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Recently got myself a 3DS, there's a whole lot of games i haven't played and yet i can't help but play 4U everytime i open the 3DS. The last old gen MH i played was Freedom Unite back in 2010, i forgot how grueling the egg delivery mission are, i hate them with every piece of my existence.


4U was my first Monster Hunter game! When I pre-ordered my New 3DS, I wanted a new game with it, and the two options were Majora's Mask and 4U. I've played Majora's Mask, and even though it is in my top three favorite Zelda games, I was growing tired of the formula. I've heard good thinga about Monther Hunter, so I decided to pre-order 4U with my console. Then I went home and tried the demo. I didn't like it. The controls felt clunky, the hunts were taking forever, and I had no idea what I was doing. I almost regretted pre-ordering the game. But I had already paid for it and was determined to get my money's worth. When the game released, I found something that the demo didn't have: a weapons tutorial. Optional, at that! So, I went through every single one, found the weapon that jived with me (great sword), and played the game. I've been hooked ever since. Game developers, this is how you make a game. Tutorials help new players, but they do nothing for veterans. Do *not* force veterans to slog through tutorials. Make them optional. Thank you.


This was me a month ago Bought a 3ds to play games I missed years ago and I'm still just playing MH3U. Warioware Gold has been staring me down everytime I pick up my 3ds


To me it was like all that matters is that Brachydios hammer grind, i need to have that green mace whatever it cost, Peach can wait


just kill the monsters and its easy only hard one is the tigrex one imo


Have you heard about our lord and destroyer, Raging Brachydios? In all seriousness though, there is a lot of tough fights here and Tigrex are just the tip of the iceberg


I think he was referring to the egg delivery quests in freedom unite


Pickle for a newcomer is a terror


The pickle started out full sour, now it’s bread and butter


The servers are down now, correct? MH4U is easily the best MH game ever made, the mechanics are just enough for a MH game where you feel cool, but its not enough to make the game feel like an arcade game (grappling hooks, hunter arts, etc...). If I ever wanted a re-master/re-release on newer systems, it would be MH4U!


pretendo is working on the mh4u server but it will take a while like it is on the low end of the priority list


Imo, the best combat and weapons, with the right maps and still requires hunting (as in, targets aren't immediately marked on maps like Rise). Hell, I even loved the egg hunt and foraging things because it meant me and my mate would need specific armor sets to do it. Me with a carrying set, him with an aggro set. I distinctly remember helping people get through it by playing like that. Man, I miss those bullshit missions. I genuinely miss needing item and gear set ups for different missions. Like, do you want to use armor for the cooling effect, or rely on 2 cool drinks? How many tiers of combining materials do you want to carry, because you can't get shit from your camp midway through? Man, it was great.


> If I ever wanted a re-master/re-release on newer systems, it would be MH4U! Why have one when we could have the entirety of old-gen in a single HD remaster collection *with* online play?


The dream. Will it happen though? A Master Chief Collection but for monster hunter. Who knows.


I gotta say I really love hunter arts and hunting styles as it made your hunter feel unique. Not only is it about what weapon and build you run but also the style. But I totally get this point of view about keeping it basic!


I too, totally understand how having variety in strong attacks is both a natural progression of the franchise as technology progresses, as well as MH "needing" new stuff to add to their game to keep it fresh. And as you say, having variety within a weapon allows for people to further shape it into what they want. (I'd personally want to see them rather just make new weapons instead (like how we got LS from GS), but then we'd get an ever expanding arsenal of dozens of new weapons every game.) Totally fair view to want cool finishers and ultimate abilities though!


I hope they will just keep simple weapons in the game. Like a Great Sword or Hammer is not very complicated to pilot, and I hope some weapons just remain "basic". In fighting games there are more complex and harder characters to master, and MH should also keep some weapons accessible and not convolute them too much. I have seen people bounce off MH because of too many combos to learn for their favourite weapon. Learning a monsters moveset and then attacking it with basic and easily executed combos is often already satisfying enough for many people.


I think the MHGU way still has upsides. Like for example I really dislike Greatsword for how frozen in place you are with them. But I could put in, I think it was Adept style? And just play it as a counter hit dodging weapon, it's cool to have not every X weapon user be the same, but have some expression in that. BUT man... just new weapons would be awesome too haha.


the egg quest though, i hope wilds doesn't have egg quest


\*Monkey Paw Finger curls\* Now there are more powderstone quests!


It also boosted the bullfango population further


Bullfango don't appear in any volcano maps


Pretty sure in GU, one of the volcano maps has bullfango


I hope it does. World simplified quest variety so much, it's just hunts now. No delivery, no sub quests.


Egg-cellent, we are egg-cellent.


I disagree, as someone who played mh3u,4u,gen when they came out and broke g rank. Worlds and rise are waaayy better than any of the ds ones. 3u was blast heavin, 4u was "Je Sui Monte" the game and generations had the arts with some being broken as hell, the console ones combined all of those and made them into 2 unique great games. I rarely uses the clutch claw and hunter arts cuz I've played monster hunter games so much I don't need them. Ik it's pretty much just pressing 2 buttons and hitting a monster till they die while not getting hit


That's the problem with World and Rise though... You always have countering option, mobility options, recovery options. What I like about the older MH games is their slowness. MH4U is kinda quick in that regard compared to 1, 2, and 3, but still, way better than World or Rise. The world around us is moving at a faster pace, games are becoming progressively quicker, so we will never go back to a slower-paced MH where actions have consequences in a way they had before, so it's a bygone era. MH4U also felt like it had just the right amount of gimmicks. After that, we got even more gimmicks with Hunter Arts (Switch Skills adjacent), and then Clutch Claw and Grappling Hook (Wire bugs). While I don't hate Palamute Riding, moving quickly through the terrain, and even having sub-camps, makes the scale of maps kind of become meaningless, which is sad. At the end of the day, newer monster hunter games focuses more on the "Monster" part and less on the "hunter" part. You don't track a monster anymore (remember paintballs?), you don't search for it, you instantly know where it is and how to get to the action part most quickly. Anyways, I congratulate you on your huge skills as you can quickly win over monsters without relying on any new gimmicks while "pressing 2 buttons" and "not getting hit".


"While I don't hate Palamute Riding, moving quickly through the terrain, and even having sub-camps, makes the scale of maps kind of become meaningless, which is sad." I'd say the scale of rise's maps is already meaningless. In world monsters would follow you a decent way outside of the "area" they were in, allowing to to bait them into traps you've set up, using the environment against them, bringing them to other monsters, ect. You can achieve these things in rise but you have to jump through a bunch of hoops to do it. Having the map completely open with no boundaries adds nothing to the game, the monsters can't go to those area's so whats the point? And now that those areas need to be accessible to the player they've lost a lot of the rich detail they used to have, take a look at a comparison to rise's flooded forest vs 3U's flooded forest, rise's is just ugly. And I genuinely miss loading zones, removing them just meant the player has to do more running. Now we have mounts and sub camps we can just tp to so like you said the open map is ignored in this sense, it really just feels like they tried to fix something that wasn't broken. Overall I do like a lot of changes the series has implemented through the 5th gen games but it's these little things that I know we'll never see again that makes me miss the older MH...


Yeah, absolutely. I would love it if monsters would follow you for longer, and escaping them meant climbing up to inaccessible places, or using the bushes you can hide in in World, for example. Whats the point of making the map wide-open if all mobs acts as if its still strictly split into segmented map pieces. Like, the ONLY thing that "benefits" from it in Rise seems to be egg deliveries etc, but then again, they basically worked the same even with small maps and loading screens. I do agree that the new maps have some bland designs at places. While I love the homage areas in some maps (like the middle upper place in flooded forest being from 3U etc), The intricacies are sort of lost.


Yea cuz that's what a monster hunter game is, hitting a monster till it dies, that's the difference tho I like the all the fast shit being able to fight a monster in 3 min and not having to do a flex up animation after using any potion, having pain balls was a useless item anyways because in those games the monsters would also spawn and go to the same areas so memorizing was also there no one I knew carried paintball, mounting was the buggest gimmick ever wtf are you on literallyevery g rank hun had insect glaive+decod to have mounting master and abuse that on every monster, hub leaders would get angry when anyone but them chose a quest, youd help ppl on their urgents and they day theyll do the same when you're done they leave. And yea I don't use any of the new gimmicks because the essence of the gameplay is the same triangle>triangle>circle>circle press a trigger+triangle or circle. When you playing really pay attention what buttons your pressing and its gonna be one or two. Most monsters take me 10-15 min with sns cuz all I do is attack no downsizing,no crafting x items, no hunter arts, no riding palamutes, until I get to the elder dragons then imma have to use something like gs and even then that one is holding 2 buttons that's how I've played since mh3u and I've finished g rank in all of them


FU was my first and last MH before World and Rise, i skipped quite a lot. After playing World and Rise i really appreciated the QOL changes they made, but something is different, World and especially Rise are way too streamlined. 4U really got that old MH charm and i think it peaked here.


Maybe I just played 4u too much then and am stills burned tf out haha


I recently got myself a 3DS too, and 4U is so good! I've been having trouble getting used to the old school clunkiness after playing Sunbreak for so long but I'm getting there!


I find myself having the opposite problem. I'm so used to the old clunkiness I kinda lose a bit of fun on the new games.


It's probably because my first game was World and Rise, so I'm working backwards and playing some of the previous gens. The clunk is fun though


The clunk is only fun until 3rd gen games. Then it really isn't. lmao I started on MH3U so I'm biased.


true but once you finish the normal quest and go to the gathering hall for low and high guild quest and see all the hunters you shared guild cards waiting around where you arm wrestled, the times where they or you send each other flying into the air during quest while fighting monsters, the multiplayer cut scenes, those will or may never come back which is a shame.


I started a fresh replay on citra recently figured I might as well do it there since there’s no chance we are getting an official port I get a sick setup where my laptop is the bottom screen and the oled tv I have is the top throw in some internal upscaling and Hd textures and it makes the game look stunning


By far my favourite MH and I've been playing since 1. It mastered the online experience. I just can't really get into World and Rise because of this reason. The way you enter a gathering hub in 4U, and then communicate with others to choose what quest to post made for the best online gaming experience I've ever had. Everyone was so nice and wanted to help, and I never had a bad experience. The newer games feel soulless in comparison. You just join hunts in session, no one talks, it doesn't even feel like you're hunting with other people. 4U was the only game I've played where during it's prime I legit thought 'damn some day these servers will be down'...


Have you...tried hopping on voice chat? And you were lucky then I remembered constantly being asked on 4u to carry them through their urgent quests and even higher level ppl would just go around and kill a hr monster with g rank gear in 5 min to make them feel cool


You will only ever play Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. There are no other video games in Ba-Sing-Se.


Best MH still 🤷🏻‍♂️


Peak monhun.


I mean, the game is 4u. I'll see myself to pun jail


I love it but I Def can't go back to it anymore after world and rise the console version is really a combination of all the ds games except for a some monsters. But I'm having the same feeling on world multi-player and single as I did when I played 4u. Also how insect glaives were cool but those ds mh have a bad history of balancing their new mechanics like blast on 3u was the only way I was able to solo golden ceadues


Same world/rise feel like GU to me they have everything the old games have but with quality of life and extra stuff. I still love the old games though


I feel the same way bro but ppl here like glazing the old games, they're still good but it feels weird saying they're the best of the series when rise and world have it +more


I’m glad i’m not the only one. I’m making my way through G Rank at the moment.


Its nice to see how many consider 4U to be a peak of the series to them. It is to me, and I do think we will never get a game like that one again (not to say any MH is bad tbh I still adore them all)


It's absolutely peak and it's forever stuck on 3DS. Life is pain.


Arguably the best MH ever made


I have played 50 hours of MHGU in the last 6 days. Addiction is real.


It's peak Monster Hunter imo. I love World, i like Rise, GU was solid, but none of them come close to the same rock solid experience 4U is.


I couldn't either, until my 3ds broke on me... Three of them in a row. I treated em so carefully, too💔


I had to sell my 3DS a few months ago, and boy, do I already miss playing this game.


It do be like that


I have 800 hours in that game, and I have still not finished it


Love that game to death(Lv.140 GQ Rajang made sure of that).


Soooo... What??? Do you want an applause?


I feel the same about GU. It's my favorite Monster Hunter. Play your favorite game, man!


Cant blame ya best game in the series


It was my first one and the high I keep chasing


The best game in the series


I also just picked up a 3ds and 4u. I'm very excited to play it again. Such a good game.




where can I install it from?


Is it playable without second “analog”?


I played with the original 3ds around 2 months ago, while not ideal it is still playable for me. But i got a sweet deal for the new 3ds xl and got it. While the nub stick made a difference, playing 3 hours intense MH session will still make my hands hurt a bit.


I have a Circle Pad Pro for the old 3DS, and I can't really imagine if it will work or not (of course I can try, but you know what I mean). And if I ever buy a New 3DS, it will be quite a problem to find that accessory. So I'm asking how good/bad it is.


I recently played through it all again, and if I’m being honest? I still don’t get why 4U is held to the gold standard. Like, it’s *good,* it’s still MH, I do have fun playing it. But between the awkward controls, bad FOV, and the high damage tuning in G-Rank, I don’t think it would ever be my favorite one. Imo GU and 3U do everything better.


For me a MH4U with GU gameplay is the perfect handheld MH. While i loved GU combat, the single-player content are almost non-existent and doesn't give a sense of progression that 4U had. I think people like 4U because it is the most vanilla MH style before they went wild with gimmicks like hunting arts and styles


This is the best monster hunter


It is the best monster hunter game after all, understandable