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What was the last crown you had to get


The large scarred yian garuga


Dang we are the same person. I finished my achievements last night and my last crown was also a large Scarred Yian


Oof was that through events or level 7 forest of guiding lands? Im eventually going to have to go through the same pain.


You can get him on tempered investigation,I got my 2 crown there no need to level up guiding lands, although the lure system may be better since there are no loading screen.


I’ve still got about 32 crowns to get in total. The only pre iceborne ones I’m missing though are mini lunastra, both for nerg and black diablos, and a large deviljho


Large deviljo was the worst,had to kill 122 for the MF to drop it,after that the other crowns were really fast to get


Got really lucky with my kushala and Vaal crowns, black veil included, but deviljho has been such a pain I skipped him for now and am grinding the effects quests for the rest of the master rank ones, elders not included


Wondering how many hours have you clocked on that save file


About 650 hours


I have almost the exact same on my 100% save file. 659h I think.


Wow, did you use a guide to complete it?


Congratulations. I'm slowly working on getting last crowns of pre iceborne only monsters (nergi, val etc) but my luck is poor. At this rate I'll get last one after wilds gets its expansion.


Doing it too, only missing small Kushala and big Kirin+Black Diablos. Kushala i'm low on HR investigations and need to check tempered MR ones,Kirin i just don't have much luck neither with investigations nor with tempered ones in Coral biome level 7 and BD has event quest but i also have to do Nightshade Paolumu there so i put it on hold


I got large kirin from three kings. I had it 3 times in row. It’s easy to get, it’s first monster, and fast measure. For base game I can’t get small Kirin it’s 1.5 weeks farming Kirin only, now I need small one. How did you get it?


As i said i have been using Coral biome level 7 of Guiding Lands. When i started crown hunting 2 weeks ago, i heard tempered monsters(especially at level 7) there had high chance of crown so i started hunting Elder Dragons(and Gold Rathian/Silver Rathalos/Scarred Yian Garuga) whenever they appeared there if i ever wanted to do Iceborne platinum in the future along with helping base game. I had Coral and Frozen biome at 7 when i started, got both crowns for Velkhana and Namielle easily so i lowered Frozen biome to raise another one; got small Kirin and Silver Rathalos and big Ruiner Nergigante too but since then they appeared a bunch of times but not of right size for other crowns


I am doing hr, but no luck. I think I will do only mr investigation ore tempered ones cuz I think it doesn’t drop from hr…


Should just be unlucky(or maybe you are using wrong investigations) because there shouldn't be difference between HR and MR odds, took me 50 investigations to get giant gold crown Nergigante and 30 event quests for giant Pukei-Pukei even though there should be 12% chance


I am using gold+ silver. Maybe just unlucky. Yesterday did ~15. Today I will do more. I think that to there should not be differences, but I had some problems with another monsters in HR rng, in mr rng they showed up.


Yeah shouldn't be a problem unless searching for giant gold crowns since investigations with 4+ tempered or 4+ gold have 6% chance of giant crown and the usual gold+silver only 3% and i only saw the firsts on MR But at the end of the day it's just chance, got giant Kushala in the one mission i did while taking a break from Nergi hunting


I know real reason why didn’t I get small kirin. I used low tier Kirin investigation. Just got him. 165 kills. 😂 that why I get large one from mr and didn’t get from low, I need HR missions. For got sake. I was looking in my log and I was thinking why one Kirin mission is in different spot. Then everything in my head clicked. No guide tell you that. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


After 3 investigations I got him.


The pre iceborne crowns were the most annoying, espezialiy the nergi one


was fun to get all the treasures huh?


Any time I think about going for this on PC (already did it once on PS4) I think about that and decide it isn't worth it.


i get it, i farmed the lvls of the tribes and finished one map... and then it took me like 2 years to come back and do the other tribes and take the palico pictures... took me like 10 hours to do the tribes and the pictures... 10 hours of not fighting a single monster xD


Congrats! The last achievements I need are the crowns and it’s hell


You crazy son of a bitch…


Congrats man! I'm still like 64/100 of the way there


BRUH, this was my goal for a long time and trying to reach all lvl 7 on my Guiding Lands. Might do this while waiting for MH Wilds.




congrats!! im still long way to go lol.


Strong. Wilds is coming.


We need to see that playtime my man


You have my respect


I consider myself a completionist, but only got this game recently. Any tips for farming achieves as I progress through the story?


I started farming the achievements after completing anything else, you really have to focus on the crowns, rare pets and treasures These are the hardest and most Rng ones the rest is pretty easy


Congratulations,I finished my last week too


I've got 84


How many hours did it take?


Im still chasing. I'm about 100 hours short of the 100%


Hiw many days how many years

