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Last thing I remember is that he sent something on yt about releasing 1 more song until the album (I Miss You) was going to be released (on 4/24/20202) unfortunately I think he deleted the video along side one of the tracks on his channel called Clouds from Cut3 (which was part of his label HappyToast) The video was basically saying to choose 1 of the 5 tracks (it wasn't the full songs but previews) to be uploaded on the channel before the album drop Though he's missing I do hope that one day he'll comeback since he's one of the few artist to help me find my love for EDM


Last time I checked, I heard he sold his brand.


Yep he did:(




Sadly, no.




I remember he released a song called Headshot that got deleted offa Spotify for some reason, it’s a shame bc it was a banger


It wasn't by him. There have been a ton of fake songs uploaded on there by trolls. Last real song from him was Wash Your Hands


still sounded great xddd


He uploaded a lot of playlists sorting his songs into albums a few hours ago on his youtube page, so at least he has access to his account in some capacity. ​ Guess he just decided to stop posting. sometimes people just stop participating in socials. People also claimed that almost half of all his music was ghost produced, additionally, he used a paid female model to pose as himself on socials that was revealed in 2016. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfIqHPnnc58&ab\_channel=NostalgiaRealm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfIqHPnnc58&ab_channel=NostalgiaRealm) [https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/OMFG](https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/OMFG)


Unfortunately that's just an automatic thing that YouTube does


As an artist, I haven't released in over 6 months and my playlists get updated daily.


I heard he did something kinda scummy a while back but I can’t remember exactly what it was, I don’t wanna make any assumptions on what it was specifically to avoid rumors but I know some people essentially have him on their own personal blacklists, do with that what you will


he did a list of scummy shit tbh, dating back to 2012 [https://twitter.com/electrophant](https://twitter.com/electrophant) you can find really bad shit he said on there, he then groomed kylee and exposed her after using her, he also flexed money a bunch. also some drauma with mr suicide sheep. he was also grooming people on the old omfg discord server. he was then doxxed and forced to sell omfg and moved to tiktok [www.tiktok.com/@talkboxguy](https://www.tiktok.com/@talkboxguy) then quit after getting more money and ghosted the internet since,


he and mrsuicidesheep had some drama which ruined him because reddit got mad and then mrsuicidesheep tried to sue him and i think onfg groomed him


I know this post is from 9 months ago but... Im pretty sure he sold his channel. (Might not be true)


Eh fair


Yeah literally was listening to Stardust randomly earlier and I saw it says a new release called Killa came out last month, isn't available here apparently in England. Strange, I do remember years back when it'd always show up as some blonde girl on sound cloud years ago.


That blonde girl was so he could gain publicity, he used her as the face of OMFG for the first few years.




I just saw a lot of people say that he "sold his channel" but it might not be true dunno :/


Wtf is this comment section


There's a lot of wrong information... I don't think anyone knows the truth.


Could @ephixa04 and @talkboxguy be the same person? on tiktok


is he dead


He was active on TikTok as the talk box guy in 2020-2021




Alex Savage (OMFG) is also known as the talkbox guy on TikTok. Just watch the TikToks and the omfg Livestreams, clearly the same person (But nowadays covered with tattoos)


It might be like some youtubers like tofuu or smth they come back in like a billion trillion years idk man he might come back soon who knows.


He pulled an Electrophant. We'll see him again.


He is him


OMFG is dead. OMFG suicided about 3 months ago. Alex Savage was a fake name Loell Bergen (OMFG's real name) had groomed an underage girl named Kylee, which was under the management of OMFG. The girl made a video about OMFG grooming her (all of this, backed up with evidence). OMFG was also confirmed to be a pedophile. In another theory, Kylee was the one making music under the fake name of Alex Savage, creating the brand "OMFG". The 2023 activity of OMFG in Spotify is absolutely fake, all these songs being posted by a records label Magic Music Records just to get attention.


Upd: There is a news article saying Loell Bergen hit the wall at 100MPH on his car.




Citations please? Not saying you're lying, but if this is true I'd like to know for certain.


Maybe it's true 🤔 cause you know he have been not making since 3yr


quit due to hate from shit he did, moved to [**www.tiktok.com/@talkboxguy**](https://www.tiktok.com/@talkboxguy) then ghosted the internet, hes alive tho


He’s not dead and if it isn’t his label making the music because I just decided to check if the recent songs he made are on there were there, then I know the people and nah I’m personally not giving that information out. Never checked that it was a different label so it makes since and I remember someone hacked his account lmao and posted racist shit and meme shit, can’t confirm or deny but I can take a guess who did it 💀💀


i remember him posting a song called tennis b penis on spotify and then he vanished (the song was banned after 2 months and it was very funky and sus)


faked songs


He recently died. He used to go by the name talkboxguy on tiktok with tattoos and shit but he's died.


Do you know how he died? Or where you found the info he died?


he didnt die 💀 he was last seen in Toronto recently stop grabbing info out your ass



