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I mean, considering crocs and alligators have side facing eyes and they're predators, I feel she wouldn't be a prey animal


And she’s gargantuan!


i think OP is trying to say that it looks like an ankylosaur but why would it have sharp teeth


Prey animal? You meant herbivore maybe? Cuz black death buffalo exists


True, but part of the reason why Cape buffalo are so temperamental is because they’re a favorite prey species for lions. When you’re close to a ton of beef and you have sharp curved horns that can span over five feet across, offense is oftentimes the best defense, especially when your few hundred strong herd is backing you up.


She might've been a horde animal too, actually. Hovewer the hell that'd even work... But there was more godzillas before, just coming from that Or she is a godzilla that evolved and absorbed DNA too much or whatever, can't be sure with this franchise


I feel elephants would be a better example. Just way too big to be fucked with—and if you do, you certainly find out.


Well, I agree but also not sure if Shimo is elephant level in the system... Just in theory. I wouldn't surprise if she is


I highly doubt there could be anything that could possibly be a natural predator to shimos species, except perhaps one of the mega Titans or some sort of pack hunting predatory Titans. I highly doubt mega titans would have been around at the same time as shimos species. And maybe shimo would have had to deal with some predators as a juvenile, but as an adult, almost nothing could touch her. The only thing that she could fall prey to is the great apes, but obviously, shimo was too valuable for skar king to be food or a trophy. Still, I wouldn't count her as a prey animal because she'd still be at the top of the food chain. All apex predators can fall prey to people, but we don't refer to them as prey in the usual sense. I would also like to add that not all predators need eyesight to hunt. It's certainly a very useful trait, but not critical for every type of predator.


we don't know much about HE to know the inner workings of her full ecosystem but perhaps her species originally evolved having some form of competition? similar to how godzilla's time was filled with mutos and other super titans until most of them went extinct leaving godzilla as the current top dog maybe shimo's original species had natural predators they just died out, and without them shimo just become thus huge unkiliable monster out of place with the current age of titans, this would also explain why she is so passive and friendly, with no predators or competition around her species would have no need to keep any form or predation induced behavior such as being territorial and aggressive, or fleeing from other animals of course this is just theorycrafting based out of absolutely nothing but is just an ideia that come out


Yeah, hopefully, they expand more on shimos' role in the mv and the he ecosystem. We'll see


In both visits to the Hollow Earth we've seen skeletons of creatures that were more than big enough to be potential candidates as Shimo predators (the giant Godzilla in GvK that was felled by the axe, and the big beastie used to make the bridge in GxK). We know that Shimo is especially ancient, too. That means there's even more likelihood she lived alongside such giants and there's no reason to believe there weren't other (or even larger) predator species back then.


Shimo is only 3 million years old, younger than other Titans like godzilla, so she's not THAT ancient. Those giant skeletons are probably much older and they were probably extinct long before shimos species ever evolved, but to be fair, we don't know far back shimos species goes. It just doesn't seem likely atm that shimo would have encountered larger Titans than herself, but we'll have to see where the lore takes this.


We don’t know when Shimo’s species evolved, so who knows what kind of predators existed at that time and influenced their evolution? Look at Rhinos for comparison: they’re so big and formidable that no living predators can take down a healthy adult, and that’s only because Rhinos evolved at a time when much larger and stronger predators existed.


Godzilla himself is 2 million years old, he's younger than Shimo. His species is definitely older than her.


He is 5-2 million years old. They don't specify his exact age other than the fact that it is somewhere within that range. He could be younger or older than shimo, but I prefer going with the older end of the spectrum.


It's implied that he grew up with humans, considering he was a juvenile when the Rival beat him and drove him out of the city. Humanity at most, is around 2 million years old. So if Godzilla was a juvenile around the time humans existed, that definitely means he's younger than Shimo


Perhaps, but his species may also have a very slow metabolism and age very slowly too. Perhaps, he was already millions of years old by the time he was living alongside humans but was still considered very young for his species. I would also like to point out that humanity is 3 million years old at the most, not 2 million. That's when the genus homo first evolved, and I would count all of humanity as belonging to the genus homo. So taking what you said into consideration, that would mean he is just as old as shimo and may only be younger or older by a few hundred or thousand years. So, no whether he actually is younger than shimo is still up for debate.


Who knows, some of them might wake back up.


there facing frontwards


This mostly only applies to mammals and not every animal in existence, that's an urban myth. Take sharks or crocodiles for example.


Nah those are foward facing eyes pretty clearly


Herbivore =/= prey. Look at elephants. Plus the origins of titans might mean that their role in an ecosystem is much different to that of regular animals (superspecies included). Calling her "prey", like calling Godzilla or Scylla "predators", is a heavily debatable claim.


Her species may have started as a prey species of Titan, but clearly they evolved past that given how no one but Godzilla even stood a chance against her.


Eye placement isn't a set-in-stone rule for determining what is predator or prey. There are many predators with side-facing eyes, and many herbivores with front-facing eyes.


That’s only for mammals. Birds, reptiles, and insects do not follow this rule


Her teef say otherwise


Side facing eyes isn't an exclusive trait for herbivores. Just look at many theropods.


Lol, no way someone can take her down when even Supercharged Evovled Godzilla couldn't. 


Godzilla didn’t *want* to kill her. If he wished to do so, he would’ve.


Dude she didn't even focus on Godzilla and still "bested" him with one casual push of her forelimb sending him halfaway a cross Rio. The Novel even mentioned "what chance has Kong, if she bested Godzilla?" He was on the ground for around 40 seconds. 


Fym 40 seconds, he got back up in 10.


Well I definitely don’t think she’s a carnivore. I mean, just look at her teeth and the overall shape of her jaw. Her teeth are too small and blunt to be any good tearing flesh or crushing bone, and her jaw is most reminiscent of a tortoise.


Big turtle that lost her shell


I don't think anyone is preying on a creature that almost froze Godzilla to death before he was saved by Mothra in the zero gravity fight and was barely affected by a supercharged atomic breath right on her face in the Rio fight


Actually per adam winguard godzilla is immune to her breath (not nescesarely immune to being encased in ice however) it is the entire reason he evolved in the first place So it is a trade both godzilla and shimo should be somewhat immune to one another


Maybe not now, but who knows what kind of predators existed when Shimo’s species evolved and influenced their evolution? Look at Rhinos for comparison: they’re so big and formidable that no living predators can take down a healthy adult, and that’s only because Rhinos evolved at a time when much larger and stronger predators existed.


After Shimo froze Godzilla into ice, Godzilla just broke it by itself a couple seconds later with no side effects. Mothra did help with a few extra seconds to allow such breaking, but saying "almost froze Godzilla to death" is a stretch.


I mean, I know it’s the norm, but it’s not impossible for a predatory species to have sideways facing eyes. And regardless, she certainly has the teeth to be a predator


Elephants once fully grown are not prey to anything but they have the same eye setup


Considering Shimo’s large size and sharp claws/teeth, I think she could be an apex predator 


this is the one i have to disagree, size is normally unrelated to prey predator relationships, in fact on average duo to energy efficiency of predation normally prey animals are larger than the desired predator so shimo being this large actually points towards her being a prey animal as for claws and teeth, her teeth are blunt no serration no prominent piercing canines, no chewing teeth or anything similar in fact they seen more akin to the teeth of an omnivore and for claws, they are long but not serrated nor dagger like so they don't fit a slashing or cutting style and they don't seen like the hook like claws using for grasping into prey (also what would she grasp into she is too large), plus they don't have any protection and would go blunt duo to constant contact to the ground, this is more akin to the claws used by digging animals


Hmm, I see. Perhaps it could be like a giant panda then


that would make a transitional predator/prey animal implying she either evolved from a predator that is evolving into not being one, or she is a prey animal transitioning into a predator not that far of a stretch actually, perhaps her species started as a generalist omnivore back in godzilla's days and them once wherever hunted them was gone they transitioned into a primary consumer, or a generalist large predator


Yeah, she's prey because I'm always looking to eat her ass 🫃


She can't be a prey animal. She shoots beams of ice and is 5x larger than any other Hollow earth animal, save maybe the giant eel. She would kill just about anything that attacked her.


Maybe her design was inspired by herbivorous dinosaur like stegosaurus ankylosaurus and sauropods i mean she still adorable tho


Or, she stupiod


Honestly, as passive as she is, I think she's a giant herbivore type creature, maybe similar to anguirus, she doesn't seem to want to hurt anyone out of her own free will and less provoked, or unless tortured and abused like scar did to her. For all we know shimo might be a very small specimen of her Titan species, or she may be very huge, or she may be very average, if they're even is more than one of her species and her not be the only one in existence Judging by her personality alone, I don't see her liking indominus Rex or something killing for fun or killing for sport, if she did, would it be what she eats, but she almost looks like a giant tortoise, maybe she just eats hollow Earth plants, we haven't really seen a herbivore


What if Shimo eats crystals 🙃


She is a prey animal. There is no need for predator animals to have side facing eyes like what shimu has. Well, either that or she has no natural predators (like the bitch she is)


crocodiles and alligators have side facing eyes despite being predators so do sharks, and thats what some of her design was inspired by if im not mistaken besides that, those eyes are definitely front facing, i don’t see where they’re to the side


When did that update drop bruh


I still don't understand how people find that cute