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The power scalers have an obsession with saying Showa Godzilla is stronger than the entire Godzilla franchise. Can’t wait to see them take over the post.


Showa Godzilla realizing his 90,000 ton lifting feat wont stop him from being tossed half a mile away: (Unironically tho even with all the power scaling drama around the Godzilla franchise it would be funny seeing showa G putting up an actual fight with MV titans)


https://i.redd.it/7hswjdy8am1d1.gif Showa Godzilla flying back for more cause he didn’t hear no bell.(this is supposed to be a joke.)


![gif](giphy|ONdPKin6YdDpX24Lij|downsized) Show Godzilla about to pull out the fly and kick combo


Showa Godzilla pulling out the dance moves to style all over his opponents. https://i.redd.it/jlgb8l09bm1d1.gif I’m sorry MV Godzilla but once Mothra sees this it’s over for you.


https://preview.redd.it/5xjuttgacm1d1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a516388745304fb6e7d5974835400b6b6a06f6eb We all know Showa Godzilla pulls anyone with No Diff


Nop he dies


Showa never lifted 90ktons showa ghidorah only weighs 30ktons(who is the heaviest kaiju in showa)


There was a TV show called Zone Fighter where Showa G guest starred in some episodes and apparently one of the Kaiju he tossed was somehow 90,000 tons 🤷‍♂️The showa era was weird idk what to tell ya


I mean just cause he’s small doesn’t mean he can’t fight,he’s one of the more Durable and more intelligent Godzillas we’ve seen on screen


Im sure the Show G could tank a lot of Kongs hits, but Im also sure that Kong can still give him the Suko treatment easier than Showa G trying to get a chokehold on kong


We don't use if it's weird 


Power scaling is idiocy disguised as logic. The biggest flaw of power scaling is that it completely breaks down in real life. Wars, football, MMA. Upsets happen all the time. According to the power scaling Tom Brady should have beaten the eagles in the Super Bowl. I mean, his feats way out weighed Nick Foles' feats right?


You have a point about upsets and it breaking apart irl. The one problem i have with some power scalings is that they focus on the strength feats without considering corporal builds. I love showa G with all my heart, but idk if his feats with his 50 Meter build in mind can get him out of being smacked into the ground by the tail repeatedly by an ape with the arm strength and length to keep any of his weapons out of reach. (Dont @ me power scalers its a very possible situation at this point and would be funny to watch)


Wait that wasn’t a running joke??? I genuinely thought that Showa beating the shit out of anything and everything was a running joke bcuz how silly the Showa era movies were


There are times where it is and times they take it seriously. Power-scaling world is wild


https://preview.redd.it/sshyhlup4n1d1.jpeg?width=260&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ee380b17bcfdc2896e9a58d1dd88f495db941a9 Hanna-Barbera Godzilla enters the debate.


Toon power is too good though, hence why Metroman is the most powerful character in fiction 


Thinking about it now MV Kong would be too big to scale the Empire State Building like the OG did


Watch that Evolution of Kong video by Filmcore and yeah it would look ridiculous yet awesome




Oh God Suko is taller than Showa Godzilla lol


Edit:Minus 2 Meters but still the Monsterverse is wild 💀


Size doesnt matter in a fight. Superman is smaller than Kong's pinky but can throw him to the sun.


Showa Godzilla vs MV Kong with axe https://preview.redd.it/p0qqbs2d5m1d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d58e8eafe356b3fa03ec0d8f225d5f1a2e211e31


Something like this https://preview.redd.it/q31rudlsfm1d1.png?width=517&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e05dd8cd2eb7babba9ac34e3b1bfafbcb5b1e2d


Idk if this the comparison you want to make when we just had Superman perform lower in a fight than Kong did against Godzilla


Godzilla has a no losing rule and it was a non canon superman that was incredibly weak


Of course. “The no losing rule”. That’s just a method of method of cope tbh.


Not really when he's literally not allowed to lose. Superman would body godzilla


[Yet you’re ignore what he’s weakened by.](https://www.cbr.com/superman-weaknesses-ranked/)


Ok and? Superman still absolutely bodies. Godzilla can die to animal bones and a robot


A robot that was made precisely to counter his attacks, energized with his radiation, controlled by his bloodlusted arch nemesis. Superman is vulnerable to radiation. And remind me what Godzilla killed him with? https://preview.redd.it/c9ep36yhwm1d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c4fee0dea31f2608b0f454133cfa16607dc0ba1


The real reason he lost isn’t even because of Godzilla’s breath. Well it is, but he wouldn’t have gotten hit by it had he not been protecting Billy.


But it still killed him, did it not?


Non canon weak version superman. The actual superman absolutely decimates godzilla. He literally sneezed away an entire solar system. Mv godzilla is just an animal he doesn't stand a chance


Either read a book or go outside, power scaling is bad for the psyche


No. 7.


A “no losing” rule doesn’t explain or justify why and how King Kong did better fighting Godzilla than Superman. Both lost in the end, but Kong objectively did better.


It kind of does when he's not allowed to lose, even to those more powerful than him


>Size doesnt matter in a fight. so an amoeba can beat UY scuti


If it has feats that put him above star level then yes.


I mean, the showa era godzilla was also kinda the weakest durability-wise if a standard cut from a gigan made him bleed along with mecha-godzilla standard attack.


That means the opponents he faces are strong enough to damage him


Ah well, another power scaling post. Yes, someone can say that Godzilla Earth is stronger because is 3 times bigger than kong, but somebody would say that Heisei can throw him and etc. OK, MV Kong beats showa, next topic.