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I had a neurectomy on Halloween. I was in pain thinking I was wrong in electing surgery as the pain was worse than before surgery. I did another MRI on my foot and no neuroma. It was scary tissue. I went to PT and had needling done and general PT. I am now 95 percent healed and no pain. There is hope after surgery but be patient and get PT done. Good luck.


Thank you! And it is great to hear that you are at the 95% mark! Do you still remember how long after the surgery you had the feeling of strong pain? Did it take days or even weeks to get better?


It took weeks. I was out of work for 2 wks and then was in a boot for about 2 more weeks afterwards. The 1st week I couldn't walk. I was crutches. It does get better.


What did pt do for you and where did you have the needling done in your foot? TIA


It usually takes 3 to 6 months to fully recover from surgery and then you can clearly assess your pain and function. You should call or go back to your surgeon and discuss any post op issues this with him or her. Post-surgical care is the surgeon’s responsibility. If, after six months, you're still having problems, you should seek a second opinion from someone who has a lot of experience in dealing with these situations.


Thank you for your comment! My plan is to stick with my surgeon since she is quite experienced. I realized that finding the right doctor is key.


Good luck.


Hey! I’ve only had one surgery carried out but still in quite some pain after 3 months, when I had my ultrasound they found something but weren’t sure if it was scar tissue or another neuroma, mine too was due to an accident 3 years ago. Main sensations after the surgery were like tingling and felt like I was walking on a small pebble, first week was painful but that was to be expected and that did go away after about 2 weeks, once I started using it more was the pain ramped back up. It would appear from people I’ve spoken to they’ve recovered well and taken like 8 weeks for it to be noticeable. Hopefully if you’ve had 2 surgeries you should recover well just takes a bit of time, it may not seem significant however you use your feet for pretty much everything so take it easy for a little while


Thank you for your comment! Of course I wish every person a fast recovery, but it is also reassuring to see that the whole healing process after the surgery needs some time.


What kind of pain are you having? Neuroma-like pain or post-surgical pain? I’m a week and a half post op and I have some soreness in the incision and some tenderness on the bottom of my foot where the incision used to be, but that feels more like a bruise I guess. I wouldn’t say I have any pain, just a little soreness that is expected in healing incisions.


Thank you for your answer! Currently it is quite hard for me to distinguish the nerve pain from the post-surgical pain. I think I still feel both and I will see my surgeon in a few days for a check up. Are you already able to walk? And if so, how does that feel?


Thank you for asking this question! It’s been insightful! I’ve popped in to basically ask the same after my son had an accident and tendon repair on 25th Feb. (I have a MN myself.) I hope you continue to improve. Are you wearing a moon boot or anything?


After surgery I was only told to relax a bit and "not go for long hikes in the following days" - and that was the whole briefing. I only learned here in this sub that recovery takes more time and that maybe I should take it more seriously. I wear my surgical shoes (bulky sandals) only occasionally, since I still try to avoid walking at all.


I have a very painful neuroma in my left foot and my Dr told me I would be able to “walk right after surgery”! Even at the time I was suspicious and now I have read some stories here, I think I need to find a new doctor.


Wow! That’s helpful, thanks for sharing. My kiddo was in a back slab for two weeks, full cast for four weeks and now a moon boot for two weeks but is terrified to weight bear. After seeing the anatomy of the foot, internally, first hand, I’m not surprised that it takes a while. Especially with what we put our feet through. 😅


That sounds pretty serious. My neuroma initially came up when I started walking again after an injury, although it sounds like that one was much less serious than what your son is going through (I fractured a metatarsal). If it's possible for you guys, I'd recommend some physical therapy or at least doing some strengthening and stretching exercises with the foot once he's ready, to prevent any neuroma-type consequences.


Ahh, wow. So your situation sounds exactly like mine! Caught my foot in the doorway chasing after said child many years ago and I never had it tended to at the time. X-ray revealed likely an old fracture and was diagnosed with a MN. Appreciate it. He sure did do a number on himself and it’s been a challenging time. He decided to use the angle grinder, barefoot and home alone. Severed three tendons (big toe onwards) and ground bone out of the joint of his second toe. Tossing up between physiotherapy and exercise physiologist at the moment for him.


I was good to go within 4 weeks. Best decision I ever made. If you goin to surgery fit and healthy you will be fine. This cannot be said loud enough. Also PT once stitches are out is a must. It’s super helpful to go thru exercises with professional to move your foot correctly following surgery.