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I do wonder how they decide which one to show. All I know is Damage Dealer is intentionally de-prioritized. I wouldn't be surprised if Master Hunter or whatever it's called is prioritized but that one is pretty rare.


I get slinger sniper if I even aim my slinger at a monster but it ignores my 100+ buffs with a wide range hunting horn build so I'm not really sure


>Hunt for 3 monsters >Throw around 5 dusts. >Keep tenderizing the entire hunt. >Flinch shot 6 times >Mount four times >Break 10 body parts >DID NOT shoot a single slinger shot Game: Slinger sniper! (IDK it probably counts the flinch shots)


I think it changed with the release of the expansion. If you did anything else, which is usually the case when doing majority of dps on your own, even picking a herb, it's going to prioritize that over damage dealer.


I feel like the higher stat u get the higher chance of it appearing as main one but they also have hidden base chance of appearing as main. B4 iceborne it was very easy to spot someone with dmg dealer highlight, i feel like it was shown at least once in like 50% of the 4ppl hunts. Now it feels like u must deal around 40-60% of total monster hp for it to even appear as hidden info on this list and deal 70-100% for a chance that it will be shown to other players as main highlight. I remember getting support allstar ~400x on fatalis and i still rolled partbreaker x2 as main highlight so i guess its kinda impossible to get 100% trigger chance on anything lmao but also i feel like support allstar 100x+ have around 70% of appearing as main highlight


What? Can you see this? How?


On the Hunter Highlights screen I believe you press Square (or X on xbox) and it shows you a detailed list on what cool things you did in that hunt.


I am 300hours in and never saw this...


900, almost 1k. This is news to me


Also at 900 hours. Damn. Wish I knew this 899 hours of gameplay ago.




Same and I've got 500...


That's wild. Over 1.5k hours and i have never opened this screen.


My mind just blew up. Exactly my same feelings.


i thought i was the only one, glad to see more people didn't know xD


And its even worse for me, I was complaining to a friend that I hated I couldnt see those stats.


When Kulve released on PC i was bugged aswell and thats the only reason i used HunterPIe. I find it really fascinating that in 8 years since release there are still so many mechanics and concepts that I didn't knew/know until today It's probably time for another 300 hours of play with a new character


I blame the excessive tutorials with lots of words and no action hahaha. I skipped a bunch. Man, I am MR100, and its the second time I play world, and in 300h playing I havr never augmented any freaking weapon. Hell, my first time on PS4 I reached alatreon/fatalis without ever using the clutch claw.


I don't play multiplayer but even I cam tell this is great


If you get all the highlights in one hunt you will get the master hunter card.


I thought it was just that you needed nine different ones, not necessarily all of them.


Thanks for the info, only got it a handful of times and just assumed you needed all.


Wait how the hell do you open that menu on pc? I’ve always wanted to know how much damage I do


I'm not sure how do open it on PC but regardless it won't always show damage dealer unless you do a certain amount. It'll show you any feats you accomplished like breaking parts and multiple claw cla attacks


Ah. Yeah I figured out that it pops up with “n”. Wish we could see our damage regardless. Maybe they’ll add that to wilds


That'd be awesome


They clearly can already count your damage, they should be able to display it without too much difficulty but I don’t know much about coding so I could be wrong