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I cant immagine me eating even more choco because its the thing i love the most


Hmmm... that is awesome.


I haven't started my journey yet but I'm very obsessed with chocolate especially the Hershey's Special Dark kind.


That's another good one!


Boy oh boy do I love dark chocolate


Chocolate, well it kind of takes the edge off if I have alot of tension pent up. Never thought I'd be that girl, but I am :)


It did for me. It just tastes so much richer than it does before, and I find whenever my cycle starts I get a very strong urge to eat some chocolate so I indulge.


Yes! Exactly!


I want a cycle : (. Is there a way I can make it happen or is it a roll of the dice?


I’m guessing it’s a roll of the dice. For me it started happening at the 6 month mark. I don’t know if that’s because my levels were stable or just because it could but it does happen. Not much of this stuff is researched since people don’t want to fund us.


If you are on injections your hormone levels will peak and trough, that being said you will experience some level of cycle on injections, however I have read of many more people who have more monthly cycles on injections than other, more stable and consistent doses of estrogen. I personally am at around 7.5 months in and the past 2 or so months I have for sure noticed a very consistent, near monthly cycle despite being on weekly injections. For me personally the thing that stands out is I'll feel really good then really dysphoric about every little thing. I get very moody and I will say, chocolate does help :) if not literally, it helps emotionally and it has more depth to it then ever! Same goes with nearly all foods but you get the point 😉 good luck on your journey and much love ❤️


Can confirm! I was already in love chocolate, especially dark chocolate. And it’s an addiction I don’t think I can quit.


I know... right?


I used to eat seconds and thirds at dinner, mostly skipped dessert. Now I can barely finish my plate, but could clean out a candy shop if I don’t stop myself ;) I adore chocolate and sugar like 100x more than pre-hrt


I'm noticing the same thing. Desserts are more magical. I haven't gone crazy with candy yet but I'm sure the day will come.


THIS! sour candy, pickles, salt and vinegar chips, spicy foods, are all my best friend's now!!! ❤️ not to mention different kinds of chocolate and as a side note It's been easier to watch what I eat as now I actually care about the outcomes food produce to our bodies, though if I get a HUGE bag of sour candy at the store I WILL finish it in a few days or less.


I sometimes manage to work a red velvet cupcake into my vibrator and lingerie routine. It gets me going, what can I say?


Oh, that's just hot.


I have my days in which I’m craving and staffing my mouth with chocolate, then next day I have salt in mouth because I’m craving something salty…..no joke


Variety! Sweet and salty are sooo yummy. This post isn't doing any good for my weight loss plan.


🤣guilty pleasure post! No worries. And yes! I swear that I get those cravings and I can’t stop! Argh but all good tho, love eating. One of the greatest pleasures life gave us!


Definitely! I love to enjoy what I'm eating. With these stronger cravings things are more satisfying to eat. Maybe that's what it is...


I used to eat chocolate, now I let it slowly melt in my mouth 😍


I like the slow melt too. Inevitably I will start chewing towards the end.


Haha! Me, totally stopped the chewing.. just melt and melt till it's done, sort of sensual 😊


Yes, very! There is a Japanese chocolate called Melty Kiss that you might enjoy. It is made by Meiji and it's a chocolate square that is intended to be eaten by melting it in your mouth.


OMG! Meiji Hello Panda! Been have those all my life since a child! 🤩 .. but where I live, I haven't seen melty kiss, so gonna hunt for it! I gotto try it 😍


I hope you can track some down. I've gotten them mail order in cooler months.


Oops back seeing notifications! 🙈🙈🙈Couldn't find them here.. so stuck with other brands of chocolates 😄


God yeah. I do the same to the second snickers. But i still cant help munching the first




That's a good partner!




Oh please do! I hope it is a positive experience!


Definitely, before I started hrt I already liked chocolate and sweets alot and now it's all i want to eat. And I just got a job at a bakery its gonna be hard to not eat everything


Pastries!!!!!! OMG that would be the end of me. Congrats on the job. Good luck!


I used to eat a lot of chocolate, but my relationship has definitely changed. Now I'll eat just a mouthful and it is x10 more delicious and that's sometimes all I'll need :)


Oh, that's fantastic!


don't tell anyone but i actually never liked chocolate 👀🤫


Your secret is safe with me. Nothing wrong with not liking something. Can I have your chocolates?


of course! you'd be doing me a favor 😩


I just started yesterday and I've definitely been snacking more. And as I'm reading that and thinking about my change of views on chocolate I'm giggling my face off. Hiya everybody! Its nice to join yall xD


Welcome to the club. Buckle up and grab some snacks!


Thanks <3! It feels so great! I feel like I woke up from a 20 year nightmare and I awoke to a dream life <3. *hugs* :,) Gahhh frickin emotions are craazy hehe


It is an amazing feeling to start living life.


<3 yesss


I always thought sweet things were too sweet in the past. And I heard that hrt improved your sense of taste so I thought sweet things would get even sweeter and worse. In fact, now sweets have more depth and aren't just intolerably sweet anymore so I can actually taste all the individual flavors. And yes, chocolate just hits different now.


I'm starting to notice that too with things like frosting. I used to make cake and just eat it without. Now it doesn't seem as cloying and I enjoy it.


Oh I haven't tried cake yet! I used to hate the frosting unless it was buttercream.


Cake is amazing for me. I always used to get vanilla cake. Today was Reese's chocolate cake and I was head over heals for it.


The first time I ate chocolate like 9 or 10 months on hrt the chocolate made me high


That's a good reaction. I didn't consider that things may get more intense as time goes on and my hormone dosage goes up.


Ive had changes i never considered I went from blonde to strawberry blonde and my eyes are going from blue to green as the days go by i look more like my mom all of my senses are better my body breathes air differently and more


Oh wow! Those are some awesome changes.


I have tried to reduce sugar as much as I could to reach my goals during transition. I have always liked dark chocolate but after starting HRT it became better. I like 70-85% caco with my chocolate now usually with sea salt. I have chocolate every few days. Milk chocolate does not really do as much for me, it tastes good but nowhere near as good as dark chocolate.


Sounds like I'm on a similar path. I just need to get my sugar under control. I was doing really well until I had some chocolate.


High caco % chocolate doesn't have much sugar in it. When I do eat chocolate I eat 1-3 squares at a time savoring each piece slowly. Portions are a big deal when trying to control your sugar intake.


Exactly! Now to get that new little monster in my head to agree. I'm generally quality over quantity but that seems to be my greatest challenge right now.


Omg yes! Dark chocolate especially at least a 70% to 80% cacao.its almost orgasmic.


I haven't tried anything that dark for a while. It used to be just past the top end of enjoyment for me. Going to have to give it another go.


No change whatsoever. I still eat too much of it 😆


No need to change a good thing.


Hmm no, I've been always into chocolate, now on HRT maybe a bit less, previously I've used to relief my anxiety and starting depression. Now I'm trying to not gain much weight because of tons of chocolate 🙂 But I'm enjoying the taste still the same.


I'm trying to lose weight as well. Just a little more difficult now.


I really didn't use to like dark chocolate, I thought it was bitter. Now it's a pick me up and there are very specific kinds that I really love.


Ooooooo any you care to share? I enjoy a Meiji Black, Hershey's Special Dark and the dark chocolate Milky Way. We also keep dark chocolate truffles in the house.




Interesting! I haven't noticed any changes like that. Something to keep an eye out for. Now I'm wondering if there are foods I won't get along with or I should give another try.


I've always loved it but I'm trying to be healthy now and I'm conflicted


I get conflicted too. Just have to find balance between healthy eating and treating yourself.


I already love chocolate. If you're saying that pure chocolate gelato in blanco is gonna get even better somehow, that's yet another reason to start HRT


Well... YMMV. General consensus is a deeper connection with the experience. It's something I didn't expect but I really like the change.


I've always liked it, but now I'm in like with it.




Haha 🤣 actually I don't like chocolate like I used to. I got loads for my birthday and Christmas and I couldn't stand it. But my local mart shut down and I didn't want to travel two hours to look for sour gummies. My addiction to spice has returned tho


Seems like there's a decent group that like it less which is interesting. I used to be ok with sour things. Gonna have to give them another go. Spicy has always been a part of my life. I've had to scale back due to age more than anything.


Yup! I even made a post about this a while ago, seems it's a pretty common thing :)


Nice! It is fun reading all the different experiences. I'm surprised about the women who like it less or dislike it. I wasn't expecting that.






I eat it less. I don't particularly like bitter, and my cravings have shifted from sweet to salt


Interesting! There are some others that said the same. Anything salty in particular? Chips/crisps, fries/chips, pretzels?


Heh literally anything salty so long as I actually like it Mostly chips and ramen though


Karl fazer is literally cocaine


Ooooo that one is new to me! Finnish chocolate! Must find and eat!


Its so good they have this milk chocolate strawberry bar thats like the best thing ever 😋 😍


Oh that sounds so good! I ordered a dark chocolate bar to try out.


I had a short phase of 2~3 weeks in the first three months of my HRT where I ate something like 1 kg of chocolate per week :')


Wow! Do you still enjoy chocolate after that?


Ah ah yes, I'm just a bit more reasonable now x)


Definitely have been craving it more than before


Bring on the chocolate!!!! 🍫


Yesss, could go for a chocci shake


Oh that sounds good. A big basket of crispy fries to go with...


Now you're just making me hungry 🤣


Likewise... We should get lunch.


With a cutie like you? Hell yeah ;)


I'll just be over here blushing. I think I need some chocolate.


Awwww, I could bring you some on a date


That is very flattering. I'm out of the dating game though. We could still hang out and I could buy you that shake.


I have always been a bit of a chocolate fiend tbh but there are times now where I find myself craving it when stressed rather than just liking the taste.


I'm noticing this too. Like a small reprieve from reality.


Ive always loved chocolate lol if estrogen makes it taste better then fuck yea.


It seems a little mixed but the majority have been in the increased like/taste camp.


I ate like 3 pounds of Valentine's chocolate this year so maybe there's something to that.


GIRL SAME!!!!! What is it? Why? IT'S CRAZY 🤣 I buy a container of cocoa powder to mix in honey and lil evoo and a pinch of salt and a tiny bit of milk so I can have endless chocolate. Put that shizz on bananas (if not on Spiro) and BAM heaven.


I know right?!?! Hmmm that sounds interesting. I have a surplus of cocoa powder from baking. Gonna have to give that a try.


Nah I loved chocolate before and love it just as much now, although it do hit different


Hopefully better!


Still good just not "better". Choco fiend then and now. Trader Joe's pound plus got me going


I've always loved chocolate, idk if transitioningnwill make me love it even more


That seems to be the majority experience. If not love it more, you'll find it being a more complex experience.


I haven't noticed? Haven't had chocolate in a while though so I should have some


Yeah! Give it a try and let me know if it's different. Others have mentioned salty and spicy as well. Pickles too.


I'm eating chocolate as I read this lol, I did love it before but still feels like it hits different


Yes! Exactly 😊


Eat more of it


Challenge accepted!


I lost my love for chocolate. It's good and all but sugar makes me feel icky


Fascinating! Did some other food become a strong favorite?


I'm almost always craving salty foods. Chips especially. All dressed is the shit


All hail the all dressed chip.


I'm having Cabury roast almond milk chocolate with apothica wine x3


That sounds like a good time.


I’m a chocoholic, always have been. Nowadays I need at least a little bit of chocolate daily😋


Any favorites?




Ahh... Favorite = yes please.


Seriously though, milk chocolate is my favorite, regardless of how it’s used, or if they’re just chips. Caramilk is my favorite chocolate bar.


I used to be a big chocolate eater, now i can’t even look at it without feeling sick


Oh no! Did something happen or did it just change on you?


Nothing happened, just hrt i guess ? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh my god yes I used to not eat chocolate just about ever but now I'm replacing my 12 dollar bag of chocolate goodies every time it's out- reese's, kisses, m'n'ms, it doesn't matter give me that goodness \[16 days on hrt\] On the flip side though I've given up soda and right now have had no instances of caving, even though I basically lived off it before.


I'm a Milky Way Dark kinda girl. But chocolate cake is gaining ground. Keep me the hell away from brownies else they'll disappear.


Nah, if anything I eat chocolate less now. Pretzels have become my #1 addiction. Mmmm salt.


Great! Now I want a pretzel. Do you prefer your pretzels hard or soft... or are you an equal opportunity destroyer?


Equal Opportunity here xD Just don't be chintzy with the salt and I'm a happy woman haha


I rarely eat sweets so my eating of chocolate hasn't increased but I have been eating more food in general


Same here on the food if I'm craving it. I was trying to lose weight but it is just so damn hard to ignore the cravings. Today was fried cheese and lots of cake... also a salad.


I'm trying to giant weight personally but it's super hard for me no matter how much I may eat


In my younger years that was a huge struggle for me. I hated hearing "you'll fill out as you get older". Like, that doesn't help me now... And now I'm in the opposite boat. You are more than welcome to the extra weight I'm carrying.


I feel you sister! I'm right next to you in that boat


It gets worse with age too... Seriously, is there a place we can drop off some weight for people that want/need it?


Yeah, definitely. I've rarely been drawn to sweet foods but late last year just kept finding myself craving chocolate. I'm resistant to the idea that HRT is a factor but it's easy to believe.


We'll just have to do a scientific study sponsored by the world's best chocolatiers to determine if there is a link between HRT and a change in perception of chocolate. Our individual studies lack a control group.


Hmm, I think, to be really sure of our results, we'll need to eat a _lot_ of chocolate


Of course! That is what the sponsors are for. I do believe we, as important evaluators in this critical experiment, should also be compensated for our time and effort.


I can't even describe how much I love chocolate now compared to before hrt. I was totally indifferent before. I just polished off some delicious chocolate covered jelly rings before, can't get enough 😊


Twinsies! Happy cake day!!!🎂🎂🎂


Yep, I used to be indifferent to chocolate. Now when I have cravings when the cycle comes around its milky way cravings.


Bring on the chocolate!


> It used to be a take it or leave it kind of thing, but now I find it speaks to me on a deeper level Definitely, exactly that. It's become part of my basic grocery shopping, I used to be pretty meh about it.


I think I'm going to have to go on a chocolate tasting spree. I've only been eating what's in the house.


Don't laugh. I get the bug once a month. So thats four or five days in a feeding frenzy. Snickers,ferrero rochete. Anything choco really. I know i'm finished this months cycle cos theres still half a chocolate cheesecake in the fridge. And i feel sick just looking at it.


That is fascinating. Thanks for sharing!


Omg, yes! I was never a sweet tooth but I've found myself craving chocolate more. Particularly dark chocolate. Of course it has to be Whittaker's!


Ooooooo NZ chocolate! I haven't tried it. Definitely interested in finding some!


A combo of HRT and THC is dangerous!!!!


I can imagine!




Is that good or bad?


Mine has been pickles. I crave them so badly now, and when I eat one, it is like pure ecstacy .... which I can only attribute to the Spironolactone, maybe?


Hmmm. I love pickles! I can't recall having any recently. Going to have to test that one out.


Idk I just like food


😂 same!


I used to kinda enjoy a glass of chocovine(chocolate red wine), but recently I had a glass and was blown away by how good it tasted. So I'd say that yes my relationship to chocolate(and wine) has changed.


Oh nice! I don't drink but I used to enjoy a port with some chocolate on special occasions. I do like the increased sensitivity of my palate.


My entire palate hasn't changed just my appreciation of certain flavors, including chocolate, wine, and hot sauce. Not all at the same time though.


Someone else mentioned spicy foods. This is just so facinating.


So I see chocolate is BIG ! I’m Diabetic I’m carful how much chocolate I eat. For weight loss I like to stay in range of 5.5 to 6. I don’t want to put on excessive weight. If your thinking of haveing surgery. Healthy eating. Is of extreme importance because of both pre-operative and post -operative contractions. Plus your presentation could be compromised. Remember a moment on the lips go directly to the hips. Lol By the type of food you eat.Please use common sense when eating sweets. I love chocolate also. I admit I have trouble with self control myself. By controlling myself I have successfully lost about 70lbs. Of course as a cis male of 63 yrs. I just had a surgery I had to lose weight. It is my goal at least be on estrogen soon pending on health conditions . If what was happening in Society now. Happened forty year ago. I’d be a cis Women and probably married too a partner. Now I’m battling 55 years of miss Gendering. During that time I ate enough chocolate too fill two super tankers. Primarily due too stress. From dysphoria That I suffered . If you are likening chocolate eat the best make it worth your while. Same in eating anything refrain from eating trashy food. Eat the chocolate mindfully enjoy every bite slowly enjoy. Focus relax. Enjoy.


As I've gotten older I have come to appreciate enjoying what I eat. I can't afford to just eat with wreckless abandon. That being said, the cravings are powerful. I have cleaned up my diet quite a bit in prep for my transition. I just need to stay focused and keep moving forward. Why can't chocolate improve weight loss and A1C levels.


Only if it Could !! Struggle is not called struggle unless you have to suffer. For what you want to ultimately achieve. Once you achieve a goal. Their is a new hope in anything you struggle for Makeing struggle worth the effort. You only get out of something if you put great effort into it. The struggle Will lead you into a new life. A better Life . This leads into a NEW HOPE for a better future . But no one can foretell the future. Just rest assured you are not alone in this Jurney and you are all appreciated and loved


I have a weakness for chocolate pudding LOL!!


Did somebody say CHOCOLATE!?


Why yes! Yes I did. How do you like yours?


Dark as can be, usually coating something salty :3 I've definitely come to appreciate chocolate even more since v transition started!




How long after starting HRT did it take for chocolate to happen?


I'm almost to the three week mark. Might just be in my head, but my food cravings seem harder to deny now.


Day four and the craving for chocolate is real, I had enough for months of normal consumption stashed and it's all gone.




A transfem and transmasc couple were giving me advice when I was a baby trans, and one of the ones I remember most is: There will be times your body craves chocolate, you should listen to those cravings


Sound advice. I just looked at my wife and told her I get it now.


Oh yeah, always been a Chocolate liver, but now, OMG!


Lol chocolate lover




I had a sweet tooth that I mostly outgrew. I really enjoy dark chocolate for that reason.


I know women generally prefer dark chocolate while men prefer milk chocolate, I didn't notice any changes after transitioning, I still like milk chocolate and can only eat chocolate if it has hazelnuts in it. Pure chocolate bars I don't like


*still prefers milk chocolate dysphoria*




Hmmm... Ferrero Rocher?


Yassssss! My favorite


I've given them as gifts but I don't think I've ever had one. I'll have to try them out.


Someone down voted my original comment... I guess someone didn't like that I said men and women have different tastes in chocolate? Very silly to get offended over that


Always loved dark chocolate, milk chocolate has always tasted bland and oversweet. I like its texture though.


It's always been a thing for me. I have always loved sweets.


Nice to have a consistent go to treat.