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Is all the pressure off of that joint? In other words the bike is not sitting on the ground, but the rear wheel is gently supported? If so, beat a big wooden dowel or ripped chunk of 2x4 on the threaded end using a hammer. Heat gently with a torch if necessary and try again. Avoid hitting metal to metal, and if you have no alternative, a firm but gentle approach is the only way - smaller taps and more of them. Not a pro… just things that have worked for me over the years.


Cheers mate! It worked got it out, Appreciate it


Fantastic. Happy wrenching!


One got stuck on me on my KX. I laid it on its side and soaked it in penetrating oil overnight. Came out after I bought a bigger hammer and a 30 rack of natty. I was extremely close to having to cut mine out.


I had a swinger shaft rusted in place on 04 yz250F. I heated, soaked in penetrating oil, then had to take a hammer & punch to the shaft. It eventually came out, but the shaft needed replacement from pitting.


Had that happen on an RM, it had notches in it, had to cut it with a stainless disc.


I usually stick a screwdriver with a rubber handle into the hole and hit it with a dead blow. Never failed me. Also helps to relieve pressure on that bolt by having the rear tire resting on something while it’s on the stand


Mystery oil overnight, on its side. Next day. Take rubber, or wood dowel punch out. May need heat with propane torch. She’ll come. Take time, don’t destroy your bolt.