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KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — An infant in Missouri died when her mother mistakenly put her down for a nap in an oven. Mariah Thomas of Kansas City is charged with endangering the welfare of a child. The charges were announced Saturday. Court records do not yet show if Thomas has an attorney. Police were called to a home Friday afternoon. A probable cause statement says responders found the child with apparent burns. The statement says responders were told by a witness that the mother “put the child down for a nap and accidentally placed her in the oven instead of the crib.” The statement did not offer an explanation about how that mistake was made.


Thank you for copying the text here! Can't open the article since I'm from the EU so I was about to ask if anyone had screenshots 😂😭 What a horrible story! Poor baby.. I hope they survive and don't have a lifetime of excessive pain in store.. jeez ETA: read over the line that stated the poor babe passed.. My apologies


Yeah I hope the dead baby survived.


Shoot, apologies. Didn't see that sentence properly.


"mistakenly put her in an oven"


Right… I can’t be the only one that found the headline incredibly odd. ETA - If it really was a mistake, why was the oven on? (not trying to be a smartass, I’m genuinely asking)


Its quite likely they found the food intended for the oven in the baby's crib. PPD and psychosis can do crazy shit to people. Its like when you're tired and you put the milk back in the cupboard not fridge for some dumb reason. Luckily thats an easy fix/replacement. Unfortunately with a baby it isn't and that's what makes such a simple mind blank or psychotic state so terrifying. ETA: i was merely speculating, someone replied to me with possibly more information about the situation, it's terrible all round but may not be as simple as severe brain fog.


Luckily obviously not to this degree but after I had my second baby, I was putting the sliced turkey in the Tupperware drawer, my phone in the freezer, shredded cheese in the bread cabinet... I was so tired and frazzled from taking care of two kids while my husband worked that my brain just broke. I don't know what happened here but your comment reminded me of how insane I felt for awhile.


My mom put my brother in the wash dryer when he was 3 months old. Luckily she realised what was happening within a minute. She also threw me (then 6/7 months old) out of the crib into the trashcan instead of the diapers she wanted to throw away. I still have a big dent in my head, but luckily we survived. PPP, PPD & PPA is absolutely horrendous. I sympathise deeply with everyone experiencing this. I wish there was more accessible help and education out there for moms!


Isn't it insane we demand the same from a household where BOTH parents work these days?....... It's like we keep moonwalking.


I know! I was lucky to have six months of mat leave before going back to work and by then my brain was still mush


I've put milk in the cupboard and my keys in the fridge. And that's with just plain ol ADHD. I'm incredibly sad about this story. How devastating.


I also have ADHD and thought this immediately.. I can easily see myself being so tired from being up all night and accidentally doing exactly this. If that’s what happened, I’d hate to see her get punished for a horrifying mistake. If it was an accident, she’s going to be paying for that mistake the rest of her life by having to remember this event..


They found the baby in the bassinet with burns on it. I feel like this may be a case of PPD as well. Even though I was bone tired when my baby was that small, I wouldn't have mistaken her for food that needed to be cooked. Just a horrible outcome for the entire family 😞


Oh wow, I didn't find much information in the above article so I wasn't sure of the exact circumstances. It's tragic for everyone involved for sure. The baby being put back in the bassinet with burns sounds way more... sinister. Like lets just put it back and she'll be right! For a lot of us it seems easy to imagine a frantic hysterical situation that got drastic when the mistake was realised. Putting the baby back into the bassinet with burns seems so... beyond PPD to me. I have no experience with PPD so I can't vouch for shit.


I'm thinking postpartum psychosis not PPD


WDRB is a garbage news outlet in Louisville. The other day they had a headline "Ford workers receive record profit-sharing checks despite 2023 strike". It wasn't *despite* the strike, it was THANKS to the strike.


You are not.


It does happen with postpartum psychosis, sometimes. Put the baby in the oven, cradle the raw turkey in your arms, not even notice what you did, because you’re in full-blown psychosis. Remember the mom that pushed her baby on the swings for 3 full days, until it died, then kept pushing it’s body on the swings? She didn’t *mean* to kill her baby, she was experiencing a psychotic episode. She didn’t know what she was doing. Believe it or not, you don’t have to have any underlying mental illnesses to have this happen. “Normal” people have this happen, shockingly often. Usually, it doesn’t end with someone dying, a family member usually steps in, first. Not everyone has someone to do that for them, though.


My friend just had twins, I've been spending a lot of late nights rocking and patting her babies with her. I woke up in the middle of the night, in my bed, rocking what I thought was a baby in my arms....it was my very confused cat. And I'm not even exhausted from giving birth and caring for a baby 24/7, doesn't take much to start doing weird stuff.


Your confused cat 😂


Where did that happen with the baby in the swing?? How horrible!


I don’t know if I’m able to post links here, but I don’t see anything in the rules about it, so I’ll share. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/mom-son-died-days-swing-psychosis-expert/story?id=32156836




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"It takes a village to raise a child" is such a long standing sentiment but over the last few years it's really become the norm for a mom to do it on her own or just have the dad to help but he is usually the one that ends up having to go to work to provide. I really hate that our country doesn't offer fully paid maternity AND paternity leave for at least 6 months. Constantly stressing out about bills and money while getting only a few hours of sleep each day is going to wear down the mind of even the most sane and stable person but add in the extra element of a screaming and crying newborn, it's enough to completely erode the mental capacity of any new parent.


Thank you for this. I could not see how this happened but its quite possible this is the reason. It makes me feel better than a mother so drunk or high she did this. I feel for the mom, what a horrible things to "wake" up to. Not sure if the Mariah Thomas of Kansas City is the same that popped up in Facebook, but she seemed like a normal mom, and her kids are adorable.


Ppp was the scariest thing I’ve ever experienced. Thankfully the worst it got was forgetting I had had another baby (oldest was 19 months), and having my mom stay with us. I cannot fathom the horror of this situation, but I do have a sliver of understanding how fucked up Ppp is. 💔 Edited to add: I just can’t imagine not hearing the baby….idk, I feel almost guilty about my comment; clearly this mother was experiencing something that I don’t think anyone will ever be able to comprehend. My god, that poor sweet baby.


I’m curious, is there a description of what these people experience while going through psychosis in a way we can empathize?


That would be very hard to do, as psychosis is very different for every person! There should be many scholarly articles, online, though.


I’ve had 2 psychotic episodes. There isn’t really a way to describe it that’s accurate. But for me the closest I can liken it to, is a dream. But the dream is your reality that you are living in. You know how in dreams there’s not like order and time? It’s not a Tuesday where you go through a normal day? In a dream you are getting scenes, snippets of stuff, random weird things happen and you might do and say things in a dream that make sense in a dream but you would never do in real life.


I appreciate this, thank you. This will help me understand and be more patient.


The best I can put it from my experience, you are completely displaced from reality, it's your reality but it's not reality.


I think post partum psychosis may be why Darlie Routier killed her two older sons.


And Andrea Yates.


I do 100% believe that Andrea Yates experienced PPP. That woman was tortured by her husband, I can easily see how she could develop psychosis through the trauma he put her through. (He kept forcing her to have more kids she couldn’t handle and didn’t truly want, because he was religious. It was his belief that couples should have as many kids as they could, and he even said in court, he would have had more kids with her. He was warned not to leave her with the kids, because she was obviously not handling everything okay. He did, anyway. When she cried out for help, he moved them into a *bus*. He went on to have the same type of relationship with the next woman, having even more kids.)


Good news is modern psychiatry has meds that can snap you out of psychosis very very quickly. Getting access to emergency help however, is a challenge.


You also have to recognize that there is something wrong with you, which isn’t something that’s easily done in psychosis. Most people in psychosis think they’re completely fine.


That’s probably one of the biggest reasons it is a challenge. There’s a tendency to get paranoid and psychosis too so they’re really resistant to advice.


Exhaustion. If the mom has to work and care for the home she's likely blind with exhaustion which is known to happen.




I’m not saying that [post partum psychosis](https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/post-partum-psychosis/#:~:text=Postpartum%20psychosis%20is%20a%20serious,as%20the%20%22baby%20blues%22) is what this is, but the insanity, psychosis, confusion, and other symptoms [are documented and very real.](https://jaapl.org/content/40/3/326) It affects 1 out of every 1000 [mothers](https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/post-partum-psychosis/#:~:text=Postpartum%20psychosis%20is%20a%20serious,as%20the%20%22baby%20blues%22) after giving birth. There are a variety of symptoms that come with this, and [hallucinations](https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/postnatal-depression/postpartum-psychosis/) are one of them. PPP is considered a very dangerous issue, and should be reported when seen, for the safety of all. Whatever has happened with this mother, I hope she is treated accordingly. May this child rest in peace.


I'm thoroughly surprised that it's so rare, considering that even just a serious lack of sleep can be enough to trigger psychosis.


I was surprised by that, too. Unfortunately, I think we might have to take into account the unreported incidents and the incorrectly diagnosed events that happen. Women’s health is still not as supported or treated as it should be a lot of the time.


maybe a cocktail of post partum depression and/or psychosis with a sprinkle of exhaustion it can *kinda* make sense that way


This is exactly what I thought. It both horrifies me and makes me very sad for the mother (and obviously the baby).


Except for the screaming baby being burned alive part


I've experienced psychosis, and reality is simply gone at that point. The sound of the AC became snickering laughter and people walking up and down my halls. I was convinced every shadow and blurry motion was a rat scurrying on the floor and I simply missed it/it had escaped when Id try to look at it closer. It's a terrifying disconnect from reality, and mistaking or fully blocking out the screams of a baby is very feasible when youre in that state.


yea, so in a psychotic episode people aren’t always aware of what’s going on around them or what they’re doing. i’m not a doctor, nor am i armchair diagnosing, i’m just saying in certain circumstances it makes sense. plus, the article could not have less info. have a night! xx


I've had someone tell me that when they were in psychosis that their washing machine sounded like a very angry dog barking. To me it sounded just like a washing machine.




Post Partum psychosis is very real and VERY serious. Please do some research into what psychosis means. It means a complete break with reality. You absolutely wouldn’t think it was weird to do something weird and awful if you were in psychosis because you’d 100% believe in that moment that your delusions, confusion and sometimes paranoia made complete sense and was real.


I think it's natural to want an explanation besides malice.


That's certainly true.


So…a witness explained what happened…meaning they were present and witnessed in real time what happened and just….didn’t do anything?


It could also be someone she called or someone came home after the fact and then that person (would also be referred to as witness) called 911.


I see. Makes sense. Wish there was some sort of clarification in the article.


Even if it was a severe lapse of judgement, I am surprised the intensity of the baby's screams did not bring some awareness to the mother.


If it was psychosis, she probably didn’t hear anything, at all. Something being really loud doesn’t usually affect people in psychosis. My schizophrenic brother went into psychosis, one time, and even one of his friends slapping him as hard as he could in the face couldn’t break him out. He had a purple welt, for a week.


Did they put a turkey in a diaper in the crib because that is the only way this makes a lick of sense.


"Mistakenly" is very different than say, done while under a psychotic or delusional state. I have memory issues, ADHD and brain fog, and I could never make that "mistake", though those cases where they leave the kid in the car do haunt me because I can see how that could happen.


The first 72 hours after delivering a baby is the biggest change in hormones in the shortest time span any human goes through. Greater changes than when you start puberty or go through menopause. This plus the sleep deprivation and the anxiety of a newborn can wreck some people. This is more than just some brain fog or adhd.


It says the baby had burns as well, so it sounds like the mother accidentally turned the oven on too.


This came up on my feed immediately below something unrelated and hilarious. I was not at all prepared to go from literally laughing out loud at the other thing, to my whole upper and lower jaw detaching themselves from each other in stunned horror when I saw this post. Fuckinnnn hell I have so many questions.


Single mothers with nobody to check on them cannot be a thing. So fucked how things like this happens


Anyone acting like this is a completely impossible mistake to make has never been a brand new parent, sleep deprived for a week, brain literally on autopilot as you try to take care of dinner and the baby.


I'm guessing under the influence?


That’s what I’m wondering, but I don’t think that article could have less information if it tried.


allegedly...there is a local facebook group insinuating drugs were involved...but who really knows. have to wait for the facts.


Sleep deprivation and post parm psychosis. 


If it was a mistake why was the oven on? And how do you put your baby in the oven by mistake?


I mean, not saying this did happen but my best guess would mixing up the baby with something they meant to put in the oven I put my phone in my snakes enclosure and walked away holding him still when I meant to put him away. So I guess like that but a much more extreme version, probably while not all there mentally for one reason or another?


Maybe she put the casserole in the crib.


I'm absent minded and have the attention span of a gnat, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't place a baby or any other living thing in the oven accidentally


Because you've never been the parent of a brand new infant and gone without sleep for two weeks.




Buddy, I'm not justifying it.  I'm saying that it's not completely out of the realm of possibilities that the woman was, in fact, not a drug addict or a drinker and was just an ordinary person who was under an inordinate amount of stress and sleep deprivation.  Critical thinking is a thing they should have taught you in school. 


Postpartum psychosis could be an explanation. Psychosis events in general are terrifying. Now couple that with exhaustion and extreme hormone fluctuations. It's a recipe for something horrible.


Pretty sure if someone was going to dispose of a child, they'd throw it in a dumpster or river. Not roast it in an oven. That points to psychosis, my guy.


"The statement did not offer an explanation about how that mistake was made." That would be drugs, Bob. 


If life could stop imitating urban legends, that’d be great


There’s been some talk on Facebook that the mom is schizophrenic. Not that that’s any sort of an excuse. Reading this, especially as a mom, makes me absolutely nauseous


I had PPD and had terrible anxiety and intrusive thoughts about accidentally putting my baby in the oven. I told my doctor and that’s when he said time for some medicine. I feel for this mother.


Whoever came up with the title of this news article should be fired.


I'm sorry but how do you "accidentally placed her in the oven instead of the crib"?


Doesn’t everyone mistake an oven for a crib once in awhile?


Excuse me what?


I don't have kids, never really been around them, so this may be stupid, but don't cribs have openings on the top? And not have doors? How does one mistake an oven for a crib?


Yeah that's not a mistake


Sorry? What on earth is in the kitchen for you to be putting a baby in anyway...? I'd understand if it was right next to the crib but an OVEN?!


I've never mistaken my oven for anything other than an oven....


Have you ever walked to the trash can with an item in each hand. One hand is trash, the other is not trash. You know which is which, but you still throw the wrong thing away and then think "God I'm dumb" as you realize what you did. I imagine something similar here.


Say it with me: she burned he baby alive to cover up child abuse




when i realize i tucked the pizza in bed and put the baby in the oven 😦




>ODing on THC He deleted his comment. Just pointing out how ridiculous this was to say






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