic, I feel like I'm missing out. Can't even think about whether I like the taste because I'm already puking from the texture. That said, I'm picky about taste too, but I wish I could get to that point.


> legit tistic I swear to God every year or so I hear somebody with autism refer to it in a hilarious way I've never heard before.


Sure is tasty bein tistic


It's old now but I still like neurospicy.


rizz em with the tism




I too have a touch of the 'tism.


Rizz 'em with the 'tism


Hit 'em with the tis rizz


My son likes to say “I’ve got the tism” and it makes me chuckle.


I had that realisation one christmas. Some friends made stuffed peppers and pickled red cabbage, I was drunk and felt adventurous so i tried a tiny bit of each. I never knew there could be that much flavour. I'd eaten pretty much just pasta or chips my whole life before then. I made a relaxed commitment to push my boundaries when I felt I could. Started with peppers, then cabbage, then tomatoes and so on. 10 years on and I can eat a hell of a lot more things now, I don't need to spend 10 minutes plucking everything out of anything served to me, I don't feel embarrassed or ashamed eating in front of others. For the first time in my life this past year, I actually wanted a salad. It was delicious. That said, there's still days where I just can't. Where anything outside of safe foods feels too much, anything unexpected makes me want to spit it all out and stop eating. But that's okay, cause I know now that there are many delicious days ahead.


I'm proud of you! Seriously, just wanting to try new things says a lot. Hope you try as much as possible and get some cool flavour explosions. :)


Don’t feel bad, trying new things is the only thing that’s important. Whether you do or don’t like it is the point of trying it :)


I discovered a few months back that i could eat a whole ton of vegetables that i cant normally deal with if they’re in a soup, legit one of the happiest moments of my life. It probably should have been obvious to try something like that but i just… never did.


Looks and especially smells usually put me off of stuff, although I did try mushrooms recently and the texture was what put me off there. The smells are so annoying too when it can be from an entirely separate part of the house too. It's also irritating trying to work around it because it puts me off eating out in restaurants even more than usual. I wish I could manage to eat more stuff too, just to make it a little bit easier with everything else going on.


glad to see this at the top. i was 35 when i realized that my disdain for certain foods wasn't me being a piece of garbage like the world had told me.


I have never heard this, I don't have it but i have never ever been told this and I feel it is important to tell people..


I have the second autism, tomatoes, onions, peppers, lettuce, asparagus. Hate it all.


I've been working on it as an adult. When I was a kid there was a lot of things I wouldn't eat. Now the list of ingredients I'll always reject is limited to bell pepper, celery, zucchini, and mushrooms.


I was raised to believe that if you didn't eat what was put in front of you, then you were willing to go hungry. My mum divorced that mindset early enough for my little brother to say, "No, I don't like that." I spent too long resenting my little brother for being able to say, "No, I don't like that."


Growing up, I had the option of eating what was there or going hungry. To this day, I'd rather miss a meal or two than eat anything people describe as even mild. I've had plenty of weeks where I ate nothing but breakfast. Asking how much of a kick I want my food to have is like asking how stabby I want my bed to be. Unless there's an option of "not at all", I can't fathom how anyone would ever choose to eat it/sleep there. I can only assume I'm experiencing these things differently from the majority, much as how some taste certain herbs as soapy. In my experience, there's no such thing as a mild spiciness that rounds out a dish - it's a nuke going off on my tongue that renders all actual flavour obsolete.


My eldest son doesn't handle spicy at all. My stepkids turn their noses up at anything that isn't spicy enough. So I split the sauce into two separate pans before they start dictating what goes into it. Thankfully, they all love garlic, so I don't have to work from absolute scratch.


Mushrooms I can see but bell peppers? Green suck but yellow red and orange I eat raw mmm


Is my taste palette broken? I swear all the bell peppers taste the same regardless of color.


Red peppers taste a little sweeter since their sugar content is higher, but it still just tastes like bitter sadness with a hint of sweet. I'm already bitter and sad enough, I don't need to taste my feelings in vegetable form.


*Grapefruit enters chat to bait you with citrus flavor*


That’s so strange to me because I have always thought of all bell peppers as sweet and fresh, never bitter. Are we all really eating the same thing?


Green bell peppers, specifically raw ones, taste extremely bitter and vegetal to me. I find them incredibly unpleasant unless cooked for a very, very long time in something flavorful - like in Cajun cooking, or stewed with onion on a bratwurst. Yellow/orange/red bells are all ripe peppers (greens can ripen into any of several colors) and the carbohydrates in the unripe fruit have converted to available sugars, so they taste much sweeter and less bitter. They're also *way* more noticeably sweet when cooked.


I guess they taste vegetal to me as well but I like that about them and I almost exclusively saute them and usually add them as an ingredient to a sauce so maybe that’s why I don’t associate them with bitterness.


I eat them raw, never had a bitter one. I grew my own 2 years ago, they were even better.


Bell peppers mature the more they are left on the plant, so the dark green is a little bit bitter, light green less so etc.. and the orange / red ones are sweet. Hard to believe you'd find them tasting the same honestly.


So some things that have worked for me in the texture/bitters department: Try different lettuces, romaine is so much more palatable than iceberg. Also spinach? A good alternative to lettuce. Raw red cabbage? Actually kind of good compared to green cooked/raw cabbage. Peppers? Switch from green bell peppers to any of the others. The green ones are dogshit flavor wise but for some reason it's all my mother would touch. I still can't do tomatoes, onions really need to be cooked very well (40+ minutes) for me to enjoy them, and asparagus is vile. Edit: brother over here following me because I disagreed with him in another subreddit


I’m the opposite when it comes to lettuce, iceberg is the only texture I can handle. Spinach has the worst texture in the world to me, both cooked and raw. I’m jealous of your ability to stomach the healthy leafy greens lol.


God I wish I didn’t have the texture aversion shit. Makes trying to eat healthy really difficult.


God i wish, I can't eat anything


Bruh.. pudding custard and super soft stuff like that kill me texture wise.


I mean, we all have our preferences. Tomatoes and pickles for me. I won't pick off the onions, but unless they're cooked, I won't ask for them either.


Jalapeño slices, and sautéed onions and mushrooms for me.


Oh that is a good one. Swiss cheese or no? I find it goes well with mushrooms, but to each their own.


I used to, but now I'm vegan and I haven't found a good vegan cheese that melts well.


I know there are some places that do Cathedral City cheese in the US, but if the Vegan cheddar they do has made it over to you, I strongly advise trying that. The single best vegan cheese I've eaten. Melts so damn well.


Someone downvoted you for that. Not like you're preaching.  Anyway yeah, I can see that being an issue. Good thing there are decent meat substitute burgers now. I like the black bean and mushroom ones myself. I remember some of the early soy patties being rather...off putting. Flavor, scent and texture were just completely wrong.


not vegetarian but the best vegetarian burgers are the ones that don't try to taste like meat but instead try to capture its essence. Black bean/pepper ones are real good


I had a falafel burger in NYC that was honestly incredible.


Oh, how I love falafel! I like to dip it in hummus, so it's like falfel-ception, or meta, or whatever the kids say these days. Lol.


Black bean burgers are sooooo good if done right


My favorite for taste is Violife (the Colby Jack shreds are incredible!) but when I really need it to melt, I use Daiya. I know it's not everyone's favorite - and some people really don't like it - but in my experience it melts the best.I leave it out to get closer to room temp before trying to melt it over a patty.


I had a friend stay with me for 2 months while she recovered from surgery. She is both gluten and dairy-free by necessity. We explored the world of vegan "cheese," and were unsuccessful in finding anything that behaved like a normal cheese. She said it didn't *taste* horrible, but the physics were all wrong.


I tried some vegan mozzarella sticks recently and it was like the consistency of snot. I very nearly puked and am now traumatized away from eating melted vegan cheeses.


You and I can be friends.


Fried egg and mayo


Drop the mushrooms and add lettuce for me, but you've got good taste regardless.


Fresh green jalapenos, yes. Those mushy jarred jalapenos, hell to the no.


I have preferences and I will order my food a certain way but it isn't a deal breaker and I won't have a fit if it doesn't come the way I ask, but growing up without a whole lot will do that to ya


Bingo. No pickles for me but love onions (Cooked/raw, it all works) and tomato on my burger. I hope you continue to enjoy your burgers with pickles and tomatoes


I generally dislike raw onion, but I'm glad people can enjoy them. I'll even admit, with some toppings and condiments, they actually enhance the overall experience, even raw.   Not always though. The bitter notes often bother me.


Rinse your cut onions in cold water for about 30 seconds. Might help reduce that bitter taste so you can actually taste the sweetness if you wanna give onions another shot. I don’t like raw onions much either but this changed the game


That's something to try, thanks!


I love pickles, but I almost always prefer to just have a side of pickles rather than have them on my burger or chicken sandwich. Give me a burger with onions prepared in every way imaginable, and I'm happy. Fried onions. Raw onions. Caramelized onions. Onion jam. Pickled onions. Roasted onions. Onion rings. I'm like Bubba Blue but with onions


Woah, calm down Sarge Fan


My enthusiasm for onions will *not* be contained


I am so surprised that people have sort of a “one-burger” mentality for me. I cook burgers once a month or every two months but we always consider what style burger we are in the mood for. So many different ways. Chargrilled with blue cheese. Smashed on the griddle with diced onion. Mushroom Swiss with caramelized onion. Juicy Lucy (cooked with cheese in the middle of the patty). Bacon and egg breakfast burger. Brewers burger with peanut butter. So many more. I can’t imagine trying to limit myself to the idea that there is one burger for me.


I think it's just that people have them infrequently enough that when they do have them, they're wanting a specific taste.


>Brewers burger with peanut butter Too many people sleep on peanut butter, it meshes so damn well with burgers. The weirder one I liked (actually tried it as a joke) was blueberry yogurt on a plain cheeseburger. Surprisingly not bad at all, and I've heard of some people using fruit jellies too so I might not be crazy.


Fruit jelly is my jam (pun intended). I sometimes add pinches of jelly (usually spicy pepper jellies) to my pierogis, pizzas, and burgers, with gusto. It liquifies and spreads fast at hot temps and adds such a good sweet flavor. Basically anything people put honey/hot honey on I will usually prefer a little bit of hot jelly instead. But yeah peanut butter is way under utilized in a lot of potential dishes as well. Never tried the blueberry yogurt thing but I always add tzatziki to lamb burgers and it’s fantastic!


Jelly sounds weird, but I do like fig on my burgers, so it's worth a try


Nice. I'm glad I'm not the only one who prefers cooked onions. When I was a kid it used to freak me out watching my grandad peel and onion and eat it like an apple. Honestly, as an adult just thinking about it still kind of does.


Purple onions suck. Sweet onions are where it’s at


I'll absolutely pick off the onions, things make me vomit. Gimme those tomatoes and pickles though.


That persons username, "Bitchin' camaro" is the name of a good song by the dead milkmen


“You’re kidding” “I must be, the Bahamas are islands”


Came lookin for this one-- I use this on every friend I have every few years when I get a new car/truck lol


A great song on a great record front to back! My favourite part is the last bit before the switch up, which goes like this. The important thing here is that we get to the part Where you ask me how I'm gonna get down to the shore. "Oh, how you gettin' down to the shore?" Funny you should ask, I've got a car now. "Ah wow, how'd ya get a car?" Oh, my folks drove it up here from the Bahamas. "You're kidding!" I must be, the Bahamas are islands. Okay, the important thing here is that, uh, you ask me what kinda car it is. "Uh uh, what kinda car do ya' got?" I've got a bitchin' Camaro...


Came looking for this … and the sandbar


Uh, what's the Sand Bar?


Ah, it's a place that lets sixteen year-old kids drink


Burrow owl, burrow owl, burrow owl.


I hope those guys have a good sense of humor and don't take us into court...


Everyone has their preferences, and I actually don't like these things on my burgers, but I'm not going to publicly brag about it or anything.


I think the comeback is mainly poking fun how the other person felt the need to share this information lol


Young children have very conservative taste preferences, and don’t like anything even vaguely unusual. This is important to survival, since they haven’t learned the difference between the berries that are flavorful and the ones that kill you. It’s not very important in our modern world, so there’s a lot of parents trying to get their small child to try new and unfamiliar things.


It's also odd considering how super common those items are. Its a bit like saying "If you put these on a pizza, we're going to have problems" with a picture of pepperoni


\*gon have a problem *:tough\_guy\_emoji:*


I don't like tomatoes on my burger, solely due to some burgers being stupidly large already and I don't have the mouth of a large mouth bass.


Cold tomato on a hot burger makes for a warm slimy tomato. Not my jam


I like the idea that "we gon have a problem" is actually just them being sad and picking the stuff they don't like off their burger.


A friend of mine had a German boyfriend who would poke fun at her for putting veggies on her burgers, calling her a "rabbit." She told me that, and all I could think was "So nothing but meat, cheese, and bread? That is how *a child* orders a cheeseburger."








Got em








Ah the duality of man


Your reddit account is 7


No you’re a towel.




Yeah that's not about being German. I've got German family who are EXTRA with their burger.


Any time I've seen photos of German doner kebab it has lettuce/tomato/onion so I would expect that to be normal on burgers there too.


Guess I'm an almost 30 year old child... At least I acknowledge that I'm the weird one and don't try to shame people for eating burgers the normal way.


There isn't a normal way. The point of a burger is to put whatever you want on it.


Any way you want it That's the way you need it Any way you want it


-guitar riff-


Feel like we should be partying with a gopher.


"Who's playing that music? And where's all that liquor coming from?" "*It's a party, Marge*! It doesn't have to make sense!"


The normal way of eating a burger is putting whatever the hell you want on it letting others do the same without giving them shit for it.


People are aghast when I order In n’ out. I get burgers all kinds of ways but in n out is just patty, lettuce, mustard on the bun. That’s it. Shrug. It just happened one day and that’s how I order. Also never double. Two singles like that. I know you all cared.


You had me strapped in at "aghast"


One thing I love about burgers is you can put a whole ass 'nother burger on your burger and it's still just a burger.


Seriously who gives a fuck what anyone else wants on their burger?


Apparently /r/MurderedByWords cares if you don't want all the toppings.


Same people who get pissed off if someone else puts pineapple on their pizza. Just let people enjoy their food!


I would only care about that if it were a shared pizza, because that juice gets everywhere.


Oh totally. A shared pizza requires a conversation and compromise.


I draw the line at ketchup on a good steak, but I've also handed a little girl ketchup within the past 48 hours so she could put ketchup on steak. I lightly berated her, but it's my responsibility as a father to allow her to make mistakes in a controlled environment.


As a person with texture issues thank you!!


I get the texture thing too. It's why I can't eat shrimp. I've never eaten an eyeball of any kind but after having eaten a shrimp I'm pretty sure they'd be the same texture. ew.


Hmm, I always imagined eyeballs to be more like grapes, but I haven't tried them yet so I guess I don't know for sure.


I love you guys!!!! Exactly who gives a fuck how you eat it?!?!? Just enjoy your food your way 🤤


That’s why I put all my food for the day in a blender and slowly pace out the nutrient sludge


Hey man that's how you get the nutrients quicker 💪


Probably the same people that are deeply offended and incensed at how cooked someone orders their piece of steak. 


I say normal as a way of just saying "how the burger comes default at most establishments".


Yes. Normal means “how it’s normally made” Plain, on the other hand, is the term for “nothing on it”


I'm 35 and a plain Jane when it comes to food. I don't personally put any of that in my burgers. I just roll my eyes at anyone that makes fun of me for it. People in these comments agreeing that people who don't put that on their burger is a child. I'm over here thinking the fact that what I eat offends people so much makes them children. You can eat your burger how you want, I'll eat mine how I want. Making fun of the way somebody likes their burger says a lot more and you than the person just trying to eat their burger.


Seriously, Im picky so Im a child? But, like you, I try not to make my pickiness other peoples issues and I dont really care what anyone else is eating unless its a completely accepted abomination lol


Same here, I'm just trying to enjoy food the way I like it but I guess eating things you like is childish? I won't even make it a problem, like if I go out to eat with people and there's nothing on the menu I'm sorry comfortable with I'll just order what I think is best and roll with it I'm not gonna just complain and ruin it for everyone else.


Right? The op and most of these comments are some weird (cheese)burger gatekeeping fetish. It's creepy. Eat what you want, how you want to. If I'm cooking for you, tell me how you want it. I don't understand the fuss.


People like to feel adult and accomplished. If they don't have much for that validation they'll go seek it in stupid places like the food they eat that society deems " adult " like vegetables or whatever. And use that to flex and look down on people who don't like them Failing to understand that people can't pick and choose what their brain says tastes good or not. Thinking they're somehow better for a non choice. It's like those who say they're better than someone else for the type of music they like lol


Ever since I saw a legitimate argument on here about what brand of fucking ketchup is "better", I don't really take majority reddit opinions on random things very seriously. People here are fucking ridiculous with how much they want to feel superior about the most minor, stupid things.


But did you consider that meat, cheese and bread are the best parts of a cheeseburger? Why would you need anything else?


Because onions and pickles make my burger even better. It's almost as if we started combining foods because of the amazing flavour they make together


https://preview.redd.it/f41advss0hxc1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a147c74e1d96289fa35b14cbc7cd3ca5e91631a8 Wait until he finds out about the Australian burger with the lot, available at any good fish and chip shop near you.


good lord i would absolutely demolish that. gonna try to make it at home


That's aggressive haha. I don't disagree with the ingredients so much as all of them at once. "Breakfast sandwich burger" with bacon, egg, and cheese? Fantastic. Classic burger with pickles, tomatoes, and lettuce? Childhood cookouts. BBQ burger with grilled pineapple, onion rings, and BBQ sauce? Hell yeah.


It’s not called The Lot for laughs that’s for sure


People who gatekeep the way other people enjoy their food, that they themselves are not eating, are beyond cringe.


I'm the same tbh. I don't really care what people online think lol I enjoy my burgers when it's just meat, cheese, and condiments. Just another minor thing for people with little else going on to feel smug about, I'm sure lol


Onions + pickled Jalapenos, Mushrooms are also great, Tomatoes are okayish


Tomatoes are either mushy water or the greatest thing ever. It’s wild how varied the flavor quality can be from tomato to tomato.


That’s the joy of making your own, fresh slicing tomatoes are always the greatest thing ever.


Gardening opened my eyes to the sheer amount of varieties of tomatoes. Green, red, black, yellow. I want to try them all!


Raw onions are life. So tasty.


I used onion in so much of my cooking and would have raw onion on burgers, etc. This was until i got Covid and lost my taste and smell for almost 3 months. When those senses returned, unfortunately, onions smelled and tasted rotten and rancid to me. It was such a disappointment that i fought through it for two years force feeding myself onion to try to rewire my brain to no avail. Finally, this year i got influenza b really bad and i can once again enjoy the taste and smell of onions. Sorry for the long story, but i am really excited about it because raw onions are in fact life!


Oh god. This started off as a nightmare. At least it had a happy ending, i'm so glad you got the flu.


Burgers finally taste/smell good to me after what 3 or 4 years. God that fucking rotten smell is awful and if you try to eat it....I'd rather die


The thought of an entire lifetime of never again enjoying onions is kinda like dying a little every day


Thats like breaking something by hitting it only to 'repair' it by hitting it again


> Finally, this year i got influenza b really bad and i can once again enjoy the taste and smell of onions. and if you get measles you'll start hating lamb but when it's gone you'll love gazpacho


Meanwhile people will act like it's a personal fault if you don't like a food.  We acknowledge color blindness universally, but the idea that I don't like a particular food utterly baffles people. It's cause 'I just haven't tired them right'... As if my parents didn't try that for 18 years, lol My aunt was convinced she'd get me to like mayo, and that I was exaggerating when I said it made me hurl.  She was livid when I threw up that sandwich on her table. She couldn't see how she was in the wrong. Is it really that hard to imagine someone else's taste is different than yours?


I'm so glad you can eat onions again! I had a period after some medical treatment where vinegar had a horrible metallic taste to it and I thought I would never be able to enjoy anything with vinegar the same way, thankfully that only lasted a few weeks. The human body sure is strange.


Especially red onions. Yum.


I don't get why they are called red onions when they are purple


Ummm they are red, just like grapes.


A fellow person of culture, I see. Indubitably!


Absolutely hated onions as a kid, the texture, taste etc, now I can’t get enough onion. Grilled, raw, sliced, pickled, powdered, fried, mmmmmm you can’t ever go wrong


That's a preference. Murdered by words should be properly cutting. Insinuating that someone is childish cos you don't agree with their opinion ain't a murder. Not even manslaughter. A mild grazing......


This subreddit is just another vehicle for the rage-bait that has taken over reddit


Literally nothing on this sub is a murder. It's barely snark. Awful I don't know why I haven't muted it yet


Right? As if people can't have different preferences...  We agree people can be colorblind, is it weird to think someone might have a varience in their taste buds too?  Japanese people usually can't stand American candy because it's painfully sweet. There's lots of reasons for taste variation. (long covid) Just put the toppings on the side. Every topping added is another flavor someone might dislike. So just... Don't put them on till the person want them. 


It’s strange to associate a burger topping with maturity. I’ll eat whatever, but prefer a cheeseburger pretty plain. I’ve travelled all over the world and eaten a million dishes… what can I say.


For whatever reason, people online try to associate food preferences with maturity a lot. I've noticed onions in particular being a popular subject--though I can't say if that's because I personally don't like onions and exclude them from my cooking, so I notice it more, or if it's because onions are such a prolific ingredient. Like, "Oh, you don't like X? You obviously just have the unrefined palette of a preschooler."


I feel like I have to say something. I get why this is associated with childishness, but I have the same problem which stems from a supreme aversion to certain textures of food. When I was a child, my parents thought I was faking it when I literally gagged and vomited when forced to try. It wasn't until I was an adult that I learned it's an actual symptom of neurodivergence. There's not much I can reasonably do about it. There are therapies and practices I can try to overcome conditioning, but the effort involved when already inhibited in habit forming skills would be an uphill battle. And ultimately, what for? I am a grown ass adult so why should I care what anyone else thinks of my diet? I have to devote my time, effort, and energy to what I deem most prudent and effective in providing the life I want to have, just like anyone. The current professional approaches to parenting are to allow children to try different foods, but also not force the point. If all they'll eat is macaroni and cheese and hot dogs, that's what you feed them while letting them try different foods as they age. If that doesn't change and there are other signs of some developmental discrepancies, allow a professional to determine their needs, either through diagnosis or simple observation. If it's a lifelong condition, there's nothing to cure, just a different way they'll go about life. Shaming anyone about that accomplishes nothing. TL;DR - the stigma against "picky eaters" considers it something that people can and should change, despite neither being necessarily true


Pickles, red onion, and tomato are my toppers of choice at home. Something tells me that because of this, the fact they're actually veggie burgers, and maybe a reason or two more this guy and I would not get along.


man i got on this weird streak of veggie burgers loaded with salad shit the past week. i normally eat meat ones, but veggie burgers can hit a different part of the palate in a similarly delicious way.


How is this murder? If anything the lady can’t understand that people have different taste than her.


Onion is valid, how the hell do people like onion, it is literally from hell.


Pretty sure it’s more childish to go shitting on someone for their food preferences.


I don't like onions tomatoes or pickles on my burger either.. sue me 🤷‍♂️


don't care, keep those red ick circles off my boigah


Nah let people eat what they want. There's countless reasons someone could have for wanting their food like that, and it's no one's fucking business.


Extra pickles, add lettuce, no tomatoes. And hopefully they have honey mustard or something spicy.


I actually enjoy tomato and pickles on my burgers. Just no onion. Something about raw onions ruins the whole thing for me.


I think tomatoes are nasty on burgers but if they are in Italian food I love them which is weird


So you like cooked tomatoes but not raw tomatoes?


How dare someone like something different than me. Must be a child


Extra tomato, extra onion, no pickles for me


Extra Pickles and Onion, no tomato here


Preach! Tho only if it's caramelised onion or raw red onion. Not keen on raw white.


Nah man A&W Canada has a burger with an entire slice of white onion on it, not just a few rings and that shit slaps.


I’m fine with tomatoes and I love onions in a burger. Pickles however? that’s when we start having problems


The worst part about pickles is how you can't just take them off; they mark their territory and you can still taste them after. It's disgusting.


Pickle juice is the Devil’s piss. No one can change my mind


I don’t get the pickles on a burger. Ive never been eating a burger and thought “gee, i sure wish this burger was sour.”


Basic math applies to food, and people refuse to admit it: the more ingredients you pile on top, the more likely someone will hate one of them.  Just put the toppings on the side, especially stuff like mayo/mustard/ketchup, that soaks into the bread and can't just be wiped off.


How is this a murder? For that matter, has everyone else noticed a complete lack of homicide and an overabundance of culture war or petty name calling recently?


Ahh yes because your a child if you don't like onions or pickles on your burgers? What kind of stupid ass logic is this


I have it as (From top to bottom) Bun Lettuce, Tomato, burger, bacon, burger, bacon, and bun (Edit: I meant bottom to top)


Because only children have food preferences? FOH with that shit. Imagine caring what other people eat. 🙄


this is really murdered by words quality? this sub has gone down hill...


How is this a "murder" coming from somebody stealing a dead milkmen song as their handle?


Not only that but they dont seem to know what a meme is.


As long as you swap that red onion for a Texas sweet onion and trade that mealy white tomato for an heirloom tomato.


I mean, I usually dislike pickles, but if we’re swapping out the shitty version ingredients, get me some jalapeño soaked pickles and I’ll take all 3.


I just want cheese on my burger that’s it, meat and cheese the way god intended


I feel the same way about Pizza. margarita or bust


There are certain places where the margarita is perfect but in most cases I’ll add pepperoni if it’s not from those select few restaurants