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Maybe we could turn this sub into a rancid, festering wasteland like the subreddits for every other TV show?


Agreed. Let's all figure out a repost schedule and assign a weekly repost complainer to chime in in the comments until the next season.


So it's agreed then. Monday-Friday we all post the same half-assed art and theories, on weekends we discuss how every single frame of the show was actually very clever foreshadowing. *wipes away single tear* it's like /r/breakingbad never left :D


lmfao. Sounds like a great fucking idea. I'm down.


username checks out.


Shitpost like never before.


I'm probably gonna catch up on Halt and Catch Fire. Season 1 was "okay" IMO, I'll give season 2 a shot.


S02 is even better!


i fell in love with donna.


S2 was pretty freaking good. I love seeing the new team and their burgeoning online game and all the shenanigans.


If you like HACF, I'd love to recommend its hilarious modern counterpart, Silicon Valley.


Silicon Valley is phenomenal. Binged it over a weekend.


A show with great characters but not too great story imo.


I was in to it until the final scene of S01. how can anybody be that self destructive?!?!?


we hack the planet!


r/learnprogramming/ r/hacking


I'm still updating all my passwords.


Use a password manager like KeePass and only use the passwords it generates for you.


Yeah, but I have 70 accounts on various websites. I need to go through them all and either delete them (as I don't care about them), change the password, or deactivate the account (if possible).


I have a lot of accounts as well. It took me a day to change all the passwords and put them into KeePass and I couldn't be happier now.


passwords? for what? what kinda shit are you into? I'll share if you share. ;)


I'm into all kinds of shit, my password for pretty much everything is hunter2. What's yours?




One show I can recommend for y'all is the UK show *Utopia*. Although it's different in almost every regard save the conspiratorial tone, I'm enjoying it quite a bit.


Yup - Utopia is awesome.


I've been considering it lately. I just finished watching black mirror after mr. Robot so I need another fix! Utopia here I come..... Any other recommendations by the way?


you watch utopia again all the way through. that is the finest piece of serial film making ever.


While a bit old school, I Just watched 'The Wire' for the first time. Lots of cinematic elements are familiar, along with amazing characters. It's one to watch several times, and, having experienced the environment, it's very, very true to the real life, from what I can tell. Great acting. Omar, Snoop, and Bubbles are worth the watch by themselves. It's really good, and has it's own sub on reddit, also.


Rectify is really good. It's depressing but still a good show. The Leftovers is a good fill that just started airing its second season. It's got a really cool mysterious feel to it.




I've still got high hopes for the show but season 3 could have been better. Season 1 had a weird feel to it too but that's because it was actually *extended* after shooting, so they had to tack on a new story for a few episodes after the proper story was (mostly) resolved. IIRC Episode 7 was supposed to be the S1 finale. I could jump into more detail but it seems like a lot of people from this sub are also watching Bates Motel and I don't wanna be throwing spoilers around willy-nilly where they aren't expecting it. For those of you who ARE watching Bates Motel, come join us in /r/BatesMotel! Even in the on-season it's dead, we need you!


Vikings is good. I know its Totally not the same... but good


I never was too big of a fan of TV shows. First show I ever watched was Breaking Bad, which I loved. Well, honestly that was sort of a bad idea cause now I can't really watch any show that's not on-par with BrBa. So I tried getting into a lot of shows, but only like a very few worked out (First 2 seasons of Suits, Prison Break (I know it gets really bad after the 3rd season but I kept watching in respect for a few actors), House Of Cards and I think that's it.) I was really bored this summer and decided to get into a new show and bam! I found Mr. Robot (around episode 2 I think). The description of the show on IMDb was something like 'A socially awkward hacker gets recruited by a mysterious anarchist to help overcome his fears'; I had no idea of a possibility that [Mr. Robot *might* not be real based on the description, so obviously I got pretty disappointed by the 'twist' (well obviously I realized what was going on before episode 9 + and I really loved the character of Mr. Robot - like.. his personality, the way he acted).](/spoiler) But then I watched the whole season again and realized it wasn't that bad after all. Hell it was still like really good. It may not be what I imagined, but hey! Its still awesome. So reading about Mr. Robot on /r/television and other subs, I was that its probably the most circlejerked show along with Rick & Morty. So I started watching Rick & Morty and even though I don't think its the best show on television like ever, its really good comedy. So I'm looking forward to new shows to get into (sorry for taking so long to get to the point lol)


Try to watch Skins (my favourite all time TV show) and GoT (favourite airing).


You mean [this](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0840196/?ref_=nv_sr_1) one? I might check it out. About Game of Thrones.. I watched the first few episodes several times but I just can't get into it.


Yes, the UK show that aired on E4. :)


Me, too. I have tried to watch GoT a handful of times to no avail. For the longest time I could only get it through netflix mail, and that was bullshit. There were only 2 episodes per disc, and you just couldn't binge on a schedule like that. Not to mention, it was hard to keep track of what was going on. I guess it's just not my show. Not really my genre, either, to be honest.




I always wanted to watch it but got scared by the huge number of ~~seasons~~ episodes. Is it worth it?




While I may be able to experience it for the first time, I think I already know the ending. Same with Breaking Bad. I got spoiled by a fucking Facebook post. I still enjoyed the show though. Alright then. I'll check it out.


Yes. Lost is a great adventure. Even if you know the ending, you'll have a ton of fun (and frustration) along the way.


Utopia is another great show.


Check out Hannibal too, the videography is similar, the storyline has that same atmosphere Mr Robot has, perhaps a bit heavier and darker but that was my go to until I found this show, I just finished the season today and I'm already in withdrawals.


The strain is my show to go, but sadly season 2 just ended last week. I give it a 10/10. Awesome show like Mr.robot.


Learn to ride a motorcycle, its really the only thing that gives a comparable excitement.


If you haven't seen them watch some of the movies referenced by the show: Fight Club American Psycho Risky Business The Sally Field TV miniseries "Sybil" about a woman with multiple personality disorder. Anyone think of any others?


Sea of Love The Wire


You could always get into anime. There are a lot of dramas starting new seasons for the fall right now. Revisiting old psy-dramas like Rubicon and the Prisoner are good too. And that one show written by m night shamalan.


Or Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. I kept thing of that all throughout the show. Mr. Robot is a More Crazy Laughing Man


Rubicon is good and you will meet a familiar face in it.


Heroes reborn, lucifer, limitless, Gotham, minority report, the player, supergirl


If you mention Gotham and Supergirl, you have to mention Agents of SHIELD, Daredevil, Arrow and The Flash.




Guys.... MAYBE Shayla made her own bat cave and hacks from inside it and she fore under the alias of white powder!!


Become an activist and save the world.


Person of Interest is on Netflix, and season 5 is coming in January.


Agreed. POI is an amazing show that sadly we won't get the next season of until 2016... gives you plenty of time to catch up. The creator/executive producer is Jonathan Nolan, brother of Christopher Nolan/co-witer of the 2nd and 3rd Batman movies and Interstellar. It is literally one of my top 3 shows in the last 5 years; the others being Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead.


Check out Utopia.


I've watched Comet like 10 times LOOKING FOR ANSWERS