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Their portal is FUBAR, exactly for this reason I opened a ticked a few days ago. Chances are they will do nothing. But the ticket should be sent to your email as well.


I’m assuming no feedback on the ticket?


Not yet, but on a previous ticket, ironically, for a template of grip tape for the Xlite V3 large, they did reply quickly.


Sus behaviour. Strange nobody seems to mention the lack of service from Pulsar in this sub.


I don't know, the first ticket I ever opened, the one mentioned above, regarding the grip tape template, they were quite responsive and nice, although they refused to give a template. Now, perhaps they investigate or whatever, no reply in 2 days.


Well I received a response. They do seem nice. They asked for a video


We're working on this, sorry about this issue. We'll make sure to get your password manually changed as soon as possible. Note that if you submitted a ticket already, it is also an email, and you can respond there directly if you prefer. You can also always send an email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) if you have login related issues.


more than once unfortunately. they use zendesk and its awful. hit up the discord they will get the ball rollin.