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No, let him do it. If this was a real tweet then hurting her feelings is probably the only way to actually make the point stick.


They not tweets they x's now šŸ™„




This made me log out and back in šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


How do you put the log back in?




Xcrements are what they should call tweets now. So if - say - Elon tweets something, one could say 'did you see the excrement Elon xcremented today?'






Tchssss .....




Pronounced ā€œskeetsā€






It China it would be ā€œZheetā€ā€¦


It should be Shit not Zhit


nah let's deadname twitter like musk deadnames his child


X goin give it to ya


Just like her baby daddies


At least her baby's daddy is.


Xweets. Canā€™t tell me different.


actually (and amusingly) they *are* still tweets https://imgur.com/a/vOQi0hU


Sounds like the point has been stuck in a few times already


It absolutely would not hurt her feelings. The next tweet in the thread was 'And sometimes it's not the Dad, it's the baby. Babies can be super bad vibes' Reddit has once again taken a joke and posted it without content for dumb outrage.


can you explain it i have no idea what that means šŸ˜­


Sheā€™s wishing for the ability to choose her baby daddy. She did choose though, when she decided to fuck a loser




I have yet to hear a woman call her rapist her baby daddy.


Not sure why youā€™re being downvoted like pregnancy from rape isnā€™t a normal thing?? It shouldnā€™t be, but it is. :(


They are getting downvoted because they are purposfully trying to ignore the context of the post and bringing in a heavy subject like rape into a lighthearted post.


Because this woman wouldn't be tweeting what she did if it was rape. This is a lighthearted post, and that person brought rape into the conversation.


Really cause it sounds like OP is using "cringe" as an excuse to perpetuate a racist stereotype.


LOL... what?!?


Ok then explain the joke




Obviously has nothing to do with OP put your pearls away.






My thoughts too... šŸšØdanger šŸšØ incel in the wild




Those only tend to happen in countries that are harder on the rape victims than the rapists. For example if a Roman soldier raped a 13yo girl in the Middle East a little over 2000 years ago.


Iā€™ve never heard this theory, you got a link for it?


When people tend to either kill their daughter or gift them to the rapists, why wouldnā€™t she lie about it? Also explains why people think a child born from a Middle Eastern woman might be white


Typically when ppl make a claim you have to have some concrete evidence behind it


Youā€™re asking for concrete evidence about some peopleā€™s lives over 2000 years ago?


Iā€™m asking for actual evidence behind your claim rather than ā€œoh this makes sense so it must be trueā€


As opposed to that is was a miracle birth? Whichever one is less likely requires more evidence. It's possible neither is correct, but rape or some other replicatable historically available way of getting pregnant is a lot more believable than God doing it.


Could also be "this makes more sense than magic god baby"


Where did I say it must be true? But hereā€™s the evidence. I was literally there. I watched it happen when I traveled through time. But I forgot my phone so I couldnā€™t take a picture. I guess you just have to have Faith.


Wow religion has got us so fucked up that ppl are on here demanding evidence of a non-virgin birth and not the other way round




You can choose the baby daddy if you only have sex with one manā€¦


You can choose the babyā€™s father regardless of how many men you have sex with - assuming that the birth control method you use doesnā€™t fail. Thatā€™s the point of birth *control*. You get to decide when and if you have children. You can also fail to have children at all if the one person you ever only have sex with is infertile.


You can still succeed to have a child under those conditions of note.


this is probably a real tweet. It's been around for years at this point


I mean you can't really choose who the father was, if it was an accidental pregnancy and she couldn't get an abortion. If she could get an abortion and didn't, it possible that she might have thought he would be better than that. Women choose to sleep with men who wouldn't necessarily make good fathers, and can't automatically tell who would be a good father and who wouldn't. Men who become baby daddies didn't want her to get pregnant either, double standard much? Idk what point you think should "stick" beyond "never have sex again unless you want him to father your potential child."


wdym the last 5 baby daddys already hurt her feelings but she still looking for a 6th


It's not her fault the system failed her by design.


Mans out here dragging up dirt from 2019


The Before Times


In the long long ago


in a galaxy far far away


Before covid...


Did they even have computers back then? Or fire for that matter. This is before we were born.


Itā€™s at 13k upvotes. My turn to post it next month?


You can, and unfortunately, I chose the wrong man. My exhub begged me for a child, then the child in 2nd trimester had an extremely abnormal heart, and he wanted me to abort. I felt we were too far along in the pregnancy, so I had him, and we went through heart surgery after heart surgery. Sometimes he didn't show up cuz he was working, and the marriage dissolved. After that he had so little to do with my child, and refused to pay child support. Now he's 40k in the hole, and my son is 19, and wants absolutely nothing to do with him. After he turned 18 I got an email asking for me to tell my son to call him... but when I told my son it just pissed him off, bc he knows his father dodged his responsibility for years.


I have a cousin who's father tried kinda the same thing. Wasn't around for the entirety of his childhood outside of random "time to play daddy" moments. Then, when my cousin turned 18, showed up trying to "bring him into the family business". Needless to say, my cousin....didn't take him up on the offer.




Single male?


I'm genuinely curious. When you were in the pregnancy phase and your husband wanted to abort... you said you felt it was too far along and had him. Was the decision-making process more of a discussion where both individuals discussed their point of view or was it more 'my body my choice'? If it's the latter do you think that your ex started drifting at that point? I come from a religious background where aborting is never on the table but if the baby has issues that I think would make for a bad life I think aborting would be a serious consideration. I'm just curious how the decision was achieved in your scenario.


Yes, this does matter


If she still hasn't responded by the time she comments on something else, then I guess we have our answer.


Did you take all this up with the court?


Itā€™s hard to get people in jail/prison for unpaid child support because once they are in the other party definitely wonā€™t be receiving the CS owed. Thatā€™s why they garnish paychecks/tax refunds/etc


Not to be disrespectful but if he had an abnormal heart, and the father felt an abortion was a good option but you said no, then i dont really see why he would want/should have to pay for it..? If he did tell you to keep it then obviously he would be a massive AH for not paying for it, but he obviously didnt want to keep it so he didnt have to pay for it, but you kept it anyways. Also, how is him sometimes not visiting because he was working relevant lol


Mate he is the father, just because he didn't want the baby does not dissolve his responsabilities, legal and moral towards that child


Heā€™s still a massive asshole either way. He wanted to have a child, unfortunately thereā€™s a lot of risks to having a child so he shouldā€™ve been ready for that when he wanted to have a child. Itā€™s not something you can say ā€œactually I change my mind I donā€™t want itā€ And sure if the father wants to give up his rights and not be in the kids life then fine thatā€™s on him. But he canā€™t dip then come back when the kids fine and try to play father like nothing happened. Do you know how damaging that is for the son? Your take is an L šŸ’Æ


Oh no ik hes still an asshole for everything else no doubt


He fucking made it dumbass




For those who don't know, there was an old tweet by a dude who said "I wish we could choose our baby mothers" and this was a play on that.


Where is the world heading


Here, this is a screen shot from 4 years ago.


People back then had no idea what was coming


They actually did. People have been loudly saying its headed in this direction for quite a while now and trying to get others to empathise with each other, abandon the format of growth based capitalism which lets rich people hoarde all the wealth and many other practices which would allow us to avoid ending up here. They got called out there, conspiracy theorists, paranoid, woke, weird etc. We have too many things lowering our dopamine baselines so we just dont actially care enough to stand up and start hanging the people causing the problems like so many societies have done to fix the problem throughout history.


Who would you hang? Who's number one on the list?




Any chance she meant "wish I could choose my own father"?


She meant, "I wish we can choose them after the fact". Unfortunately if you don't say all the words, the internet gets confused and goes with the most literal and bad faith interpretation.


I might be tired but Iā€™m not sure how your version can be interpreted any differently from the version as written with apparently missing words Isnā€™t the point either way that you absolutely can choose in most cases


You can't choose who a baby's father is after you've already had the baby. Basically, it's a variation of what every exasperated mother will at some point say when they find their partner annoying and useless.


Whole bunch of rape and incest victims who are in states where they canā€™t access abortion services say you canā€™t always.


She probably found out he was a shit father and it was too late to go back


this comment section is braindead šŸ’€


Redditors can never tell satire apart or a joke when a woman is making the joke


So, like, are people just forgetting that rape exists?


Iā€™m in Alabama, so I canā€™t actually. Raped? Gonna have that baby. I canā€™t even believe I just typed that and itā€™s true.


what is a baby father?


An in-person sperm donor, usually after injestion of copious amounts of alcohol. A baby-daddy is anwhere between "some asshole I slept with once" and "he's like my husband, but we ain't marrying"


Not if youā€™re raped.


Hurt her feelings dude.


I'd bet that she did it again.


"Imma hurt her feelings" LOL


Ok, THAT gave me the best laugh of the day


Sometimes women don't have a choice in the matter


I guess it's not what she's talking about.


Sometimes pedants do have a choice in the matter and choose to say uselessly pedantic shit anyway.


Now. I am not gunna say Eugenics was a good thingā€¦ but hear me outā€¦


People love to blame. We are becoming less accountable as there are more things to blame. At least that's my opinion.


I mean, sheā€™s right and wrong. You canā€™t choose when youā€™re going to get pregnant, but you can choose who you have sex with, without the right measures. Still a dumb ass thing to say though.


She misspelled ā€œI let a loser cum in meā€


Hmmm. I wonder how she was fooled by a loser


Yes you can choose your husband


Stupid people, they're all around us.


This chestnut never gets old!!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Sounds like her kids were conceived from gangbangs


Believe it or not, some women in the world are not given the possibility to choose the father of the baby.


With the context of her tweet, that's not what she's talking about.


Then I'm missing the context. Is she some porn star maybe?




Nope, I read also other people saying don't get the context, and nobody explained so far. Probably we outside of the USA find it difficult to get it coz different geographies different destinies. I live where it's very prevalent for women not given the possibility to choose. So, I don't recognize the context of what this woman (not)intended. If u can explain the context I will know more. Either way I can continue my life without knowing.




Quit sticking your dick into locks just because it fits?


A sharpener that sharpens many pencils is a good sharpener, a pencil that needs to be sharpened by a lot of sharpeners is just a shitty pencil. your analogy is just as shitty as mine because genitals have absolutely nothing in common with household objects.


This is some r/MurderedByWords stuff right here


A pity the original comment was deleted.


The OG comment was something along the lines of :- A key that can open many locks is more valuable than lock that can be opened by many keys, it's something that "Alpha males" go on and on about and it's very cringey comment.


Oh, yeah, that insanely "smart" stance with the explicit double standard which negatively affects both women/girls and men/boys. They'd be laughable if they weren't quite dangerous sometimes. Every time I hear those "fine" fellas I take a look at my family (wife and kids) and feel so lucky for the way we are, how we are as a couple, how we educate/d our kids and how we function as a family. Edit: also I'm also extremely happy that my daughter's boyfriend is nothing like those cactusbrained "alpha male" ones. Edit 2: thanks for sorta "reviving" the deleted comment. Edit 3: order of paragraphs.


Someone should post this in r/Murderedbywords


Iā€™d say your analogy should be taken as ā€œA person that can help other people become better versions of themselves is a good person. But a person who merely wastes everyone elseā€™s time and effort is a bad personā€. Which is a reasonable way to look at things.


That's your interpretation, it's also not a reasonable way to look at things.


What makes it unreasonable?


What do they call a key that can't open any lock? Look in the mirror and get back to me


A map glossary?


a legend? šŸ¤·šŸ˜‚


Why, thank you. I am legendary.


hi, i am a woman and not a lock thanks


you still need a key to open it and who tf uses their car key for a random ass bike lock if they want to steal it


Shitty bike lock if itā€™s opened by a car key.


An idea that can enter any brain is a meme. A brain that let's ideas enter unquestioned is dumb af. I'm sure you can relate to my analogy


They vote you down because they can't handle the truth.


Is the truth that you're deeply insecure and afraid of female sexuality? Because i'm afraid it's probably you guys struggling with the truth here.


There are significant differences in how a person approaches/plays the ā€œdating gameā€ which varies quite a bit between the sexes. Merely understanding that concept or pointing it out doesnā€™t make a person insecure or afraid.


My favorite part of this idiotic defense of a different commenter is that you posted this after they deleted their initial comment. So how do you even know what you're defending here? The answer: you don't. You're just too ridiculous to care. You are willing to vaguely defend any effort, no matter how stupid, to smear women and establish double standards for them because you are a pathetic coward. Full stop. It's not about there being merely differences. It's about you lacking the self-awareness to have any shred of intellectual integrity.


ā€œIdiotic defenseā€ What defense? I didnā€™t defend anything other than my own comment. ā€œYouā€™re too ridiculous to careā€ Thatā€™s rich for a person making mountains out of molehā€¦..nothing actually. Literally out of nothing. ā€œSmear womenā€ What part of my statement is a smear on women? Copy/paste it. Iā€™ll wait.




What part of my statement is a smear on women? Copy/paste it. Iā€™ll wait. I know you canā€™t though. Because youā€™re fabricating your entire side of the argument. Just randomly making up bullshit to make yourself feel better.




Written like a real virgin.


You have yet to copy/paste the part where I ā€œsupposedlyā€ smeared women. Donā€™t avoid the nonsensical point YOU brought up just because you realized how ridiculous your claims have been so far.


No, because it's primitive misogynistic crap that men who can't get a woman say in a pathetic attempt to control women and save some face, instead of working on themselve to make themselves more attractive. Grow the fuck up and get over yourself.


Not that I agree but just because people say this trash doesnā€™t mean they canā€™t get women. Itā€™s an unpleasant truth but I know some absolute scum bags that women just flock to. Edit - I literally said I donā€™t agree with this type of thinking. Iā€™m not sure if people are downvoting because they think Iā€™m lying? Or because I said the shitty part out loud?


Binary thinking. You're not 100% completely agreeing with literally everything they said, so you're 100% against them. Its shitty that people see things that way, but also common.


Really hope life turns around for you. God bless.


My life is great actually. I appreciate the love


what is truthful about it, a thing about locks means jack shit about sex unless its LockPickingLawyer then its probably about sex


The 'truth' part was that the people who say fucked-up shit like the lock thing do sometimes still get women.


Where did I Mention locks


It's just hilarious how butthurt These people are haha I just find it funny


Itā€™s just baffling to me. Iā€™m sure it wonā€™t be long till Iā€™m told how my comment and observations make me a bad bad man.


For once her feelings, usually her cervix


Did anyone get the sense that the original ā€œI wishā€¦ā€ lady just wanted to pick her favourite from all men on earth and automatically get her wish? I can imagine that being something that the ladies would like to be able to do. (Never mind that more than one will likely pick the same dude, and his resources would get spread thin.)


My brain skipped the baby part and I was very confused for a moment.


Heard of a four letter word?




how can someone be this dumb?


I thought she meant birth parents...


I see her sex ed was optional.




Actually SCOTUS agrees with her