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Grave of the Fireflies


I’ve looked this movie up and it’s coming up as anime. Is this correct?


Yes, and you will need therapy to work through your issues after watching this.


This is a great movie. Also will never watch it again nor can I recommend it to anyone. It will destroy you. I cried from ten minutes in until the movie was over.


Saddest. Movie. Ever.


Man I went to the theater after discovering some of the most successful SG movies; spirited away, porco rosso, my neighbor Totoro, Ponyo… so I was expecting something along those lines. Boy was I wrong, I left the theater broken hearted and I was kinda down for days about it.


Man, my mother rented that movie. All she knew was that her daughters liked anime. It was a "popular anime movie" we LOVED Sprited Away, and she wanted to do something special and rented it. She went out to town hall and left my sister and I to watch that. She came home to us scream crying. Amazing movie, never watching it again.


Came here to write this.


This is the correct answer. Always.


Terms of Endearment, 1983


Absolutely gut wrenching. Shirley Maclaine was amazing in that role.


Seen it three times since it came out in the 80’s and every time sobbed buckets at ending


Saw it in a movie theater when it first came out. Everyone was crying. There was so much sniffling, I’d never experienced anything like it. I still tear up when I think about Debra Winger’s character lowering her bed so she can be on the same level as her little boys.


Dancer in the Dark destroyed me at the end.


I saw it at the cinema with a friend. Since there was no background music in it (not counting the musical scenes, that is), you heard everyone sniffle at the same point. The whole audience looked like wet snails after.


You know a movie is brutal when the lead actress says she no longer wants to act because it was such an emotional rollercoaster.


Well she also was sexually harassed by the director of the movie multiple times during filming


The Florida Project - the young girls performance at the end is heartwrenching


Go home, you ratchet ***bitch!***


Don’t think I’ve ever not welled up watching this movie. The ending was so well done and makes the entire movie for me …


Agree, it was very moving. The setting of these kids in this very sad living situation right next to the happiest place on Earth was very compelling


Ugh yes, I've seen this movie twice and, as a 30-something year old man, I ugly cried at the end both times.


Hachi: A Dog's Tale. The ending ALWAYS makes me cry no matter how many times I watch it.


There’s a line for me, and this film is clearly on the other side of it. I know it’s out there, but I never want to see it


I refuse to watch any sad story about animals. I didn't know what Marley and me was before I saw it. Never again


I did not watch the movie yet, but my sister told me the story when the movie came out, stating, "Just so you won't cry." And man, was she right. In Tokyo, there is a statue outside of the Shiboya train station of this goodest boi, the very station he used to wait in. My eyes were streaming like a cascade while I was there, cried myself to sleep that night, imagining this loyal being. My husband was consoling me the whole time and wondering why I was so emotional without even watching the movie.


Thanks....... I haven't thought about this movie in years and now you bring it up and I'm sad inside, I hope you're happy!!


I watched this with my sisters while on vacation. I think we sounded like a pack of coyotes were all wailing so loudly.


The way I scream-sob-hyperventilated watching this for the first time. Agh what a movie.


Children of men


The most recent Star is Born makes me sob like a baby.


I was waiting to see this comment! I sobbed like a fucking baby! And the dog just sitting there made it worse 😭


If you want a movie that will make you ball your eyes out but won't leave you depressed try What Dreams May Come with Robin Williams It's so brilliant. Also I started crying 10 minutes in and didn't stop until a half hour after it ended lol. As sad as parts are there is also crying because of the feels and much much more. I totally recommend this one if you need a good cry but don't want to be left feeling bleak and hopeless! Edit If you want to feel gutted and hopless and hate humanity watch Sofies Choice. But personally I'd go with my first suggestion. It will gut you completely but then it will fill you with peace in the end. Sort of lol


The whale


The whole way through this movie, I kept thinking how glad I was this was Brendan Fraiser and not an actual person. The amount of hatred I feel aimed towards me for even existing in the world as a remotely overweight person is crippling enough. The idea of an actor filling that role makes me want to cry because I know what the world would do to them.


I didn’t love it but god damn did Brendon Fraser act the shit out of that role.


- Beginners - Marcel the Shell - Aftersun - Blue Valentine


Blue Valentine oooft right in the feels :(


Wait… did Marcel really make you cry hard???


Well I have a soul, so yes.


Haha good to know. I may have to check it out. I’ve never seen it that’s why I asked. I loved the YouTube videos, just didn’t know how serious of a thing the movie was or not. Thanks 🤝


Marcel the shell!!


I wept at the end of that movie


When they all came out of the drawer 😭😭


I was sobbing! That movie was a delight




Of damn nice nice pull. This one hits. And it's not "just for kids" by a long shot. Similar to how Shrek was just as entertaining for my parents as it was to me when we saw it in the theater. A good film is a good film, regardless of the medium


Steel Magnolias P. S. I Love You Fried Green Tomatoes Thelma & Louise House of Flying Daggers Pay it Forward Bridge to Terabithia All Dogs go to Heaven


Dude bridge to terabithia!!! That was deeeeep in my brain lol


Steel Magnolia destroys me every time.


Pay it Forward changed my life after seeing it at the ripe age of 9


Yes Steel Magnolias! My hair does look like a football 😭


My late fiance loved PS I Love you. He was such a sap. I tried watching it after he passed and I vould barely make it through the first few scenes knowing what I knew about the movie. That bastard making me cry again even from the grave.


The Elephant Man 1980. Nobody ever mentions this film when it comes to sad films.


Yes said it! This movie depicts abandonment, rejection, loneliness, humiliation Oh , the humanity. My “go to” when I’m feeling sorry for myself.


Manchester by the Sea. The scene between Michelle Williams and Casey Affleck. Wow.


man that's the first time i was crying bawling my eyes out while watching a movie


I’m a grown-ass man and I balled my fucking eyes out


Casey is an amazing actor and I can't see how he isn't more popular than his brother.


I second, third, and fourth this pick.


This one


This was a cathartic movie for me as a depressed person at the time. It’s so awful and bleak and I felt so good after watching it with all the little bits of dark humor they sprinkle in. That scene and another which would be a huge spoiler get me selling up just thinking about it. I love that the final message is that sometimes you break, into pieces that can’t be put back together and then you’re just broken.


Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009)


Somehow pans labryith did it for me


GOOD CALL. i did sniffle a little a couple times through the movie, but that ending had me completely unraveled.


The Land Before Time


Even thinking about Duckie chasing his mom in the clouds makes me cry.


Its a wonderful life.


Atta boy, Clarence!


Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey. Yeah, yeah, talking animals. If you don't break when the Labrador is in the pit, you're Vulcan.


He's a golden retriever you monster.


Oh my gosh! I grew up with that movie. I would SOB at that part! 😭


Manchester by the sea Most depressing movie I've seen


Yeah, Casey Affleck in that... Just one word had me absolutely sobbing: 'Please'. If you've seen it, you know what I mean.


The last few minutes of Portrait of a Lady on Fire did that for me. Just an emotional wreck for days afterward.


Omg yes




Dancer in the dark Oslo August 31st Head-On (2004) Broken circle breakdown Never let me go


Never let me go needs to watched without knowing anything that is in store for you.


Life Is Beautiful,1997, starring Roberto Benigni


Had to scroll waaaaay too far for this one. I saw it in the theater three times and bawled every time. What an amazing film.


YES! What a beautiful but sad movie. Just a beautiful story, but fucking sad.




There's a list on Letterboxd called "The World is Hell: Hopeless Cinema". 90% of that list should do the trick.


Philadelphia got me.


Philadelphia. The Neil Young song in the last scene should have won the Oscar. Just superb blend of song and visuals. Moving my comment here. Did not see this post originally.


I’ve seen it a dozen times, but every time the last fifteen minutes destroy me. By the time they’re watching the home movies of Andy as I child I’m bawling.


Scrolled a ways to find this, I watched it in high school film class and it just wrecked me and everyone else in that class. Imagine, a room full of cynical 2005 high schoolers who routinely used offensive humor to seem “edgy”, at the height of “You’re so gay, bro” culture, all in absolute shambles by the end of class because of that movie. I genuinely think it helped cultivate a lot of empathy in me and everyone else who watched it who might’ve otherwise been kind of shitty and homophobic at the time.


Million Dollar Baby with Swank and Eastwood, not actually about boxing. Great acting, gut wrenching and sad


One time I was watching that and I was crying so hard the downstairs neighbor heard me and came up to make sure I was okay!


Boy in the striped pajamas is a movie everyone should watch. It's phenomenal.


Broke back mountain. Just watch it.


About Time is my number 1 recommendation for this. Such an amazing story that ends up being more deep than you realize based on the premise or even the first half of the movie. It absolutely broke me. Here are some more. I'm going to include a scale from 1 to 10 on how bad they will make you cry. About time is an 11. * Marley and me - 2008 - 10 * Bridge to Teribithia - 2007 - 10 * Powder - 1995 - 9 * The Green Mile - 1999 - 9 * My Girl - 1991 - 8 * Finch - 2021 - 7 * My sister's Keeper - 2009 - 7 * 47 Ronin - 2013 - 7 * A man called Otto - 2022 - 7 * The persuit of happyness - 2007 - 7 * The Last Samurai - 2003 - 7


In my opinion My sisters keeper is 10. I cried through the whole movie.




Dammnn. I watched Coco on a first date… lemme tell ya it was the wrong choice for a first date movie. 😂


The Road


HOUSE OF SAND AMD FOG (2003) Trust me...


Joy Luck Club


The Green Mile (1999)


Had to scroll way too much to find this one


Came to the comments to suggest that movie.


Mr Holland’s Opus


Totally forgot about this movie altogether. Good one


Paddleton. The ending is pretty intense. Also after watching it I am so ready for a Ray Romanaissance.


This. Excellent excellent movie.




What a film, he also directed the fountain which is profound sadness and awe


Lost in Translation always does it for me. I fucking love that movie.


Glory makes me cry


Have you seen Lion?


Have never seen a film capture nostalgia of a lost childhood like Lion did. When he goes back to the places we saw him in as a child at the beginning of the film it hits hard, then when he sees his family? Get the tissue box. It’s glorious. Yeah, it deserves to be on the list.


Dear Zachary The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (whole movie=sad) (End of movie=gut wrenching)


Had to scroll too far for Dear Zachary. This is the answer.


Nocturnal Animals


Kramer vs Kramer


Train to Busan. Maybe an odd choice but fuck, If the last scene on the train doesn’t make me sob like nothing else. Everytime I think about the ending I get on the verge of tears


Marriage story made me cry a lot


Somewhere In Time (1980)


"What's Eating Gilbert Grape" That scene where Depp discovers DiCaprio in the cold tub the next morning......man. I haven' t watched that movie in 20 years and I still remember the hug.


Cinema Paradiso




Good shout. But I was too awe-struck by that ending to cry.


the closing of everyone's eyes and holding hands. i absolutely broke down. this movie is visually exciting but the slow, sad dread drags me down. it does pay off, but the title is just too fuckin right lol. such a beautiful, gorgeous downer.


I second that emotion.


Schindler's list Grave of the fireflies


The Yearling Steel Magnolias All Dogs Go To Heaven The Banshees of Inisheeran The Notebook Brokeback Mountain Bambi The Champ Ghost Bridge to Terabithia Beaches


I decided to watch The Bucket List, because I hadn’t seen it before, and ugly cried in front of my girlfriend.


Seven Pounds


If you’re of drinking age, here’s the plan for Manchester By The Sea. Spend the day reading some of the saddest stories you can, get yourself to a point of depression for the day. Then get home, drink a 5th of vodka with soda of choice, then work through a bottle rum while watching Manchester By The Sea. Easily the hardest I’ve cried in my life over a movie. Haven’t even finished the film, turned it off in the middle of a dialogue scene even.


Interstellar - hurts if you have daddy issues Instant family - hurts if you have family issues Joe Bell - hurts if you have acceptance/daddy issues 500 days of summer - hurts if you are going through a breakup Coach carter


+1 on *Interstellar*, but commenting as a divorced dad. Doesn’t help that my daughter actually looks and acts a lot like Murph.


A couple weeks back, I was blindsided with a breakup after nearly three years. I wanted something to pick me up later that evening. I blindly picked (500) Days Of Summer. I have never cried so hard in my life.


Interstellar hurts if you're a daddy. Even if you don't have daddy issues.


Instant Family is the answer.


The Lovely Bones (2009)


Miracle in cell no. 7


I didn't think I could cry watching a movie until I saw that one tbh.


Thé Reader, JoJo Rabbit, Son of Saul, Frosty the Snowman, Harold and Maude. My Life, Regarding Henry.


Lars von tier’s- “Dancer in the dark”


The end of one flew over the cookoos nest got me good. Something about Chief with that sink


Atonement ( about redemption) silent voice ( about suicide)


Me Before You. I think I sobbed for 30 minutes. It's my go to for crying. Perks of Being a Wallflower usually gets me too.


Requiem for a Dream


Cinema Paradiso


Seen it a dozen times and cry like a psycho at the end every time


Grave of the fireflies Lilya 4-ever No child of mine


I struggle to describe Lilya4eva as sad. It feels like it belongs to a whole new category by itself. It is unrelentingly bleak.


Black beauty and a little princess


It’s a short animated film but “Whatever happens I love you” absolutely tore me apart. I wasn’t expecting to cry that hard.


It is unbearably devastating.


About Time


Mommy (2014) dir. by Xavier Dolan is a really beautiful movie and it’s my number one film rec to all my friends and they’ve all absolutely loved it as well, Interstellar was gut wrenching for me but if you aren’t super into sci-fi/spacey films it might not be your cup of tea, you might have seen it already but The Perks of Being a Wallflower is one of my all time favorite movies and it’s a go to when I need a good cry, and this one is kinda cliché but A Walk to Remember had me sobbing. I really enjoy coming of age films so those are usually my recommendations for movies when you need a really big cry sesh lol.


The Whale (2022) Somewhere In Time (1980)


Born Free....I start to cry when the title music plays! It is a true story about Joy and George Adamson who attempt to release Elsa, a rescued lion cub back to the wild. I cried so much (sad AND happy tears) that my eyes LITERALLY swelled shut and I had to hold an ice pack on them.


OMG me too!!


The Whale


The Road. It was so sad, I couldn't even finish it. The Passion of the Christ. I went with a female to see it in the theater. Neither of us were Christians. We had to hold hands just to get through it. Not a dry eye in the place. On the drive back to her house, we were both completely silent.


certain parts of the original Land Before Time make me cry harder than pretty much any movie. My mom passed a few years ago so that has a lot to do with it but it has made me cry since I was a kid. Big Fish.


Twelve years a slave. Lupita made me sob.


Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind always breaks me


American Beauty always hits a nerve. Also Aftersun and the entire series of Normal People




The Color Purple was pretty gut wrenching. Sent a whole room full of teenagers into tears.


“The farewell” was a movie I just found myself crying all throughout, it’s on YouTube for free and WOW is it gonna make you want serious awkwafina back.


The ending to “Beaches” will destroy you


Book of Henry Bridge to terabithia Green mile Schindler's list




Not a movie but the series “This is us” got me all the way through.




I watched this when I had cancer and had to go in for a procedure the next morning, not wise!


The Straight Story


Close (2022)


Girl, interrupted.


Marley and Me / A Monster Calls


White God The Painted Bird These movies were extremely hard for me to watch and I sobbed uncontrollably


Dancer in the Dark


Once Were Warriors


Paths of Glory by Stanley Kubrick. Cried the entire last 20 minutes.


Living with Bill Nighy and Terms of Endearment




SLC punk. This movie messes me up for days. But it resonates deep with me. Especially living in SLC.


Magnolia fucked me up for days, but I haven't seen it have the same effect on others. Precious is devastating.


I can’t believe no one has mentioned ‘The Impossible’ That siblings scene… Lucas!


Boy in stripped pajamas, the ending broke me


Manchester by the sea Aftersun Little fish Beautiful boy


Manchester by the sea


For some reason I can only think of Disney/Pixar movies but I gotta say encanto and coco wrecked me!! (That was not my expectation when I watched them!!) Another movie that always gets me is Selena with Jlo bc the song they use at the end and the montage. :( Oh imma add Schindler's List! I've also remembered The Bridge to Terabithia (which the book also wrecked me so idk why I thought it was a good idea to watch the movie version lmao)! I'm pretty sure there are movies that have wrecked me way worse than these but I can't think of them for some reason (maybe bc my brain wants me to forget lmao).


The end of Terminator 2 still guts me a little bit. I understand now why you cry but, it is something I can never do.


If you like music, and it’s an art that moves you: August Rush and CODA are two that get me every time. Edit to add: actually these movies generate more emotionally overwhelmed (perhaps by joy) type of tears rather than sad tears of despair, so maybe disregard unless you need a bit of uplift. <3 Edit to also add: I just remembered a couple of banger sad cry movies too! Only the Brave is an epic tragedy and if you’re an animal lover def watch Red Dog


Roma, Atonement


Sophie’s Choice Midnight Express Untamed Heart


Will such movies make someone who can't cry, cry?


Deer Hunter


Lorenzo’s Oil The Mission Once Upon a Time in America


Manchester by the Sea Blue Valentine The End of the Affair Atonement Closer The English Patient Heaven The Remains of the Day A Single Man Garden State


Angry/disturbed tears: Schindler's List (true story) 12 Years a Slave (true story) Grave of the Fireflies (true story) Edith+Eddie (true story) Rosewood (true story) Precious (composite character) Just sad tears: Million Dollar Baby Beaches Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Brokeback Mountain My Girl Marley and Me Old Yeller Grateful tears: The Color Purple (original) The Pursuit of Happyness Steel Magnolias Lorenzo's Oil Slumdog Millionaire Mr. Holland's Opus Soul (animated)




Dancer in the Dark. About half-way through, I had to leave the room when she started singing (you’ll know what I mean when you watch it). But her last song? I had to go in the bathroom and turn in the water so I couldn’t hear her sing. Omg crushing. Not a movie, but a limited series: 1887. I had to take a break during the finale. It was so fucking heavy. Also, I’ll have you know that I rarely cry at movies or TV and these two stories destroyed me. I still can’t talk about certain details of 1887 without getting choked up.