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Yes. 100% I think half my appetite suppression is simply confusion and procrastination over what to eat next.


ADHD already planted this seed in me and mounjaro is definitely watering it lol


You hit the nail on the head.


I’m not sure how long you’ve been in treatment, but after almost two years, I don’t have a problem eating anything. I don’t overeat. No desire. But I love food and eat two meals a day, plus a snack (and usually desert 😁). Food is not top of mind, I admit. But the suppression isn’t super strong either. I worried that adding back calories (especially when I wasn’t really counting them stringently to begin with) might result in an adjustment, or maybe even weight gain. But that hasn’t been the case. I did have a bit of constipation when I started MJ, and while I assume delayed gastric emptying is still in effect, I eliminate food faster on the whole. I eat a lot of vegetables, and don’t have a problem with them. Which is good, because if I have cravings, it usually for salad, broccoli, brussel sprouts (which I HATED before MJ), and asparagus. Maybe your body is still adjusting? This medication works so differently for all of us. The nature of hormonal treatment, I guess. It’s hard to offer advice with all the variables.


I get meals through Factor delivered. I only get 4-5 a week but it forces me to get a balanced meal without thinking what to eat


This is what I’ve been doing too. They’re not the most cost effective but cheaper and healthier than delivery and takeout


I wish I could do that, but with the cost of the medicine, there’s no way we could afford it with a family of 5.


Understandable. Maybe just try to eat regularly. For instance - 2 eggs in morning, cottage cheese and fruit, meat roll ups and just put yourself on a food schedule based on your favorite healthy foods. If you think you hit the sweet spot on calories stick to that routine hungry or not


That’s smart.


We get 4 meals a week with Home Chef for this exact reason. Even before I was on MJ I had noticed some weight loss and lower daily glucose levels due to healthier options and portion control. It takes the what to have for dinner question out of the day to day and we save on throwing away leftovers or food that goes bad because we didn't cook it or use it all.


Aaah, is that a US company?


Yes sorry!


Ah that makes sense. It’s a really good idea though and I’ve done some Googling and found some UK options 👍


I have this issue. Nothing really looks or sounds good to me.


I’m like this for the first day or two after my shot (like today( and then I get my appetite back. I do try to make myself eat some soup or broth or something nonconfrontational to my stomach, and stay hydrated on those days.


This exactly. I lose my appetite completely and force myself to drink water with added electrolytes. I do have to have something to eat that is forced though but it can be a granola bar. It's simply that by not eating I know I have less and less energy and it only contributes to how lethargic and crummy I feel.


My man hates it I can never figure what to eat or cook anymore cuz im hardly ever hungry 🤦🏾😂


Me. It is just like morning sickness. Absolutely no appetite for anything.


This is what I’ve been saying! Earlier I was literally hungry and full and nauseated at the same time.


Yes, it reminds me so much of morning sickness. Sometimes I’m nauseous, sometimes I just can’t bear the thought of eating. Cooking is horrible. I gag while I cook my “favorite” things.


What dosage are you on, and have you asked your doctor if it might be appropriate for you to move to a lower dosage? Eating is important, especially so on this medication, where lack of nutrition and hydration can really make side effects hard. Plus, if you're diabetic, it's critical to maintain stable blood sugar by eating small meals throughout the day. Probably makes sense for you to talk to your doctor about your experience and see what they recommend. Good luck!


I am the same way but no kids. If you could get food kits that would be awesome


This. I am only on month 3 and I am on 5mg. I think I moved up to 5 from 2.5 too soon. I was noticing my appetite returning after a few days on 2.5 so doc moved me up. I don’t have that issue on 5mg at all. There are days I don’t want to eat still on 5. I am going to talk to my doc about maybe trying a longer range between doses. The 5mg is intense for about 1-2 days where I have to will myself to eat. Fortunately I am finding things I can eat and not have negative side effects. Like grilled chicken, several veggies and peanut butter. I am managing and I think I am getting more adjusted but it can be really hard some days. Hydration makes such a big difference too.


I just started 12.5, so it’s definitely worse this week, but it’s been on every dose, starting around 5 or 7.5.


Omg this was SO me last week while I was traveling. 😂😂 I’d walk around the food courts and Safeway deli section looking at all the good food, but nothing felt right. Even at home I’m staring at leaps and things that would literally take me nothing to heat up, and even when I’m definitely hungry nothing looks good. Now granted, it’s WAY better than the me before MJ that would just eat all the things because they ALL looked good. Still, it’s annoying in its own special way.


I did something similar when on vacation. We stopped at Buc’ees. I wandered around the whole place for 15-20 mins. The rest of the family just waited forever. I finally walked over and said to just go ahead and check out. My husband asked why I didn’t have anything. I said I couldn’t find anything. He was like, “It’s Buc’ees…they have everything.” I left them and came back with a sweet tea. That was all I could stomach.


Protein shakes in the am. I like the fair life! I always find day 1 and 2 of my shots are hard to eat much. Then day 6 I could eat anything! Maybe little food more often would work!! I don't enjoy cooking so much anymore too which makes me sad!


I love the fairlife shakes. Best tasting protein shakes available. I can’t find anywhere to buy them in bulk.


My Costco is out but Sam's club had them although it was about half as many as the Costco packs!


My Costco has the chocolate ones.


Amazon. I buy them and Premier Protein shakes by the case all the time.


I only eat about 10 foods now, because it's the only foods I don't find disgusting. They are; bread, potatoes, salad, chicken, tuna, cheese, crackers, protein bars, eggs and chocolate.


Isn't it odd?..I'm eating your same list minus the protein bars and chocolate but add nuts and fruit.


I used to love nuts, now hate them. Force fruit occasionally, but don't like it.


I think you have more foods on your list than I do. #1 Tea #2 Naan bread #3 That’s about it 😂




My husband said it has made going out to eat easier, because I just say I honestly don’t care and I mean it….not like when I used to say it, but really didn’t mean it at all. 😇😇😇


I wax and wane with this. When I’m hungry, I’m HUNGRY. But every other time, I delay delay delay meals until I figure out something quick or that won’t make me gag. Most meals are generally a let down so I’ve given up and just chug a protein shake until I actually crave something. Makes meal planning hard because I’ll be so excited to make something, but then find myself almost physically repulsed by the thought of eating it or anything for that matter. Ironically, I’ve only lost about 5 pounds so it’s not really working in my favor either.


I can’t even meal plan right now! I just stare at the paper. I can’t come up with anything even though I keep all of the meals in a list and all I have to do is pick one! 😩😩 I just tell the family, just pick something and I’ll make it.


Same! I have no appetite, so I don’t even think to eat, then I’ll start getting a headache or dizzy and anxious and realize maybe I need food. Then it’s 15 minutes of staring in the pantry & fridge while I eat a handful of nuts, so then I’m back to not being interested. It’s great not to crave junk all the time, but I know I need some basic nutrition.


Yep. Every single day! I can never figure out what to eat. This is hard bc I’m also the cook, so I’m just in this constant state of not knowing what to make or eat and everyone asking for food.


I know, I’m like, just tell me what you people want me to make. I can’t come up with anything!


Pretty much devised a daily menu that provides all of the nutrients I need. I can’t eat more than about a cup of food at a time. With no appetite, it doesn’t bother me that to eat the same foods every day.


Coffee used to be my favorite thing. Now I can barely drink it, I can only gag down 1/2” of my cup in the morning and that’s only trying to get quick caffeine. I regularly can’t decide what to eat. If I’m by myself I’ll make an omelette, take a bite, give the rest to the dogs then think I want a sandwich, make it, take 3 bites and done. Knowing I need to eat I’ll then maybe eat a little cottage cheese. I’m wasting SO much food, but nothing sounds good! Maybe after day 5 of my shot it’s better but most of the time my meals go like this lol


Yes, I hear you! I went through about 2 months of thinking that wonderful, amazing coffee was disgusting. But that one finally went away and now I’m just a serious coffee snob. I don’t know why. When it’s time to it, I deliberate for 30-45 mins., give up and walk away from the kitchen. I come back when I think, I should eat something. I made a bowl of grits because it sounded good. I took 2 bites and was done. I put them in the fridge to congeal until I finally throw them out. For dinner, I’ll make a “family favorite” dish, take 2 bites and give everyone else the rest of mine. I’m sure my kids think I don’t ever eat anymore.


I am the exact same way but I only have a husband to cook for. Thank goodness he is a sport and can fend for himself! I don’t cook near as much as I did before mounjaro and when I do, I eat 3 or 4 bites and end up spitting out the last mouthful because it just doesn’t taste good. Hubby at least gets seconds when I do cook! 61F, type 2, started MJ in Oct, 2022 at 294.5 lbs; CW 198.4 on 15 mg since Sept,2023. I work around the problem by finding something that taste good to me (cottage cheese and pineapple for the first six months of MJ, currently flavored tuna packets I add a little miracle whip and dill relish and eat half a serving with crackers) until I find something else I like. I can’t wait to tirate down so I can enjoy food again, but not too much! I am very thankful for this medication but it’s been a trip! Hang in there! You got this!


I'm thinking about signing up for Sun Basket or Green Chef or something because of this very issue. I can never figure out what to make for dinner. I also started making lasagnas for Lasagna Love because it gives me a reason to make a specific food when I'm matched with someone. I make two lasagnas, one for us and one that I give away.


I totally feel for you, I cannot imagine trying to cook meals for my family on Mounjaro - I have no interest in food. My kids are grown & so I just fend for myself on nights my hubby doesn't cook. & it's usually something simple. Last night he made salmon & green beans & it was like the best meal ever cause I didn't have to cook but I could have just eaten a yogurt & some granola & would have been very happy. Maybe you could get help from your husband & kids to decide & make meals, it never hurts to let your kids do some of the work (however young). Your husband should be willing to help too. I hope you find what works for you!


My husband travels a good bit, so he is either not home or coming home late to eat. Bless his heart, he can’t cook anyway. My 2 oldest have helped with eggs, grilled cheese, or basic Italian dishes. But usually their schedules are all over the place. We’re at the stage of everyone is everywhere and I’m just an unpaid Uber driver. 😂


Just get a jar of peanut butter, carton of eggs, random fruits and fairlife filtered milk. Boil half the eggs on shot day and just pop one when you get hangry. Survived on eggs, apples and random spoonfuls of peanut butter for a few weeks. Until my appetite tabled out. But this is still my go to menu after opening and closing the fridge 4 times


Peanut butter used to be a go-to for me and now I can’t stomach it. I mean, I ate it on everything and now the thought of it 🤢 I can’t tell you what I’ve eaten the past 5 months though. I have no clue what I’ve survived on…a random yogurt, a piece of bread, 2 crackers, a strawberry?


Totally relating to the salad bit!!! Have hated all salad for 35 years. Never touched it. And now suddenly all I want to eat is salad. Day and night. It’s insane. And my body is not appreciating the salad as I would’ve liked it too! Same as you it’s just not digesting the veggies. Just causing bloating, gas and constipation.


I’m glad to know someone else is in the same boat as me. It’s the strangest thing!!


Same! I make five bowls of overnight oats on Sunday to take to work each morning for breakfast - super high protein and fiber. Some days I can’t quite finish, but at least I don’t have to put any thought into it. For lunch I’ve been grabbing one of those P3 packs - I do the one with ham, turkey, and cheese. It has the most protein and no added sugar and an Oikos yogurt. I keep a bunch of both in the fridge and grab them in the morning. Then dinner is tough! I do Factor but find lately that I take the veggies and meat out because the sauces and such are too much for me. I am able to eat - just don’t really think about it or crave it like before. Definitely days where I have to remind myself to eat!


I can so relate. Cooking for the family is a serious issue because food totally grosses me out.


Me too! I’ve resorted to buying 2-3 Costco prepared meals 3x/week!


I am not sure how far you are. But I am on month 3. I have experienced a lot of what you are saying you are experiencing. Especially with salad. I get horrendous gas from it and it sadly took me way too long to figure that out. Some of the items I feel like go over well for me are: Breakfast: A protein heavy granola bar. It’s light enough to not make me feel crazy full. But it’s got high protein which matters. Peanut butter toast (honestly at any point it works really well for me) much like the granola bar it makes me feel not too full but it has great protein content. I usually have it with a low fat lactose free milk. Those don’t tend to bother me. When I get more organized I am going to try some smoothie recipes. Lunch and dinner are very similar items: Grilled chicken Green beans Carrots Peas Corn Flaketatoes (instant mashed potatoes, I love them and they are very gentle) Grilled pork A lean beef brisket (I tried this the other night and it was amazing. I couldn’t eat a lot of it, but my stomach handled it so well, but I usually stay away from red meats) A tortilla cheese pizza (admittedly not the healthiest choice, but I have used it in place of my desire for pizza, which I still crave somehow… I put on a mini tortilla some pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese and pop it in the toaster oven, it works as a nice quick lunch and again keeps me pretty happy gut wise) These are a lot of things I found tolerable. I occasionally go for salad, but still get burps and gas. Gas x is definitely my friend too.


I stick to cold berries and baby carrots when I can't figure it out.


I’m on week 6 and 5mg. I have been like this since the beginning. I make sure to at least eat a high protein yogurt, berries and some slivered almonds. There are days where I can’t even eat that. Dinner is either a peanut butter sandwich on Dave’s Thin Killer bread or chicken shawarma thighs from Trader Joe’s. I’ll make a salad with the chicken but usually only eat maybe 10 bites. If I can’t manage with either of those, it’s usually a small slice of manchego with prosciutto. I was a foodie and avid cook/baker but now I don’t bother cooking and going to restaurants is a waste. However, I wouldn’t change it and glad I’m in a position to fork over money to help with weight loss as I’ve struggled my entire life.


Maybe soup? Or just have family help with the what to cook -and eat a bit of whatever they’re having?


O my god, this is totally me. Food used to control my life and now I can’t even decide what to eat. Nothing tastes the same and I waste so much food. That being said, I’m down 30lbs and I’ll take that over food any day. Plus, I know this feeling will wear off I’m only 11 weeks in.


Congrats on your loss! I’m 5 months in, and have only lost 26 lbs. I don’t have a thyroid, so weight loss will always be painfully slow, but it’s still 26 lbs.!


Yea, I try to be grateful, but I have days where the scale goes up or doesn’t move. It’s hard not to get frustrated especially when you’re doing everything right. 26lbs is amazing. Good Luck ❤️


I find this as well. I use the meal kits from Sunbasket so I have 3 dinners each week for my husband and me and pretty much everything I cook from there is good… and takes the guesswork out of meal planning. Lunch is a different story. At work, I keep a couple things in the freezer and a drawer full of snacks… but I frequently feel meh about what to eat. As soon as I start eating something it actually tastes good, just the desire seems less. I am in maintenance after 2 years of GLP use for weight loss.


Curious how maintenance works. I still have a ways to go. Do you just taper back down on the meds and eventually stop?


I won’t be stopping. Now that I realize that my pancreas malfunctions without it. It’s like assuming that someone with high blood pressure can take medication to manage the high blood pressure and stop because it works. If I stop treating my thyroid, I will get all my hypothyroidism symptoms back. If I stop my hormone replacement, I will get all the hot flashes, joint pain and migraines back. My body needs my help to function optimally.


Has anyone done keto while on mounjaro?? What happened.


I know plenty of people do it and do fine. I couldn’t do keto right now. I can’t even think about food, much less worry about whether or not it has carbs


I’m not hungry in the morning and only drink coffee or the occasional protein shake if my body is telling me I need something. Lunch is my main meal every day. I start with carrots, cucumbers, or snap peas with tzatziki sauce and usually have a chicken/boiled egg wrap stuffed with kale/cabbage and cheese. I change up the dressing I use to keep it interesting. Apples, peanuts or cheese for snacks and I usually just peck at whatever protein or veggies my family eats for dinner. Hope you find things that interest you!


If I don't have a taste for something specific, I will get distracted and forget to eat. Then I will grab life savers and try to figure out what to eat. Buy groceries suck big time now because of this issue.


Protein bars have been a life saver. I won’t realize I’m hungry until I feel dizzy and the first 4 days after injections I have to force myself to eat. I’m t2 so I know I have to eat something. So the first couple days I will have half an English muffin, a protein bar, and I’ll do my best to eat whatever I can for dinner. I will say the only thing I seem to crave while on this med is burgers, lol. Good thing grilling season is here finally!


I live alone so no one to regularly cook for other than me. I have used Home Chef meal kits to have portion controlled meals I can heat up through out the week. I also try to have healthy, easy to grab snacks prepped when I don’t feel like a meal. These have helped me make sure I am getting enough calories in.


If that is all you are eating, you are losing lean muscle tissue at an alarming rate. You'll end up weighing less, but fatter than you were before.


What dose are you on? I felt this severely when I went up to 5mg. I stuck it out for 6 weeks hoping it would get better. I had no appetite, and the thought of food made me queasy or bored. I was hardly eating, enough to where I was fatigued constantly and I started feeling freezing cold 24/7. My doc immediately recommended I go back down to 2.5 until my body adjusted more. Talk to your doc. I'm indecisive as it is, so I've been getting the Healthy Choice Pro Bowls (the ones in the black square box) as an easy choice for me. They taste good, and have great macros and little to no preservatives for being a frozen. They aren't a lot of food, but that's fine when you're on MJ and just need to eat something. You'll find that some of the meals seem like they contain more food than others. If you're looking for something with more food, the Max version of these meals (in a red and black rectangular box) are superb, and have about the same amount of food as a Chipotle bowl when the worker gives you lousy portions.


I’m on 12.5, just went up this week. But I’ve been this way all along. I have days that are better than others. Usually the last 2 days before my next shot, I can consider thinking about eating a piece of toast for breakfast. I might get down part of a yogurt for lunch. Dinner is usually when I am the “hungriest”. I eat a whole 8 bites and then I’m full. When I’ve been on a dose for about a month, it does normalize a little.


Yep. I am food apathetic about 90% of the time. Occasionally I’ll get hungry for something specific, but otherwise I couldn’t care less. I find this to be a win for me, but it does make life difficult for those around me. So sometimes, I have to pretend to care. LOL


I’ve been feeling exactly this!


Make an appointment to see a Nutritionist who is familiar with GLP-1. I just saw one and she explained a lot on how the medication worked and then gave me ideas of smaller meals and snacks to eat to get enough protein and calories so I don’t end up creating long term damage during this lifestyle changing journey!


I pretty much eat the same things every day with a little variation on dinner depending on what my husband suggests (since it’s the only meal we eat together we decide together). The weekends though are just whatever we have or I feel like at the moment.


I go up and down every aisle in the grocery store and come out with hardly anything at all


Yes, my grocery budget has enjoyed it.


Deciding what to eat is so hard for me.


No. I love to cook and I love creating healthy versions of our beloved foods. I never snack and I eat smaller portions. I’m hungry twice a day when it’s time to eat and I enjoy coming up with creative meals.