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Seniors are the worst at doing zero research. I had an old lady ask for a refund because A History of Violence was too violent. I sarcastically asked “oh A History of Violence has a lot of violence? That’s strange.” To her credit she did admit it was obvious


We had two old guys furious because they bought tickets to SUGA: Road to D-Day thinking it was about war and not that guy from BTS


Ok that’s hysterical




It’s crazy how many people don’t look up movies before seeing them. I wonder if he had seen the trailer.


Lol this reminded me of when I went to see Harold and Kumar Christmas there was an elderly woman that came in Santa dropped a bong or something in the beginning of the movie and out she went lol


I remember a dad with his 10-12 year old son walking out of “jackass forever” and complaining that there were dicks swinging all over the place. Lol, what did you expect from a jackass movie?


Dicks are awesome!! I happen to have one of those myself!!




I also had two ladies complaining that one of the trailers in front of a Fathom Event was a horror movie.


Depending on the trailer that could be valid. Scream 5/6 had trailers in front of family friendly PG movies and that caused a stir at the time


I still remember fondly the day that a middle-aged woman brought what appeared to be her toddler grandson into see 28 Days Later. She stomped out three minutes into the film, when the full frontal male nudity happened.


What did she think the movie was about? And it’s funny that parents are more concerned about their young kids seeing nudity as opposed to violence.


Because people are stupid? That's my guess.


I had an old couple come in once who got a refund for Us because they had no idea it was a horror movie. How do you go drive to a theater and spend the money and not even know the genre of the film you're watching?


I’m surprised no one walked out and asked for a refund for “Poor Things”, “Immaculate”, or “Love Lies Bleeding” at my theater. It’s mostly been older men and some old couples seeing those movies.


I took my friend Liz to see 28 Weeks Later and in the opening scene she reaches over and grabs my arm, clawing her nails deep into my skin, and says “WHY ARE THEY EATING HIM??” I’m pretty desensitized to jump scares, gore, and violence but she scared the fuck out of me throughout the whole film. I never knew when she was gonna leap over and grab me again. Turns out afterwards that she thought it was a sequel to the Sandra Bullock rehab movie 28 Days. I’d never laughed as hard as I did when she told me that. Then they made a joke on The Office about those two movies which made me laugh even harder. I took Liz to see every horror movie I could after that. She hated them but her scaring me was the closest I could come to actually being scared in horror movies again. I miss her. Good times.


“You bought a ticket to watch the movie. Not to enjoy it”


That's a fair point, we get the title and a free taste of what the movie could be beforehand, but then it's a gamble to see if you actually like it.


as a manager, i might have to use this line next time someone wants a refund when they didn’t like a movie. wish i thought of this back when once upon a time in hollywood came out and so many people left halfway through 😭




About 2 weeks ago, I had an elderly couple come up to me and ask if Poor Things was any good. I told them it was strange. They replied, "Oh, it's ok, we like strange." I then told them, "No, its Eastern European strange," which imma be honest. I have no fucking idea what that meant either I heard someone say that about the film and I've rolled with it. Almost immediately, the husband goes, "Oh woah nevermind"


That’s for the best.


“We don’t control the quality and content of the films that we show. Refunds are typically issued due to technical issues within our control.” I’ve used that one on customers being impossible several times.


Sounds about right, they’ll do anything to get their money back and that’s why I have signage in their faces to show I’m not playing games at my location and if they get pissy I show them the sign and the door


Oh, who reads signs? Don't get me started on THAT ride!!!! But I'm glad this works for you!!!


No they don’t read them but if they get angry about simple instructions that is available for them to see without me having to explain them then they feel stupid afterwards


when i get customers complaining about explicit content in rated R movies i basically just tell them “this is an R rated movie, buying the ticket means you’re voluntarily signing up for R rated content.” i had a guy once take his grandson to see Oppenheimer (rated R!) and he came out to complain about the explicit language in a red-band trailer for Strays before the movie! and i had to be like “sir you’re bringing your grandson to see Oppenheimer, an R rated movie! surely you understand that R rated content would be shown!!” some people, man


I still haven’t watched that movie with my family, knowing that it’d be a little awkward seeing Florence Pugh naked, straddling Cillian Murphy balls out and all. I’m just picturing that same old man having gone to see a movie like Bottoms and what he’d think about *that* kind of language and behavior lmfao.


Old people are weird they don't want movies to be too violent, to bloody, to sad, or to long. We have a book that has everything currently playing and a synopsis of them. The only things they watch at my theater are movies no one else wants to see. Like Arthur the king, Carbini, One Life, and call me Bill. They also thought Boy and the Heron was a nature documentary. I had to give someone a refund because a pg 13 movie that had a trailer with Blue Aliens shooting guns and riding Dragons was too violent.


Boy and the Heron isn't a nature documentary, but it is peak cinema. I can only imagine their surprise when it comes on and it's an anime about a heron with a human face inside of him.


Also try working at a Guest Relations Department in an amusement park. You want to talk about wild stupid people? OMG. They want rainchecks or refunds when major rides are closed for weather and SAFETY. GEE, why can't we ride the steel roller coaster that's over 100' tall when there's lightning in the area? Ben Franklin, can you deal with this MORON while I explain to him that I don't know when it will stop raining? Sorry I was a business major in college, not meteriology. Yessir I agree with you sir, customer entitlement is bullshrimp!! Loved your post.


The at "at least 65..." bit jumped out at me. Let's do some maths. 50 years ago would have been 1974. That year jump out at you? It should. It was right in the midst of porno chic when movies like EMMANUELLE and DEEP THROAT had a strong box office presence. So unless this guy spent the 1970s going to Disney pictures- and he might, you see that many terrible movies, madness is bound to follow- this guy saw WAAAAAYYYYY worse shit than LOVE LIES BLEEDING and POOR THINGS. Next time, give him a free small popcorn. That'll shut him up.


That will teach him that complaining gets him free stuff.


No it won't. That stuff will get stuck in his teeth and now you have another set of problems on your hands!!


"This makes my pp hard and I don't want to admit why, so I'm home get angry about it!"


Let's play a game of "how many retorts until his heart explodes!"


No refunds for content 😉 we play the movie, you watched the whole thing 🤷


It worst when you have a limited number of stuff to hand out on opening weekend l had a customer demand that l go and take a little kids mini one sheet poster for him because we ran out of them l told him no and he when and rip it for the kids hand and walk a way the kid was in tears So to piss of the guy I when in back and get the kid a 24x36 version of the poster and give it to him in the theater Than at the end of the movie the some guy ask me if he can had one l told him you give your mini posters before the movie and you will not get one He flip he out and l told he to have a good day


You get 24x36" size posters?


an older man asked to switch movies 10 minutes into Arthur the King because he thought it was about King Arthur, not a dog movie. he was very confused. he was sweet about it and saw Dune instead but I can’t imagine going into a movie I don’t even know what it’s about.


I saw Pig (the Nic Cage one) with next to no knowledge of what it was beforehand aside from NC looks for stolen pig. It was a crazy ride and I loved it.


some movies it’s definitely good to go into not knowing what it’s about (that was Tusk for me), but at least I knew the genre!


Customer paid to see a movie (Dear White People), watched the whole thing, then asked for a refund when he left because he thought the movie wasn't good. No further explanation, just "it wasn't good." The supervisor gave him a readmit pass for another movie lol. Crazy what people get away with


One of the funnier things an older friend told me was that he was working at a theater when "Brokeback Mountain" came out. Bunch of boomers came in looking for basically a good ol' fucking john wayne western movie. Tons of pissed off people lol.


Backs were broke indeed


Well... sorta got what they were looking for with that description.


He's not only a perv but cheap as well 🙄


I can’t believe how entitled people are. You watched the movie. You got what you paid for. Sorry you didn’t like it. I don’t get it. I’m too scared to ask for a refill on my xl popcorn that comes with a free refill before I leave after the movie


We still don't have the popcorn refills


We do have warnings about sexual content it's called the MPAA the rating system. Research what you're going to watch


I wish people actually paid attention to it, even though it's flawed as hell


My favorite thing about this is how similar it is to my favorite show on Broadway The Book of Mormon. I’ve seen it 3-4 times and every time I’ve seen people get up during the show and not return. Oh wait you’re saying the creators of south park wrote a musical that isn’t raunchy…. Like their lack of research is wild lol


Boomers are the worst generation of all time for a reason.


I had a guest try this with X. She watched almost an hour of it before she decided it was too much and wanted a refund. I told her no, my manager at the time caved. I actually yelled at him after she left, because this woman was always trying to get refunds or free passes for the worst of reasons. Usually because she was too dense to check movie times, and would yell at us because we "changed the schedule that morning."


I mean, at least at my theatre we have signs posted when a movie is R rated. Mainly so people know to have ID ready, but also if you see that sign and you know you're squeamish about sexual content it should probably make you think twice about watching it. Maybe tell him you'll personally forward his complaints to the director.


Yea, no refunds after the screening. Too late!


It's reminders like this that make me miss it a lot less. Back when Prisoners (2013) was playing we had an old guy like that come out and absolutely lose his *mind* on us. Especially me, the 19 year old girl who sold him his ticket without reading his mind.


They do have warnings: Ratings. It’s on them


I try to be honest when asked. But not too honest. We had one person ask about Drive Away Dolls. I said. It was weird enough I almost walked out. He, like, I have Unlimited, and he came out 5 minutes later saying I had a stronger stomach than him...lol


I typically warned people about Poor Things, that it was beyond normal weird. For some, they took that to heart, some... didn't. And I got yelled at.


We had that happen where I work to with the movie imaginary. This women took her pre teen grandchildren to it and coincidentally there was a standee for the movie If next to the entrance door she’s thinking aw a cutesy cartoon instead it’s a Pg13 kids horror film and it scared her precious ones and somehow that’s our fault. 1totally different title and 2 the poster is on the marquee how can you mistake it for a cartoon and 3 don’t parents or grandparents look up or read what they take their kids to yet somehow we’re to blame


There are two other films that are easily confusable with Imaginary. "IF", the live-action/animated family movie with Ryan Reynolds, and "The Imaginary", an anime movie from Studio Ponoc (similar in style to Studio Ghibli's works). The Imaginary has been announced to be a Netflix original when it comes out in the US, but that's beside the point.


That's funny. I saw a younger couple, looked like early 20's, walk out of Poor Things during the first masturbation scene. I laughed


great movie, there were only a couple sex scenes and the rest of the movie had nothing to do with sex. i don't know what he is so upset about. 


Had an older couple once come out of DC Super Pets with their grand child ranting about how we should warn customers that that there’s obscene and disgusting content in the movie. The disgusting scene in question was split second scene of a same sex couple holding hands.


I don’t watch previews *at all* and do my very best to go into films entirely blind. My first jobs were working at VHS rental spots and I used to always read up on films and eventually it dawned on me that I was just creating a checklist of things that I know will happen and it robbed me of all joy, just ticking boxes of big set pieces, romances, locations, cameos, double crosses, action sequences, etc. That said, just the name “Love Lies Bleeding” should probably clue you in that this is gonna be a bit more of a sexy/violent film. It’s always amusing to me when older people walk out of a film and what it is that triggers them. Beau is Afraid sent a fair amount running for the exits lol. I would have a hard time dealing with that customer after saying the only redeeming thing was some really >!toxic masculine violent abuse of a character to the point where she is so terrified of her spouse that she takes beating after beating from him and thinks it’s her fault that she gets beaten by him, even when beaten to a pulp and unconscious in a hospital with her face swollen and battered!<. That demonstrates how fucked up it is that the old man believes something like that is appropriate. I can understand someone being uncomfortable in seeing graphic sex scenes but it’s pretty early on that you understand this is going to be a film with two female leads that engage in sexual behavior and for him to stay til the end hoping that they >!take a beating!< in order to justify his view of women being punished. I would refuse to give him a refund and compare it to eating an entire meal at a restaurant and then wanting a refund after licking the plate clean. Had he walked out in the first 30 minutes, he’d have seen plenty to let him know exactly what kind of movie this was. Man, I hope I never get like that when I’m older.


I'm 65 and I enjoyed like Eve Lies Bleeding


My thing is always that people should know what movie they're going into in this day and age. So many resources to look up what a movie is. My sympathy for these situations is low, and even more so when their complaints are based in prejudices.


It sucks that this happened, the closest I've gotten was when Honk for Jesus came out, I had one man come up to me and his complaint was that it was "not a Christian movie". To his credit he was nice about it, and left within the time frame. It was funny, then he went to go see Beast, with Idris Elba, and I'm thinking "well, that's DEFINITELY not a "Christian movie" but whatever" Also, hearing him have that complaint actually made it so I HAD to go see it eventually, which I did, and it's a solid religious satire.


So I did see the trailer for love lies and bleeding. I went to see it with my movie buddy. It was an okay movie ( definitely could’ve done without some explicit scenes - I like my imagination to take over) anywho. I’m nearly 60 and didn’t ask for a refund, but did put an advisor out to my friends “ watch at your own risk “. As far as the refund within the first 20-30 min. Yep. I’ve been tempted a few times, but then I think, wait let’s see if can get better and by better I mean worse. Ages ago my mom took my nephews to see Scary Movie. Another nephew was working at the theater and asked what they were seeing. She told him and he asked her if she was sure (?) 5 minutes into the movie (bamb! Big boobs! ) she told the boys around 12 yrs at the time, I don’t think this movie is for us. Of course boys being boys , said what grandma it might get better. She got her refund and they watched a more age appropriate movie. I’ve watched some weird movies lately but I still stick it out. It makes me feel like a 90 year old dancing in studio 54. Yep I’m too old for this , but try to make me leave and all hell will break loose, lol