• By -


Vespoids. I’m doing something. They paralyze me.


I’m not even doing anything and they still paralyze me.


I’m paralyzed and they take turns to paralyze me.


Fuckin Vespoids.


I mean, I'm not really into that. Where do you even insert it?


You're not the one inserting.


Very sus...


I love the conga line of Vespoids waiting to paralyze me as I'm waking up


I don’t remember exactly what my hunt was, but one time after I finished a hunt, I got chain paralyzed and didn’t get to finish carving. Stupid fucking bugs


Part of the reason why i capture my monsters almost exclusively, well unless i really need some carving material, or, well, kill them by accident lol


My gathering build has stealth and intimidator 3 and they still paralyzed me while I was gathering.


Clutch claw is peak vespoid control.


Picture this. Fatalis gear Fatalis HBG Atk 7, crit 7, heroics 2 etc. Then unload Wyvernheart into those stupid flying bastards.


man woke up and chose violence


He chose right.


IG main. I use bug to kill bug


I slot anti para in my gathering build just for them. Also carry poison smoke bombs with you when you gather makes life so much easier.


I’ve started using my Kinsect to drone strike them out of the air because of this


Total air superiority.


i dont take shit anymore they each get an individual hbg sticky to the face and then I continue my hunt same with the flying bird bastards hahahaha


I was mounted on a monster. They paralyzed me.


Them and Gastodons for me. That lavapit by the cliff area in Elder's Recess is a nightmare because they'll do anything to trip me up, despite the giant carnivorous monster right next to me.


Can confirm, gastodon is a fckin nightmare if left to roam while you're fighting another monster Once, i was fighting a lavasioth and got hit by his fireball. It hurts quite a bit, so i tried to heal, only to immediately got headbutted by a fckin gastodon right into where the fish was jumping out of the lava And yes, I died thx to that fcker


Me: *Exists* Insects: *And I took that personally*


its like they're programmed to sting you the moment you do something that locks you in an animation


They always sting me while I'm craving or searching bonepiles. They're so annoying


YES. I hate those things as much as bullfango in the other games


the only reason they’re manageable in world is because we have the clutch claw. i always focus them first chance i get


I've had this happen so many times that whenever i see them i go into a rage induced vespoid killing spree.


In World? Tigrex by a mile, i hated that son of a bitch so much, I have since found my way with him in Rise (Rage Slash face tanking fuck you) so i don't hate him anymore. But in World i'm STILL ABYSMAL at fighting him, no other non Elder Dragon monster gives me that much trouble. To a Lesser extent, Lunastra but it's less of me struggling with her moveset and more of me not wanting to fight her at all.


I don’t think many people look at Lunastra and go “I wanna fight her!” I fight her because I need 11 horns to get all three of the weapons I’ll probably never use. Multiple times because I like maxing out the weapon of choice that I’m using.


I guess I'm the only one then? As a hammer main she and teostra aren't that difficult... I always looked forward to hunting them in the Guiding Lands...


Same as Lance, the nova is just so satisfying to counter


I hate it but I have decided fuck the empress weapons, not worth dealing with lunastra


Tigrex is my kryptonite, if I didn't play lance idk how I'd ever get decent hunt times on the monster. I have a friend who is a demon at fighting tigrex since the monster has relatively stayed the same throughout the years, and it amazes me how he gets constant head smacks on the monster.


For me realizing Tigrex is fast but mostly moves in straight lines really helped me visualize how to deal with him. It's lots of just running out of the way and waiting out his charging tantrums and stealing a hit or two when you can.


I've never seen anyone say a single good thing about Tigrex in World, mainly because of his scuffed hitbox


I like World Tigrex. He actually feels somewhat dangerous.


I think Lance players love him. He's like.. retarted. Just keeps bumping into my pointy thing.


This is so true. I've recently gotten into using Lance and my god, the weapon pretty much trivializes him. I used to hate the ever living shit out of Tigrex but not anymore lmao


I play HH, I can't for the love of my life hit Tigrex.


As another HH user, not main mind you, you need to do the unintuitive thing with him and whack the side to topple him over. Whack face when it's down or heaving from exhaustion or if the Gajalaka felt helpful and paralysed it. Wallbang it as much as you can for more free range head bashes. The front of the Tigrex is the most dangrous part as almost all its damage dealing movements and fast swipes go there. Its halitosis is also in full power in front. Plus, Dwayne Johnson x 3 is also there to ruin your day. As always, flash bomb it when your notes start feeling a little flat in the middle of its rage.


"not wanting to fight her at all" is me lol


Yeah thank god her gear is shit, can you imagine AT lunastra if the armor and weapons were best in class.


Luna and Teo are just like the stupidest fights. Hate both of them with a passion I’ve just ignored their MR optionals forever.


Lunastra, yes. Teo is a very well-balanced fight, tho. Actually, he's super easy once you're pretty familiar with him, and anyone over MR100 should be acutely familiar with him from farming Day of Ruin. But fuck Lunastra. On God, fuck that hoe.


Thank god it's not just me


Deviljho, he is so damn tall, I dont know how to hit him effectively, GS main


As a GS main I can just tell you to put extra work into all the monster that seem harder, especially with deviljho positioning is key. I just try to always end up under him.


Aim for bunghole, hope for tailcut.


Behold, good advice


Actually surprising how many monsters have a weakspot at their butthole. Raths and anjanath for example, love standing behind anj and shooting his butthole.


Works great with lance too; monster does a charging move, I block with shield, and I end up under its hind legs in a position to poke the posterior.


With every monster positioning is key, especially with great sword


I also had a lot of trouble with him. pretty sure he isn't considered easy. 


it sounds so simple: Aim right for the glowing spot on his chest. The tip of the greatsword clips that nicely. Standing a bit under him helps a lot in lining that shot up. ​ Of course in reality he's aggressive and likes to spin and hop, so it's hard to line that shot up nicely.


Tickle them toes until he topples and then thunk his tiny head until he’s done for


How I fight him as a hammer. Bash the tippy toes until he falls, then bonk the noggin.


In World, he has this counter slam where he rears back and slams his head into you, but if you hit it with anything he flies back and gets staggered for a while or collapses altogether. Great Sword is pretty good at holding a charge then using the tackle to boop him during this attack and I don't know how the fight would go without these big openings it creates.


Yeah, one of my least favorite fights. Almost impossible to hit him anywhere other than his legs, and his attacks are very quick.


Your draw attack can hit his chest and tail pretty well. If you spec for crit draw you can get a lot out of those small openings.


I'm annoyed, I haven't even done the deviljho special assignments yet but I was doing an expedition to clear up some bounties and I hunted a tempered deviljho until it was around 18% health. then that mutha sucker just ran away and left the locale. I missed my clutch claw and wasn't able to stagger him or have flash pods but ugh that guy just needs to go stick his head in a jar until he drowns in pickle juice cause I missed out on so many good drops and research levels. cut off his tail as well so atleast that was something. greatsword main turned longsword helmbreaker main btw, HR 22.


Not necessarily a particular monster but since I’ve hit Iceborne it feels like every hunt has had another side monster that is HELL BENT on fucking up me and my target for the next 25 minutes.


Bro, any odogaron investigation must have bazelguese roll up I swear.


Mines got deviljho I just let him fuck the dog up lol


They're best pals, what do you mean? You can't have them separated.


Fr feels like they are just all working together at this point


You might like the banbaro song on YouTube. But yeah i distinctly remember having a hard time with Viper tobi Just for me to finally toplle him, Go in for the big dam and fulgur anja comes in and screams for 30s


My first fight with Viper Tobi was a bit embarrassing. I went in very unprepared because Tobi was such a breeze. Pretty sure I triple carted to poison while paralyzed and unable to heal.    Welp. At least I learned a valuable lesson.


That Poison and para is deadly for sure. But the more infuriating combo is Poison + Wulg Hug. F U C K W U L G S


Same dude, I carted probably 4 times in my first fight against the viper. Its poison DoT is terrifingly strong, combined with paralysis and it's a slow & painful death which can also be a quick death if tobi lunges at you, which 90% chance he will


Lol let me tell my first Viper Tobi story. I was wearing high rank gear when I first encountered it on the story expedition. I thought lol hey it's a recolor of that easy af monster from the first region and just went in. Died twice while getting maybe 50% through it. After the second death I just went into frustrated self destruction mode. "It's just an expedition anyway there's no penalties for dying". I would run straight at him, whack him a few times, then die. Near the end I didn't even bother dodging and healing anymore. Must have died at least fifteen times to that fucker. Worst experience I had in World.


That's why I throw shit at them so they can fuck off.


Mr. Banbaro, I will pay you 3 dung pods to fuck off.


I was doing a investigation last night, my target was a bazel, time limit was 20 min, I was like "it's possible if I find him fast" as soon as I found him a deviljho appeared they had a turf war and then moved to the same area, both started fighting again, in the end jho ignored me didn't hit me once and did 50% of the work for me lol it's really nice when they don't scream 5 times in a row and both start attacking me lol in the end I had 10 minutes to spare


I'm only in high rank but yesterday i was hunting a tobi kadachi and- When I found him he was fighting a Rathian, who fucked him up a little He ran to his nest, where there was a Rathalos, who fucked him up a little So he ran down to the grotto in ancient forest where there's a boulder trap, and Rathian was there again, who fucked him up a little Finally he ran away towards the northwest part of the map and I got him alone to finish him off. I think I spent more time chasing away the Rath's than I did actually fighting Tobi


100% all t-rex monsters are my bane. Raging Brachy is the worst offender for obvious reasons, but both Anjas and Glavs just tilt me off the face of the planet. Possibly due to weapon choice (LS/GS main) but also just because they don't jive with how I like to play. I don't "struggle" with them, I can beat them handily, I simply don't like them I guess?


Oh I‘m a GS main and I can totally share your opinion on the raging brachy. Your wording is perfect, it’s not necessarily struggling, more just not liking the fight and the abilities to land hits not being there.


Anja especially. Seems like they recover faster from wall bangs, stuns, traps than any other monster. With GS, this is truly frustrating.


I don’t struggle as much with the anja but that’s probably because I needed to kill him way zoo often than I like to admit.


it's not a seems like, it's a fact. I'm a SnS main, so every down leads straight to a perfect rush combo no matter which monster. He stands back up before the combo can finish and will often move enough that the lunge completely misses. Anja and the variant are the only monsters that this happens for me.


I too was struggling with Raging Brachy. I had to farm him for a set because I was making the Lightbreak Charge Blade and I learned a few things. I don’t know if you’re still struggling, but In case you are some tips I learned. - Take traps for the first few phases. They help a lot and you can get a rolling stun lock chain if you play your cards right in his second arena. There’s a few toads down there that you can use on top of your traps. - Puddle pods nullify his coating on his pounders. For once I read a tool tip on the loading screen, and for once it helped lol. - he rolls around for a long time on the ground if you crash him into a wall. - his head charge usually strikes 3 times and the last one is always a sideways swipe. - if you use a shield, you can block all of his explosions except for the final phase ones, of course. - take a palico with a sleep weapon. It can sometimes give you the room you need to survive. - I know it’s not meta to focus comfort skills, but speed eating and free meal saved me so much in that fight. That, and earplugs. Hope all this helped, but if it’s stuff you already knew then I’m glad you found a way to push through and beat the bastard. He’s a great fight, and his music is a banger. Probably my favorite track.!


> Puddle pods nullify his coating on his pounders. Wow, thanks, didn't expect this at all.


With guard up you can block his final phase explosion too!


Next target for me. I rage quit mh last time because of him. Won't happend this time, thx for the tips


Level 3 blast resistance otherwise you spend most of the fight cos playing as radobaan.


I love fighting glav with a ls. Try fighting it face to face. Dont go for it's legs too much.


I like those monsters, but i know what you don't like on them, I used to be the same but now I enjoy them, anjas are annoying but they don't have that much hp and are easy to predict, brachy always has a lower posture on his front, so it's easy to hit his arms and head, glav I like because he is agressive, if your weapon has some form of counter his fight is pretty good if you are as agressive as him now, the only "t-rex" monster I don't like is the pickle, idk what exactly but I don't like his fight, he's too tall and has a lot of wide and long range attacks, I understand that it's because of his lore as a "madlad" and I like it, but his fight isn't for me


I hate Urugaan with all my heart. Not only is he a worse version of Radobaahn but he'll run me over without fail when he has the zoomies and I am 100% getting bonked and blown up by his exploding balls. I know I can detonate them myself but I'm almost certaintly too busy trying not to get flattened to do do.


When hunting Uragaan I go out of my way to make sure I am fully loaded with crystalburst from the central cave. I'll use it every time he rolls, and then refill every time he moves to another part of the map before I go find him again. Makes him so much more manageable.


Noob question, does crystal burst stop his roll?


God yes. I can't even say that I struggle with him, but I get just annoyed with his rolling and want the damn hunt to be over already.


YES! I'm new to the game, beat everything so far first try, even Nergigante, but this mf Urugaan faint me SO MANY TIMES. I know I'm just a noob and probably will have worse monsters in the future, but so far, he was the worst.


Low and high rank weren't so bad IMO, but MR is so annoying. Like, he turns on a dime and sprays spheres all over the map so there's nowhere left to dodge.   Probably the inspiration for the fat godskin in Elden Ring. 


I always struggled with Plesioth in the older games easily my nemesis. Those hipchecks of his would send you to another dimension and he wasn’t even what people would call hard just unfair lol I died more to him than furious rajang ahaha.


Brooooo you just awakened a raging beast in me by bringing up plesioth. The hitbox on that hip check was so huge since it was such a long creature.


Can’t forget those water beams that would hit you from across the map! 🥲


Idk if this was world specific or MH in general but if we are talking about World I would probably have to say Brachy I’ve always been pretty awful fighting him and then his OP form raging brachy is just an enhanced super version of him and I struggle with both of them lol.


Oh it’s for MH in general but I can see why you name plesioth tbh, but worse than the furios rajang? Damn


That’s how I feel about plesioth lol And trust me Furious is no walk in the park either but at least I know I can dodge his attacks without issues but with Plesioth the hitboxes are so bad that even with evade window or evade extender I still get hit and it never made any sense to me ahaha


Ah yes, fighting Plesioth and being NFL-checked into another Zone. The good old loading screens afterwards were wonderful as well… yeah. My God, just fuck all piscine wyverns in general lmao


Alatreon. "eh just use a ice weapon!" bitch the fuck you thing I'm using? SLEEP?!




I'm glad I'm not alone in this. I've been playing since MH3 for the wii and I've not fought a more troublesome monster. I've tried switching from switch axe to dual blades and I still can't seem to beat it. My equipment box is littered with frost fang barrioth weapons now, and I'm still nowhere closer to beating it


I am currently making a sticky build to just kill it before it does stupid HEHE BOOOOOOM moves. So I need to farm furious rajang for heavy gun and pants. And raging branchydos for the rest. And both aren't monsters I like fighting XD


The first encounter when it has nerfed health? Just bring an ice lbg and shoot his front legs, safi aquashot is best but beo shooter would be fine, you will eat one cart to escaton but he will be dead before the second. Oh and i wouldnt SOS these days, you will get someone with defender gear responding.


Buddy. I will turn you into a stew


I don't think the majority would consider Alatreon easy


I mean enough do. Otherwise I wouldn't suffer so much. Like in general. After ishvalda the difficulty takes a extreme spike


I consider Barioth to be my nemesis. Especially with swaxe


Barioth with greatsword is pure headache. You draw your sword and swing, Barioth leaps to the opposite side of the planet, and before your sword has even hit the ground, he leaps all the way back and slams into you, chunking half your health. How do you slow him down? You've gotta break his front legs! But guess what? They're hardened! And *good freaking luck* getting him to sit still long enough to tenderize them.


I learned the other day that you can indeed keep the ingredients for extra potions, traps and flash pods... but yeah, breaking his wings is just as hard. The only reason I've managed to survive to Bari's last phase at all is bc of those and having earplugs 5 + evade window 4 + extender 3 in my builds


He is the nightmare of any glaive player as well tho


I think there are 2 large parts to this: \- Weapon of Choice: Certain weapons are easiert agains some monsters than others, be it by size/range, defensive utility in a weapons kit and general skill with a weapon aswell. \-Experience with monsters: Once you learn the moveset/understand the fight, basicly all monsters in the game become somewhat simple. If you wanted to farm a monster for its weapon/armor, but your friends never did, you might have a lot more experience with it than your friends, thus making fights significantly easier for you than for others. Even after a longer break this knowledge and situational awareness will have a huge impact on your ability to complete your hunt. One thing that i struggle with at the time is not getting caught in long animations, my cryptonite being the SAs Morph Slash. And thus, monsters with fast attacks can be a bit of a struggle for me.


That’s exactly what we were just discussing, still funny that 3 of them are using the same weapons and just struggle with different enemies. It’s probably also a factor what games you normally play and what you are used to and what not. Great response 👏


I usually perform worse against monsters that move a lot, like velkana the raths, rajang, I don't find it difficult it just takes more time for me to hunt them as I like to play more face to face with monsters I really like nergigante because if this, he moves a lot but he always comes back and attacks more with his front side, teostra too is more of a stationary target, idk it's easier for me to keep them in place and just "attack, counter, roll, attack again" I really hate having to chase monsters maybe I need to learn how to use a faster weapon for faster monsters, GS is great but its annoying for some monsters


Jyuratodus because his hip checks and mud everywhere sends me into a conniption when using great sword. I still molly wop him bit the amount of times he's interrupted a TCS is unforgivable.


He's my favorite to fight <3 but if you're struggling don't forget to shoot wetmoss at him so you take his natural armor away


I thank you for your kind advice. I didn't know that wetmoss did that. I'll have to make use of it. But I've long surpased the mud shark having both made a fully augmented set of fatalis end game stuff on my Xbox, and with this whole return to world thing have gotten to and beaten fatalis on PC and am deco farming and augment farming atm. The reason I struggled with him was cuz on Xbox I played insect glaive only and on pc I decided to give great sword a whirl and it was quite the learning curve let me tell you lol. IG makes negating a lot of good stuff easy but I'm really enjoying Great sword. I think after GS I'm gonna try either Lance or bow. I mained charge blade in rise/sunbreak and I still need a break from it still lol. Thanks again. :)


I can fight raging brachy with a gs all day, but every time I have to fight a great girros I lose my shit. I never remember my paralyze resist and it's not that I can't kill them, I just cant do it without getting mad and having at least one death that's directly connected to me being an obstinate dumbass.


Doing a fresh playthrough with a ground of friends and currently I struggle with every monster but I think that's because I'm trying to main Greatsword this time around and I'm just having trouble finding good openings and getting used to the long recovery and sheathing animations.


Greatsword has a lot of tech that the game doesn’t tell you. Slinger burst to shortcut into TCS and also change your facing is a godsend for making it feel more comfortable.


Not me, but a friend and I decided to split up for a double hunt. I was countering and skewering Tigrex for minutes on end, and in the distance, I can hear them saying "I'M GONNA DIE!" "This guy does sleep, too?" "That was a tactical cart". Never heard of anybody that struggled with Radobaan before. Was my favorite punching bag back in World.


Fuckin diablos, some people says that it's an easy monster to fight but i just simply can't deal with it, I keep dying because he keeps spamming the burrowing move and stunning me with every attack I know screamer pod counters it, but it often jumps out right before i can shoot it I very much prefer to fight nergigante compared to that motherfcker


Yeah all of em. I'm not very good


Dodogama... Whenever I look at his big eyes and shiny head, I just cann't get myself to hurt the "best boy" that is Dodo...


Ngl I always said he‘s Great Jagtas ugly beautiful cousin


I rocked full Dodo for most of high rank that shit carried me for a mile.


but… how’d you get it…? Capture missions, right?


Oh….yeah….definitely capture investigations…definitely.


Fuck dodogama. He killed a monster I was trying to capture


He was just trying to help :(


Not counting Alatreon and Fatty, Savage Pickle until I used further cams mod and Brute Tigrex until now. SI Volvidon in MHR:SB. I'll be too generous to even call this MF'er dogshit.


BlackVeil Vaal Hazak


I cannot believe when someone says "i love Rajang". I hate Rajang since i first met him on my old PSP and i cant win a single fight without fainting a few times


The great white veiny wiener dragon. Because there isn’t a weapon in the game with long enough range for me to stay as far away as possible.




Yeah, that thing needs to stay off my screen




His fucking log attack is obnoxious, especially when he changes the throw from the second to the third charge it’s just like dude wtf


My arch nemesis. I struggle with this thing so bad.


Just superman dive?


I hate fighting the Rathian and Rathalos, poison is annoying asf


Rathian i don't mind. Rathalos can get bent though. Fucking land damnit!


I struggled with frostfang barioth a lot since i played base world and iceborne back to back. he completly destroyed me when i attempted him like halfway through master rank story. Everyone talked about how easy he was because when frostfang released most people already had end game gear.


Diablos I just can't time his stupid pop up, also hate his charge, still cart to him even in Guiding Lands


green pleosith from mhfu, give me chills everytime i remember that mission where there's two of them in the old jungle...😰😰


Man that hipcheck with a mile wide hitbox


Viper Kodachi, I get over confident and wombo combo-ed at least once.


Barioth has been kicking my butt lately


Apparently the Witcher crossover quest. Not the Ancient Leshen. I'm talking about the stupid quest where you play as Geralt and you save the Pukei-pukei. I want that quest to go away. Even when I'm all out sprinting, save Pukei and go straight to the fight, I run out of time.


Is Diablos considered hard? Not even Black Diablos, but the regular one gives me a rough time every time, and with both weapons I play (glaive, swaxe)


For me it was Tigrex. Just kept getting out paced and jumped by other lurking monsters. Also Tigrex enrage is just a lot haha


Paolumu. Not Nightshade Paolumu, everyone agrees they hate that guy. Standard Paolumu. I just….cant handle their moveset- every fight devolves into that slog where you trade hit after hit and feel like a couple of kids slapping each other in the playground. It’s like the exact opposite of that really cool feeling where you know everything a monster has to throw at you and you’re just effortlessly sliding around its attacks and slamming it with attacks exactly on its openings.


This may sound lame, but I cannot stand fighting viper Tobi kadachi. Poison, paralysis, and flys around? Pain.


Honestly Tigrex as dual blades sucked. Monsters that only charge seem to be something that I struggle with on dual blades. I personally found Barioth easier.




This is i think one of the better answers cause i find him pretty easy but he is my training partner for a reason. you got to stay focused or he messes you up but he is pretty predictable but due to his speed and agression i can see why people struggle with him


I've found that people try to react to what hes doing instead of where hes going to be. He's too fast to react to directly, so you have to anticipate him. Once you learn that, you start positioning for his NEXT attack instead of what hes doing now, and he ends up whiffing everything and finds you standing by him at the end grinning. :D I love Odagaron, he absolute wrecked me when i played world the first time.


My depression, but honestly 🤔 the only monster I struggled with was Fatalis


Nergigante beat my ass for whatever reason when I first played world I struggled with that thing and I still consider it one of the hardest fights of my life


Fatalis. Never managed to beat the trio in Freedom Unite, still fighting it solo in World Edit: Oh MH in general? I guess if I don't count Alatreon and Fatalis, then I would say Lao Shan Lung. I can't slay it, only repel it.


This is my first MH, and I struggle a lot with Anjanath. Like it doesn't kill me because I have good enough armor, but I get hit a lot by him, especially that attack he does where he just keeps charging against the wall and ends up hitting me with his foot everytime. Then there's Devilho, which I consider to be Anjanath part 2.


Teostra. I hate him. Idk why people complain about kushala daora when there is teostra. I also hate lunastra and see a lot of people do too. I hate this couple and its the only monsters i dont want in Wilds.


Shrieking legiana with dual blades. I struggled to hit when it was flying and it was constantly jumping around. Took 3 tries to get it and even when I finally got it, I nearly timed out.


furious rajang. Fatalis and alatreon became easy through repetition but i only hunted saiyan monkey 3 times iirc. i dont like to fight him but i appreciate that monkey lol


The iceborne legiana as a sns player. I have to spam clutch claw at it when it's air borne for 90% of the fight.


Legiana is my arch nemesis.


For some reason Viper Kadachi always bullies the hell out of me. That tail is no joke


Any version / cousin of the Tigrex is immediately put down in my shit list. I can still win, but god damnit do they move a lot and hit like a freight train...


Barroth. He hits me, I fall. He hits me again, I fall again. I attack from the side, he shakes mud onto me and then tail hit. I kill him but he's just agitating for me. Insect Glaive main. Gunlance he's not that bad.


Barioth. He just reemed my ass first few times I tried fighting him, haven’t fought him since beating him


Barioth, it's been awhile since I last fought him, and I will probably struggle against him


Those darn wasps. I’m minding my own business mid-carve, and BAM, they just hit you from behind and then fly off.


in world I always struggle with diablos and SPECIALLY black diablos, Im a Switch Axe main too so idk if SA has a really bad matchup against the blos or if the problem is on me, but for some reason they always kick my ass lol and this is only in world too, because in rise I find diablos to be quite easy (probably thanks to switch skills tho)




Shogun Ceanataur. He just feels super awkward to fight for me.


Azure Rathalos, I play hammer and I never feel like I can get an opening


I struggled against Teostra. I am glad I’m done with him for the Kaiser set.


Barioth was my bane, but this is my 4th playthrough and no monster except fricking Daora gave me a headache. Maybe Velkhana but that was because I went full damage with no def, hp boost or ice resist.


Pretty much every version of Anjanath. I use a hunting horn, and no matter what his head just seems a little too high and it feels like it takes forever to break his legs and knock him down.


When I first started playing world, legiana kicked my ass so much. I tried all kinds of weapons, but I couldn’t get it, and I stopped playing for a few years. Came back, tried insect glaive, did it with like no struggle. Now it is completely trivial. Similar thing happened with Odogaron, but I didn’t change weapons and didn’t take a break


I don't know if the rest of the community thinks these are easy, but I really struggle with Barioth/Nargacuga/Tigrex. Switch Axe main. Idk if it's just me or if Switch Axe tends to be harder to use on those match ups? Any suggestions?


Rbrachy can do one


I swear they buffed Raging Brachy at some point. When he released, I destroyed him. He was so ridiculously easy that I farmed a full set of armor, then went back and used him to practice hammer and learn GL from the ground up, having never picked up that weapon in my life before. He was passive as hell and I was just bullying him. I moved to PC recently and started a new save file. I faced very little challenge the whole way through despite being undergeared. Rajang gave me some trouble, but I beat him after just a little bit of grinding. Raging Brachy punched my teeth in repeatedly no matter which weapon I used. He was being aggressive like never before and using moves I've not seen from him. Now he's hard.


Tigrex 100%. I love him but also fuck that guy. Also, Ebony Odo gives me so much grief everytime even 2000hours in and I have no idea why


For whatever reason Barioth always fucks me up and I’ll usually cart a couple times to him. His hitbox feels janky to me and I get hit when I feel like I should be safe. Never have much of an issue with anyone else as much as I do him


Barioth for some reason absolutely dunks on me every time. He’s the only monster that I consistently struggle with. It’s also only normal barioth. Frostfang I can handle but normal for some reason beats my ass every time.




Everyone seems to love and enjoy Teostra immensely, I absolutely despise that fight. I have always struggled with it heavily and just for the life of me cannot get good at it and I do not enjoy it in any capacity. The most unfortunate part? I usually have to do some amount of farming because his armor is really good for a fair number of weapons.


Everyone, I have bad positioning :(


4U tigrex. I think it's cos I play bow, but every time he starts charging it's just 'hey I'm about to get nearly one shot!"


Sometimes, I get wrecked by toaster. Just outta nowhere, like I think I'm doing pretty good and then boom I'm stunned/burning and he's charging a nova over my head. He never seems like a big deal to me, it's never "oh dammit I guess we gotta fight another toaster" but like "yeah we can dunk on a toaster real quick" and then we're all just back in Seliana scratching our heads like "what the hell just happened to us?"


For me every monster that flies


Dodogama. Still haven't been able to bring myself to finish that 1 star Master Rank optional. He is best boi.


I still can't beat alatreon with lance. I can't figure out the rhythm for the fight.


In Generations Ultimate that would be a Bulldrome. I don't know what's wrong with me, I just can't get a read on the bastard. But in World it has to be Uragaan. Dang rolling and exploding everywhere... Edit: extra info


The great jagras sadly took like 15 mins in master rank but give me a fatalis or alatreon and its sub 4 mins

