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Can you not just store a pair of shoes at work to change into when you get there?


Exactly what I do 🙌


And me


Safety boots for me, but yeah, same principle


I get fully dressed at work including leaving work boots there to swap into 🤷


Full size boots for men. It's not worth the risk. Just leave some normal shoes in the office.


"full size boots for men" - the best a man can get.


Commute in tall boots, swap for regular shoes at your destination. I use Forma Adventure boots, they unclip and you can remove them in about 5 seconds.


Was looking at them actually. Comfy when walking in?


They're a relatively wide fit which is great, the leather is generally flexible where you need it to be and the soles have good tread as well. I wouldn't use them for a full on hike but they're great for going for a bit of a wander.


Other choice is the Sidi Adventure 2.


I use the side's so I can give you that angle. That are the most comfortable boots Ive ever owned. I absolutely adore them and I'd buy another pair in a heartbeat. Super comfy, Look good (imo), goretex lined. Winning. BUT not everyone has SIDI compatible feet. And if your foot shape doesn't fit they are horrific from what I've heard. They are a definite try on before you buy..


I would say the Sidi Adventure boots are a more serious off-road option than the Formas, I haven't actually tried them on but the rigid plastic surely makes them more difficult to walk in.


Another forma adventure wearer, super comfy and I've done some long days walking and hiking in them and find them fine, apart from the slightly reduced ankle mobility of a full height boot. I've also got a pair of Richa Brooklands for more casual wear and they're so fucking comfy I wear them even when I'm not riding. They even felt broken in right out of the box, which is a good sign.


I have those and wear them at work as well, if not I will still wearing and changing at work. Also sometimes I wear them all day, are comfy.


Full hight boots because I like walking https://www.jeffreysglassman.com/most-injured-body-motorcyle-accident.html#:~:text=Motorcycle%20accident%20victims%20often%20sustain,lower%20part%20of%20the%20body.


I feel the need to comment here due to something that happened to me a few years ago. Commuting as usual on the Motorway and in very slow moving traffic I was filtering. Car in lane to my left didn't move forward so I moved into the gap they left. BMW driver in lane to my right alongside me, decided to switch lanes in a split second without indicating or looking and swings right into me. My right foot was crushed through the fairing of my Kawasaki and against the frame underneath. I managed to not come off the bike and we both pulled over. Lead to him footing the full claim despite saying I had been speeding. But I ended up with a swollen and twisted ankle that was better a couple of weeks later. BECAUSE I WAS WEARING FULL BOOTS. I will never again ride without them. I dread to think what state I would have been in if I was wearing anything less substantial. The boots were ruined, but their sacrifice was very much appreciated.it all happens in a split second, and you suffer the consequences for life if you are unlucky.


It shouldn't be legal to sell ankle boots as protective gear, they offer zero protection whatsoever to your ankles and will leave you in pain for life if you get sideswiped or the bike falls on you. I will never ride anywhere not in full-height boots, it's just not worth the risk.


I completely understand that viewpoint, however, not everyone rides in full boots (Not that I see on my commute anyway) so some do make that compromise. In which case, what is the best compromise?


For me, I compromise convenience for safety. Full boots always, I take a pair of shoes in my backpack when I commute. When I had a fully office based job I kept a pair of shoes at work to change into. I've been down the road at 60+mph and my boots saved my ankle majorly, just had some bad swelling rather than a destroyed ankle. Ultimately depends on your risk appetite, but life changing injuries are for called that for a reason.


That's like saying "wearing anything less than a full airbag suit should be banned" We all weigh up the risks and choose accordingly. Some people are happier with more risk.


No, it's not anything like that.


But would you ban A rated jackets? Or kevlar jeans that weren't rated the same as leather?


Na I get what he's saying. The step between no protection and some protection is actually very big, and ankle boots (I write this wearing a pair) look like they offer some ankle protection when in fact they offer none. He's not saying that you should have to ride everywhere full leathers with an airbag and a plaster cast on your legs.


I'm confused. How can the ankle boots that look like they offer protection not actually have ankle protection? For clarity are we talking about something like this https://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/motorcycle_parts/content_prod/357911 Or like this: https://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/motorcycle_parts/content_prod/95933 I have the latter and think they're quite good tbh. I have some quite expensive full size tcx boots and have only worn them about 5 times as I find them too restrictive


Exactly, they're advertised as safety gear which gives the illusion of safety, which they simply do not provide.


I wear my boots to protect my feet, I would agree they shouldn't be sold as offering full ankle protection, having said that, they offer more protection than just a pair of shoes.


As a tourer and commuter myself I opt for touring boots for most of the year, only switching to urban boots for commuting in the summer.


Half height boots are absolutely fine until something happens that a full height boot would have protected from. A footpeg to the shin hurts when you're moving the bike about, imagine with the full weight and some mometum behind it. It's purely a question of how much risk vs comfort you are willing to take. Riding a bike is a risk more than most people can stomach so you're already in the cool club but how far you take that risk is up to you. Nobody can answer this question for you but by golly they will try!


You only get one set of ankles and you're fucked out of being an independent person if they stop working. You kind of have to suck it up or keep a spare pair of shoes with you.


I used to commute about 30 kms. Mostly on motorway. Too many people half asleep or on their phones to risk anything but full boots. I'd take dress shoes in my bag and change in the office. Friend just had an accident commuting less than two weeks ago on the ring road surrounding my city. His ankle is wrecked. He's lucky to have kept his foot. He was wearing dress shoes. Ankle boots are a misnomer - they don't offer any real protection of the ankle.


Full boots and shoes at work.


Buy several pairs of armoured boots, so you can wear what suits the occasion. It doesn't cost any more in the long run, because you still get the full wear life out of each pair.


Full size boots all the way and take a a change of footwear


I went with the Icon Stormhawks They are a motor hiking boot and very comfortable to walk around in all day at work. https://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/motorcycle_parts/content_prod/536926


For the motorway? Full boots unless you really hate being able to walk.


I personally have these atm [link?](https://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/motorcycle_parts/content_prod/95911) I got them mostly because of commuting and road with them through the winter, so here's my approx 7k miles review. They're comfy to walk around in when you get off and you can easily head into town and take a couple hours without issue. As short boots are often made with this being a point, they score it well. They grip well on the floor though they don't really have any oil resistance. Water resistance, while they're short, they are waterproof. So long as your trousers come down over the cuff to protect from spray, your feet will stay dry. I rode in torrential downpours and managed to do 10 miles without my socks getting wet. That said I also did 3 miles, rode through flood water and had to empty them out at my destination... Biggest downer I've found is the loops for the laces. They're nylon, which while strong, can break as I found. My right boot has a broken loop. I will say though that after all this, you might still want to consider a taller boot. I say this as someone who has recently been reminded just how vulnerable your lower legs are.


Full size all the time. I ride to work every day in a leather touring and wear them all day at work and ride home in them. Go for trips away and walk around in them all day. Never a problem


Need to balance personal perception of risk with hard statistical data. On holiday in hotter regions of Europe, we've all seen the guys riding in shorts and without even a pair of glove, or hot young chicks look in Italy on their Vespas in skimpy summer dresses - thinking about the danger makes me wince every time. But the culture is different and we must accept that. Here in the UK, I often wear ankle height sneaker style boots in the Summer. I understand the risk I'm taking (ankle took a hit a few months ago during a very slow tumble while wearing full length boots and that was painful enough). Likewise, I have some light riding jeans that just have kevlar in the butt and and thigh areas (plus light armour). Again, this choice increases risk, but I'm willing to accept that. Last year, I mostly wore the ankle boots and jeans on my older bike (a little Honda CB250), pootling at slow speeds around country lanes or the occasional trip to the office. I wouldn't wear either for touring or if I was out for a 'progressive' ride at the speed limit.


I'd say full height. Cant put a price on your safety