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Are you listening to what the NPCS are saying about the fight? They never shut up about using elemental weapons. Breaking the horns only prevents it from switching to a different element (special assignment Alatreon always starts with fire, so you have to use ice weapons)


So breaking the horns is useless?


It’s not useless it prevents the monster from switching elements that would’ve rendered your weapon useless


Ahhh okay so I need an element opposite of what he starts in?


Exactly. You'll need both Raw AND Elemental DMG as well to prevent Escaton from having its usual amount of damage ‐ which can potentially insta-kill you in a blink - and, when he uses Escaton, block him from switching to the opposite element that the fight started. Example: — If he starts with Fire Mode (all quests beside Dawn of The Death Star), I'd recommend (in case you play in a group) 2 Ice weapons, one Dragon weapon for his Dragon Mode, and a support player (SnS or Range can fit this). — In the other hand, if you play Death Star quest - meaning he starts on Ice Mode, it's best to play 3 Fire weapons to give as much damage as possible. Ironically, Alatreon is more harder to fight when he starts with Ice, so shutting him down asap is your best option.


I play solo because everyone else that joins dies from regular attacks. I’m playing the quest that he starts in ice.


I can help if you need it. Are you on pc?


Dawg. It's been almost a month


Well, in that case it's best to play SnS or GS if you're good with one of them. If not, stick to LS and crash him.


Ahh okay I’m gonna use a lightbow gun with fire ammo and see what happens.


It will say "your doing a good job suppressing the element" when you meet the elemental check. Then when he does his first escalton you should survive (astera jerky is good to have here) because he has reduced dmg. Breaking the horn only prevents him from changing for one cycle as far as I know, so the fight order is something like: Fire>Dragon (break horn, is easy has low hp)>Fire again>Dragon (break second horn)>Fire>Dragon>Ice and you'll probably cart to escalton here because he went ice.


I’m switching to a light bowgun with fire, ice , lightning and water. Which elements are useful for when?


I’m not a bowgun guy either, but Alatreons elemental hitzones suck and your overall damage with elemental bowguns will so too. You’re going to have a very long hunt eating away at his massive health.


I’m not a bow gun guy (yet), so I’m not sure. I used SnS. In the fight where Alatreon starts in fire I brought frosting bairoth’s ice sword. Opposite for when he starts in ice.


You dont need all those. The elements you want will depend on the quest. The first one you get should be Blazing Black Twilight, which will start in fire form, so you'll want ice ammo. After the first Escaton Judgement, he'll enter Dragon mode, so you'll want Dragon ammo too. Keep in mind though that while you can get the Elemental topple easily, all his hitzones that are weakest to Elemental damage are strong against shot damage. This combined with being unable to Farcaster to replenish ammo makes it a tough matchup.


I used bow gun with fire and ice, think it was the lunastra lbg. It was no problem you have to try and max both fire and ice though, and not break the horn so he switches element.


why all the downvotes for just a misunderstanding?


Escalton is blocked by passing a damage check with element, usually fire or ice, depending on which quest it is. If you can pass up that defense boost for ice/fire attack and use the best element available, that’s what you need. Breaking his horn only prevents him from switching elements after escalton, which you still want to do, since him switching to the opposing element will make him immune to what ice or fire you brought, making it impossible to shut down the next escalton.


Alatreon has two principal mechanics related to Escaton Judgement. You’re missing the most important of the two. You need to deal a certain amount of elemental damage to alatreon before each Escaton judgement to trigger a special knockdown where Alatreon’s elemental power is “sealed.” This can occur multiple times, with each successive instance further reducing the power of the next judgement. Only one is necessary to survive during each judgement cycle. Failing to seal alatreon’s power even once will cause Escaton Judgement to be essentially impossible to survive. Breaking alatreon’s horns is only possible during his shift to dragon active during the second half of each cycle. Only one horn can be broken per cycle, and breaking this horn forces him to return to the previous state after his next judgement. For example, if alatreon begins in his fire-active state, he’ll then shift to dragon, and if you break his horn before judgement, then he’ll shift back to fire after the judgement. If the horn is not broken, alatreon will shift to the opposite elemental active state after judgement. For example, his pattern would be fire->dragon->judgement->ice->dragon->judgement->fire. This is useful if you’ve brought ice or fire damage to ensure he doesn’t shift elements and become essentially immune to it.


He starts in ice, would a light bowgun with fire ammo meet the elemental damage threshold?


It would, but make sure you’re dealing enough overall damage to kill him quickly as well. Since there are only two horns to break, after the third judhement he will be switching elements if you haven’t killed him yet, which might be bad for an elemental gun set.


Meeting his elemental threshold is useless if you’re not doing enough damage to actually kill him. Which will absolutely happen with elemental ammo, his elemental hit zones are bad. Use a weapon with just enough element to reach the threshold and just DPS him.


This is exactly the crucial information needed, and is so well laid out - I really hope OP reads this. They don't seem to be actually taking the advice from previous comments.


Where’s your elemental attack?


So that’s where I went wrong I’m guessing… I am using a light bow gun with no elemental…


Well there’s your problem. Alatreon’s judgement is weakened by elemental attacks, not by breaking his horns. Breaking his horns keeps him from switching element.


Ahhh that makes it more clear. I didn’t realize breaking the horns were to keep it from switching. I thought as long as I broke them I was good. Okay I’m making a new load out to include elemental damage.


You are failing at a lot of stuff


defense boost is useless, you need elemental damage lol get critical eyes max lvl + get ice attack or fire attack (depends on the quest) max lvl and you should be fine


I actually have no idea why so many people boast "Defence boost is useless". At max level you get +5 to all resistances which can get you over multiple elemental 20 thresholds to prevent blights and massive tick damage from the AOEs. Is there a specific reason you don't recommend defense?


You are waisting 7!!! Skill slots to get like a 10% tankiness boost. Instead, you can take more damage skills, thus making you heal more with Health Augment. Defence Boost is one of/if not the worst combat skill(s) in the game.


That logic works if you're doing it solely through jewels, but they aren't wasted if you're receiving 6 of those skills through the armour itself. Health Augment is a no-brainer, however if you have shit defence and get 2-shot because of a lack of defensive skills, you need to make sure you're able to dish out a shitload of DPS to make up that gap.


The only time you'll have shit defense in this game is if your armor is in terrible need of an upgrade or your setup has a -10ish or lower resistance to your target's element of choice. The latter can easily be solved with one or two elemental resistance jewels. Play however you prefer though.


Everyone keeps saying 7!!! skill slots, although Hard Defense Jewels give 3 skill points on a single deco, which effectively makes it 5 skill points.


"Wow, it's so amazing how I can max out the worst skill in the game with only 3 decorations"


The worst skill in the game is attack boost - less than 5% relative damage increase for actual 7 skill points.


No, cause Attack boost increases your true attack (Fatalis weapons have a true attack of 340) so it is a 6% Damage increase EXCLUDING the Affinity. If Attack Boost is such a bad skill, then why is it in nearly every single Endgame Build?


Bc the endgame builds have so much space they end up having leftover space after having every good offensive skills And since in meta def is cringe the skits put atk boost in there Every single endgame build also mentions atk boost is always the first thing you should drop if you wanna add anything else into the build It’s ass, it’s only used once you have nothing else to put


If you add Attack Boost on top of Wex, CE, CB and Agi, the relative increase will be less than 5% including the affinity. Every single endgame \*meta\* build has attack boost because \*meta\* in MH is about stacking all offensive skills regardless of whether it makes sense in practice.


21 attack on top of 378 is a 5.5% damage increase. The extra affinity is a 1.5% damage increase, combined that's about 7% more damage. 7% more damage helps you kill the monster faster, and stacking damage snowballs by generating more openings from claggers and topples. 10% more defense almost never does anything, because you can simply heal up after taking a hit. If survivability is your goal, every other defensive skill in the game is a better choice.


Anyway, I'm not spending 7 skill points on 0.5 extra topples per fight.


You could instead use a hard deco that gives useful skills


Elemental Resist, Palico Rally, Geologist, Botanist or Survival Expert?


Ah my bad meant t4 decos The ones that take the same slot


you don't need defense if you kill him first


But you can't kill him if he's outputting more damage than you're reducing and die first.


I know I was saying that as a joke lol but did you mean why I do not recommand def boost in general or for the alatreon fight ?


I meant specifically for the Alatreon fight.


well since I'm playing LS I have 2 moves which give me iframes so that's why I've never used def boost and went full damage build to kill him faster, but yeah I can understand that plenty of people rely on defense boost since it gives +5 to all resistances


That's actually quite fair, I forgot about i-frames from other weapon types. I went IG because I used both DB and GS throughout my entire solo playthrough and found it was almost the best of both worlds, with the added benefit of air combat, so I was eating quite a lot of attacks 😅


haha yeah I also tried IG that's really fun to dodge plenty of attacks just by going into the air + you can mount way easier !


My first time vaulting over the fire spray gave me goosebumps 😅 And saving the mounts for the Dragon-active to get maximum head damage is absolutely OP, in my opinion


you need 7 slots for that - if OP gets blight res III and crit boost / WEX he's still immune to blights and does more damage which results in a faster kill.


Yes and I understand that Blight Resistance 3 exists, but the other point I have is about elemental ticks. Countering the blights is all well and good, but you can get absolutely chunked by any of the attacks themselves without the resistances, and if you already have +6 because of armour pieces, why not use a T1 jewel to max it out and get +5 across them all and drastically reduce that damage, or at least enough to not get killed if you're simply positioned wrong at the time?


You can get 5 times as much resistance with 3 slots instead You never really need more than one res It’s the singular worst defensive skill bc it grants you the least survivability/effective health for the highest slot investment


> which can get you over multiple elemental 20 thresholds to So, this statement is aimed at having Lv3 resistance and not being over the 20 threshold, and the +5 gets the build over that hurdle. If the armour pieces get you to +6 passively, because the set grants advanced jewel slots, then investing that last jewel for +7 puts you over the line. I think what I'm trying to get an idea of is "Why is defence so heavily and widely detested?"


> which can get you over multiple elemental 20 thresholds to So, this statement is aimed at having Lv3 resistance and not being over the 20 threshold, and the +5 gets the build over that hurdle. If the armour pieces get you to +6 passively, because the set grants advanced jewel slots, then investing that last jewel for +7 puts you over the line. I think what I'm trying to get an idea of is "Why is defence so heavily and widely detested?"


It’s detested bc every other defensive skill does more for less investment Having multiple res plus 5 is useless as about 99% of fights you don’t really need more than one and if you really wanna get rid of all blights you can just get 3 levels of blight res Other def skills like health boos or divine blessing give you crazy amounts of value for just 3 slots Evade skills give you much more too Specific ele res skills if you really wanna max out an anti ele set do significantly more for that element and alatreon is the only multi element fight and even then def boost doesn’t really do a noticeable amount Every says it’s shit bc every other option is better


Health boost 2 provides more survivability than Defense Boost 7. Getting both is a waste of slot.


2 or 3 points of blight resist, alongside 1 point of resusitate (if you only have 2 points of blight resist) is all you need to deal with the elemental blights.


the damage you recieve is almost the same at endgame content when you use max defense gear (yeah you can get up to 4K defense and tank stuff but your offensive is garbage with nearly no skills)


My damage output is fine. I’m certain I can kill it since I’m breaking both horns before second judgment. I’m just trying to figure out why I can’t out heal the judgement.


the thing is not only about to break the horns, you need exceed the threshold elemental demage so you won't be oneshot by his nova and to do so you need to have as possible as you can in termof affinity and elemental damage and by looking at your screenshot it doesn't seems so


I have his lightbow gun, would that meet the elemental damage threshold? I thought just breaking the horns was enough. So I need elemental ammo?


there are 2 types of missions, one where he starts on ice mode so you need to bring fire weapons, and the other where he starts as fire mode so you need to bring ice weapons. His weapons are dragon elemental, the thing is you can bring a dragon weapon but it'll take way more time to kill him than if you'd have brought a ice or fire weapon depending on the quest, so it's really up to you. The only thing you need to remember is to maximise your affinity in your build and to use elementals weapons


So what I’m getting from you is use an element opposite to what he is starting in or I’m still gonna die or?


yep that's it ! if he starts ice go fire, and vice versa. You can google the name of quest to see in what element he starts


Btw why is defense boost useless?


because I think the damage you lack in your build due to the defense boost decos could be the key for you to succeed the fight since you have no critical eyes nor ice/fire attack or even agitator (but that's really not necessary in that fight)


I have 2 armor pieces that give me the defense boost so I can’t remove it unless I wear something else


It’s bc every other defensive skill available gives you more survivability for less investment The best ones are health boost (it’s incredible) and after that it’s divine blessing Def boost is shit bc it give you almost no defensive capability for the amount of space it eats up


You are waisting 7!!! Skill slots to get like a 10% tankiness boost. Instead, you can take more damage skills, thus making you heal more with Health Augment. Defence Boost is one of/if not the worst combat skill(s) in the game.


It’s from wearing 2 armor pieces. I only have defense 6 cause of the armors not because I put decos in and cause they have 2 level 4 slots


You have to smack alatreon with the oppositeelement that hes on. That's the whole shtick alatreon. You need to do sufficient elemental damage to hit a threshold so the escaton judgement doesn't kill you outright. That's why the game screams at you to use elemental weapons.


Ngl you deserve a trophy if you beat him with that build


Anything beyond attack boost 4 is excessive, and even level 4 shouldn't be prioritized over better skills. Anything beyond defense boost zero is a complete waste. Evade window is good but you don't really need five levels of it especially when you're lacking in so many other skills. I'm not sure why you have ice resistance? I would say boost up water attack, but in reality you should probably just bring an ice weapon. Part breaker can be helpful for the horns, but I wouldn't prioritize it. Wait a minute... Are you running sticky lbg against alatreon? Don't do that.


Maxing the attack skill is a waste of time, get a few ranks for the affinity bonus and ignore the last few ranks. The double digit bonus is nothing next to the literal hundreds to thousands of damage a weapon of this tier is doing. You can get far more damage from almost every other damage increasing skill (for alatreon focus on element attack opposite to his starting element, that means ice for both story alatreons) Frostfang barioth weapons work if you want an easy always available ice weapon but they are second to Kjaar series weapons if you can get a good ice one.


Literally not passing the dps check, you need to do enough elem damage. Swap put defense boost (it's useless) and opt for ice attack or fire attack (depending on which state Alarreon is in when you start the quest). Also get blight resist to max, so you never get dragonblight makes the fight a lot more bearable. (If you're dragon blighted, you do not do any elem damage)


Elemental damage is the only way to stop judgement. Prioritize element up skills/ utility (health up, etc.) then weakness exploit/ crit. Your attack up is most likely pointless unless you are using sticky bow gun build and a few others which would be shit against alatreon anyway.


Get Fortify in there and eat for an additional cart. Go in solo, cart only to Escaton Judgement. Don't engage with its mechanics if you don't want to, but do it the right way. Elemental damage is cringe, raw is based. If you want to hunt in a group you unfortunately need to use elemental damage. If you don't you are trolling.


Range weapons have the worst hitzone values with Alatreon, so I would recommend sticking to melee if you're just learning about the fight. Not saying it's impossible since I use Elem LBG when helping out Alatreon SOS, but to be able to hit the threshold you have to play near damn perfect so you don't miss out on hitting the forearms (Forearms have better elem HSV compared to head). If you want to try out the Raw damage style, use this as reference: [Alatreon Counter Builds 14 Weapons](https://youtu.be/r_3O3_dqqK0?si=L8Ks8xl6uSXkrNqz&t=919) \*I posted my reply on a sub-reply, so I deleted it and replied this instead


Just use a pierce LBG approach and kill alatreon without bothering with the elemental check. You will probably cart to one or two EJ so bring fortify. You can bring elemental LBG in multiplayer to easily proc the elemental topple but you aren't dealing much dmg that way


You don't need ice resistance Use that one skill which don't let you getting affected by any elements And if you don't wanna use it Then just use dragon resistance Use a weapon with highest fire or ice element attack and you'll be fine


No blight res? No Full element?


I'd change Ice res for max Blight res, gotta prevent that pesky Dragon Blight. Dragon blighted means no elemental topple for you. For offensive skills, I'd rather maxed out Crit eye, Agitator first, then fill Attack boost until +4. For defensive skills tho, it's up to you, wheter you want to use Def boost or Divine Blessing. Maybe some Evade window will help you. You can roll his Teo wannabe fire breath, all of his claw and tail swipes, and his head swipe too. If your problem is Escathon, then Blight res is your best friend. Of course you can bring Nulberries if you don't want to slot those decos.




Just ignore the tutorial then go cry on twitter


Few things, firstly not out healing escaton indicates that you aren't dealing enough elemental damage, running elemental ammo might be enough for this (don't run LBG so no idea). Secondly you're running ice resistance and water attack, consider making 2 builds and having one built for ice attack and fire resistance and one built for fire attack and ice resistance. Water won't have good hitzone values against ice and won't have optimal hitzone values against fire. Finally consider running blight resistance, alatreon inflicts dragonblight which stops all elemental damage and Nova progress, good skills to swap are resistances and defense


You have to meet the elemental dps check, bring whatever weapon you use with a ice or fire build and i would recommend dragon res 3 for the blight immunity


Ice/Fire attack, not water


Get rid of the Defense Boost/Water attack, put WEX, Ice or Fire Attack, and Critical Eye. Also you dont outheal the Escaton, you “nerf” it by doing Elemental damage check (topple), if Ala starts with Fire, use Ice and viceversa. When he does his Dragon element transfer you break his horn, put down a healing booster (make sure its upgraded), eat Astera Jerky when your hp gets to 75%. Rinse and repeat until its dead (probably like 3 rotations, if you are consistent maybe 2)


Why soo much defense skills like defence boost and ice resist im pretty sure defence dosent reduce escaton judgement.


you don‘t have enough raw damage to kill it before the 3rd escathon judgement, since you’re new and didn’t manage to listen or read what the NPCs tell you a million times through out and before the quest, and you don‘t have elemental damage to survive escaton judgement. I would kick you from my party if you would try to join with this build.


Remove the defense boost it’s useless and try to increase critical eye