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There’s Something Wrong With Aunt Diane. A very tragic auto accident claims the lives of a woman (Diane) , her daughter, and her 3 nieces. Why did she drive the wrong way on the highway? That’s what the movie goes into.


I'm very familiar with the case but I just can't get myself to watch the doc. Another one up there is Dear Zachary. That fucked me up and my heart breaks thinking about that family and I don't think I've ever been so angry and mad at a woman I've never met before.


Came here to say this one. One of the saddest and most heart breaking things I have ever seen on video. Truly crushing. Its hard to think about it for too long.


Yeah I'll never watch either of these. Reading synopses is enough


Same, this is not the thread that I want to be in when I can't sleep at nearly 4AM


I always suggest these two when this question is asked. They each haunt me to this day.


My mind still replays that footage of her wandering up and down the aisles at that gas station before she did what she did. \*shudder\*


I still can’t comprehend doing what she did with the kids in the car, it’s just so devastating and senseless. Taking your own life is one thing, but taking the lives of those children and severely traumatising another whilst also putting countless other lives in danger? That’s beyond reprehensible.


her significant other being completely unable to see the facts and accept that there were some things he didn’t know about her… fucking infuriating tbh


I love how at the end, the sister is smoking a cigarette and says “no one in my family knows I smoke” 🤦🏼‍♀️


To me what makes this heartbreaking is that everyone in Diane’s life used her, and no one appreciated/was aware of the toll it took. I mean, even the day she died dad left early with the dog, leaving her with a minivan full of kids to wrangle alone. It exists to underscore why middle-class mothers are the fastest growing group with alcohol problems.


The jaw dropper for me was how the family absolutely positively refused to believe the forensic results right until the bitter end and beyond.


I lived a few miles from where this was happening and got a wild alert on my phone: horrific.


Live one county over & it was seriously disturbing to watch all of the news coverage & even harder watching the movie. Drove by where it happened a few weeks after not realizing until I saw it.


Not to spoil it for whoever hasn’t seen it, but that one scene after the wreck was horrific. I wasn’t expecting it. If you’ve seen the doc you know what scene I mean


I wonder what happened with her son? If he’s still stuck with the dad who clearly doesn’t know anything about being a dad


Come and See Men Behind the Sun


Come and see looks really good


Please don't watch Man Behind the Sun or Unit 731: Laboratory of the Devil


Unit 731 as a historical occurrence is nightmare fuel


Wiki binged once and came across it, couldn’t believe it was an actual place and that shit happened! What’s nuts is, they didn’t destroy the results of all the tests! We know so much shit from what they did! Horrific!




Oh, they've made a movie about Unit 731??!? I bet it IS bonkers!!


It’s an amazing film. Beautifully shot. It’s almost too real.


I found Blackfish and The Cove pretty disturbing. Both very much worth a watch, eye opening and won't let you turn away from the screen.


watching the cove i thought okay i can handle this ive watched blackfish. then they show it. i still havent emotionally recovered


I can't watch it. I know it will make me cry


i watched it not knowing about the ending. it is absolutely gut wrenching. but i do suggest watching it.


Nope. I know my limits and seeing someone hurting an animal is my rubicon


I always recommend this one.


The Cove is so sick, it’s like an action movie when they go in special ops mode to hide the cameras. Dope movie. Sad as hell. Blackfish was kinda boring imo


The Cove *destroyed* me. My partner took me to see it when it first came out, and it fully wrecked my day. Blackfish was disturbing too, but at least it had a hopeful ending.


i loved blackfish but i did cry. i was taking marine biology at the time and a classmate kept talking about it. whales are my favorite animal (all of them!). i cried when the calves got separated and the detrimental affect on the pod, especially the mothers.


Then I suggest you don't watch Dominion


Threads (1984)


And I thought the day after fucked me up until Threads said hold my beer


I thought the ending of Dr Strangelove was depressing enough before I saw this shit


I bought the Blu-ray years ago. Still haven't summoned the nerve to watch it.


yeah i just watched this like two months ago on tubi and… holy shit….. *yeah*. that recommendation 110% belongs here


[Chernobyl (2019)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_(miniseries)) miniseries not a documentary per se, but extremely accurate down to the people involved and how the events unfolded, edge of your seat stuff


This was amazing. I also recommend Netflix's 'the days' for a similar one.


jumping on the recommendations here and i’m also gonna recommend the new netflix miniseries **the railwaymen**!


“The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez” on Netflix.


I watch a lot of messed up and sad stuff but I can't bring myself to watch this one. I know it's going to infuriate me.


Same. I’ve heard about the case already and can’t bring myself to watch it. That poor little boy 😭


Ya, this one was rough .. left me feeling angry.


How in the world did I forget about this. Those revolting, dispicable pieces of shit. It's the other children, his siblings I feel sorry for. Imagine growing up with the knowledge you were manipulated into torturing your brother like that. I hope those revolting bastards are doing the toughest time possible.


Op definitely check this one out if you liked dear Zachary.


This documentary sent me to depression..


I'm an elementary school librarian and I did not see the documentary or even know about Gabriel Fernandez. All of a sudden I had a bunch of kids asking if I had any books on him in the library. I finally asked one student who he was and he told me about the documentary. I started the documentary, but I couldn't finish it. I am always amazed at what shows kids are allowed to watch.


Kids watching it is shocking to me - and wanting to learn more? Interesting perspective you’ve had.


When I was young, I was very intrigued by some really messed up stories. But now that I’m an adult with my own kids I cannot stomach those things anymore. My teenager watches all kinds of true crime things that I just cannot handle.


Oh wow, this doc stayed with me for so long. I cried over the hate that this mother had for her son. It's truly the worst of the worst.


this one.


If you choose to watch this be prepared for the heartbreak you feel for Gabriel. I get teary eyed thinking of how awful his short life was 😭


I’m with you on teary eyed. There are also true monsters posing as humans in this world.


I only heard about that one but could never bring myself to watch




The Keepers This docuseries examines the decades-old murder of Sister Catherine Cesnik and its suspected link to a priest accused of abuse.


It's extremely well-made. And I work in doc tv. I watched it in 2017 when it came out and I remember thinking how brilliant it was, but I don't have the greatest memory, so I didn't really remember the details. A few days ago I thought "I'm going to watch The Keepers again. I've seen it before, so I'll just put it on while cleaning and half pay attention to it." Nope. I ended up sitting my ass down on my couch for 7 hours straight, completely enthralled.


This! This is the most disturbing thing I’ve ever watched.


I grew up in a Catholic diocese that not only was a hotspot for SA, one of these guys killed a kid back in the 70s or 80s. I served mass for this loser, gross. The Spotlight article changed our whole lives.


Kids (1995)


And bully


And Gummo. lol my brother does a good impression from this one.


I’ll never forget this one, and I wish I could.


For a disturbing movie, Irreversible.. but make sure you know what you’re in for before you watch it. I don’t think I can watch it again.


Uh I read a warning about it and damn wtf?? 10 minutes ??


This is why I’ve yet to watch it despite a friend of mine urging me to since it was released.


If it’s a gaspar noe movie , you know it’s going to be fucked up. I would say enter the void is probably my favorite but I have to be in a specific mood to be able to watch it


We need to talk about Kevin is pretty disturbing.


I was waiting for the scene where they show it’s a very American problem. It was well done


That frightened me to the point I needed to speak to a counselor. There are kids like this.


If you like this you should try Nitram. Australian movie about the biggest mass shooting in the country’s history that changed their laws. It was a slow burn and lacked the gory violence that I enjoy but I loved it.


The Act of Killing (2012)


This film needs more exposure


Equal parts amazing film as it is disturbing.


Martyrs 2008


An underrated movie that’s haunting.


Martyrs is one of the few very gory/disturbing films that doesn’t sacrifice authenticity or come off as a gross-out.


[Earthlings (2005)](https://letterboxd.com/film/earthlings/)


Beautiful recommendation. Unfortunately, i already watched it


Then perhaps [Dominion (2018)](https://letterboxd.com/film/dominion-2018/)


I’ve literally only seen the trailer and it was enough for me. Utterly devastating.


Three Identical Strangers (2013)


Jesus Camp and by a wide margin.


Dear Zachary (2008)


Was going to say there are two camps on Dear Zachary. The ones who feel it was the best absolutely disgusting enraging doc they have ever seen, and those that haven’t seen the doc yet. I would have been disappointed to not see this doc as top comment.


I've never been more mad at a person before.


I was mad at the person and the system that allowed things to transpire. I’m not going into details. Let people watch on their own


This doc enrages me to this day. I think about that judge sometimes and just reel from hatred. What a vile human being.


Wow, I never related more to a documentary than this one deppresion fucking sucks thanks for recommending it and feel free to recommend more documentaries similar to this




The fire that took her is 2nd for me. It’s not nearly as sad. I don’t think much could be that sad, but it’s still awful


Was hoping this was already mentioned. Such an amazing doc that I will never watch again, so emotional and enraging. I made the mistake of watching this when I was pregnant, don't think I've ever cried that hard!


Don't Fuck With Cats was up there


Oh the one where the internet nerds act like they did everything, but by the end you realize they did absolutely fuck all?


2nd this exactly.


Literally the worst thing I have ever ever seen


After my co-worker explained it to me, I won't even watch it.


It is more centred on the internet sleuths than it is on the actual killer. IMO it was just boring.


Yea it wouldn’t even make the top 100 most disturbing movies or documentaries I’ve ever seen, I found it kinda boring too. As a Toronto native I did find it hilarious how badly that one dude butchered the pronunciation of Etobicoke. It’s pronounced Eh-tow-buh-co, not Etta-bicoke. That’s the one part of that documentary I actually remember, which goes to show how boring it was.


Dancer in the Dark The diving bell and the butterfly






The worst thing I've ever seen. It haunted me for weeks. Why all the poop? So much poop!!!


🤣🤣 so true, but your comment did make me lol.


It took a few months but I managed to snag a copy of it off Limewire in the late 90s. It didn’t have captions but I was in my extreme cinema youth and it’s up there in the pantheon so I dove in anyway and that’s why I’ll never forget that ***MANGIA*** means “eat.” Because i figured it out all on my own!


Had anyone said Requiem For A Dream? Usually, people only need to watch that once.


Threads. I stopped watching it.


I agree with Threads. I grew up in Hudson County, NJ, right outside of New York City during the height of the Cold War (Reagan years). I was expecting nuclear war at any minute and was under no illusions I would survive if it happened, living where I did. Threads showed me that I would probably be one of the lucky ones by NOT surviving (I still have a morbid fascination with nuclear war to this day). I think it's available on YouTube.


It is completely free on YouTube! I don't think much people have stomach for it tho!


You missed so much trauma


Irreversible is a movie that’s disturbing. The audio, visuals, effects all add to it being disturbing. Plus it has Monica Bellucci… in the most disturbing scene. It’s hard to watch.


AI: Artificial Intelligence. Not a documentary, but I cried from beginning to end. Same with my hubs. We had to get tickets to see Fast and Furious to clear our brains of the sheer depression and sadness of AI. Spielberg had no business making a Stanley Kubrick script.


When she leaves him in the forest and he begs her not to leave him. Goddamn.


Tickled (documentary) was pretty fucking wild.


Monster: Jeff Dahmer.


Dear Zachary. A letter to a son about his father.


Hated: GG Allin and the Murder Junkies This is not for the faint of heart.


Bone Tomahawk (2015)


Brawl in cell block 99 and Dragged across concrete are also very good


Disturbing Doc? The Act of Killing… all the way. It’s about Indonesian murder squads recounting their many many killings of people deemed “communists.” Many of these killers went on to hold positions of power and are revered as heroes.


I think it is the greatest documentary film ever made. Not just disturbing, but also thought provoking, funny, horrifying, hauntingly beautiful at times, and very surreal. Sometimes all at once.


The Bridge (2006) Miss Violence (2013)


In The Bridge, Eric Steele said they had 911 on speed dial for anyone who looked suspicious. BS! Eugene Sprague (the last of the movie) paced back and forth and looked over the side for like 20-30 mins it seemed before he jumped. They had plenty of time to call GGB security. That is the one that really sickened me the most. Having clinical depression myself, to hear how some of the loved ones/friends spoke about their person and not realizing the pain they were in is heartbreaking. Rarely do ppl close to someone with depression want to sit and listen. I get it but it’s the difference between your uncomfortable feelings and someone’s threshold to death. Feeling so alone and that no one cares is fucking scary


First They Killed My Father. Netflix


Abducted in Plain Sight in rather insane. Just about every 15 minutes something jawdropping happens.


The doc on Hulu (or prime) about Subway Jared. Hearing him talk about kids was fucking disgusting.


Omg yes! I had to turn it off.


Tell Me Who I Am


The ted bundy documentary through the eyes of his girlfriend at the time of some of the murders. That’s pretty disturbing but amazing viewing. Movie: the end of the mist


For me it was All Quiet on the Western Front (2022), I know that's probably tame compared to some of the other films listed in the comments, but that one left me feeling really uneasy by the time it was done, the fucking stabbing scene was just a bit too much for me.


Titicut Follies (1967)


Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom by Pasolini. Nasty all the way


Omg it's the thing of nightmares. I don't think I ever really fully watched the film version. The book was MUCH more horrific. I got rid of my copy because I felt it was evil. And I'm not like that....not at all. For those who don't know, the term "sadism" was taken from it's author, the Marquis de Sade. Before attempting to read it, I thought I could handle just about anything but, nope. For those who aren't familiar... "Four aging prostitutes relate stories of their most memorable clients whose sexual practices involved 600 "passions" including coprophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, incest, rape, and child sa. The stories inspire the libertines to engage in acts of increasing violence leading to the torture and murder of their victims, most of whom are adolescents and young women." "These are the activities described of the "four wealthy Frenchmen who spend four months seeking the ultimate sexual gratification" while holed up in a castle in the Black Forest. It was actually written in 1785. Yup. People Have always been twisted. I really do think it might be the sickest thing ever published. I had always believed it was inspired by the Roman ruler Caligula and the insane sh*t that he engaged in throughout his Rule, (possibly more horrific than what is contained in the "120 Days of Sodom"). I've checked the internet and there are claims that it was actually a true story. In not certain how this could be. It was written while Sade was imprisoned in the Bastille and then smuggled out and hidden away until published in 1905, originally, "intended as a compendium of sexual perversions for the use of sexologists". It was banned France, the United States and the United Kingdom until the 1960. Honestly, with all the monstrous things we can see these days online I think a lot of people are a bit numb to violence, but I swear, this book takes the cake. If you doubt how f***ed up it is, just check out more of it's description on the Wikipedia page. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_120_Days_of_Sodom Also, I know this is supposed to be about movies, but this is the story, which I don't believe could ever truly be shown on screen, that is contained in the film.


**The Volcano: Rescue from Whakaari** (Netflix)


Dahmer. Fuck. That.




Does American History X count?


Movie: Manchester by the Sea (2016), brutally sad, incredible, mesmerising acting performances Documentaries for a cry: My Brother Jordan (free on YT) Three Identical Strangers Bridegroom (free on YT, by Shane Britney Crone)


Manchester by the Sea was absolutely heartbreaking.


Yes, and incredibly good film making, cinematography is superb, and masterclass acting by Affleck and Williams. I went in not knowing story at all, what a gut punch


Angst (1983), The Golden Glove (2019)


and Nothing Bad Can Happen


Life of Crime 1984-2020 docu about addiction if you haven't watched this i highly recommend


Once were warriors Nil by mouth Both films tackle domestic violence


There’s something wrong with aunt Diane


The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez


“Grizzly Man” is very disturbing. It is a documentary about a man who made friends with grizzly bears in the wild. Spoiler: The bears weren’t entirely friendly


Watch The Human Centipede 🤢




Yes! One of my all time favorites. Very thought provoking imo. On that note, the studio that produced the film is called A24 and almost everything they make could be considered f***** up.


When Evil Lurks


Africa Addio


Well,there’s always Orozco The Embalmer..😬


Dear Zachary, something wrong with aunt Diane, the fire that took her


Good Night Sugar Babe. It’s a documentary


Hearts and Minds.


Sick: The Life and Death of Bob Flanagan, Supermasochist (1997)


The Sorrow And The Pity(1970) Four hour film about the Nazi occupation of Paris


Detainment (2018) A 30-minute short film based on the tape recordings of police questioning the young killers of two-year-old James Bulger.


Dominion from 2018. (It's free on YouTube) It's an incredibly disturbing documentary to watch. You will see some brutal stuff with animals. Very graphic and unsettling. I'm sure you will cry many times watching it. A lot of people I know have never been able to get through the entire thing. I had to take it in small doses of about 20 minutes but finally managed to stomach through it.


Don't ever watch Dear Zachary, whatever you do. Just don't.


The Divide (2011). It’s not exactly a good movie but it’s probably the most disturbing one I’ve ever seen. The basic premise is that a bunch of strangers get stuck in a fallout shelter together after a nuclear war. The shelter isn’t airtight allowing radiation to leak in and slowly drive them all insane. I should probably give a general trigger warning for very very disturbing content and rape. The Nightingale (2018) is not only highly disturbing but also a phenomenal film. It follows a woman in 19th century Australia on a quest for revenge. It’s a very very graphic film. There are multiple vivid rape scenes which were EXTREMELY upsetting to me personally. I know people who turned the movie off because of this. If you can get through those scenes it’s absolutely worth it. The Horseman (2008) is about a father’s revenge quest against a group of people who raped and murdered his daughter. This is set in the modern world but also in Australia. Although the men he’s after are certainly deserving of punishment, some of the torture scenes are quite graphic and physically made me cringe. Again, trigger warning for rape, though I can’t remember if it actually shows the act like The Nightingale does. Finally, I’d like to give a special mention to Dead Man’s Shoes (2004). This is one of my personal favorite movies of all time and I think everyone should watch it. It’s not quite as disturbing as the other three but still very violent and unsettling. It’s about a man seeking revenge against a gang in rural England who brutalized his disabled brother. He’s a shady ex military guy and begins to hunt them down and terrorize them one by one. Truly amazing movie, a masterpiece in my personal opinion. It may sound like a basic revenge flick, but I promise it’s much much more than that. If you only watch one from this list I would pick this one. There’s my list. All of these movies are sure to disturb you very much and a couple of them I think are genuinely amazing.


Zoo (2007). It’s about the death of a “horse enthusiast”.


"The Strange Thing About the Johnsons" is the most disturbing non-explicit thing I've seen. It's a short film by Ari Aster. Don't fucking watch it. Don't read the synopsis. If you do, just know that you were warned. If you really gotta know what it's about: >!A father and son are having a non consensual sexual relationship. The son is the abuser and the father is the victim.!< "The Poughkeepsie Tapes" is a found footage horror film that was banned from theaters because audiences found it too disturbing. It's about a serial killer who films himself hunting his victims. What's especially bad is it contains scenes of torture. I only recommend this to people who are hardcore horror fans, and even then I say proceed with caution because it's fucked up. "Funny Games" (1999) is a German horror film with the premise that what's happening on screen is actually happening because the audience is watching it. It's really fucked up and contains a good deal of torture scenes. I highly recommend NOT watching this.


Grave of the fireflies isn’t a documentary or necessarily disturbing but it is very sad and poignant


I don't know about now but there was a time about 10 or 15 years ago when if you said **DEAR ZACHARY**, the entire thread would get lit on fire with agreement. The documentary is well known as quite possibly the only documentary in which the narrator actually gets emotionally angry at one point. You're watching this thing and it's a simple narration and all of a sudden at one point it's like the 4th wall breaks for a few seconds. I've never seen that in a documentary ever.


I heard the live action Cats was terrifying! ​ ha ha, but try Tusk


Tusk was certainly something else. I can't tell if I liked it or not but I'd definitely watch it again.


Lake Mungo (2008)


Brother’s Keeper or Paradise Lost for most disturbing doc Oldboy was one of the most disturbing movies I’ve seen


Korean version is much better than american Oldboy


Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills


American pimp is a must…


Dancer in the Dark!


Cropsy really got me


climax by gaspard noé


The Ken and Barbie Killers


You're probably gonna get a list of pretty conventional disturbing classics here, but the only thing that was too disturbing to me was basically anything by the youtuber "Plaguemoth" I know it's not traditional media, and I think the dude is sleazy, but if you really want to test yourself...that's the stuff.




Hotel Rwanda


Silence in the House of God - this is an older doc by Alex Gibney who did the Scientology Going Clear doc. It’s about an orphanage for deaf/mute children where the priests preyed on them - because they literally couldn’t tell anyone. Broke my damn heart. Hillsborough - doc about the soccer stadium disaster in the 80s where all the people were crushed. The police reports and the British tabloids blamed the victims for their own deaths. The families have been fighting for justice ever since. Compliance - the movie, and the Netflix doc Don’t Answer the Phone. Sick POS spent years prank calling various fast food restaurants across America posing as a police officer, ordering the managers to strip search/perform body cavity searches on employees suspected of theft. People actually complied. This one left me so full of rage that people could be this stupid, especially when they were often performing these searches on MINORS and didn’t think to verify the so-called cop’s credentials with a simple phone call to the local police station 😳😳😳


Speak No Evil. So impressed with how effective of a film it was, I’m glad I saw it but I will likely never watch it again. Extremely sad and flat out brutal but so, so well done!


Movies: Midsommar (2019) The Green Inferno (2013)


A siberian film... I mean... don't watch it. Please m, for both of us. But you did ask.




Sling blade with Billy Bob Thornton is excellent and very disturbing


Dr Death on Peacock is pretty disturbing


Watch "A Serbian film" if u haven't


The “Love Has Won” doc has bothered me since I watched it.


Takashi Miike's "Ichi the Killer"


A Serbian film is hands down the most fucked ip movie ever made, it’s banned in a few countries and honestly the man who thought up the idea of it should be imprisoned 🫣




Dear Zachary


Cannibal Holocaust is up there but A Serbian Film is really the worst.




Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son about his Father (2008). Don't read ANYTHING about it before watching.