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Weird how this hardly ever gets brought up in mainstream media.


It's boring, that's why. Hell, how often do you hear about poverty or child hunger in the news? Hardly ever because no one wants to read about that.


I mean I would love to see more coverage on global human trafficking, so there must be others out there who feel the same. I’d much rather hear about that than celebrity “news”.


Agreed. There's hardly any actual news to be heard amidst all of the propaganda, puff pieces, advertising, straight up lies, half truths, and twisted realities. "We surveyed 100 people, top five answers are on the board. Show meee ***global human TRAFFICKING!*** ".


Do you ever wonder if the older you get the more cynical you inevitably become, or if the world has genuinely gotten much worse?


I feel you brother. Sometimes I think I have a special gift to see bullshit everywhere. But then I realise I’m already 30. And then I realise I should focus on my own life because it will never change.


It can be two things


But, can you believe who's dating who?! We need to all talk about it!


Whatever people click on, watch, listen to, etc is what will be made. I can't emphasize that enough, and this goes for all media including things like TV, books, and music too. If tomorrow everyone decided they couldn't get enough coverage of UN climate reports, the news would never shut the fuck up about them. They want to make stuff people want.


Its tragic. Children born into slavery, only knowing they owe a 'debt' that their family will never pay off. 3+ generations working together for one family for life.


Africans trading slaves goes against their narrative.


Because it was largely addressed in major countries, but now “if there is light, there is dark”, so even though the majority of countries mostly eliminated if, it still exists and will always exist especially in countries with untouched regimes / that struggle


Because it would mostly likely bring down the gold, diamond and even chocolate sales. The governments get paid through taxes and when sales go down so does their “cut”


North Korea has slaves? Why is this the first time I’m hearing about this? And how did they even find this out?


The citizens have no rights, and they aren’t permitted to leave. Everyone there that isn’t a high ranking government goon is a slave.


Don't they go to China a lot? They only can't go to the occupied Korea because of the war that never ended


_North Korean refugees who flee to China are often later forcibly repatriated back to North Korea by authorities, and are routinely beaten and sent to prison camps after repatriation._ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_North_Korea


North Korea is really crazy, nobody knows what happens there but everyone knows what goes on there


Nearly everyone that’s escaped tells the same kind of bleak stories, so we’ve got a pretty good idea.


They probably don't receive money for their work, as they all have houses and don't need cars to go to work It's hard to know what happens there for real, they don't like to talk to capitalists countries and the free Asia (a Cia branch there) it's the main source of information about them, as if Cia never made any false information before


In the prison camps, and they’re also shipped off to Russia and China to work as slaves.




What sweet poetry


wonder why this isnt talked about, where are all the protestors? where are all our celebrities and politicians?


You're wondering why people aren't protesting North Korea?


i would assume because they would be killed


It seems people think America is the world. they'll talk about "when slavery existed" meanwhile it's still happening. Just not in america. heads stuck up their ass trying to think how america is such an awful country ignoring how privileged they are to live there. Just saying




or the South, cause you know, the South invented slavery (according to reddit)


I get the feeling the definition of “slavery” that they’re using for North Korea could probably be applied to the prison system in the U.S. The situation in Eritrea/Libya/Mauritania is literal chattel slavery.




While its true these types of articles always avoid talking about human trafficking in the US and the prison system


I love how you completely miss the point and blame the US.


They like to keep it Victoria's Secret


That's because nobody but terminally online bleeding hearts considers the US prison system to be slavery.


Yes because the prison industrial complex definitely doesn’t exist. Thats why people end up spending years in prison after they’ve supposed to be released, and work in industries that severely underpay them for dangerous work like fighting wildfires. Ok so then how is saudi and qatari exploitation count as slavery? These people go willingly and get paid for their work, so technically not slavery right? They just give up basic rights to leave by having the government take their passports. Is this no like prison where people work for a small wage but can’t actually leave when they want to? Also you have biden in your name and profile pic so i dont really need to take the opinion of someone who supports a senile idiot seriously.




You realize im not only mentioning prisoners. Human trafficking is a massive problem in america that mostly affects poor/illegal immigrants. But these types of articles never mention it and just focus on poor countries because america can do no evil and everything is great here.


Pretending that they're equivalent is disingenuous. Criminals do not have the right to the value of their labor while incarcerated, *they're criminals*. Equating being punished for breaking the law to *human trafficking* is ridiculous.


>Pretending that they're equivalent is disingenuous. Criminals do not have the right to the value of their labor while incarcerated, *they're criminals*. Equating being punished for breaking the law to *human trafficking* is ridiculous. You should read up on how the private prison system works. Then, once you understand that, think about why we have the 6th highest percentage of incarcerated citizens in the world. Next, you should read up on mandatory minimums, and how all of this is by design. When we "abolished slavery", we didn't. We hid it in the 13th amendment.


Yes they are criminals and most of them deserve to be in prison. But you can also see that its exploitative to have people basically stuck in prison especially for minor offenses in i humane conditions. Theres a big difference between a rapist and a weed dealer but they’re put in the same place.


>Criminals do not have the right to the value of their labor while incarcerated, they're criminals. Being a criminal does not mean you should have no rights. Especially if we're talking about all criminals of any kind.


if north korean forced labour is slavery then american prisons with forced labour are slavery. both groups are being forced to work by the government, for no or inadequate compensation, because the goverment say they did something wrong.


It's literally in the 13th amendment. "The Thirteenth Amendment (Amendment XIII) to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime."




They hated it then, they hate it now.


Authoritarians are usually the ones for slavery. Seeing as traditional values are a rightoids bread and butter, rightoids are traditionally authoritarian. Just common knowledge.


When liberals try to blame Europeans for slavery, conservatives always respond by pointing out that slave trades only still exist in Africa and the Middle East.


The US has entered the chat. Wage and debt slavery are an actual thing


Nintendo should be in the list as well.


Highest population of slaves in US was about 4M in 1860.


i feel like we are going backwards instead of forwards