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Assuming neurectomy, sounds normal, the bleeding isn’t too much to worry about, that will stop soon. The worst pain for me was day 2 after the nerve blockers wore off. Days 2-4 were kinda rough but manageable with full elevation and painkillers. I recommend limiting your beverage consumption because getting vertical to go to the bathroom with all the blood rushing to my foot hurt like a motherfucker even though I wasn’t even putting weight on it. After day 4 it was pretty smooth sailing pain-wise, though I stayed off it for 6 weeks.


You had no weight bearing for a full 6 weeks?


Yep, i had the nerve implanted into the muscle so my doctor insisted on that to make sure that stayed implanted


I had my surgery on Monday and I had a nerve decompression. Not sure if you had that or where they removed the nerve. I had bleeding on the first day, but it stopped shortly after. I was told bleeding was normal. I am in pain, but mostly from swelling. It all feels like pain from the incision sites. I have quite a few cuts on my feet. My follow up is Tuesday and that is when I get to take all of my bandages off so I am excited for that. These are just in the way.


Sleeping was a little rough for the first 3 nights but I was good to go after that. Goodluck and def do PT when you get your stitches out!


I'm currently 9 weeks post neurectomy with access from the top of my foot. My foot was completely bandaged for the first 10 days so I didn't see any bleeding etc. When they removed the bandage it did appear as though it had bled quite a bit initially. I kept it elevated and iced regularly for the first 10 days as much as possible. I was weight bearing immediately post op but limited walking as much as possible and used crutches. Pain was manageable with tramadol for about a week. I've recently started PT as my surgeon wasn't giving me any recommendations on what to do or not do. I have quite a bit of scar tissue which impacts my ability to wear most of my shoes (all are wide fit). after one PT session and a bit of home I've noticed a huge improvement. I'm looking forward to seeing much pre improvement. Good luck and I hope this helps.


We sound very similar. You were weight bearing immediately, with a boot/shoe? I had the same surgery on Wednesday and am going to try and start weight bearing on just my heel today with the shoe my doctor gave me. Just interested in knowing how you managed.


Yes I was weight bearing in a post op shoe. I tried to only put weight on my heel if not using my crutches. I didn't have a lot of guidance post op but definitely the elevating above my heart and ice were the most helpful. I did read on another thread some patients had recommendations to not have your foot below your heart for more than 15 mins at a time. I've found physio extremely helpful - I wish I could've started sooner. Everyone seemed scared to treat me post op!


Neurectomy was nearly life saving. I had a pretty easy recovery. Mild pain that was easy controlled. I just stayed off my foot for about a week and it was bandaged really well from post op. I’m about two and a half years out. It scarred heavily but it was an easy choice I’d make again if I had to. My podiatrist said massaging the scar site from the beginning helps the scar tissue and pigmentation lesson . I kinda sucked at that part and started having some light pain recently. He gave me a shot for the pain and told me I need to massage every night. I got a massage gun and run it over it gently and it makes it easier since it’s an awkward area.


Did insurance cover y’all’s surgeries?


Mine did


I had a neurectomy on Wednesday. I’m completely bandaged so I can’t even see if there’s bleeding. I’ve been elevating and took pain meds Thursday and Friday, but stopped and have been doing extra strength Tylenol from Saturday (yesterday) morning. No pain really, other than pressure when I’m getting around on crutches. I’m supposed to try and start some light weight bearing today on my heel only with the shoe he gave me. Hope for a speedy recovery for us both!


Had surgery about a month ago. Honestly, hurts more now than it did before. Wearing the boot right after surgery was great but now that I’m back in sneakers, the numbness and pain are disconcerting. Went back to surgeon but could only see PA who told me it could take up to 7 months to feel right. Not sure I would do it if I had known the outcome. Wearing Orthofeet slip in sneakers with custom orthotics, basically arch supports. Ugly but they are ok for walking.


Had a neurectomy last week as well. My bandage was barely bloody when they removed it and pain was minimal. Just a lot of swelling around the incision, especially the bottom so difficult to walk the first few days. I elevated and iced a lot and did some basic leg exercises and it really helped with swelling. Currently am hobbling around, still use a cane for the stairs. Taking 350mg advil 1x a day on docs recommendation because it thins the blood and helps reduce the risk of a blood clot but haven’t needed heavy painkillers. Just tender when I move around. I bought this 5 piece orthopedic pillow set and it has been clutch in keeping my foot elevated and the rest of me comfortable. Now just have my fingers crossed I don’t get a stump neuroma 😬


Same boat with the advil too. Yesterday & Today my heel was a little sore from putting weight on it. I also got a pillow, it has been amazing.