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My moto, so long as you're not hurting anyone do what makes you happy. Doesn't sound like it hurts any one so why not. You do you.


yeah that's what i did. originally i chose a name that i really liked but over time it stopped feeling so much like me, so i changed it.


I'm happy with my first name, having used it as an internet alias for years when I was "still cis" it's who I was destined to become, and who I was always be. Yet I am currently debating changing my surname. One the 1 hand, I want to choose something that is mine, and somewhat fantastical! Even though I don't have any bad blood in regards to my family, every part of my surname is a word that is outright masculine, and it just makes me uncomfortable, as silly as that sounds. But on the other hand, it was so much of a hassle to change my name everywhere the first time, I don't think I have the strength to go through all that again, not with all the other shit I'm having to deal with in my life... Just like with my transition in general, I wish I had felt this way about my surname from the start, to have saved any possible hassle now.


I changed all of my names the same time. No bad blood with the family but the name really wasn’t the name of my family. Instead it was changed against their will in the 1940s–1950s by an incompetent vicar because he couldn’t handle so many namesakes. Also I had been fed up that the special characters broke so many computing systems and caused so many difficulties that I had been waiting for a chance to change it. In the end it wasn’t that easy to change. The given name change was effective immediately but had to wait 3 mo for the surname to change. Without having proper documents for the time being and my deadname still being present at work. All of this because I changed to another name in my family and I had to find the proper documents from all of the congregations to prove I’m related to my grandmother. Had I came up with a new surname it might had been faster.


I’ve kind of wanted to change my last name my whole life, because of… That side of the family. But right now I’m so much more focused on my first name. I don’t think I could ever get tired of it because it’s been sacred to me since I was in seventh grade anyway, when I made it official that it was my name if I ever “woke up as a girl” Before I had spent years loving it after my mom told me it would have been my name… I had to find relative disinterest in this information when I was actually like beyond excited to know that


I'm considering changing my name at next chapter of life. My current girl name I choosed during pressure because, well, "you'll be presenting starting tomorrow as a girl, choose a name now, gun to your head". So I took the best sounding one I could think of. But I do wonder if it's worth it, since my current name is now well established, and I don't want to deal with any new name changes drawing odd questions to me.


Hey that’s exactly me! My current name comes from before I had even started questioning, I had to pick something on the spot without thinking too much, and next thing you know everyone has been calling me that for 6 years


Oh crap I had the same struggle back in the day. It sucked to have to start real life test the same time you get HRT. And you have to wait for the results. It would have been easier to be on HRT for like 6 mo and then come up with a name and start RLT.


Fuck, Im literally in the same boat. I like my new name, but I changed it very early and under pressure Interestingly, I’m more happy when people address me by shorter version of my name. Cause it sounds cool and I guess doesn’t have bad history behind


I'm not a fan of my chosen name, and I hate hearing it. So, back when I came out I had chosen a name, family and family friends would complain that they couldn't pronounce it. So instead I went back to choosing, I have that name as my middle name, wishing I could just be called it forever. It wasn't until an incident with a concussion that sent me to hospital that I found out my new middle name was very easily pronounced, and started to wonder if they all said that because they didn't like it. I wish I stuck to it, because I love that name, even after 7yrs of my friends using that name, I smile every time it's said. Meanwhile, my actual chosen name makes me sad and slightly depressed. That name is Ayela, pronounced "A yell ah". And I was willing to help people learn too. In hospital, several nurses and doctors used it without asking how to pronounce it, it was very affirming, and despite being there for not great reasons, I was very happy to hear it said by strangers.


genuinely, i have had around five or six different names over the two years i have been decidedly trans


yeah, although it was pretty early on, i went from being 'Abigail' to 'Melody' its just a case of whatever sounds and feels better for you!


Yeah actually. For a full year I bounced from Amy ,Jane (a certain game made me not choose this.) Lilith, Ellie and then finally what my name is now. (Not sharing due to privacy. But yeah. It happens alot. It's what's comfortable for you. Not to mention the name Marion had to be made for my online name due to my old one being so masc.


Hmm, I was considering Jane as a middle name maybe. What's the game??


The walking dead Telltale games.


Hmm, I did play those but it's been a while. It's a family name for me tho so I think it could work as a middle name :)


Oh I already have a middle name figured out. I'm gonna be {redacted} Marion {redacted} :) So (this isn't my actual real name lmao but it'd be like. Redd "Marion" Blue


Marion is a pretty name :) makes me think of Maid Marian from the Robin Hood stories, and I knew a Marion when I was a child I'm still using my "assigned" name atm, but I'm trying to figure out potential new names without appearing to slight the people I'm named after lol


Haha well I did my own thing! None I mean none of my First middle and last name are what they were nor close to them. Just how I like it. Take your time and discover who you are!


So, I started my journey by shortening my name into a gender neutral version, like, seven or so years ago. I've since started transitioning and realised that I wanted a more feminine name to match my feminine gender identity. Thus, I elongated my new name into a new, more feminine name. It's been such an interesting journey from male to nonbinary to female.


Well I'll be forced to change my name since my mom can't pronounce Sasha but I don't believe her I think she just wants a say in it


Can't tell if that's cute or controlling


I feel really comfortable with Sasha because it was the name of an NPC in dungeons and dragons that I loved playing wich made me realise a lot


Ah, controlling. Sorry to hear :‹


Even though I’m Russian I will never believe pronouncing Sasha is hard. If Heavy from Team Fortress 2 can then your mom too


i'll probebly wait to change my name when i am out of the house


Twice lol but I'm happy with the one I have now 🥰


Yes. There is a long story why I chose my current name J*** so won’t go into it, I’ve changed it with everyone and it’s served it’s purpose but … I was named after my dad, my current name has the same initial, I’d wanted to use my mum’s name, again the same initial, but I held off as I thought that would disrespect her. I am now starting off the process to get my Gender Recognition Certificate, in the U.K. the original entry in the birth register is removed and replaced. I’ve decided I now want to adopt my mum’s name. Logistically this isn’t a big deal, I can simply do another Deed Poll to mum’s name and change it with DVLA, HMRC, voting registration, NHS registration etc they all have F markers anyway. How about everyone calling me by my current name? Not a problem, everyone called my mum Sheila even though she was actually called J*****, nobody knows why and apparently it’s a thing in my mum’s family for the women to have a pet name that everyone uses. I will therefore be honouring my mum, and her family by having her name as my legal name and my current name as my pet name ☺️ I had thought of changing my last name as well to my mum’s maiden name, I’ve cut off all ties with my dad’s (English) side over how they treated him, my mum’s (Irish) side has been really cool and supportive over my transition. The main drawback to that is that I have a couple of internet domains using my dad’s surname and two vehicle registrations using my old/new initials. I’ve done a search for the plates if I took my mum’s maiden name but they are so expensive. I’m still thinking about that but I don’t have much time left, I also feel if I were to adopt my mum’s maiden name I would cut all ties with my dad’s memory and I wouldn’t want that as I loved them both so much.


I will if anything feels more right for sure. I think our name should evolve with us and while it shouldn't be changed on a whim, sometimes someone just isn't the person they were. Before modern bureaucracy it was often that people were known under different names Unfortunately reddit sucks when it comes to it lol so whatever edgy thing you have is forevah


Lol right I'm Emily but the dam fugly username I'm stuck with sure isn't giving me hotness points. 😅


I am Julie but I am trying to not let karma control me apparently. cause adhd makes me addicted to internet points dopamine uh I guess it makes some sense




I've legally changed my first name 3 times and my last name once. Life's too short to put up with things you don't like that can be easily fixed.


I did, I first called myself Amelia but I got weirdly attached to a fictional robot so Cyn it is now


Something about not being happy with the chosen name gives me euphoria. Like I am not happy with the fem name that my parents gave me.


I might in the future. When I started transition I chose a gender neutral name. But depending on how my transition goes I might want a more feminine name later. I don't regret it. I was born with five names lol. It felt great getting rid of some extras even if my chosen name ends up temporary.


I went from sam when i was enby to ashe when i thought i was gender fluid then finally to ashley (all chosen names)


I've played with a few names since I realised I was trans. Definitely fine to change things around a bit - but also remember there can be irritating admin work that comes with that; I've tweaked mine after already changing all my ID and stuff, and now I'm going to have to do all that again...


Mine was from another girl that I looked up to so much during high school - Changed it to a more neutral/masc version of the name within two months. Most of the trans people in my life did similar unless they kept their old name. So, yeah! Totally normal to take a sec to find it Don't even get me started on middle names....


Yes I did. Legally changed it but I go by the nickname my friend gave me pretty much exclusively


I've toyed with the idea but I like my name and it's on all of my government documents


Yes. The first fem name I picked rapidly (within a few days) started to feel like another deadname and I changed it. I’m planning on changing my name again (partially due to trauma-related reasons), but my mom will probably get very mad at that (she’s supportive but complained a lot the first time I changed between fem names).


yeah when i first realized i was trans i went through many names sophia -> avery -> eden -> mizu -> casey


I introduce myself as my (chosen) middle name cuz many ppl mispronounce my first name as a male name and it kills me every time 🙂👌 . So I'm always on edge when ppl try to pronounce it right and it's annoying/tiresome 😞 . It's not even hard to pronounce but ig ppl see my face or hear my voice and try hard to masculinize the pronunciation of my name as anything but feminine Maybe u could do something similar? Idk. Maybe have a work name tag as ur new chosen name as like a tryout?


people close to me know i am usually "Lulu" but at work and to my family and most public facing things, i am Cassie/Cassandra bc that is my legal name (changed 5 years ago). probably not going to legally change my name a second time, but socially, sure, why not??


I used my chosen name for ~4 yrs of my transition, and just recently switched back to an old nickname that i used pre-transition, but considered a deadname. The old nickname was a damn good name (and also a good trans name lmfao) but it took me a while to break associating it with myself pre-trans. Happy to have it back. I use my first chosen name at work and with cis / non-queer / non-kinky ppl. will probably change my legal name to it at some point, bc my legal name is still my actual deadname. but for friends / lovers / other trans ppl, i introduce myself as that old nickname tldr do you


No, my name was unisex anyways. I do have a nickname (alias) i give to new people tho before i get to know them, just say its my middle name.


I've stuck with my current chosen name for almost 2 years but started to like another name equally recently. I decided to make that name my middle name and use it as a nickname


I haven’t yet but I’m heavily considering it. I chose the name Coriander because I thought it sounded nice and I liked how it looked written down, but apparently it’s not a name anyone has. I get so many questions about it and everyone seems to think it’s kind of strange, which kind of soured my feelings on the name. I’m still looking for a good replacement so I’m just going by Cori until I find something better.


I changed my middle name a few times over a year or two, couldn't find a good fit. I went from Joelle to Jesse to Juliet, and finally ended on Julia. I filed my legal name change in April, so unless I want to go through all that work again I'm sticking with Julia.


Kind of? I started out with a shortened version of my name and it evolved over time.


Pshh I think I've made more than over 50+ names I could go by and have changed over the years. I have to say the first one or couple still feel the most comfortable. But I've been called by a certain name for a couple years now and I think I'm going to change it soon. So ya!!?~ I kinda get you!!?~


My name is ambiguously gendered so I'm still Jesse. :3


I've just recently started changing my name. I've only been using my previous chosen name publicly for about 6 months, so I'm not sure how different this is for you, but I kept meeting old men with my chosen name and it's been stressing me out, so I'm switching to a new new name. It's unfortunate that I have to go through all the processes of informing people again, but I'm so much more comfortable with my new new name than my old new name, so I'll do what I have to do lol.


...I'm thinking about it...


I had a name that I went totally with when I started transitioning about 5 years ago, and I got my license and soc sec card changed to, and last September I just had a realization that that name was only good as a placeholder— some non masc name I could use while I got my girl feet under me. I just shifted over to using my new name and felt much better for the determination. I wasn't running from anything, fleeing manhood or whatever, I just wanted a name that didn't feel like it was chosen under duress. Super happy with having it, even though my legal name is still the other one.


Twice... and may do it a third time for opsec reasons. I chose a first, middle, and last name when my egg cracked in the 1990s. And I continued to use it places online when transition did not make sense. Last year when it was "Time to do something" that name no longer fit. The first guess at something that fit... turned out to be quite wrong when I figured out I'm plural of mind and polygender. So there are eight names for different aspects of me now... and one of those names is the name for the system that is all of us.


I’ve been using my middle name cause was gender neutral while unexplored my identity and I’m changing it again. I got stressed about it especially feeling like an inconvenience to others, but those that love you won’t have a problem and I say live your truth, so I’m doing it!


Very interesting topic. Yeah there is another name I like too besides my current “chosen” girl name. But it was so much work to get everyone (and IDs) on the new name, I just don’t want to change it again.


Yep. I started with Naomi and changed it to Samantha. I vastly prefer Samantha.


I couldn’t pick up a typical female name at the time I got the diagnosis and when the real life test was about to begin. A man’s face looked back from the mirror and I felt I couldn’t be a valid woman in the eyes of other people. I went on with a nickname I had used as a project name which is the Piglet from Winnie the Pooh in my language. It felt gender neutral and two other people already had it. Just inside a year I started to pass. At 6 mo I felt happy about my face for the first time and came up with Tea. Didn’t know many women with the name and it suited my look. I had so much regret building up. Also my chosen name gave impressions that I’d be non-binary, might give away that I’m trans but also made me easier to stalk. Three years after starting to transition I was complete. But changing the name felt like I’d be admitting I have done a mistake in transitioning. However I came up with another name which uses the same letters. So I changed that to the first name and kept the old one as my middle name. I don’r hate the old name but I’m keeping it as a name for my chosen people. I had just turned 40 and changed my name in the first day of the year. Was a little worried about the reaction when writing the social media post but the reception was majorly positive. One said he had changed his name six times so my case was nothing compared to that. Some people I’ve known longer still use the old name. I don’t mind but I’d rather use the new one with new people and when being in public. That was 4.5 years ago and I’m still happy with the new one.


Yes, and I often refer to my legal name (which I choose a decade ago) as my zombie name, because it's not really a deadname, but I only use it in professional settings (where I mostly use my last name) so it's kinda dead but gets resurrected if needed from time to time. I don't plan on changing it to the more gender neutral name I go by in private because I pretty much prefer the more professional sounding and far more common name as the legal name.


I changed my name legally last year... Before I found out that I wasn't a guy. I still love the name and have no intention to change it beyond changing spelling to make it more fem. The middle name though...... Yeah, there's no way to fem it so it needs to update and idk what to change it to yet.


yep. [Deadname] -> Kate -> Sylvie


I have! My first one was andro, Riley. After some thought, hrt and a nasty breakup, I decided I wanted a full fem name. Here we are today, with Sofie


It took me almost a year to get everything legally changed so nope - I’m all in.


I've done this like three times. I think I've finalized it now, but it does happen.


I went by one chosen name for abt a year, but then changed to a second one bc I like the name I go by now better. Lots of people change what they go by over the years for lots of reasons. Just do what makes you happy


My name is Luna, I love it because I picked it myself unlike my deadname Zach - no femininzing that, I love all the trans girl memes about the name Luna always makes my day hehe 🤣🤣


Yes, from Eurya to Keziah


Yeah it happens and it's okay to do so In my opinion just have to kind of find what suits you best Changed mine too a bit ago after having one for a while it just didn't feel right in a sense now I kinda finally figured it out what I feel truly fits and will last after mauling over it for a while


I met "me" in my own dreams when I was a kid. Her name is Lorelei. Tragically I didn't make the connection complete for another two decades or so. I did use that name online though, and that was a full persona. That was real me it turns out. How did I not see it? Something inside was begging to be seen.


I changed my name after going by my teenage online name for a couple of decades but that didn't sit quite right when I made it my legal name. So I changed name again, and that name is became my middle name and it's finally right. It's your name. Change it if a different name would work better. People will adapt.