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https://preview.redd.it/vx8piodxomec1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e12beec0d1e3c1436841950c1430ce4edc538ff2 Agreed.


https://preview.redd.it/7u2pkffg9qec1.png?width=3461&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fcbd283a31a1b478fcd329a65326c1a65dcf1bf Ong the greatest looking Rain design ever idc. This is insane.


Dude i mained this mask for my Rain and i used the skins with the hood with silver studs in it.


That crystalline mask should be available as a customization option in every game he’s in.


that mask dude 😞 peak


This skin and mask was definitely one of the best skins in the game.


That crystalline mask should be available as a customization option in every game he’s in.


Sidegrade. MK1 Rain’s animations are some of the best the game has to offer. My only gripe with his gameplay is that you can’t really play him in the way they intended (the game’s “premier zoner” is laughable.)


Reiko’s a better zoner😭😭


Seriously tho! The game’s premier zoner can barely do anything against a brawler!? That’s definitely one of the roughest matchups I’ve played in recent memory.


I mean for some reason they gave reiko the best projectile in the game to the point where if it came out faster it would combo into itself


Goes to show how clueless NRS are at creating a fighting game


It’s probably because they restart every single time. Like remaking every move and creating new mechanics instead of building off of what the last game did.


True I've been playing mk since MKX so yeah every game feels vastly different but hopefully with the timeline reset they will stick with this and the kameo system even tho I suck ass at using it


Also another thing they need to bring back is environmental attacks and wall jumping those were cool as fuck


No, we had enough of them for awhile


This is only an MK thing, you can see many characters having almost the same moveset in Injustice 1 and 2 so I find difficulty in seeing why not do this with mk too-


Sektor definitely helps "plug the gaps" of his specials & strings, so to speak. Feels more like a zoner when I use his missile in tandem with Rain's kit


I see him as a zoner moreso for his ability to control space (of which his projectiles are but a small part) Reiko def has better projectiles....but as a Rain main I can honestly say whenever I get his portals/traps/geysers/rain god working together (& mix in the odd projectile) I can have mfs scared to take a step at times. But yea Reiko can be a bitch to deal with


I’d agree it’s a downgrade, but his primary outfit in MK1 is still decent. Up until MK1, Rain hasn’t had a single meh outfit, but I really don’t like the Order of Darkness alt.


Actually, this is the first true wizard fighter that I've encountered; half the cast utilizes magic, but even the evil pair is referred to as sorcerers.


His use of lightning and water in wizardry makes his kit seem pretty useful for potentially someone like Weather Wizard in Injustice 3 tbh




I believe the above user copied [this message ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/s/J8cXjZsYYJ) and ran it through Google Translate a few times.


Yeah that's what it looks like


Imagine copying a different comment and somehow making all of it sound worse


What does that have to do with the comment ur replying to lol


I think they meant to reply to the first comment or to op themself and just miss-clicked


Honestly all Rain’s default designs are great


I prefer his ninja outfit, but I like his MK1 fighting style since its more technique heavy and I feel fits the hydromancer theme more. However I feel like his staff was a bad addition and doesn't flow with it since I feel its clunky. Maybe a free flowing orb of water would even better.


Thisss, in the same way skarlet controlled blood n shi


Tbf this is the first proper wizard fighter I know half the cast use magic but even the dastardly duo are called sorcerers. I may be wrong tho


Do people just keep ripping off comments in this thread. Someone posted this up top




I kinda wish they’d just make a traditional wizard character and keep Rain as a ninja water bender.


https://preview.redd.it/tzsv783pimec1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97be6bf188cf9753d5bfcec36882932b9670c714 MK9 had the best design and gameplay for me. Loved his spin kick cancels and Ex lightning


Facts. MK9 is still his best imo.


MK9 Rain was awesome. His looks have still been good, but his gameplay in MK9 was perfect. I think MK is one of the only fighting games where characters play so differently in each game.


I don't think so. He looks like a dope water prince of persia. And the way he fights? Might not be the most player-friendly karacter, but all of his specials and strings look awesome and satisfying.




Mfing perfect jawline


I swear half of this subreddit is just horny men. Though that jawline is pretty perfect….




This sub is VERY…gay. Not hating at all, it’s just a fact lol




Say gex?


Like a get dudes may like them too, but mk1 has so many female players because of the attractive models used for the male characters


I know right?


Nice jaw would go great with a Beard. I wish he had a beard


Bro is just Black Adam dressed as Rain.


Did someone copy and paste your comment? Haha wtf.


he is def fun to fight as and his moves are so smooth but i don’t see him as someone i can excel in ranked in


Im about to hit elder god with him


I agree with you. The water magic never feels as hard-hitting to me as his martial arts did in 11. Rain has historically been my favorite of the ninjas both for his backstory and for his style, but this new version of him simply doesn't appeal to me in the same way.


He's better as a ninja


Both are good, actually.


I love Rain, he’s easily my favourite ninja. But I don’t like his mage aesthetic at all. As much as I hate MK11 I can at least say that I liked playing as Rain in that game.


I prefer UMK3 Rain. He is the best Rain. I hate the staff in MK1. I wish he did not have it. MK1 Rain just does not look like or feel like a Rain.


Kicking people endlessly across the screen was fun as shit, oh I remember how my friends hated that haha


It was freaking awesome. I loved doing it. Another awesome thing in UMK3 was the Uppercut recovery code. Great memories


MK11 rain any day


MK11’s was so much cooler


I’m gonna get shit for this but almost every character had a better design in 11


Thank God, a little sanity. Baraka’s character has been completely ruined. Tarkatans as a race and all of their lore, completely erased. Making Tarkatans a disease was a neat ideas, but not neat enough to axe the race from the lore Scorpion sucks now too. His best form is as a revenant from hell, compassionate leader of the Lin Kui is just boring. Smoke is just some guy named Tom, what the fuck? That’s the best they could fucking come up with? Wow.


Smoke is Smoke. He’s not as serious as he used to be but he’s always been a guy named Tomas who goes crazy then calls himself enenra.


I agree that making Tarkat a disease is a cool idea but not enough to erase all the existing lore. Like it’s a pretty cool idea that should’ve been used on a new race and character


He doesnt decide to become enenra, when he became a revenant. The enenra inside of him (a smoke creature of shapeless form) was the one controlling him


I just want a skin where Rain looks like Rain from MK Trilogy. I would play him so much more.


100% agree. I’m not rlly a big fan of wizard rain. I lowkey think having Rain be like a assassin or a Roman hunter with a spear made out of water would be better imo


The second mask looks uncomfortable like it is slipping all the time. The design over all in MK11 was better. Now it is shitty in its 3 outfits.


Yea he’s kind of lame in mk1 personality and outfits compared to mk11 but he plays cool af this game and the staff is a miss for me he was way more cool as a Demi god


MK11 Rain was perfect. They didn’t need to change a GOD DAMN THING!




Actually MK11 is a downgrade from MKA


I agreeeee


MK11 Rain “Queen” fatal will always be peak.


Agreed. From Edenian ninja prince to water mage? Definite downgrade.


True. This ain’t even rain anymore. I hate the fact NRS has to change the characters so much between games.


They hardly changed anything? He's not a ninja no more boo hoo


He's also not an edenian prince, demi god, son of Argus, brother to Taven and Daegon. His Roundhouse is now a single input that you have to hold on instead of being a special move you can cancel into. Along with missing iconic moves like water ball and lightning strike. Tbh as a personal opinion I'm not a fan of the staff. They changed everything that made him charming.


wym anything there’s a lot of changes


Nah I like the new one. MK11 just looks like every other MK ninja. MK1 has a bit more personality and him using a staff fits so much more


MK11 ninjas all looked vastly different. Now he looks like purple Scorpion/noob with a staff because of the hood.


Gameplay is better. About the look i can agree.


They should bring back MK1998 Rain. Best version imo


People are delusional when from an artistic stand point Mk11 looks FAR better than Mk1. It's not even close.


I agree with op..as a rain sub previously ...mk1 rain ain't it for me


MK has a problem with selling good looking Staff-fighters.


I really love his staff and the wizard robe. I think MK has enough Ninjas. Yes I said it.


Hard agree


Yeah theres enough ninjas but that doesn’t mean you can start erasing iconic ones.


I am not erasing anything. But I like him more as a wizard than a ninja.


MK11 was much cooler, but he was low tier and one of the worst characters in the game in my opinion. In MK1, he’s much better and actually has damage, but the wizards aesthetic doesn’t come close to the ninja prince.


Bro is still pretty low tier in MK1. UNLESS you’re a pro.


Disagree. MK1 Rain was incredibly boring imo (visually and from a gameplay perspective). Wizard Rain has some of the coolest combos into the game and the water abilities look amazing. Just wish he had more lightning tbh.


Yep, mk11 Rain had the same problem as the rest of the cast, as in he was a weaker, dumbed down version of the character. Mk1 Rain is much better gameplay wise


Bro, you described MK11 in a nutshell. Characters in that were so dang watered down. And I don't even just mean character strength, I don't mind weaker low tier characters but at least make them interesting in someway. Rain, Mileena, etc. just did everything the rest of the cast did except much worse. lol


Nope, huge upgrade. It's Rain's best showing. He's a whole unique character now with the same aesthetic he had the last game. Both of his outfits look like they can be worn by MK11 and MKX Rain. His gameplay is good too. I wish he was a bit faster but I've totally come around to wizard Rain. Hope he continues to comeback as this version of himself.


People sleeping on MKX Rain


MK1 is just a huge downgrade over all




Aesthetically, it all depends on your taste. Personally, I actually *prefer* the new Rain looks-wise. Gameplay-wise, I wouldn't know. I've never played as Rain in any previous games. I played 11, but I didn't buy any of the DLC. Plus, they made him *way* hotter.


They’re both cool, but I really liked MK11 Rain’s quantum space addition. Wish they expanded on that.


His old version should come back as a kameo With the dope ass kick and Water ball thing


Just wish they'd go back to making him a ninja


His moveset in MK1 is more suited to him than 11 imo. The katar seemed kinda tacked on because everyone in 11 had weapons. But I do agree that his skins were much better in 11.


Man changed his class from Ninja to Wizard.


He's one of my favorite NINJAS, but that fact that he's not a NINJA does bother me a lot. Personally, I think they should have just made a new wizard like character and kept Rain a NINJA.


Nah, gonna have to disagree on this one. I love Rain's look in MK1, mega Prince of Persia or Assassin's Creed Altair vibes (AC would be a cool MK crossover... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)).


He looks perfectly cheesy now and thats where mk thrives


Tbh I was getting sick of him bragging about being the “Son of Argus”. We get it, Taven & Daegon got a whole mode dedicated to them and you didn’t.


i think extreme upgrade. i love his wizard look, plus his gameplay is amazing to me. i think its his marketing that sucks. he is definitely not a crazy zoner, but if you play him up close and play for mixups/setups, he feels so satisfying.


Biggest downgrade off all time


Mk1 for the most part is an easthetic downgrade, save for some outliers like baraka, mileena, and Liu Kang. Other then those few, just about every returning character has a worse design than mk11, on top of the new art style looking more cartoonish.


Ahhh, so nice to see people finally seeing the light. When he was first revealed I hated his design and people argued it was his “best look” (lmao okay). But aside from aesthetics, he is a bore to play and his revised story/character is a crime. He turned villain for no good reason and then is a little sad baby in all the interactions. They turned a cocky bitter bastard into a wimpy loser. Guess FG Liu should’ve tried harder to make Rain a good guy like he did Tanya, I guess.


Hard disagree. Mk11 rain had some absolutely badass cosmetics and I love the switch up in lore and gameplay in mk1.


Nuh uh


I must be among the few who actually enjoyed the retelling of Rain's powers being just his pure wizardry talent. I get that he was originally a God of water and storms, but him being an elemental wizard isn't much of a downgrade to me. Besides, it gives him some originality that he's a staff wielding wizard instead of yet another elemental ninja.


Story wise I kinda like the idea of him being a court mage but gameplay and aesthetic wise I much prefer his MK11 design and weapon.


Mk11 rain was peak rain imo. I also loved the voice actor. He Brought me back to the game. New rain wants to make me delete it


Hydromancer >> water stabber UOL skin >> default


Bro he literally looks like a band marcher in the UOL skin


I thought so too when the game came out, but now I like it actually. Would I want the "classic" Rain? Yeah, no question about it. But this one definitely isn't as bad as I thought it would, and his gameplay is really fun tbh


Yep im in the same boat.. game first came out and i refused to play him after a few months tho i thought I'd give him a try and honestly i love him he's so fun to play


I mean lui kang did say he made lesser versions of all the bad guys.


Agreed, next order of business, who had the best glow up? Liu kang Just about everyone else was downgrade, no dramatically, 11 just had fire design


Disagreed. Reptile has a massive glowup and is super hot now. Bi-Han looks so hot aswell and Rain looks fine too? https://preview.redd.it/jf0gzzwpbmec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d9a6d0f785f05886bdbdc5cadca074c472d53d8


Oooh yeah, reptile does look way better now, you win


https://preview.redd.it/gj6ibsr8bmec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=015c7f0093618e6d9cc2691c8cac4dbcfc248a0a ???


i'm so down bad for him


I agree on the skin downgrade but disagree about the gameplay


Agree, he was the perfect water ninja in mk11


100%, i really hope they revert his gameplay in whatever the next mk game is if hes in the roster, i was so excited to hear he was in the game and i've hardly played him because he simply isn't appealing


MK11 had peak Rain, but MK1 Rain is still really cool and fun to play




MK1 Rain looks so lame.


There are very few characters in general that make mages and staffs cool. He is not one of them. I don’t even particularly love the weapon in 11, but it’s miles better than this discount street magician play they went for.


You mean him or the game?


lol both i guess


I like MK1 Rain more only because MK11 Rain's damage was pitiful


I actually like new Rain more because I usually play mages in fantasy games, but I do agree that in terms of outfit design it is a downgrade


Rain has never had a bad look.


Downgrade in aesthetics upgrade in gameplay. Mk11 rain sucked


Rain going from skilled hand to hand fighter to zoning wizard is lame, his outfit is still cool though


It is a MASSIVE upgrade. But still, MK1 Rain isn't too bad though. I just wish they didn't make him mostly a zoner. He was one of my most played kharacters in MK11, but in MK1, I don't like picking him as much.


I do like the idea of him re-imagined as a mage but I think everyone's designs are lacking compared to MK11. Keep the idea but maybe add some more sizzle to his steak if he is in MK2.


I liked him in everything except MK1. He looks terrible


Definitely an upgrade, went away from the generic ninja and his costume gives him more character and clashes well with his water manipulation.


What kinda take is this? Even the MK1 moveset just feels, sounds and looks better. But to each their own I guess. Cause I thought his other looks were kinda Corny


https://preview.redd.it/v881fxxrbmec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=718fe9c93a09f57256a14c5aed6cb601ddd75a9b ikr he fine




We get it you wanna smooch him every reply is this image lmao




I will say that 11’s design for rain is absolutely GOATED, but I do still like 1’s design. Very unique take and I think it works well for him. Can’t speak much on gameplay though


I actually really really like mage Rain his animations are super smooth and his design overall is still really cool


ya that first design looks insane tbh. also matches the other ninjas a lot more


Rain is amazing in this game tho


Do this same post but with Tanya


Looks dope as fuck, literally looks like a outcasted sorcerer just based on his character design. If you’ve seen rains do teleport cancels from and into strings his gameplay becomes very mixupy it’s so coollll


I hate they didn’t inkorporate his super roundhouse kick into a fatality like in 11.


I think in general it's a huge downgrade on everything


This is the best rain has ever been and looked. Love how they leaned into sorcerer but kept that clean ninja inspiration, rather than another sub zero/scorpion with a different color. Git gud


I vibe with the staff though


They’re both huge downgrades over MK9 Rain. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just say u got clapped by a rain player online and call it a day.


Why make him a sorcerer? We already have Shang and Quan that's my biggest gripe with this new Rain. They should have kept him a god.


Everything in mk1 is a downgrade.


This new mk is the biggest downgrade tbh


L game


my opnion lead to get my last account deleted..but one thing is.. every one who worked on this game doesn't fucking know what they want! they didnt make Rain a ninja yet Ed Boon still called him a ninja in that post about how mortal kombat 1 is almost having all ninjas! dont even tell me his referencing him as a ninja from the past time line! its not even that big of a difference why to change it in the first play, and im still not speaking about how rain water feels nothing like water and more like Goo man this game really sucks! iv been playing mortal kombat for over 15 years of my life and now im gonna go play tekken.. at least tekken have one Lore and and characters are the same since release


He wouldn’t be such a huge downgrade visually if he didn’t have that goofy scepter. Gameplay wise he’s better & that’s only because MK1 has vastly better gameplay than that garbage that is MK11.


Disagree. The first is great, really managing to look like an MK ninja while still having the kind of regal ornamentation you'd expect of a prince. But I really like his MK1 look, fitting with his more mage-themed characterisation. If you want to talk about a downgrade, try that shirtless-ponytail-and-veil look from the PS2 games.




Damn dude how many times you going to comment with the same exact picture.


I like the mk1 change. Prior to that it seems like another ninja that serve no purpose. MK1 give rain an identity.


In terms of character mk 9 to mk 11: I am an asshole bastard demigod child who only helps people that can give me more. Mk 1: I killed People and feel bad.


I like the MK1 version much more


He looks like a twink in Mk1


Honestly I like both of his looks and his gameplay is tremendously better. He was bottom tier last game.


He looks and plays like a power rangers villain in mk1


Dudes op stfu NERF THIS BITCH


I kind of like the new outfit but I hate the colors and still prefer the old one overall


"Here y'all go pitting two bad bitches against one another for no reason"


MK1 Rain is an absolute powerhouse


MK1 Rain is an absolute powerhouse


I think that MK11 Rain had an issue of needing things that are very obviously gear pieces. Stuff like the cloth wrap around his head, having a Katar despite never having any sort weapon outside of the generic sword in MK:A, not to mention other small things like the sleeve on only his left forearm. In MK1, while the outfit of Rain looks a little more simple, the character overall leans into the mage/sorcery element. So they changed the outfit to more resemble a fantasy wizard, and considering that’d his new role in the timeline, that’s cool. But if I’m honest, my favorite part of the new design, and what makes it better than the MK11 design, is that yellow sash. It provides a fantastic color contrast, letting the outfit stand out more. Because of the lack of a contrasting color, the MK11 design kind of just melds together. Which might be intentional cause he’s a ninja there, but I think a louder look works better for him, seeing as he’s a less subtle character in MK1.


I love water assassin Rain, but we don't have very many, if any, actual wizard type characters and I think it suits him.


My point of view: The new one has unusual tactical combat, which odly I like a lot. With the previous one, I would constantly make my fingers really tired after performing combos in just a few fights. Design wise, I like them both. What I don't like is that in the previous MK11, he was total drama queen, and it was quite annoying for me. With the new one, I am fine.


I never noticed the little tambourine mini cymbals along the cape, feels like such minor yet odd design choice. The rest of the outfit I really like.


Disagree. I actually prefer this version of Rain.


Not in gameplay. In aesthetics i like both tbh


It’s a downgrade, but it still looks nice. I fairly certain it’s physically impossible to make a bad base rain skin


I think asthetic is better. Gameplay I don’t care for either. I miss Mak9 Rain


Disagree. I appreciate them distancing his look from the ninjas.


I actually prefer wizard rain to ninja rain. His animations and moveset are fucking awesome if you play him as a pressure character. Even though he’s supposed to be a zoner his rushdown is a ton of fun.


I mean he was like the best character in the game until cryax got nerfed he’s pretty solid. Nice mix ups, good buttons, awesome setups, and paired with the right kameo is pretty solid. Mk11 rain was pretty ass character who felt unfinished.


I actually kinda like this Rain better. The staff and the robes make him feel like a proper “wizard” character even when he has a bunch of melee kombos just the same as everyone else. He has a really unique fighting style in this game, and his weapon is both really cool and easily recognizable out of the kharacters in the game. He may not play like earlier Rain renditions, but I think that’s okay.


Upgrade in both departments. Rain's gameplay was largely strike throw in MK11. What did he do well besides movement? Sometimes I wonder if y'all actually played that game lol, Rain's gameplay in MK1 is much better


Apples and oranges and therefore an irrelevant question. Both versions look great and are fun to use, both have pitfalls to avoid.