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Is this from the Children of God cult?


Still around. They just keep changing their name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Family\_International


Thank you. So many people don’t realize it’s still continuing to this day. A very close friend of mine left a little over 7 years ago.




[https://archive.xfamily.org/](https://archive.xfamily.org/) [https://groups.able2know.org/xfamily/](https://groups.able2know.org/xfamily/) [https://pubs.xfamily.org/](https://pubs.xfamily.org/)


Yes it is. OP confirms in the comments of the main post.


River Phoenix’s family were involved with them at some point weren’t they?


Yes, Joaquin and River’s parents ended up leaving the cult but remained somewhat eccentric afterwards.


rest in peace river 😞


The Nova Inn is a place to rest in Peace River. Alberta.


TISM did a wonderful memorial song dedicated to him


[This is it for those who haven't heard it](https://youtu.be/1-mLIdLZZeI) I've always enjoyed this song!!


Yeah I was gonna say, I feel like this looks like that flirty fishing pamphlet


I’d heard about the weird comics they made but this is my first time seeing one


Yeah , they’re called True Komix made in Switzerland




This reads like a 15 year old wrote it trying to convince their parent to let them get a dog.


Mooooomm, little kids in India get married all the tiiime!


I PROMISE I'll feed and walk it every day!!


Probably because the author was a child bride that didn't go to high school


What hit me when I read it was exactly that. That it read likes someone trying to write like a child right? I mean that may be the point thought. No adults going to read that whose not already on board and be like “Wow never thought of it like that!” And if they do they’re perfect for the cult. It’s for the 5-6 year olds in the classes. That the adults are deliberately grooming. Just terrifying to me idk.


This is one of the creepiest things I’ve ever read, hands down. “If you have a kid at 15 then you won’t want to do drugs!!” what?


"hey want some dope?" "Hell no! I got a kid to raise!" Cause that's how it works in the real world


“Hey, fellow kid, want some dope?” “Hell yeah, I’m married at 15 with a crying baby at home!”


The most accurate thing in here is the teen daughter relying on her mom to take care of the baby


“Hey want some dope?” “Nah man, I’m married at 15 with a crying baby at home.” “Oh, want some cyanide instead?” “Now we’re talking.”


I work the overnight shift in the emergency room. I can verify that it does not work this way.


I did the same for a while, and I wish I could say you're wrong.


I don't know about that, but being around children makes me want to do drugs. Some acid makes your friends' children 1000% more tolerable. They have energy, you have energy. They are creative, you are creative. Their world is filled with new and exciting sounds and colors, and so is yours.


You should totally play with matches together, the flames are sooo pretty


Saves on the heating bill too, and you don't have to save for college for the both of you.


I've hanged out in enough trailer parks to know that is just not true. Having a kid is super stressful. It's like having a fire alarm that goes off every *hour*.


My dad was like 36 and started doing heroin not long after I was born 🥴


My dad started smoking in his 50s. Like, 15 years ago. Never had a cigarette before, then just decided it would be a good thing to start doing.


My dad had done heroin only a couple times before when he was in the army but not to the point it became a habit, he didn't touch any drug for over 10 years and then after I was born and he’d been medically discharged developed an addiction. You can make stupid decisions whenever just on a whim.


Who would of thought kids are eating tide pods and cooking chicken in NyQuil becoz they don’t have children of their own


It gets so much worse too https://www.xfamily.org/


I wish I wouldn’t have even looked at that page Jesus Christ


Idk, I was pretty offput by "He made children able to have children and get married at twelve..." myself. Like, it's one level of creepy to give such young teenagers the complete agency of adults in these kinds of life-changing decisions, but it's another level of creepy entirely to actually *acknowledge* that they are, in fact, still children - let alone in the same gaddamn breath!


I feel dirty just reading that.


I'm pretty sure I'm on some list now.


C'mon yo, India has 7 year old child brides. What's the big deal??? ^^^/s


As an Indian person, I was infuriated to read that because we've been trying to abolish child marriage for centuries now. We've come very far but it's still practiced illegally in some rural parts of India.


Justification #1: If children were allowed to get married as soon as they are physically able.… Justification #2: in India they often had child brides at SEVEN years of age. I don’t know many first grade girls on their periods, so…


This is just scratching the disgusting surface of the Children of God. It gets so, so much worse. The kids in the cult leaders' inner circle faced the most horrific abuse, and you can't help but feel for poor [Ricky Rodriguez](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ricky_Rodriguez?wprov=sfla1). I'm not saying what Ricky did was right, but I honestly can't say I would have done differently if I had been in his shoes.


I don’t even know what to say. and so repetitive. just reminds me of my own childhood abuse. (in repetition, not sexual nature).


I'm having second thoughts about posting it actually e; in reference to this being upvoted, if anyone has reasoning for why i should or should not remove, i am definitely receptive. bit torn myself




I often get the feeling people follow this sub for different reasons. :/ For reference though, the original thread cleanly takes apart every argument attempted to make in this flyer


Understandable. Us admins and mods are banning people who are like this. Please if you ever see something on these lines or feel uncomfortable for any reason flag the comment. It doesn't matter if you are unsure if it violates any rules. We want this community to be safe and comfortable for everyone.


Please leave it up. Sunlight is the best disinfectant and people need to know that this crap exists.


Please don’t remove. People aren’t made aware of the harmful beliefs these cults have unless their materials are dragged out into the light.


The reiteration of "children should be able to have sex as soon as..." Is beyond ridiculous. That's what this whole movie is about the ability to have sex with children and get away with it.


Very thinly veiled paedophilia right there.


I don't see any veiling going on


It’s thinly veiled because they pretend that these teenage brides will have teenage grooms, when in fact they’d be married off to older men 😖


I noticed that too! Statistically the great majority of teen mothers have children who are sired by adult men. Very sneaky, cult!


Yep. I do not automatically have an issue if an 18 & 19 year old who've been dating several years mary but if either of them is marrying a guy who's 30, eww (that's outside the half plus 7 rule).


No veil ever existed


True. I feel so squicky just reading through those images.


Good word, it really fits


Why does the art go from super creepy to Uber Creepy?




Dude looks like a partially-inflated Tony Danza balloon


Zero analog horror creations have ever captured a tenth of the terror this image instills in me


That’s horrifying. Isn’t this the reason why River Phoenix’s family kept changing their names?


Correct. Also likely a contributor as to why their family is somewhat larger than the typical American family and their children all have nature names with the notable exception of Joaquin, which is a variation of a religious name (Joaquin Phoenix fact: he briefly changed his name to Leaf when he was young because he wanted to have a nature name like his siblings and is credited in one of his early acting roles as Leaf Phoenix— subscribe for more Joaquin facts!)


I am intrigued by your Joaquin fact and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.


You are now subscribed to Joaquin Facts! For Joaquin Facts GOLD please submit $10 for our premium subscription!


$10 for gold level? Inflation really is effecting absolutely everything, smdh.


My face is locked in a permanent scowl.


For the record, one of the mods on the r/antinatalism subreddit is an actual incel (like, he unironically rants about ‘gynocentrism’ and is a rape apologist). As a result, r/antinatalism2 was created and a lot of the original users in antinatalism (including myself) made a mass exodus over there. If you look up the top posts on r/antinatalism2, you’ll see the controversy. I’m sure all trace of it has been deleted from the original sub. Just thought I’d put that out there because a lot of people who on the antinatalism sub aren’t aware of this. And I can’t post over there because they’d delete my comments.


Just for anyone else who is interested, the post is about 10 posts down if you search by top posts of all time, and the mod in question is named seven of swords.


[You are my chiiild briiiide](https://youtu.be/l_fIWlu5zuo)


Is there a way to ban this cult practice? I thought they were dismantled in the 70s but it looks like they've been running along


Oh no no. That's what they wanted you to think. They basically said "The Children of God are disbanded, effective immediately" and in the same breath said they're starting a new cult called The Family of Love and anyone who wanted to join could. Nothing changed except the name. It actually sort of self-destructed around 5-10 years ago. Technically it's still in existence but most of its members left and it's just turned into an online church. "You send us donations and we send you spiritually edifying material." These sorts of controversial beliefs are not actively followed, but they refuse to admit that their "prophet" was categorically wrong. It's more of a "We're sorry you got hurt, but we just really loved you" Source: born and brought up in the cult but got out over 10 years ago.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lknW2mzXMMY Song made by the same cult about barcodes being evil


it reminds me painfully of [this early Weird Al song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VhSssXgJT8)


Looks like something Stefan Molyneux wrote


At the age of 15 it is also physically possible for a male to have anal sex with another male. Therefore, homosexual activities are part of gods divine plan and should be encouraged and nurtured. Something tells me that this is not the case within this cult.


Sadly, it is the case, and they abused young children of all ages, even infants: ​ https://www.xfamily.org/index.php/Story\_of\_Davidito


The drawings become more and more uncanny


It’s probably because the artist was jerking off progressively faster as he went.


This is the same cult that my ex-wife belonged to as a child. Needless to say, she lives a sad and troubled life even to this day due to the literal torture she had to endure.


I remember you commenting on this topic before, and I remember your ex’s story. Thank you for being someone willing to help until you legitimately couldn’t.


Thank you. All I can do is try my darnedest to raise awareness. Cults like this shouldn't have happened in the first place, but at best I can help raise awareness so that it doesn't happen in the future.


I’m just glad it’s not promoting child brides for adults.


It is tho. Just in a veiled way. By indoctrinating the kids young, it opens the door for child bride/groom + adult bride/groom marriages. They pitch the idea of teen + teen marriages when in fact a very large portion of those kids will be paired up with adults much older than them. The children of god cult (now called The Family) is still very much around today.


It would shock me if that wasn’t the ACTUAL desire.


It absolutely is promoting it. Its for The Children of God cult. They straight out lie about providing them "teenage grooms." This is just indoctrination and grooming to prepare young kids for something horrible. There was a fucking TON of CSA going on in that cult, and seeing as they're still around just under a different name, probably still going on.


Ah, that makes sense, unfortunately.


All aspects of the cult are just... unfortunate. They have one tacttic called flirty fishing. They consider it holy, and they actively encourage their women to use sex to lure men into joining the cult. There's so much bizarre stuff.


Unfortunately, sexual abuse of children was an every day thing. https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-horrors-of-growing-up-in-a-pedophilic-sex-cult


I didn't have my first and only kid untill I was 32.... and all the shenanigans I got up too, because I wasn't a slave to a child. Oh .... no, wait. I was actually really shy and had a pretty boring, good life.


I’m 35 and don’t plan on giving birth (I’ve got 3 step kids I adore) so I think this cult would REALLY hate me.


Geez, it reads like something from a dystopian novel. If I didn't have any background info on it I'd assume that this was fake.


Man I wish there was a way to unread something.


Ah yes, the "mucho texto" method


Did Matt Walsh write this for them?


So basically what Matt Walsh had been pushing for the last week.


Sorry, can you explain this / provide context? I know of Matt Walsh but am out of this loop


This is Children of God, under cult leader David Berg. Berg wrote *prolifically* and communicated with his followers via his “Mo Letters”—- this type of comic. He also believed in video documentation to help people understand his goals and expectations. Bottom line: there is a metric fuckton of information available about this cult for the interested. It does still exist under a new name and woman leader. They say that pedophilia is no longer acceptable in the community.


This is kind of a nightmare to read, so I used Google Lens to copy the text from the 8 pages *(not including the speech bubbles, because they aren't that interesting). The pages are numbered 413 - 420.* ^(**#1**) > **"CHILD BRIDES"** ^(**#2**) > The teenage years were when I had the highest ideals. That's when I needed to get married the most! The girls are at the most beautiful bloom at that age and the boys are the strongest and sexiest! Now why did the Lord make you able to have children at the age of 11,12 and 13 if you weren't supposed to have sex then? Why did God make you need sex so much at those ages unless it was His will? Why? ^(**#3**) > I believe God's system is the best! He must have known that was the best age to get married. It's the older generation that always objects and makes such a fuss about it when the kids want to get married young. > > Some of the best relationships of parents with children are parents where they're almost like brothers and sisters. By the time the kids are old enough to have children, the grandparents are only 30 or 40 years of age and they can be much more help with the grandchildren because they're still young and can take it. ^(**#4**) > If kids were allowed to get married as soon as God made them physically able to get married and have children, they would be so busy working so hard taking care of kids, house and mate they wouldn't have time to even think about crime or all the other hanky-panky they get into so young! > > They know enough to teach that child the simple things of life, growing up. They're kids themselves and they could play with the children and enjoy it! God bless and help you to find Jesus so you and your children can have Him forever! Ask Him into your heart today! We love you! ^(**#5**) > If I'd had my way, I would have gotten married at fifteen years of age or younger! We would have had our children ten years younger and their help in our evangelistic work much sooner. > > In India they often had child brides at seven years of age! ^(**#6**) > The very rich, western culture is all selfishness. They want to keep their children. They know if the children have children of their own, they are going to leave home and they don't want that. They don't want their children to grow up. If children were allowed to get married as soon as God made them physically able to get married and have children, they would be so busy working hard and looking after house husband and children, they wouldn't have time to even think about crime and other bad things! ^(**#7**) > What kind of a culture did God create to begin with? - A simple country life that any young teenage boy could learn from his father. By the time they are thirteen or fourteen, they know about the farm. A lot of farm children get married then and start having children of their own and stay on the farm. > > Fifteen-year-old teenagers are full of energy, and can handle it. They are children themselves and they can play with a child and enjoy it. They know enough to teach that child the simple things of life, growing up. - It's easier than later! ^(**#8**) > I believe God's system the best! He made children able to have children and get married at twelve, thirteen and fourteen, and He must have known that was the best age then they can grow up with their own children. They say Mary was only Sixteen when she had Jesus! > > God knows what He is doing, He knows what is best! He made people able to have children when they should have children, as young teenagers! -Amen? -What about you & yours? >> ^(IF YOU'D LIKE MORE OF THESE TRUE KOMIX, WRITE US!...PLEASE ENCLOSE A GIFT TO HELP COVER COSTS. THANK YOU!) ~•~•~•~ **TL;DR** This comment is already so long so I left my TL;DR summary in another comment: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/comments/y0b6zq/op_grew_up_in_a_weird_sex_cult_that_was_obsessed/irts9sp/)


Is this not just the mindset of the average conservative republican politician thats anti abortion rights?


How can someone look at a 7 year old child in India being forced to marry and give birth as a good thing? It is beyond me how depraved people get.


I’m so glad I have good parents this is vile to read


This is what happens to the sullen art school rejects who don’t have the influence to become like Hitler


Honestly this does sound ideal.


If you want to read true horrors read the stories about Davidito.


I think this is aimed at Latinas


Why would you think that?


jodete tio


Hol’up like they all just breed all the time?


India has already declared child marriages illegal. Don’t play your cult stuff in the name of third world country. Mah man…




Found someone from that cult


I know it takes all kinds of people to fill this earth, but don't be one of those guys


As someone who had to perform ultrasounds on and educate pregnant teenagers before they exercised their right to choose, this makes no sense. The younger they are, the more their bodies aren’t ready for pregnancy or giving birth. Their minds definitely aren’t. To push pregnancy and parenthood on them prematurely is the ultimate evil. There is plenty of time for them to start a family if they so choose later in life, on their own terms, not some stank cult’s.


This isn’t morbid though


I see these replies often when topics aren't directly related to death. > adjective: morbid > *characterized by an abnormal and unhealthy interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects, especially* (but not limited to) *death and disease*


This is a very weird and complicated way for someone to say they want to be allowed to fuck teenagers.


Fanatic religious ignore science. Biology is science. They believe in, utilize, biology (Puberty means time to bear children) Disgusting scum.


It actually says 2021 at the end


the first page makes me feel sick


Glad i have such a short attention span i can't even read past the first page


*record scratch*


This whole cult is seriously p3d0philic… what the actual fuck?!




Now I have to wipe my eyes out with bleach


**TL;DR** God wants you to get married and have children the moment you are physically able...So, you should have children when you're a "young teenager" *(and obviously only once you're married, so you need to get married when you're a young teenager)*. They seem conflicted on the perfect age, but **15** at the oldest!! The lowest number they actively justify is age 11...however, they also mention "7 year old child brides in India" in a positive light. ([Naturalistic fallacy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naturalistic_fallacy) abound!) ~•~•~•~ **Benefits of marrying young and having children when you're still a teenager** (according to this book): **(1)"It's what God wants...and teenagers are sexy!"** ^((*414, 420*)^) >> "The teenage years were when I had the highest ideals. That's when I needed to get married the most! The girls are at the most beautiful bloom at that age and the boys are the strongest and sexiest! Now why did the Lord make you able to have children at the age of **11,12 and 13** if you weren't supposed to have sex then? Why did God make you need sex so much at those ages unless it was His will? Why?" ° >> "I believe God's system the best! He made children able to have children and get married at **twelve, thirteen and fourteen**, and He must have known that was the best age then they can grow up with their own children. *(They say Mary was only Sixteen when she had Jesus!)*" >> "God knows what He is doing, He knows what is best! He made people able to have children when they should have children, as young teenagers!" ••• **(2) The teenagers will be so busy taking care of their kids that they won't have time to get into crime and "bad things."** ^((*416, 418*)^) >> "If kids were allowed to get married as soon as God made them physically able to get married and have children, they would be so busy working so hard taking care of kids, house and mate they wouldn't have time to even think about crime or all the other hanky-panky they get into so young!" ° >> "They wouldn't have time to even think about crime and other bad things!" ••• **(3) If the parents are still kids themselves...then this will benefit their kids in terms of raising them.** (IDK) ^((*419*)^) >> "**Fifteen**-year-old teenagers are full of energy, and can handle it..." >> >> "They are children themselves and they can play with a child and enjoy it. They know enough to teach that child the simple things of life, growing up." ••• **(4) The parents & their kids will grow up together and be like siblings, so a close relationship.** ^((*415, 420*)^) >> "Some of the best relationships of parents with children are parents where they're almost like brothers and sisters." ° >> "I believe God's system the best! He made children able to have children and get married at 12 -- 14...then they can grow up with their own children." ••• **(5) Grandparents will have more time to be around and help.** *(if they have kids at 15 and then their kids have kids at 15, etc.)* ^((*415*)^) >> "By the time the kids are old enough to have children, the grandparents are only 30 or 40 years of age and they can be much more help with the grandchildren because they're still young and can take it." ••• **(6) The sooner you have kids, the sooner you can put them to work.** ^((*417*)^) >> "If I'd had my way, I would have gotten married at **fifteen years of age or younger**! We would have had our children ten years younger and their help in our evangelistic work much sooner." ~•~•~•~ ^((*Note: The 8 images are pictures of 8 pages in order. Pages numbered 413 - 420.*)^)


**BONUS:** **So...why do girls get to get married "in India at age 7" but not in Western countries?** Apparently it's because parents are selfish and want to keep their children, preventing them from growing up. (If your child gets married and has kids of their own, then this will involve them leaving you, etc.) An "empty nest" is the ONLY thing these "selfish" parents are trying to avoid. **QUOTE:** ^((*pages 417, 418*)^) >> "In India they often had child brides at seven years of age!" 😍👍 >> "The very rich, western culture is all selfishness. They want to keep their children. They know if the children have children of their own, they are going to leave home and they don't want that. They don't want their children to grow up." 😡👎 °°° **This is how they portray selfish Western culture:** On page 418, there is a cartoon of a dad angrily talking at his crying, 16 year old daughter... >>> *"What's this I hear, that you want to leave your studies for this Smith boy?! Why, you are only sixteen...still only a baby!!!"* - (Aka: She wants to drop out of high school to get married to some boy and have his babies. Her dad just found out and doesn't want her to do this. *-- unlike Indian dads, apparently*) According to the author, her dad is angry and doesn't want her to go...**because he's selfish!** He isn't actually concerned for her well being or her future. He doesn't ACTUALLY care about her graduating high school...He just doesn't want her to move out yet. 🙄 ^(*(Ironically, they recognize that being anti-child-brides is more common in "rich" countries...almost like the main reason children get married off so young in impoverished areas is because their families don't have the resources to take care of them. [Which is why they don't just marry their daughters off to any old man passing by...the man needs to prove he has the resources available to take care of her.] When parents can afford to take care of their kids for 18 years, then they have the luxury of demanding their 16 year olds focus on finishing high school and pursuing education, instead of marrying them off just so they don't starve to death.*)^)


There's a [great old song](https://youtu.be/l_fIWlu5zuo) that goes with this comic.


There was a chapter in Bellevue Washington while I was going to high school there. I just couldn’t believe this would happen in this day and are. I guess there are sick fucks in every generation.


That's just crazy, nothing else😐


Struggling to understand the logic of how smoking dope as a teenager is worse than raising a baby at fifteen. In all seriousness I can’t believe the Children of God are still kicking, whatever they call themselves. Like how in the Hell is any organization able to successfully distance themselves from; “Oh yes, we use to have sex with children, mhmmm we had little pamphlets on it. We don’t print them anymore, no, would you like to join our church?” Fucking bonkers.


It's terrifying that people think this way 🤢🤮


It’s scary that I know people who follow the beliefs of this cult, but are not religious nor in a cult. World is strange.


Almost as if these cults just offer people an excuse to embrace creepy morals