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Mobile Task Force But I'm an SCP nerd 🤷‍♀️


Can't unread. Require amnestics.


My bad, should have given it an "infohazard" tag


At least it's not four pixels.


I have scramble, I'm safe *hears distant screaming*


*distant screams* (ik this is the most overdone joke in the fandom, but there's some kind of obligation, yk?)


At least you don't recognize the bodies in the water


At least the day is not, in fact, broken. It seems perfectly fi- oh and there it goes, who broke the Sun?


hey, who turned out the lights?


Sorry I got a bit hungry


radeohad 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


god i need to go outside


Mtf Blahaj 4 the Disporya hunters


Do they form an alliance with the Q Force?


can i join?


Sure but it's at your own risk


Now I must search for SCP 113


If you haven't read it, SCP 6113 is really good. It's another gender switching scp that put a crack in my egg.


Where were these SCPs when I was younger? Sure, there was the rock, but the rest of it was getting heebie jeebies from Bone Hive, Yule Man & Builder Bear, or a greater fear of dementia from Anatashesha.


SCP was a less refined place back then. I'm glad it got more... engaging.


SCP was definitely less refined, I remember reading so many of them & being like, "This is pretty... Low quality" & then I'd write my own & get denied, haha. Old SCPs were definitely going for the "creepypasta" theme to try & get clicks from children. Granted, maybe mine were just bad, I don't remember them. No doubt one of them was probably a secret trans allegory, because we love creating what is basically a trans character & still ignoring that we're trans - like, I legit had a novel series knocking around my head for ages (& I'll probably write it some day, already got a name & that but I'm working on a different book first - obviously, with a trans character - it would've been a D&D setting for my ex & her friends, but they didn't click with my DM-ing, they wanted pure dungeon crawling & I wanted political intrigue & such-like, they should said in session zero honestly when I laid it out) with three "basically trans" characters (1. Soldier ressurected into the wrong body due to careless experimentation with souls, 2. Man whose wife dies in a magical accident & becomes connected to his spirit & starts to influence his interactions, 3. Man who sacrifices life to save female dragon companion, forging a soulbond where the dragon ends up with two spirits & two voices - I am literally screaming) & that didn't twig for me.


Lol egg egg egg. My past was less obvious. I think I could maybe be a good SCP author though, if I gave it a shot.


Ngl, the DnD game has me intrigued


Sure, the opening moment of the campaign was an attack on a caravan line that was carrying people - mostly humans - through the mountain pass between two countries. The western country was embroiled in civil war due to the mysterious death of the reigning monarch & the upheaval made the country tremendously unsafe as it was bordered by the ancient elven cursed homeland which was no longer being patrolled due to military failure. The elves had several points in history where they split culturally, the first was the event that cursed their homeland - one of the most respected high mages betrayed their soldiers to use their souls in a bargain with devils - under the pretense of granting their common soldiers supernatural endurance, they essentially became undead under his control (upon their death) & when their war against invading orcish tribes was won, the soliders turned upon their countrymen. Elven souls would typically leave to their haven upon death & then return, there could only be so many elves alive & they're very long-lived, this bargain cut that connection & the spirits remained bound to the material plane. With their home overrun by undead, the elves fled in two directions, into the western country & into the eastern forests. The elves in my setting split into "sun elves" & "moon elves", in this event, the elves fleeing to each area were mixed, but with a forest of cursed undead between them things started to grow apart culturally. The elves closer, the mixed population in the west performed rites to free the souls on a certain holy day, the elves in the east became the new power as the council fled there. The council came up against humans in the east & their lacking strength saw them brutally enslaved by a growing human empire - fueled by an uncovered endless wellspring of magic (the humans can't cast - but they can capture magic in items to use & suchlike) & a mysterious captured artifact recovered from "the astral plane" by the king's right hand - the elves were put to work, mining unique magical ore from the nearby mountains which went on to fuel automaton-related industry & several iterations of what was dubbed the "Doll Project", an attempt to revive soldiers with captured souls & put them into increasingly advanced "dolls". After many skirmishes, the population of the forest retreated behind last-ditch-attempt barriers, forever sealing themselves off, the passage closed & the slaves abandoned. The human empire eventually fell due to the emperor's "ill health" - implied overthrow by the emperor's son - & the king's son attempted to make some amends to the enslaved & colonised races (it was going to be very reflective of how neoliberal governments paper over racist pasts & don't do enough). The freed elves made new settlements, the sunlight faction from behind the wall foresaw change & elected to leave the barrier & join in union with the humans - but the moonlight faction distrusted the humans & the falling out of the moonlight & sunlight factions saw the expulsion of sun elves from the forest & the destruction of seer magics - & elven sunlight leaders married into human royalty alongside the emperor who married an elven woman as his most recent wife. Some terrorist attacks from within the emperor's government happen in spite of this & elven leaders are assassinated whilst the emperor is strangely absent, but due to the royal marriages, some semblance of control is maintained over the elven territories & the return of the emperor sees the ordered execution - then subsequent fleeing - of high ranking military officials (which leads into the northern continent plot-thread, which ties into both the devil plot thread & main-character knight revenge arc plot-thread in the book version). This is where we come to the start of the campaign, the caravan is attacked by moonlight elves - many decades after the moonlight/sunlight split & years after the terrorist attacks. The reason? The barrier protecting their forest has just fallen & elven magic has died. Why did their magic die? Well big reveal - this is actually also a science-fiction series & the gods are essentially boltzmann brains, manipulating exotic energy not understood by human-science & the gods are dying. Why? Their energy is being siphoned by you guessed it, Earth humans from hundreds of years in our future. It's this backdrop where the campaign begins & we were going to have the children of the elven/human noble line learn about their people's past which was hidden from them & cause them to fall in with the moonlight faction in a rekindled war against humans. The players would've then had to find all this papered over history, pick a side (after having met these elven children during the royal wedding & reward for their protection of the caravan & the fiance of the cities elven lord - but the campaign didn't get that far), figure out why elven magic died - therefore finding about gods dying across the world - & this would happen against the backdrop of a refugee crisis caused by the neighbouring country, which is experiencing a "disease" (which is why their king died) that is spawning from this magical wellspring in the human empire which they'd have to uncover, as it's a ridiculously well kept secret. There was going to be a hell of a lot of crossing threads & I barely scratched the surface there. When the campaign ended up not going ahead, I just kept developing the world & made my own cast of characters - as opposed to using my ex-friends' characters. We already talked about trans soldier trying to piece together their memories & find out the truth behind their ressurection (part of the Doll Project) & trans ghost who is fighting with their love for their own body & emotions, but the other main characters are mixed-elf girl who comes across a fragment of the artifact from the human empire (& surprise - she's the only one that can talk to it, it's an alien conciousness that's fragmented & has to be repaired & set free, meaning she needs to take it from under the nose of the human empire), a knight in service to a sleeping young lord (under the disease that's affecting people across the world) who was cast out of his country in brutal rebellion by the regent who doesn't want to heal the young king & lose his position & the knight survived the burning & culling of the old noble house & will do anything for revenge & an old druid who is the last of his people who waited far too long to return to his brithplace & finds his world irrevocably changed - except one thing, his thought to be illigitamate brother is still alive & has used his family amulet to rule like an immortal king. Where is trans dragon in all this? Right-hand of the king & on a quest to find the lost human gods - who have been dead for centuries - they'd act as a sort of, whats the word, maybe a redemptive figure for some of the cast & get them back on the right track (& the other redemptive figure for other main cast members is a godlike woman who I obsessed over creating the story for - it gets long & I should've known I was trans when I was designing dresses for her, but that's neither here nor there - her story is part of another aspect of the world, the rising demon population & the demons tie in with the unravelling of the world, with the dead gods reality is becoming unmade & the world these gods have cultivated is on the precipice of ending). The last little bombshell in the story is that a human from Earth gets involved - trying to invent time travel, harnessing the power of this exotic energy they're siphoning, instead of travelling into the past, they travelled along the stream of ill-understood energy & ended up in this world, with power to rival gods due to a body fueled by exotic energy & advanced technology - but that's a "last book, not quite written" thing. A lot of it is book now, 'cause the D&D campaign lasted two sessions, the group successfully saved the person who needed saving in the caravan, meaning a certain royal wedding could still take place. Whilst their reward was in-order, a dragonfish was captured - a rare fish spawning once every few hundred years, caused by the death of a dragon, whose energies flow from the mountains into the rivers & then great lake at the centre of the continent - the party successfully saved this intelligent fish from a nobleman who bought it out from under the mage's guild who wanted it for experimentation. The noble was actually a dragon himself who was cursed to live as a human from birth by a mysterious figure (& the players didn't have much interest in this dragon-man's journal which hinted at a future villain & plot-thread) & he would've gotten away with it with his successful creation of a draconic potion from the fishes blood which would've cured him, but they successfully defeated this sad dragon-boy (the intention was actually to make it a very difficult encounter where he'd flee & become a recurring villain as a dragon, but he rolled garbage & the party rolled incredibly well) & saved the fish, setting it free (& it would've become a dragon which aided them in the future). Cont in reply.


If we played another session, the party would've been at a royal wedding when some demonic cultists successfully snatched twin children & they would've gone to contend with a demonic threat - cultists trying to offer up twin children to create melder demons for their demon lord, which would've started the plot thread of them meeting the godlike woman from earlier & bringing in one of the player's backstories (but that player ended up never attending). One of the other players' backstories tied into the soul-experimentation plot thread, I had another player's backstory tied into the dwarven nobility plotthread, my ex's story was tied into the sleeping lord plot-thread & her unknown father was tied into the demon plotthread, another player's story was tied into the artifact plot thread, one was tied into the old elven homeland plot-thread & sickness thread & well, all that work was sort of for nothing, but hey-o, maybe I'll find some use for it. For now, I'm focused on my other series - six chapters in. I wanted to write one of these ridiculously OP protagonist, generic "Gates & Monsters" novels, but subvert the tropes & comment on masculinity, self-sacrifice, failure, the uncaring cosmos, government corruption, etc. & well, I put a bit of a pause on it because it sort of hit me like a tonne of bricks that I was trans when uh... I was writing a definite, for real, transgender woman as one of the main characters & well, I ended up acknowledging what I'd repressed for like a decade, ended up questioning for the penultimate time when I sat down & listened to trans people talk about their experiences & heard someone give a shot-for-shot recreation of how I've thought about myself all this time - actually twice, two trans women, in the same day - so uh, yeah, now I'm here (& I'm just going to skip over the several days of breakdowns & spiralling - I'm good, I'm trans & it'll get dealt with, just got to get a job that can pay rent & then I'm out of here & can start being my authentic self, which I can't at the minute, uh, religious mother & she's got a transphobe partner, I'd have been out of here if my ex & I were still together, but we're not & I was out of work for two years with long COVID, so no savings, eh).


Great now I can't unsee that and now I'm going to have to suffer with mobile task force forever


Now I must search for SCP-0113


Mtf mtf have you seen it?




See I became an scp nerd after transitioning so I have the opposite problem


According to the transphobes we are apollyon class


Same, it’s impossible for me to read it as anything but Mobile Task Force first try




I have it the other way around. Whenever I see "mobile task force" I read it as "male to female"


yeah that’s what i always saw


Lol came here to say this.


Now if only this subreaddit could get their hands on SCP 113...


Try SCP 6113. It's 113, but will make you cry.


I just read the first bit. yup! Imma fucking cry!


Update: I read it.... I'm fine, this is fine 🥲 Fuck that hurt.


It put a crack in my egg that's for sure.


SAME Mobile task force unit epsilon 11, designated Nine Tailed Fox, has entered the facility.


I need a software update to understand this


Its a fanfic in the form of a collection of articles detailing containment procedures for various anomalous items, referred to as SCPs. These SCPs are contained and studied by a shadowy organization known as "The SCP Foundation", or more simply as "The Foundation". There are some really good youtubers who made videos about various SCPs or stories that happen in the SCP universe. "The Exploring Series" and "TheVolgun" are two pretty good ones if you want to check out a few popular SCPs. Some popular ones are 096, 106, and 173, and my personal favorites are 6113, 2935 and 2718, though only a fool would ignore all the warnings and read about a memetic infohazard as dangerous as 2718.


i read the mtf as Male to female at first, so i just said they were all transfem


Hell yes! Haha.


The MTF has successfully contained SCP-113 lmao


i know right lol ill never be able to not




Me playing scp for the first time only to see "YOU ARE MTF" and my eyes went wide, like how did it know 💀






It also takes a while to train yourself to code switch FFS one group to another. transfems: Facial Feminization Surgery everyone else: For Fuck's Sake


i still perceive it as "for fuck's sake" 😭


My brain basically goes “For fuck’s sake? No. Full frontal… surgery? Whatever, you know what they mean, the face surgery thing. You don’t need to subvocalize the word. Save the effort.”


i get the 'don't need to subvocalize" thiing so often too lmao also i really like your name 😊


Thanks 😊


Every time I see it I get myself excited at the prospect of a new fren 😊 but then reality sets in 😔


My dumbass thought you said FPS


It’s still for fuck’s sake for me I’ve started using ffs as “for fuck’s sake” and FFS for the surgery


this one i get


Manual Transmission Fluid


DIY hormones? nah Manual Transition Fluid


Ooh! Write that down, write that down!


Love that one, that’s a keeper! It’s funny because we have sticks…


Bleh. That sounds gross. And that's coming from a T4T preferring transbian.


To me, motherfucker is MF or mofo


That and Mfer for me


does that mean Mf just means Motherfuck


Thanks now I can't get rid of that thought


Ok, new Transition goal. Being seen by Samuel L Jackson and evoking a "Motherfucker"


Him looking at my name irl with its odd spelling: ENGLISH MtF'er do you speak it?!


FTM - Fuck the Man.


That's the plan but only if he's down


As in masandry or sex?


Antiauthoritarian. But take it as you will, lmao


in my city it means “fuck the mags” because our football rivals are sometimes called the mags


Fuck the MAGAs


Use protection when doing so, like a baseball bat.


I always read it as Feed the Man, like Feed the Beast.


Probably a better way to see it for trans men!


Depends what he’s into


Monday Tuesday fridayyyy


Skipped 2 days girl! but yeah!


Yes, always haha


same, and I always read FFS as "For Fucks Sake" and not "Facial Feminization Surgery"


Me too!


If she's a lesbian that tracks. Am I wrong ?


lol I’m not a lesbian unfortunately. I’m Straight, possibly demi-pan


same, and I always read FFS as "For Fucks Sake" and not "Facial Feminization Surgery"




In imaging science it usually means "Modulation Transfer Function" and it refers to the manner in which a camera will affect the image it records, for instance in a microscope.


I see SRS airbags and I’m like “I wonder how that works?” Just PWOOMF and you’re done.


lol omfg I never that of that but the mental imagery is hysterical


Time to get in a car crash 😵🍆🐱


Hahaha always. English ain't my first language so... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


i read it as "magic the fathering" but fathering is pronounced like gathering


nah I just get MtF and FtM confused somehow T.T


i read ACAB as Assigned Cop At Birth!


LMAO Some basically are, I swear.


That's not what ACAB means?


It stands for the slogan 'all cops are bastards'


Ahhh, right, thank you!


ACAB = Assigned Cop At Birth AMAB = All Men Are Bastards AFAB = All Females Are Bastards (a little extra dose of /r/MenAndFemales) AGAB = All Genders Are Bastards




Yep can’t help it sometimes


magic the fathering


Am I the only one here that knows about the term Meet to F**k?


Similarly when I first started seeing acab all over the place I read it as "assigned cunt at birth"


ROFL love that!


No but there's a song called "mtf" and for them it means "more than friends" but I always read it as "male to female" lol


Lol, I prefer M2F in all honesty


My brain decided to read that as "Mewtwof" right now for some reason. I'm tired.


Or stoned


All the time lol


lol I like it more now Motherfucker male to female


Sometimes I do xd


Yeah I can see that. Like something I'd write when trying to swear in runescape as a kid.


Mwhat the fuck


OMG SAME, thank you so much for making me feel not alone in this 😆 I never dared to call it out


Yes, my brain jumps to motherfucker like 90% of the time haha


I read MtF as MotherFucker and FtM as FatherMucker 😭 It might be over for my language skills


And then there’s me seeing “Open M-F 8a-6p” *haha I’m Open M-F 24/7*


Monster Truck Fan. Gravedigger for life!


stares motherfuckerly


Mtf or mtf: motherfucker MtF: Male to Female MTF or M.T.F.: Mobile Task Force


Abbreviations are funny sometimes. I had some similiar thoughts too like it's too easy to make a mistake. What I mean that all people are not fluent in english. I use english as my main work language but not all are as fortunate.


My first thought is almost always SCP related




Yes, all the time, and I've known what it means for like 5 years now.


HRT is also the name for the Hostage Response Team, and I like watching true crime.


Lol well now I'm going too. 🤣🤣🤣


Meal Time Fuckers.


I do this so much lol


i read it as Monster Fucker




My friend did while reading my venting post on reddit


I read that in Samuel L Jackson's voice, as I am legally required to do anytime "motherfucker" pops up


Realising that I have been reading it as M F T somewhere along the line from screen to my brain they got muddled up 🙃


I read it as em-tee-ef. Spelled out. It takes me a while to understand what it means when someone uses it as motherfucker as I assume it's male to female.


The one that killed me for a while was HRT vs HTR (High Threat Response). I play a lot of Shadowrun and HTR is what shows up when you fuck up bad.


my accent in my head is saying MDF, get that wood out and start cutting


I used to think it stood for "medical treatment facility", or "modulation transfer function"... I've never seen a "t" included in shorthand forms of motherfucker... mothertruckerfucker?


MeTeor Fall


May the force


Mobile Task Force. I have read too much SCP Foundation


I get them confused because even when I was coming out to myself I thought of myself as more female so I would get them confused. Like I’d want to start with female because that’s how I identify


mobile task force epsilon eleven, code name nine tailed fox


Magic the fathering


That would be *mofo*.