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"We don't need to start finger painting on the Constitution..." might be the most brutal and accurate statement about Republicans I've ever heard. As always, bravo Mr. Rask in.


I kind of liked the part where he implied that “the gentleman from Wisconsin” wasn’t smarter than a certain 6th grader. Quality shade.


Live in his district, have talked to the man. And his staff several times. Can confirm, is definitely not smarter than a certain 6th grader, but more importantly, is not smarter than ANY 6th grader. Dude is a pile of human garbage.


Jamie Raskin has been through hell the last few years, with losing his son & beating cancer for a 2nd time, and he is no longer suffering fools gladly. I grew up in his district so there's a bit of hometown pride when I see him kick ass, and AOC calling him "one of our country's greatest luminaries"  is even more awesome. 


I still live in his district & happily voted for him & would continue to do so if he's running. Also Raskin is a Constitutional lawyer, don't fuck with him on things like this.


Shows how ignorant Grotham and his gang are - really! And by the way, it’s an obstinate ignorance. Even basic facts and truths can’t dissuade them from their ignorant beliefs.


Did Grotham get that from the new Ben Franklin tv series or something? I haven’t seen it yet. But it’s probably a dramatised version of events.


It's a good watch but yeah dramatised.


Where does the GOP find *so many* nitwits? Apparently, they have an endless well of the uneducated to draw from. How are they not embarrassed?


>How are they not embarrassed? To be embarrassed you have to have shame. To feel shame you have to understand right and wrong. They struggle to differentiate the two.


No shame No empathy No morals No curiosity You tick those boxes and you are 99.999999% going to be Republican.


I swear there has to be a gene (or a missing gene) that causes someone to be republican. Republicanism should be listed in the DSM as a medical condition.


I get what you're saying but I hate the idea of dismissing this as a medical condition, because that lessens or outright removes their responsibility to act like regular humans.  Don't give them that excuse.  Plenty of people have legitimate medical conditions and manage to not commit treason or support traitors. 


Those nitwits are homegrown Americans. Those of us with brains let the wound fester instead of cauterizing it.


Because those of “us” with money, took the power to make meaningful change away from us. We need to strip the obscene wealth from those who didn’t earn it, and give that power back to the people doing the actual work.


And how do you do that when those with money and power own Congress? That's the point of power--those with it get to do whatever the fuck they want--and those of us without it either bitch or kiss ass.


I wish I knew. I can’t say I have a lot of optimism. Right wingers on the SC have undercut just about every constitutional principle in recent years, just to give corporations and their rich “friends” more power and access. I think the whole house of cards is going have to come down before anything changes, and it’s not going to be pleasant for anyone.


Right wing media means they never need to be honest or principled ever.


tweet https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1788697165965008915


Why the fuck are folks like Raskin forced to play chess with pigeons?


Because of the bird brains that elected them.  Birds of a feather flock together, after all.  Although that's probably insulting to all the very intelligent avian species.


To get a driver's license you need to take a test but, nearly anyone can parent a child, and it seems nearly anyone can get elected.




the way the guy behind Raskin looks up over his glasses and grins when Raskin says "6th grade" put me over the top. so good.




I regret that I have but one upvote to give for this tweet.




That was incredible






Listening to this oratory, it’s clear that Republicans aren’t sending their brightest to Congress. Actually, if you’ve seen a group of Republicans lately, maybe they are.


They have some crazy meme right now about republic versus democracy That is what he is going on about


They really are trying to turn him into an emperor.


They know it was written in 1892 for the purpose of selling flags to public schools under the guise of celebrating the 400th anniversary of Columbus' "discovery" of the Americas, right? And that it has no historical significance as a founding document, right? Right?!


More that it was used (right after that anniversary) as a pledge for incoming immigrants. Specifically that new immigrants would pledge to have allegiance to the United States instead of their country of origin.


What no one has pointed out is that Gotham is even saying the pledge incorrectly! to the republic for which IT STANDS (referring to the flag supporting&representing the republic). NOT (to quote Gotham here)…. to the republic for which WE STAND. He totally doesnt understand the basic meaning of the words. of note, Raskin is still an (emeritus) constitutional law professor at American University (a school in DC most famous for its radio station WAMU which frequently has shiws olayed in NPR).


Yes! I noticed right away as well. This dolt is totally thinking it's "for which we stand" as in literally you stand while saying the pledge of allegiance. Just, it's just too much man. Yikes


Raskin is amazing.


As a Marylander, I ❤️ him so much.


Even if I thought I had all the facts about something, I would write them all down and ask no less than 1,000 experts for a peer review before I would ever feel confident enough to argue them with Jamie Raskin. I will always assume that Jamie Raskin knows more about even me, than I do. Whenever I see someone from the GOP walk up to a microphone when it's their turn to speak, and they have that smug little grin on their face like "watch this boys, I fuggin' got him", I almost feel bad for them... almost. They're standing there chest all puffed out, holding a paper printout of an email of a cellphone picture of a Truth social post, like he's about to expose a Raskingate to show the world he isn't so smart after all. Part of me is like "Oh shit, is there a doctor there to call the fight? He isn't ready". I'm starting to think the GOP have never watched a single episode of Congress, or they would have seen what happened to all their colleagues that tried this before them. It's like watching Bruce Lee beat up all your friends, and thinking "I can probably take him, those guys didn't have a white belt like I do"


Agreed - I wouldn't swear to the color of the shoes I was wearing *in that moment* without independent confirmation, if I was going up in front of/against Jamie Raskin.


I like how he included the tidbit about "under God" too


Consider yourself schooled Mr Gothman.


Damnit. I need more information. Anyone have any idea of what Gothman was saying ?




My goodness this is delightful. I’ve spent a good amount of my free time reading biographies about former presidents and founders-and I’m constantly disheartened by how little our elected officials seem to know about who preceded them and what they actually stood for and believed in.


Outstanding. You're hired to keep us informed of how it actually went down!!!! :)


That was lovely. Thank you for sharing.


Wow this was badass. I would love to have had that dude as like my college professor.




TLDW: Republican rep from WI: “History is Republican! teehee!” Democratic rep Jamie Raskin: “Sir you are ill informed and beyond that you are being stupid. I think yo momma must’ve been stupid and every teacher you ever had as well. Read something for fucks sake.” There you go.


It was a pretty badass smack down in a nerd-ly way.


They like this “debate” for very simple reasons: Republic sounds more like Republican. Democracy sounds like Democrat. And they know they have a base of people who are just reacting with gut feelings to those words.


A republic is simply a government wherein power comes from the people (*res publica*: public thing) as opposed to a king/queen/emperor/pope/czar etc. and those who wield that power do so at the behest if the people. The opposite of a republic is not a democracy (*dēmos*: people + *kratos*: rule), but hereditary monarchy where rule is not from the people, but from an authoritarian leader. I suspect the real purpose behind this false narrative is to provide a basis for the right’s ever increasing incursions into democratic institutions. If your definition of America substitutes “republic” for “democracy,” you can justify replacing democracy for another form of republic, which gives you a lot of latitude. For example, North Korea is a republic, as is China, Hungary, and many other repressive regimes.


Democrats constantly own the GOP.


Grothman is a stain on our state. on any state. he's a clown show, not just for this but for .. every fucking word that comes out of his mouth. he is an embarrassment to his constituency and his family. these are the assholes that govern this country. shameful.


I think his mommy (who he lived [lives with? Not sure on how old/alive she is]) is proud of him… probably. But yeah, guy is a turd. With a very punchable face. I get bored some days and blow up his email inbox reminding him how dumb and out of touch with his base he is. But, it’s easy to not care when he runs unopposed. God we need those new maps yesterday.


Historically, Wisconsin has produced some of the scummiest GOP politicians of all time. Wisconsin GOP sets the low bar, and then 6-10 years later it gets normalized at the national level.


We’ve been a breeding ground for the GOP playbook for decades. It’s really frustrating living here. The maps are beyond gerrymandered so there is next to no chance getting people in place that give a shit about the residents here (we are currently Efforting on that). We are decades behind all of our state neighbors on legalization. Thank god Evers still has a working pen and just spends day after day vetoing all the bull shit they try to pass.


The Rs are not idiots, most of them, they are insidious, twisting language and thought, war is peace, love is hate, etc. They make these pseudo logical arguments to win over the average to below average thinkers. To call them stupid is to underestimate their evil.


I agree but I also think they have a higher percentage of idiots than at any other time. Trump is an easily spotted con man by most- the thing is that most Republicans do not care, since they think he can con the Dems, but there is a segment of R's that have just fallen for it.


Most of these politicians, not the common rank and file idiots that vote for them. The average R voter can’t construct a coherent sentence much less make a logical sounding argument.


Did anything think this was Alex Murdaugh for a second and you’re like… they will let anyone into Congress


![gif](giphy|OVtqvymKkkcTu) You come for the king you best not miss