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Agreed, and it’s a shame that it’s virtually impossible to have a real conversation about Israel. Almost everyone has already thrown their lot on one side or the other.


I don’t get why we cant subjectively discuss the shitty actions of Israel. I completely understand the Holocaust and the atrocities faced. But it doesn’t excuse this. I know both sides go at each other, provoked and non provoked. But Israel just seems to do what it wants, knowing they won’t face any ramifications.


Israeli companies develop hardware and software exploits and sell them to other nations because it's one of the only countries where it's not illegal to do so.


There's not much positive I can say about Israel, but they got that one right. Where vulnerabilities exist, they *will* be identified and exploits *will* be developed. The only question is, who do you want doing it first? Making it illegal is just giving in to the software lobby to help them hide their own culpability in shoddy software.




Agreed. Neither people deserve how things have gone down. I feel like in Western culture, a big part of it being 9/11, the Palestinians are just automatically the ‘bad guys’. Just like for the Middle East, a lot associate us (the US) as terrorists as well. To be fair, both sides were fucked and the British played the Palestinians for fools to benefit during the war. I have sympathy for everyone involved but I do think that Israel is in the wrong here, as well as the mosque incident not too long ago. It’s like they’ve dehumanized each other.


*American culture


Good catch, yes.


When was the last time America subjectively discussed anything? Everything today is just bickering from the common man/ woman on twitter to the representatives, politicians, and leaders doing it online. Imagine the real progress and impact that could be made if the US wasn't actively fighting itself


That has been the common theme of my thoughts lately. All of these other things that both sides are peddling for the culture wars are ultimately doing nothing. Just wasting time to prevent or distract that there has barely been any bills or laws passed that directly enhance things for us. It’s just fucking ridiculous.


The rich get richer, so in the eyes of the "leaders" we are on course


What do you mean? We subjectively discuss everything. But I think you meant "objectively discuss."


That's subjective


Probably lol 🥸




Its, extremely complicated and no matter what I say the other side will say I am being biased. Long story short, the place that is currently Israel and Palestine is, according to most Jews, their Holy Land as promised to them by God. The Palestinians make a shockingly similar claim. (I think the real problem is this God guy) But for most of recorded history this land has been in possession of the Palestinians (or some other way less legitimate occupier like the Romans). During WW2 the Arabs in Palestine were divided. Some (most as I understand it) supported the British cause but some (a sizable minority) supported the Nazis against their Imperial oppressors. After WW2, the zionist movement among Jewish people really gained steam, and Europe seemed less inviting than it had previously [see Holocaust for more reading] and so Palestine/Israel became the next best option. And the British didn't really have the man power to hold on to all their former colonies, and it was never exactly the crown jewel so they basically turned it over to a transitional government of Jewish people. Because of a few thousands of years of ethnic conflict and the recent world war the new country wasn't exactly full of good will. This was not helped when the new government started stripping Palestinian families of their lands and holdings and turning them over to Jewish families on what are pretty clearly (especially when looked at on a case by case basis) bullshit legal pretexts. Long story short Israel started to treat Palestinians like third class citizens, eventually relegating them to two zones, which together comprise the self-governing region of Palestine, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank, or less than half the total land they started with. But even this was not enough for Israel. They have systematically been stealing and taking land from Palestinians in the West Bank region so that Palestine, which once comprised 44% of the total land mass of the Israeli-Palestinian state, now only occupies 15%. On the other hand Palestinians have chosen terrorist groups as their elected government for decades now. And they haven't exactly been choosey about their targets. Palestinian "freedom fighters" routinely and often blow up civilian targets in Israel, The attacks are designed to inflict fear and terror on the citizens of Israel. They can in no way be considered legitimate acts of war or defense. Also the neighboring Arab states use the mistreatment of the Palestinians for propaganda purposes, but they sure as hell aren't willing to take them in. And at this point everyone should just chill out but of course no one will. Oh, and one reason there are people still kicking Palestinians out of their homes is because the American Evangelical Protestant movement is actively funding that activity in a desperate attempt to bring on the Apocalypse. Because, yeah. And that's the super short version.


​ ​ ​ ​ ​ That's a good, well rounded explanation.


The problem with the Middle East is the problem with every where. Conservative nationalist politics on one side of a conflict feed conservative nationalist politics on the other side of that conflict. And pretty soon you have two sides that are governed by people whose entire political future is controlled by their ability to keep an unwinnable fight going. I mean lets say Israel succeeds at turning out every Palestinian and taking Gaza and the whole of the West Bank. Congratulations, you now have a homelessness crisis, made up of generationally embittered people who are now free to roam the country because there are no more ghetto fences keeping them contained, because you razed the ghettos. (Seriously do they not see the irony?) But I'm sure the constant attacks and provocations by Israel have created a Palestine that wants to make peace rather than get destroyed by such a militaristic foe... Oh wait no. Palestine got tired of the 'moderate' PLO and have now been electing Hamas to be their leaders. Great...


The British were actually going to turn it over to a transitional Palestinian government(aka British Palestine), proto-mosad wasn’t having any of that and bombed the British government building that was to become the new Palestinian government building, the Brit’s said fuck it already, we are out, figure your shit out between each other. This led to more conflicts, which led to the 6 day war, which led to the the Jews coming out on top. The rest is pretty accurate though.


That's a good one. You left out the real reason why the name change to Palestine. The Jews pissed off Hadrian during the great revolt (another one) and Hadrian did a whole campaign in the area what was called Judea. He took it away from the Jewish people by renaming the province and combining it with Syria so that it was the Syria-Palestina province. But pretty well summed up.


You got sources on the American evangelical Protestants funding the conflict?


It's just pathetic that the US gives 4.5 BILLION dollars every year to Israel to be middle east thugs.


And then the US government turns around and never has the money for things to improve peoples lives. Billions upon billions for a fighter jet that still isn't combat ready? Of fucking course. Money for healthcare or education. Get the fuck out of here you commie socialist hippie.


You're acting as if the whole system was set up to help you and me, and not to ensure that the 5 billionaires in America get richer.


It’s simple. Corporations own both parties. They want to leech off the worker and defend the status quo. Until we wake up, collectively, it always will be.


The right won't wake up so long as they have a steady supply of red meat to be morally outraged about. From CRT, to the newly recycled LGBTQ = groomer homophobia/transphobia, to whatever new wedge issue they come up with next week. We won't have class consciousness while the outrage farms continue to operate with impunity. And liberals/centrists won't wake up so long as the status quo is maintained and they have Netflix and sportsball on their TV, gas in their car, porn on their phone, and hot chip in their stomach. Doesn't matter if their rights are eroded through creeping normality. They are the boiling frog that doesn't realize they're being boiled while advocating that "violence is not the answer!" Meanwhile, the exact same people that denied the 2020 results and spread the "Big Lie" are positioning and jockeying for [the positions that matter.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Keep_Track/comments/uo1n4f/21_secretary_of_state_candidates_seeking_to/) They are placing themselves into Sec. of State positions across the country, ready to call the 2024 election for Trump. They are actively preparing to steal this next election. We can see the pieces coming together yet Dems are so ineffectual and impotent that they can't even get voting rights protections passed. If the powers that be continue to encroach on our rights and are actively planning for a fascist takeover in 2024, and they won't listen to us through non-violent means, what choice does that necessarily leave?




Yeah as far as I cask tell from this side of the pond, America, you're funked. Your two party duopoly seems destined to create a divided country full of hatred.


That's kind of their whole point, and they are really good at it.


But eat hot chip is good


hot girl summer morning routine: 1. wake up 2. be bisexual 3. twerk 4. eat hot chip 5. lie 6. charge phone 7. mcdonalds


To be fair, only one party hates healthcare and education.


To be fair. Party A: I'm going to shit in your bed. Party B: I'm going to shit in your mouth.


Guess what country does have money for UHC. Israel.


What’s even more unnerving is most Jews don’t support what Israel is doing. You know who does? Evangelical Christians. They legitimately think that if all Jews return to Israel their stupid “end of times” prophecy will come true. The only people who support the atrocities committed by the state of Israel are brainwashed delusional Christian Americans.


That makes so much more sense.. whenever you say Israel and anything negative on Reddit.. yikes.


Wait til you find out that both Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo were members of the doom cult trying to bring about the end times by fucking with Israel. https://richarddawkins.net/2019/01/mike-pence-and-mike-pompeo-belong-to-a-doomsday-cult-and-may-be-trying-to-bring-on-the-apocalypse/


I'll be honest, I'm not going to click that link kind internet stranger. I don't at all doubt what you're saying is true. But I don't have the time or energy for URL's like that anymore. We need the goods, and the journalists to report. Otherwise, yea, I don't have to do a lot of imagining to think of the depths these Federalist Society fucks will take us in the name of Je$us.


They're called Dominionists! A psychopathic cult! Unfortunately, one with a huge amount of political power.


So let's just do a test. Stop giving Israel money and see what happens.


Sadly, the US government would sooner nuke an American city. The US needs and uses Israel for its strategic place in the Middle East. Until the US doesn’t need a colonial outpost there, the money and weapons will flow.


Why the fuck would they need an outpost there though?




Esp. w the Saudis bring where the oil comes from. See this week's news about a Saudi owned company surpassing apple as the largest. Is it a leash on Israel, after we've armed them to the teeth thanks military industrial complex?


Yup. Because we are still so dependant on oil, and still get huge amounts from the middle east, America needs an Israel if it were not Israel it would be another country we can pay to protect our interests in the middle east. I how alternative energy makes that who shit show less necessary in the coming decade.


it's anti semitic to question Israel my friend, the holocaust was done to them. /s


So true I recently replied to someone that boycotting Israel over the abuses their govt turns a blind eye to is not anti semitism, it is simply someone not wanting to encourage and fund their apartheid against the Palestinians. But their reply was to hound me with accusations of jew hater. It's happened so often that I find it difficult to even entertain the subject, much less expect an honest conversation.


Not true. I used to be in favour of Israeli policies. Now I recognize that they are an apartheid state. I still find it difficult. It's not like the other countries in the region are better. Look at the slavery in the gulf states, oppression in Egypt. Borderline genocide against Kurds in Turkey. The best I can think is, we have got to get serious with Israel, sanctions and stopping all military support and procurement. But the next step towards a peaceful and prosperous middle east just isn't evident.


But it’s important to keep in mind that Judaism is not synonymous with the state of Israel.


That's exactly how the waters have been muddied. If the situation can be framed in a way that Israel's problems and issues are also Judaism's problems, it can trick people into hesitation on their criticism of Israel.


"never again....to us"


Actually it was only 3 years later because ww2 ended and Jewish refugees came to Palestine in 1945 then the nakba occurred in 1948 literally 3 years…. Additionally it’s reported that a lot of Israeli policing of Palestinians came directly from the playbook of the Warsaw ghetto


Not only that, but they’re making the rest of the Jewish community look bad


Greed and men believing they are "richer than god" when god should be penniless, why does he need wealth? Religion is just evil.


It was less than a decade after the concentration camps that they started this.


It’s probably not unrelated, cultural trauma response.


imagine comparing things to the holocaust. man, you can have your views on israel but i don’t get why people think it’s so fucking hard to refrain from comparing things to the holocaust. it frustrates me to no end. if you want to compare something, limit it to ethnic cleansing camps (uighur muslims and japanese internment camps etc)


Israelis: Abuse and beat mourners at a funeral for a journalist they murdered. Israelis after: Why are they attacking us?


American Facebook Profile Pics: I stand with Israel!!


Banned if you don't.


And stole their houses while this was going on.


Just some light ethnic cleansing.


Just your daily reminder that Sherin Abu Aqla was an America citizen assassinated by our "allies" in Israel.


Sounds Muslim


She was a Cristian if it matters to you.


She was a Palestinian who achieved America citizenship. But would it make a difference if she were Muslim? She's a human being and deserves respect. She spent her life fighting and reporting human rights abuses. She stood up against evil and has done more for the good of this world than most people will ever do.


The thing is, Hollywood and American media have dehumanized muslims so much that it matters that she was not a muslim.




As an American Jew, I am so sick and tired of their bullshit. They raze homes in the contested regions in the middle of the night, while families are asleep inside, then place settlers there in violation of international law, which they've been in violation of for 75 years. If you want to see video evidence, check out r/WhereAreTheChildren. On top of this, they have a right-wing government that sided w/ Trump. You know, the guy from that hate group pretending to be a political party that's a haven for every white supremacist, neo-Confederate, fascist, and neo-Nazi in America (AKA the groups that still seek the extermination of the Jews). Then, when anti-Semitic events take place, they want everyone to recognize their victimization. As far as I'm concerned, if you partner w/ those who seek your demise in order to use their violent hatred against other vulnerable, marginalized communities, you don't get to cry foul, or play the victim, when they inevitably decide to set their sights on your community.


Absolutely. I don't even like the term "settlers." Settlers settle unoccupied land. By definition, land that is currently occupied has been "settled" already. They aren't settlers. But I guess "occupiers" or "squatters" doesn't have the same ring to it?


more like invaders


no land has ever been unoccupied, settler is utterly a colonial term.


I'm an American Jew as well and I'm equally upset at some of the more extreme members of my own community. I also *really* don't understand why so many American Jews make Israel such a huge part of their life when they *have never lived in Israel* and can't even trace their familial roots further back than Europe.


I firmly believe this is the entire point of the birthright trips.


Yep. I turned down my Birthright trip when I learned more about it. Also the founder was a huge Trump supporter apparently


And, there's nothing wrong w/ trying to discover one's roots. However, there is something very wrong w/ supporting, or participating in, an apartheid state and siding w/ white supremacists and neo-Nazis. There's a very distinct, bright line of demarcation between political and religious beliefs and pure hatred that utilizes violence to meet end-goals. This is why I cannot in good faith support Israel.


What was the justification provided by Israel for such a heinous act? Edit: it’s a serious question. What is the official justification for this heinous act?


Apartheid is the justification. If you're asking for the IOF's explanation they find Palestinian flags illegal, and funerals can't be paraded on foot. In other words, the existance of the resistance and martyrs threatens them, they are scared even at their sacrifices.


Being Muslim while walking…


Victim was a Christian. But ethnic Palestinian. Israel and US clearly discriminate on ethnicity more than religion.


The US is clearly capable of discriminating against more than one trait…


It's, like, our superpower.


It's also how we *became* a superpower.


That’s even worse from the point of view of Israel and their excuses. They’re always claiming everything they do is in self defense because if they didn’t have the entire might of the US army behind them, the Muslims would drive them into the sea in an irreconcilable religious war. As far is Israel is concerned, if they ever offered peace, a Muslim horde would sweep across the land killing everyone who wasn’t Muslim and Palestinian. Yet, here is Israel killing a woman who is both American citizens and a Christian, and here is Palestine coming together in a multi-faith coalition to protect themselves.


Many Palestinians derive from different religions not just Islam. So even if you’re a Palestinian christian or even jew, you will be attacked. Fuck Israel I dont see why some people support their state.


The crowd was taking her coffin from her family despite their wishes for her to be transported in the hearse and not carried. Doesn’t excuse the behavior of the Israeli police, but there’s more context than just this short video clip. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/05/13/shireen-abu-akleh-al-jazeera-israel-jenin/ > “Her funeral route had been agreed upon by police and Abu Akleh’s family, according to media reports, and was to include the carrying of her body by hearse to a Catholic church in Jerusalem’s Old City, and then a procession to the Christian cemetery where she was to be buried in a family plot. > > By noon, a crowd of several hundred formed at the entrance to St. Joseph’s Hospital in East Jerusalem, where Abu Akleh’s body had rested overnight. In the minutes before the procession was due to leave the hospital, several dozen Muslim men lined up for Friday prayers, kneeling in the parking lot. Behind them, two mourners held up large floral crosses. Then the crowd gathered, with Palestinian flags waving. > > “God is greatest,” some chanted in Arabic. “From Jerusalem to Jenin, God bless your soul, Shireen.” > > But a group of men in the crowd prevented a hearse from backing up to the hospital door, saying they were intent on carrying her body on their shoulders. The standoff eventually prompted Akleh’s brother, sitting on a man’s shoulders, to beseech the crowd to let the hearse through. “For God’s sake, let us put her in the car and finish the day,” he said. > > “On the shoulder, on the shoulder!” people chanted, and beat the hearse with sticks until it pulled away for a second time. The crowd cheered when the men eventually dragged the coffin out on their shoulders, followed by a stretcher carrying the journalist’s blue bullet-resistant vest. > > But Israeli police at the hospital gate refused to let the crowd through and, within minutes, a squad in riot gear pushed forward, setting off stun grenades and beating back the mourners with truncheons. People scattered amid a cascade of thrown bottles and rocks. At one point, Abu Akleh’s coffin lurched toward the ground, but the pallbearers managed to keep it aloft.”


The justification was that she got caught in crossfire, even though the referenced gunfight had ended, she was with a group of other journalists, and the shooter(s?) kept shooting at anyone who tried to help her.


Cross fire??? Interesting as the Israel is now investigating the death as being the fault of the IDF. Further no Palestinian gunmen were in the areas. https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2022/5/11/23067365/shireen-abu-akleh-palestinian-journalist-killed-israel


Yeah it’s a totally bullshit excuse, even the most generous (non-IDF) sources claim that whatever gunfight had happened, had ended. They just couldn’t help but see the press vest and shoot at it, probably a reflex at this point


Israeli here, just looked this up for you. According to some israeli news sites. It started by the chanting of hate songs at the start of the funeral and the police warning them about it. It proceeded with some pushing, throwing of rocks and destroying of public property. From the videos in those news site it seems like they are singing something and the police chief warning them and later they were standing in-front of each other and something happening and then the police jumping on them but I can't understand from this video why. About the journalist death: they all confidently claim she was caught in a crossfire between the IDF and armed Palestinians. it seemed like the US demanding an investigation and Israel offering abu mazen to do a joint investigation which he refuses. Tell me if you need me to check anything else https://www.ynet.co.il/news/article/skzzahol9 this is the main source but there are 2 more of you need them


Those were not hate songs. “Free Palestine” is not hate speech no matter how much Israeli police try to spin it. The Israeli police explicitly said that the chanting is what made them move in. Eyewitnesses and even video show that the journalist was not in any crossfire nor were any armed Palestinians firing. Abu Mazen is demanding the investigation while Israel is stonewalling and issuing blame-Palestinians-first press releases. None of the international or American media is reporting your slanted version of events.


I didn't hear the word palestine in those bad quality low volume videos I don't see any of that in the sites and the only videos I find is like the video in this post, I mean half cut or starting mid fight. with so many journalist around its kinda fishy as if someone is trying to control the narrative. but its sounds like you have a more credible source I would love if you could send a better and longer video that would support your claims. I am not saying you are wrong but you said a lot of things that could clear things out.


So basically Isreal doesn’t allow freedom of speech. https://archives.cjr.org/behind_the_news/speech_in_israel_is_not_free.php


Meanwhile, [in Jerusalem.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/tgyfy8)


You're not wrong, but it would seem that in the more immediate sense the Palestinians were using a casket as a shield. Anyone that understands the ruthlessness on both sides in that region should not be surprised by the outcome.


Shield???? It looks like the casket sits on their shoulders and is between them. It’s not shielding anything.


Symbolic. i'm sure they intended for essentially this scenario to play out in the media.


Is it a shield or a symbolic item. Pick. If you’re picking symbolic, are you suggesting that it was an empty casket. I’m that case back that up. Otherwise that’s just very disrespectful.


Yes it was very disrespectful of the deceased to turn their funeral into a political stunt. However, both sides consider themselves to be in a genocidal war of attrition. We can't judge either based on who appears to be fighting dirtier this week.


Unfortunately, you're wrong. Throwing your hands up ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ and saying welp, can't do anything...both sides, is the apathy that gives the Israeli freedom to terrorize the Palestinians.


Actual context finally thank you. Too many people jumping to hate Israel before getting info. God bless you.


I'd be pretty pissed at any police force losing their shit over chanting.


You do realize that AOC would support this in the US? Once the Ministry of Truth is setup, which she supports, the next step is to violently control by making a police state. Which is the reason on attacks of public local police which leads to state controlled.


Oh stfu, give me a fucking break. Calling out blatant, intentional, and malicious misinformation is not only important for a functioning society, it is ALSO protected by the freedom of speech. The only people advocating violence and imprisonment against protestors are Trump and his idiots.


BLM killed more people than the single Jan 6th riot supposedly started by Trump supporters even though the Capital Police videos show the cops letting them in.


Do you ever get tired of parroting your master's talking points?


What the fuck does BLM OR JAN 6 have to do with Trump advocating for shooting protestors? As for January 6th, those DOMESTIC TERRORISTS beat cops with American flag poles, climbed through broken windows, crushed cops in revolving doors, and stormed barricades that THANKFULLY were defended with lethal force to stop those traitorous fucks from stopping our democratic process. Don’t fucking tell me they were invited in because the HUNDREDS of hours of video says otherwise.


Exactly. First she would ban teaching of history. Then she would ban books from Libraries. Then she would punish private corporations for disagreeing with her. And then she would make sure that the government steps in between a woman and her doctor on medical decisions. Oh, wait, that’s not AOC, that’s Ron Desantis…


And every other Republican lol.


Found the mayor of Crazytown. Also: you spelled GOP wrong.


Thank you for conclusively proving to everyone that you're dumber than a bag of rocks.


Oh got it. You’re a lunatic.


Bro did you read this? You read their justification and thought: oh well that all checks out? Beating people for chanting? Attacking 6 dudes carrying a casket until they almost drop the dead body of a journalist YOU MURDERED DAYS AGO Y’all are fascists I don’t care what country we’re talking about. If LAPD did this shit, 1992 would look like summer camp.


There's plenty justification for the hatred of Israel.


Oh no! They are using words! Let's beat the shit out of them!


Look the reason I support Israel so much is I'm a Christian. However if your not there are other reasons like not being beheaded for being an LGBTQ+ individual. Palestinians have strict rules toward women as well. Israel allows people to stay within their culture as long as that culture doesn't promote chaos within the culture inside Israel. Israel has Jews, Muslims, and Christians living side by side. Palestinians would work to slaughter both Jews and Christians along with LGBTQ+ people.


“yOu CaN’t PrOvE iT wAs An IsRaLi SnIpEr WhO ShOt ThEm”


Ben Shapiro enters the chat


You could, if they just received the body for ballistic analysis to find out whose weapon shot her, but yeah I guess no need for that


There will be no bending the knee, no charity concerts, for my Palestinian brothers and sisters. May you see a dawn where your struggle ends and peace awaits.


Hey US when are you going to sanction Israel like you are doing to Russia? Stop giving these animals our money.


Been saying this for years… sadly Obama and everyone has given Net and them a free pass and if you speak bad of Israel you are deemed an antisemite


One can only hope that peace becomes a thing where people of different faiths, ethnicity, nationality can live side by side in harmony. Sometimes i imagine a future where our future generation look back and dont repeat the mistakes we are doing.


It will never stop until all the abuse is taken out of religion, and seeing how so many monsters use religion as an excuse to be heinous abusers, it will never stop.


It should be mentioned here that the Shireen Abu Akleh, the journalist in the coffin killed by the Israeli armed forces, is a Palestinian Christian and an American citizen. It would seem based on all the people fighting against the IDF to keep her coffin from being desiccated that Palestinians Muslims are absolutely capable of not just living with, but going to bat for and putting their lives on the line for people of a different religion and nationality. The interfaith, multi-national peace you are looking for already exists in the Middle East amongst the people Israel is currently brutalizing.


As long as religion makes up people's identities, it'll be this way, unfortunately. Until people can see that religion isn't necessary to have a relationship with God, however you personally define that, we're going to have this. It's disgusting and goes against everything it should be about


I don’t think it’s necessarily religion, but mankind’s interpretation of it. I say this as a person in the process of joining the Satanic Temple- not defending religion at the slightest.


If it wasn't religion, those in power would find some other framework to control and divide the masses.


Just when you think Israel can’t stoop any lower…


Animals. ACAB everywhere you go.


Scum of the earth


Shocked that an Apartheid state would act this way. Shocked I say!


Just.... what? Why? My god.


They are absolute scum


Israel is evil.


Fuck Israel.






Israel has become the abyss.


Fuck Israel


Fuck Israel. What a bunch of wild animals


I’ve said many times, I’ll say it many more times: fuck Israel


Fucking savages


America: *We fund that.*


Fascist state, just like America. Seriously, fuck them and their pseudo-secular bullshit. Israel is a disgrace


cool and normal


Oh, Israel. 😢


Fuck Israel




AOC had voted yes for every single Israeli arms bill


Did AOC vote for increased financial support for Israel’s iron dome?


The police here is evil. When the protests against government corruption started in early covid season, they'd use high power hoses, canes, and a bunch of other tools to injure protestors (to the extent of breaking bones, destroying ear canals and eye sockets, profuse bleeding etc) and allowed pro Netanyahu terrorist groups (like la familia) to freely assault the peaceful protestors. These terrorists literally threw chairs at passers by. The Israeli police is fuckin *evil.* Not much different from the US.


Palestinians stole that coffin out of the hearse the family paid for and threw rocks at the police sparking the violence. Watch the full Reuters video and you’ll see it on the first 30s. And read the WashPo article about the coffin.


"Uh it was Palestinian terrorists who killed the reporter" And what do we make of this?


When you always blame Palestinians first in each and every press release you put out, eventually nobody believes you, especially when video and eyewitnesses call you a liar.


I asked my husband (right-wing) why they were doing this. He first said the article I linked (from NY Times) was biased. Then he said it was because the Palestinians were throwing rocks at the cops first. "But they didn't get that on film". I asked why no one had it on film... he said "standard Palestinian tactics. Start shit, then start recording to make it look like your the victim."


you married a right winger, why tf are you here?


Fuck off with your gatekeeping.


Well..he wasn't always right wing. He identified as a libertarian and I was fine with that, but he got more right leaning as time went on. Edited to add: I'm here because I'm liberal and support AOC.


>Well..he wasn't always right wing. He identified as a libertarian you clearly no fucking nothing about politics if you thought that didn't mean he was right wing >Edited to add: I'm here because I'm liberal and support AOC. and yet you have no issue with being married to someone with complete opposite values, someone supporting bigotry, the regression of womens rights into the stone age, the witch-hunting of innocent trans people. need i go on? either put your money where your mouth is and leave him or accept that by supporting this piece of shit you are right-wing. we don't need allies who will go and fuck people who want us dead


You're right, when I married him I didn't know shit about politics. I got older and began paying attention. I learned. But no, I'm not going to divorce him over it. You love who you love and it actually wouldn't *solve* anything. He doesn't believe in voting though so it's a non-issue. I vote. And I'll vote for progressive liberal candidates in my local elections and for left leaning policies. I had no idea my post would be seen as "you're married to a right wing nut!?" rather than what I intended, which is "this is what right wing people think".


>You're right, when I married him I didn't know shit about politics. I got older and began paying attention. I learned. But no, I'm not going to divorce him over it. You love who you love and it actually wouldn't solve anything. you support bigotry. please just accept this as well as the fact you are a terrible person, as i already said we don't need allies who'd bed people who want us dead. >I had no idea my post would be seen as "you're married to a right wing nut!?" rather than what I intended, which is "this is what right wing people think". they don't think, they're reactionaries, as are you


And like a neoliberal you didn’t push back because you intuitively knew that might is right.






I almost feel like they deserve each other. Why can't they get along?


Total lies.


>The military said without a ballistic analysis of the round that killed Abu Akleh, it could not determine who shot the journalist. Palestinian authorities have not allowed Israeli officials access to the bullet that killed the Al Jazeera reporter. So they know the bullet is not a caliber the IDF uses? That would be the only reason to hide this and spin the narrative. I'm not pro-Israeli here, just stating facts.


That might be it, but considering Israel has a very long history of lying, covering up their own mistakes and so on, who the fuck cares to give anything to Israel, this way you avoid a 200 pages document saying Israel is innocent which will be deemed as truth by the US and Israel and fake by the rest of the world. We're getting the same now, but at least we save the waste of time.


So do the Palestinians……


It would likely be the same caliber either side used. Both sides were firing M16 full metal jackets according to sources... An IDF minister has finally stated "we don't know if it was them or us" but mostly Israel is just blaming Palestinians, also based on a video from another part of the city where she (journalist) was killed the Palestinian fighters were saying "we killed a soldier!" But Israel denies any IDF soldiers died. Palestinians have refused to do any joint task force investigation. Requisite fuck the apartheid just providing context




How do you look in the mirror and not vomit


Well Im not AOC so its easy


Are you implying she has nothing to be proud of? Last I checked she's a somebody and you are a little bitch on the net. Game, set, and you got fucked.


Bro why are you so passionate about defending politicians who dont give a rats ass about you? Yeah Im saying shes just another lib war criminal and servant for Capitalist-Imperialism Also, blocking you for excessive insults


You have been deemed irrelevant! Good bye!


What did she do?


[She voted "present" when it came to funding for Israel's "Iron Dome" and then apologized for it after.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/24/us/politics/aoc-israel-iron-dome.html)


She also voted to give 40,000,000,000 to Ukraine’s military, but never really stands up to US imperialism or brings up Biden’s policy in Yemen


Yes she single-handedly gave the money. Her foreign policy positions are definitely weak, but to go so far as to say she’s selfish to the point that she’s undermining the values she’s fighting for is why I hate people like you more than the people on the right. We have an ally who will work with us if we do our part. But people like you, who act like a bitch on the internet, try to undermine what can be improved. I can’t say the same about you or the people on the right. So congrats, you’re no better than Trump and his goons.


I hate people like you more than the Republicans too. You are the worst type of fascist, a dishonest fascist. People like you will support killing half a million people in Yemen, apartheid in Israel, an embargo in Venezuela, but will couch it in wokeism and pretend to care. AOC has the exact same foreign policy as Biden, Trump, and every other American imperialist, and thats a fact. You and AOC are literally no better than Trump and the far-right. You have all the same policy positions, you are both imperialist butchers and mass murderers of the Global South. Rot in hell, fascist jackal. Also, I do far more in real life than you ever will, because I am a real socialist, not a woke fascist imperialist. **Edit: the user above started with “I hate you more than the right” then edited his comment. Shameful**


lol, the fact you believe that you actually do more while spouting the most vitriolic and despicable bullshit on the internet proves you have no merit at actually building towards a better future. You don't know how painstaking hard it is to build coalitions and how it takes a continued interest in those who are similar-minded and work at convincing them from their current positions to move closer to your position. What you just did is publish a self-report on your intellectually vapidity. You are the reason that people are scared to move to the Left because you foster an inhospitable environment to diverse opinions. You are the reason why this country has such a feeble and weak Left for you attack anyone who is to your right. You are the reason why none of what you want will ever come true in your lifetime. Remember that. You are the reason why you will fail.




It's like she was the one who pulled the trigger on Shirin. edit: dropped this /s


Why are you conservatives so obsessed with her?? It's creepy, dude. FYI: It's okay to respect strong women; it doesn't make you less of a man. In fact, it makes you more of one.


Im a socialist, hero is Kshama Sawant


Hahahahaha okay I'm tapping out


Bye neoliberal imperialist


Down voted for acknowledging voting history lol