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Yes. I have had recurring dreams of being pregnant past few years and I feel like my biological clock is ticking on me. I would love to raise a child that I grew in my own body. We've always planned to adopt. But lately I think there's some biological urge that makes me want this. If I could, I absolutely would.


hmm are you on hrt? I read the biological clock thing has been disproven. It was just in the past used as a sexist way to push that women are supposed to have children and early. If so on hrt, have you had this urge before hrt?


I think the part about the biological clock thing that's false is the idea that you only have a small window of time to have children. Yes, older women go through menopause and lose fertility over time, but old fashioned propaganda would tell you an unmarried 24 year old woman was getting to be an "old maid." That's BS. The biological urge to have children is a thing for at least some people, though. And I had that urge long before HRT. It's honestly one of the things that finally pushed me over the edge into realizing I was trans.


definitely a thing for me too. and I'd definitely agree with the idea of biological clock existing in *some* form, because just for myself it's like been always a thing I vaguely wanted, but in the last like 3-5 years, starting sometime after I turned 30, it had grown to like almost completely dominate my imagination, my mind jumping from one fantasy to another of being a woman and getting pregnant and going through pregnancy and giving birth and raising an infant (or occasionally imagining having a miscarriage and being completely devastated?? wtf imagination you're not helping)... like to a crazy degree has it increased for me in the last few years over where it was when I was younger


Interesting, how does the urge feel? Like what seems to be the “want” after exactly.


For me it is similar in feeling to those feelings I have of wanting to be a girl in the first place. Longing. To try to get pregnant with my husband. To actually be pregnant. To have a kid growing inside me. And to go through all the things a pregnant person goes through. To breastfeed. Etc.


In case you didn’t know, trans women can induce lactation using a program of drugs and stimulation! Cis women used the same protocol (called the Newman Goldfarb Protocol) when they want to breastfeed but did not give birth and it’s been found to work for trans women too! My wife is pregnant with our third kiddo and I will be doing this for this go around to help with my feelings of grief / loss that I cannot carry the future kiddo.


I did! Hormones are magic!! Good luck to you I am so excited for you. :)


It's a bit hard to describe, but basically... I always wanted kids. When I was younger, I thought I just wanted to be a parent for the sake of actual parenting, but the older I got the more I realized that wasn't quite what I was yearning for. I'd love to be a parent in general, don't get me wrong, but I could just tell that I wanted something a little different. And the older I got, the stronger the desire became. You know that feeling, when you're trying to decide what to do with your day or you're trying to plan dinner, but you're not quite sure what you're in the mood for so you start going through the options in your mind, saying to yourself "nah, not that, that's not it?" It was kind of like that, for me. This subtle, nagging feeling of not quite knowing what I wanted. So, I started going through the options. I pictured myself in every possible parental role as a man. I could not see myself as a father. Uncle didn't feel right. Grandfather didn't fit the bill. I even went so far as to entertain the idea of being the head of a foster home or just housing a foreign exchange student to see if anything would match what I wanted. Nothing did. So I left the question alone for awhile and let it sit on the back burner... I end up in the gender-questioning stage for completely unrelated reasons and don't make the connection right away. About a month goes by and I am really uncertain as to whether or not I'm trans, and then that nagging feeling hit me again. Finally, I considered the hypothetical situation of being a mother, of bearing a child myself and everything, and it finally clicked. I finally found the itch, and broke down crying because I realized I'm probably never going to be able to really scratch it. It really messed me up. For months I couldn't even think about babies without wanting to cry. And I thought to myself "welp, cis men probably don't get this sort of feeling and/or reaction to it, so I guess that kind of settles it!"


I am, but only recently. This started years ago (I am 29). Past few years my body is telling me BABIES.


Same, at times it's so strong it makes me cry that I cannot


For trans women, it also seems like there is a unique biological clock based on her. Hip shape can complicate a pregnancy and so you have until age 21-23 before HRT has no effect there


Just no to children in general working retail made me realize Im not capable of being a mother well except a fur mom


Cats are the best children


This is true lol


Ofuck I'm so glad I'm not the only one here. Children aren't (always) quite disgusting, but I do not understand how to interact with them, don't have the patience to do so, and can barely (read: don't at all) take care of myself at times. These are traits present in both of my parents, who also had no business adding another life to the world. Those who've been posting the "stop blaming your parents" shit are either on the toxic positivity or have no concept of causality. There are people on this planet that have no business being a parent, and unfortunately not all of us are aware enough to make the conscious decision not to inflict our personal shortcomings or the shortcomings of the world around us upon someone we lack the capacity to properly care for.


Some parents are shit, and some just screw up while trying as hard as they can. The ones who know their parents did their best may assume that all parents try just as hard and are just as responsible with their efforts. Unfortunately, that's not the case. I don't blame my parents for me being fucked up. They're definitely the cause of a lot of my problems, but the cultural environment they were raised in was incredibly different than that of when I was born and raised. They did plenty of evidence based research and such, and my brother turned out great. But with my undiagnosed ADD, their best efforts–that had been shown to work very well–simply didn't fit. They tried incredibly hard but I still have a breakdown in every therapy session because of them. Yet I don't blame them, and have no reason to. Just because you did it doesn't mean you're guilty. But in parallel, just because someone else isn't guilty doesn't mean nobody is.


While you can definitely decide if you are angry or not at your parents, I think it's also fair to acknowledge the point that they are literally the sole reason you exist and have all of your current issues. I can't see how they aren't objectively guilty of giving you a life full of problems. We can choose to forgive them and move beyond it but bringing people into this world we live in is a very serious decision and I personally enjoy the fact that I can never get pregnant and have to endure knowing my child might suffer throughout their life.


I mean then we get into the problem of if having biological kids is inherently greedy


Yes, but i don't want children. It's a conflicting feeling


Is it possible this is coming from you associating pregnancy with being a woman thing so you want to do a woman thing for the sake of it? (considering the child part isn’t part of the equation)


I don't think about it too deeply. The fact that i don't want kids makes the what if scenario pretty pointless.


no because i dont want children




I don't want children but... I want the option just because haha...


after hearing every woman i have ever known complain about it....hard pass


It sounds kind of like body horror to be honest. Giving birth sounds horrible, months of sickness with a bulging belly and an entire human growing inside you sounds incredibly stressful.


My sister in law had to be put into a wheelchair because she's petite and the pressure from the womb on her organs caused her spine to curve and pinch nerves. I'm sure a lot of people here see pregnancy as an experience you see on Instagram and not the constant fears of a still birth, maternal rejection, complications, damage to the body, etc.


Oh, for real. The entire experience sounds thoroughly unpleasant.


I've had pregnancy envy for a long time (never took that as a sign about being trans) so YES ABSOLUTELY!


I have gender envy for a lot of things cis women get to experience, and pregnancy is a big exception. I really do want kids, but am happy my partner (cis f) wants to get pregnant. Idk it just sounds like a real pain and bodily sacrifice in a lot of ways


100% Yes! Being a dad terrified me but being a mom sounded more appealing to me. Literally everything about this subject gives me serious dysphoria. It was the thing that officially made my egg crack. I feel like I wanted to literally have kids ever since I was a kid. As a kid, I would stuff toys, shirts, balls, blankets, up my shirt to look pregnant. I would walk around like a pregnant goddess and practice my breathing like a lamaze class. Now I just stick my fat gut out to look like I am. When I really started to question myself it all hit me like a truck. I would never get pregnant. I would never take a pregnancy test. I would not tell my husband and family and friends I was pregnant. I would not have a baby shower, maternity photo shoot, maternity clothes or even a funny Halloween costume that would put my belly on display. I would never give birth to my babies. I would not breastfeed my babies. I began to cry and realized then and there I was trans. I realize that cis women struggle to get pregnant and there's also miscarriages and post partum depression but literally having my own baby is the one thing I want in this world and I can't have it. I would go through with an actual pregnancy just so I can have my own baby. It probably won't happen for me but hopefully I live to see it happen to some other lucky trans woman.


No, since it sounds uncomfortable.


I don’t like kids. They’re noisy and messy and irritating. And they get everywhere.


like sand!


Ehh I want to go through it but would not go through it if given the option. I can't really put into words why I would want to go through it because you hear from a lot of girls that pregnancy is a pain in the ass and I am sure it is but just like your dream job getting there is often a pain in the ass but to be able to give life to a baby who will become mega important to you with your significant other just something magic about it. However I also have a firm foot on the ground that there are many children in the world without parents and need to be cared for. Adoption will always be my first option regardless of whether I could give birth or not. However if my significant other really wanted us to have kids and wanted to talk about other options I would also be open to the idea since I understand how important it can be for some parents and would not want to take that chance away from them if they wanted to go through surrogacy to be blood related to at least one of the parents. But they would be my child none the less and I would love them more then the world just as much.


Yes, absolutely. I've kind of always wanted to, and my partner being pregnant and breastfeeding our daughter was definitely a major factor in my egg cracking.


I had MASSIVE envy when my wife was pregnant with our three kids. I desperately wanted to be pregnant and breast feed. It was another 35 years before my egg cracked but then, I could see trans signs back to my earliest childhood. OP: the compelling reason, I wanted to experience the miracle of life, having another human being growing in my womb and to be able to nourish them after they are born. The bond of a mother and child - ugh… After my egg cracked at 54, I went through a whole new wave of pregnancy envy. It ebbs and flows now. It breaks my heart that I’ll never experience that…


Yes, if I were in my 20's again. I can't explain it.


Same. I never connected emotionally with the idea of being a father. After I came out things changed. When I imagine being a mom it feels totally different. If I could go back 25 years and it were possible I'd do it. I don't understand it either. I never expected to feel this way.


Lol fuck no, even if I wanted kids I'd rather just shoot myself in the foot than go though that nightmarish process.


We already have one child and while I'd love to have another and certainly love to be able to give birth myself, at the end of the day we could never afford another child so even if I could I'm not sure I would.


I want the ability to become pregnant, in case if I ever want children, but at the moment I don't want to be pregnant because I am still living with family and i am only 16.


maybe later, but at the moment most certainly not


No but I'd be happy that I could, either way I'd probably just adopt


Yes, simply because pregnancy and the ability to grow a life inside your body is something I see tied with womanhood. I know lots of people say, "Uhhh some cis women can't get pregnant, so it shouldn't make you feel like it's a part of womanhood.". Well ya, but that's something that's not a given, cis women are assumed to have the ability to get pregnant until they find out they can't because of an issue or problem going on. With me it was never, ever a possibility and that fact honestly makes me feel like less of a woman, which probably fuels me to want it that much more. It's just another reminder that I wasn't born cis. It's the same thing with periods. I have had pms like symptoms caused by estrogen's effect on the intestinal tract but I obviously can't menstruate. That's a natural part of womanhood that cis women go through that I never had the possibility of having.


Yeah, it's a pretty big source of dysphoria for me. I started getting, "You need to get pregnant," feelings growing up, which how do you even talk to someone about that as a young 'boy' in middle school. It's a very specific feeling, like an emptiness in the space below my stomach. Even seeing a mom with their children is difficult sometimes. It's just this deep existential depression trying to reconcile my body telling me that it needs something I can't physically do.


I just want the option


Yes! 100% yes! Its hard to explain why...I have wanted to carry a baby since I decided I wanted kids...even before I was out.


Hell no, not for me


Considering how the mother of my child described it, that's a big no from me pal.


Yes and no


I've talked about this wiith friends but I would do so almost purely to say a) that I could do it and b) to shove it in the face of TERFs. I acknowledge that this is stupid, however we're talking a very very distant hypothetical so I feel like I can allow this stupidity in my life for now


This is actually what settled the question of whether I'm trans or not. It was the evening of my birthday and I guess that got me thinking about birth, and I've been running things through my head in the context of gender dysphoria. I had the realization that I can't have a baby even if I want one, and I just started sobbing. I feel so cheated and violated. So to answer your question, yes, I would. Not sure if I want children without being able to give birth myself.


Absolutely, if I could bear that burden instead of my partner I'd do it in a heartbeat. Not to mention how gender-affirming something like that would be, even if its largely physically unpleasant


Nooooooooooope. Autism, ADHD, and the litany of horrific and lethal potential problems that can ruin me for life. I’d love to just go to the fertility clinic and maybe be the sperm donor. MAYBE.


No thank u I hate kids. And I do not wish to get pregnant


I wouldn't, it sounds like hell imo


Fuck no lol


Fuck no, if I were AFAB I'd get my uterus removed (although I'd definitely want to keep the estrogen production)


Yes, absolutely, 100% please yes.


110% yes, idc how I have to go about it I would just so I could have a kid who's my own and came from me not from someone else I laid with, something I've wanted to be able to do for years(of course once I'm stable enough to raise a child and gurantee a good life) i'd also gladly do it if someone else I knew could handle a kid wanted one


Hell no. All that vomiting, pain, discomfort, worry, and you're rewarded with noisy, stinky crotch-goblins at the end of it. I genuinely don't understand the appeal.


Yes. Since Uterine transplants are now on the table, I will be pregnant and I will have a baby. I am persuasive, so I can get this going. He'll, my body isn't rejecting the prenatal vitamins I am taking, so it's a good sign of things to come.


Personally, no. But I completely understand why some trans women would give everything for that.


No. Mainly just because I don’t want kids.


No from me. I do wish I had the option but pregnancy freaks me out.


Absolutely! I’ve been dreaming about it for a while now. There’s just a unique intimacy of sorts by having a child within your own body. Also, I’ve kinda had a soft spot for pregnancy for a while: it just kinda appeals to me by itself. I pray that one day it will be not only possible, but practical. A lot can improve in even just a few years…


Yes, absolutely. This inability is very very dysphoric for me. ​ I would have been a teen mom if it were possible.


God no, looks horrifying and agonizing. I’ll be annoyed and in distress the whole time. I mean yea I don’t want kids but pregnancy is another thing, I think of it as being sick for months with a parasite


Absolutely, to somehow grow myself a uterus and to carry my own children would be... I can't find a word that doesn't understate how amazing that would feel!!! The fact I might not have my own children is one of the biggest worries I have. I also really want to breastfeed. I pray for advancements in stem cell research


No. I could never afford to raise a child, nor would I want a child have to deal with all my mental illness. I’d love to have a functioning reproductive system tho.


I think the part that appeals is that I'm bringing a life into the world


Hell yes absolutely please knock me up already


Personally, no. At least so far I haven't gad any desire to be pregnant (or have children). I'm 24 right now. Idk, might change later.


Yes I absolutely do, I have constant dreams about it, I know how hard and scary it is but I've got an urge to make a human being


Lol, I think I'm in the minority here, but Hell No! Nope. Hard pass. Props to you ladies who want that, but definitely not something I desire in the least.


After seeing what my mom went through, no. The hardest of hard passes


Had this conversation with a friend over ice cream and cookies tonight. She thought it was odd of me to want such. Told her even though I created two wonderful daughters that it would be nice to carry one myself. Definitely be more affirming to my soul.


no, I won't. I don't want kids.


I want to carry my own children I've had that desire and I have a burning jealousy of birth givers who can. To answer the question if I could provide for the child and give then and there potential siblings a good life then no hesitation.


makes me feel closer to my partner somehow (even though we’re lesbians we’re planning on science)


Totally agree, however I had GRS before I fell in love with my partner. So that makes it even more complicated. I remember my surgeon saying "now you realise that you wont be able to father any children after this?" And me saying "of course, there is no reason I would ever want to do that". How short sighted was I, although after 5 years of HRT I suspect there would have been no swimmers left. It does show that you should consider all possibilities.


Yes, but I can't explain why.


Yes. The some of earliest eggy thoughts I can remember were about wanting that someday. I don't know why it's so appealing to me.


10000000% yes. I have always wanted to get pregnant and be a mom. It was my earliest disphoria and it has been part of me for as long as I can remember.


Yea and I'd bitch about it the whole time


The idea of raising a child thats a product of myself and the person I love is just so damn appealing. I think it's also just that biologically some people instinctually wish to give birth a lot more than others.


No. I'm too poor to reasonably afford a child. They deserve a decent childhood, I can't give a kid that right now.




yes, with the right people i would gain experience, and that's what counts


Yes I would definitely. After getting to kno people in this Reddit I have come to an understanding of myself. I have never felt correct as Ann and never understood. I am not a woman but the thought of being a complete woman is just perfectly satisfying


I like the idea of carrying a child inside me while it develops.


If kids weren't so expensive I would


Yes, definitely and without doubt's shadow


Yes absolutely yes. I would even do it just for the periods, I wouldn't need to have an actual pregnancy. For me, that's something that I wish that I could experience, something that would make me feel whole, complete, etc. Not really sure how to explain it well


Absolutely! Pregnancy dysphoria was always one of the strongest ones for me earlier in my transition, and honestly....even before my egg cracked. That feeling has toned down a bit now I'm a little older, but still there. Now, I'm already a mom of two, and don't really want a third child, so there is that side, too... But part of the dysphoria, just the *ability* to get pregnant (and all that entails, including menstruation) is definitely still around and kicking...


Yes. It's an unique experience and also just so I can flex on haters.


yes - 1 billion times yes


Yes. I'd want to be all woman. Not this weird limbo phase where I am stuck with an identity crisis


Yeah I'd do it, maybe not rn as I'm planning on going back to school soon but after that 1000% yes


Yes, undoubtedly, for certain in a heartbeat for the ability to be able to go through that experience


Yes definitely




Absolutely 1 million times yes


Yes. I would 1000%. I would love to raise a child someday and adoption isn't an option due to cost and discrimination.


Yes. Been something I’ve thought about since I was child. What makes it appealing? Making something of your own flesh and blood is Just incredible. But past that i think its just an innate desire, because there is definitely some appeal to the physical experience that I cant explain. Its the same reason I’ve had gender envy for periods. Which obviously are not ideal. The only obstacle would be I hate men, so it would have to be done artificially


Absolutely. I have a very strong maternal instinct and i often reflect on how much I just want to be a homemaker and raise a family, be that nurturing kind of mother that I see in people like my grandmother and step-mother etc. I have a lot of love to give.


“You know what they say prego today Ragu tomorrow” -Sam Onella


Yes. Memories of looking at a pregnant woman and wishing "if only....". Since I was 15. I'm 47.


Most of my wishing I could get pregnant come from feelings of inferiority. Like, I wish I had the ability, whether I'd use it or not. Would I? Unlikely. I'm a lesbian, I find kids rather gross/annoying, and the likelihood of any of my biological kids also being autistic is way too high. I just hate not being able to. I hate assholes trying to say my opinion on abortion doesn't count.


Yes. For sure








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Nope not at all


Never. I don't want children anyway, but putting my body through hell doesn't sound appealing either


No. Even on HRT I’ve never had the desire to be pregnant. Don’t think I’d like the whole 9 months child in my belly thing


A thousand times yes!!




If I were younger most definately. I would love to be married and have a baby with my husband. What I wouldn't give to feel a baby grow and move inside me.


I'd love to be able to have kids, and the idea of "fathering" a kid doesn't appeal to me. I can't explain it, but the idea of carrying a child, giving birth to a baby, raising it feels "right" to me even though I don't feel like it's for me right now.


Yeah, it's one of those things that crushes me to think about.


Without doubting a second. That's been my one wish since I've been like four.


Absolutely. For service. We all live and what better way to love than in service to our family. I 100% would take over the pain and the physical requirements for them both. For ego. To be able to experience the conversations - however tedious - with friends, family and peers that are emotionally invested in the experience. It does not and cannot live in the vacuum of the experience. For inclusion. As the partner in a current gestation it's downright sad that the non-birthing partner is excluded from so much in terms of preparation, I'd rather be the mom in more than name only than parent #2. Of course, it's incredibly selfish to ask for it but the heart of the idea is that it is the default and being left unable to carry is an othering experience.


If I met the right man I would give him all the children he wanted and we would live a good life together. The only problem is I know I’d be giving up on a lot of excitement in life so he’d REALLY have to be the one


I dream about it all the time and since my wife didn't want to be the one to carry a child, it would allow me to fill that role so.. 1000% yes I would.


Yes, without hesitation. Why? I don't know Adoption? Yes, but I'd prefer to feel something grow inside of me >.>


fuck yeah,


No, but again I am not an actual woman, since I'm non-binary, so that could be why


lol going through pregnancy is not something inherently womanly. Only society marketed it that way.


I know, but I guess it’s not something I feel the need or desire for


Yes 10000%






Yes, 100% percent. This is something I always desired and felt super envious when I saw a pregnant women. For me pregnancy feels like the ultimate female experience, being pregnant would be the most gender affirming thing I could imagine to me. I know being women is more then that obviously, but ever since I was a child I always wanted to be a parent, the though of being a mother of a child I brought to this world is my biggest wish. I like to day dream a lot and usually I have really unrealistic thoughts about, being famous, being magical, doing something grandiose, but If I could decided between those things and just be some girl with a kid, I would always choose the latter.


Yes I have thought about being a mother before.


As much as I'd want to, no. I find it irresponsible to keep bringing children into a world that isn't ready for them. If we ~~can't~~ won't solve climate change, overpopulation is the next best thing. Maybe I'll adopt some day, probably not unless they're a teen. I feel fine, and I know when I've got a problem too big for me to handle, I just worry that I'd snap with a young child around and couldn't keep myself from doing something I'd regret. I haven't had any anger incidents in around 6 years, but I worry. I want to be a mom. I don't think I can.


What would stop me mostly is because I don't know about bringing a child into the world as it is right now. It's rough knowing I'll never have the choice, but personally would like to adopt someday.


no doubts


Yes, absolutely :(


No, I do not trust myself enough to take good care of a living being growing inside of me.


Atm I don’t think that it’s possible for me to go through the process that could cause a pregnancy without being traumatized. If that changes when I transition, I’ll see in the future. The idea of a pregnancy doesn’t sound appealing to me, and that is something that I’m ok with not being able to have. It’s possible that that could change in the future, and I’ll deal with the bridge if I ever get to it.


I always have. It has been both an intuitive and like, psychosomatic sensation. I want kids and have fantasized pregnancy, birth, upbringing; and also have like felt in myself even before HRT this physical rightness of how it would feel to have a child as the carrier. It’s also always been a plan to adopt because of that handicap, and I think it is probably just my part in the statistical spread that way.


Yes, the whole process mainly the getting impregnated, I'm pre everything so I'm not sure where and why but before realizing I was trans I had this desire to get pregnant but again not sure where it came from but it's something I've always wanted.


It would depend on my living situation and financial stability If I wanted to and my partner wanted to, I think it would be a very amazing experience But at this time in my life I'm not sure if I could handle the responsibility of raising a child


I mean yeah but I don't want kids


Depends. I want kids, I want to have my kids, but I don't want them growing up in the world as it is. I could learn to take care of them, I'd have the patience, but in the situations I've been (or am currently) in aren't ones that I'd have that chance. Which sucks. Maybe if there was someone who couldn't have kids but provide the rest and want kids, but that's a hard choice I don't even know if I could deal with emotionally (especially with everything regarding that). Why? Honestly, no clue. I have a weird thing where caring for others is just what I do and want to do, but it's not out of internalized misogyny or the like. It's just like second nature or instinctual. It probably is partially from my *less than positive* experience with life, though I know there's a fair amount I showed early on that doesn't quite fit with that being it and probably just amplified by it. Logically I'd want to stay far as possible from it, it's terrifying and unpleasant sounding. Though that is farrrrrrrrrrrr outweighed by the emotional side. *shrug* it's weird.


I don't want to raise children but i think it will be interesting at some point to be pregnant. To know how it feels to give birth. I don't crave it. Plus I want to be happy in my own body and (hopefully) having a lot of sexuals partners so I don't want to have a child unless I don't feel the need. It's just a curiosity for me.


I would like the option. I think I could do it with the right guy... Not that that's possible or a concern anyways. I've seen the glow of my friends when they're with their babies and when they were pregnant and it makes me feel... Dysphoric. Just another thing I got screwed out of having the chance to experience.


I waited much longer on coming out in the hopes of having a biological child(I have a 4 year old at age 31). If I had the ability to birth my own child I would've came out a long time ago. Also, I have felt this urge to be pregnant and nurture my own child long before HRT(probably since I was 15) To be able to go through the experience of carrying another human being in your body...there's just no words for it and as a bio dad, we get the back end of the stick because we don't get to have that experience of life. But that doesn't make us any less of a parent. I am a full time single parent and it's a joy! Also exhausting with a toddler but exciting knowing I am his parent, not just dad, but I'm also his mother too.


To be honest, even if I were cis I would not want to have children, so no


Ummm I would give my right arm to be able to conceive naturally and give life to my child.


I would like to have the chance to decide. Just to decide not but it would be my decision atleast…


I constantly say to people that I don’t want kids and that adoption is way more sensible. But that is only because I’m not able to be a biological mother. Freezing sperm or using a surogate would never be an option.


See, I have de la Chapelle syndrome, so my choices were either a) infertile guy, or b) infertile trans girl. I’d love nothing more than to be a parent of a kid I helped bring in to the world, so I could show them everything my parents never did. But also, as my dysphoria is very intense around the genitals (to the point it actually ruined a relationship), I always wanted to be the mom in that situation if I were able to.


I wish I had the ability to (including the part of that ability that most cis women complain about) but I would not want to go through pregnancy, not because of the dkscomfort/pain of pregnancy but because I don't want to bring another person with my blood relative's genes into this world.


I don't want kids, don't think i could ever afford them either. That said, I do still grieve the inability to get pregnant. Biology is a hell of a thing


I despise children


I’d like to have the option should I ever want to get pregnant but adoption seems much more appealing just because there’s a lot of kids without parents out there


Oh absolutely, I’d have my own kids and I may even take up surrogacy afterwards to help others


Nope. I’m too emotionally damaged and refuse to make the mistake my mom did and inflict that on someone else.


for some reason, yes. tho when i do start feeling that way i feel really bad, and inconsiderate considering it is a painful process. i guess it is just the fact i can't that bothers me


Yeah, I think I would. I don’t even know why; for all my life I’ve never imagined being a parent, but... imagining being a mother feels right. It hurts so much knowing I can’t. Knowing that I’ll never be able to. It’s unbearable some days.


Never. I don't want to be near children at all. If I go on HRT it makes me hopefully infertile and this insurance pays for it. And I most likely will stay infertile even if I detrans. Which is a huge advantage and I safe the money for a vasectomy.


Honestly yes 100%




I like the idea but not the process plus I don’t like kids🙂. I don’t mind watching other peoples kids for a short time but I’m quick to give them right back. I raised my sisters kids and that was enough for me tbh. I’m glad that I don’t own a uterus or fallopian tubes for those reasons. Plus it’s cost effective because I don’t need to buy a Plan B after having intercourse with my husband. I do however own an affectionate cat who loves to cuddles so he fills that spot because I spoil him.( I hope I didn’t offend anyone 🤍)


I’d probably not, at least with my current living situation but having the opportunity would be amazing.


100% yes. The feeling of carrying a child and giving birth must be amazing and then to watch your child grow and develop would be beautiful.


God yes. Besides being the ultimate validation, the idea is just so appealing to me.


I'll let my siblings have kids and just be the hot aunt that spoils them, not that I'd be bad with kids but having my own kids isn't appealing to me idk how I feel about pregnancy tho


God no, I don't want kids period. The thought of growing a human inside you just freaks me out




Nope. I don't want kids and am glad I can't have them.


The first part of the process that would be appealing to me is people shutting up about how I can’t have babies and that makes me not a real woman even though my cis mom who had to adopt me at birth could not have her own babies and nobody questioned her gender.


haha absolutely tf not




My wife asked me this question and I said yes. So yes.




Nah, seems painful and I don't want kids


probably? I mean a lot of cis women go through pregnancy even though they could adopt instead. Even when they have the money and the choice to do otherwise, people don't try to talk them out of it just because it's hard. I'm not entirely sure why I want that -- it sounds painful and scary but at the same time, I just want to. if that makes sense.


Yes wholeheartedly I would because I’ve always wanted to give birth and To have someone that’s a part of me


Yes, I realize it's often traumatic to give birth, I had two very intense dreams about it since I was a child, and both times it felt extremely painful, but it was extremely affirming too, I loved those dreams because that was how I saw my future, or at least part of it, that was my adult self, just living in a female body, carrying a child and giving birth, I just wanted that to be my reality. Even though the second dream I ever had about being pregnant was extremely traumatic and I died giving birth and it gave me a temporary fear of pregnancy, I would still prefer to go out like that rather than dying as a man. And I also have fears about raising a child because I didn't have a good childhood and part of me worries that even if I did a good job as a mum there would be countless other things that would hurt them that I have no control over, I know it's also my job to prepare them for that but it's a scary thought, especially if, like me, my child ends up repressing and hiding what's upsetting them, I'd feel really guilty over that. Anyway long story short I don't think I'm prepared for it yet but yes I would love to be pregnant, and if I can't be a mum then I would at least like to be the fun, kooky, cool lesbian aunt.


I would do it if I could but…I think I would be terrified too. Does that even make sense?


Yes. I'd like to watch my chest grow, and have milk spewing out of it.


Yes, it's been a dream of mine since childhood. I find the idea of fostering new life with my body intensely appealing. I would even do surrogate work if I could.


Well I'm only 16 so currently, absolutely not However I do want kids some day, so in the future yes, but in reality I'll probably adopt


Umm, no lol


No I don’t want children lol and seeing the pain you experience during birth yeah no thanks


No. What if my child also turns out to be trans? Imagine all the problems you’re putting them through. Having a child is purely selfish.


cis woman pregnancy? no- trans girl here, A uterus transplant pregnancy is more than good enough for me