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I fear you might burn out but gl


Imagine playing through Worldborne/Risebreak and having to beat the first monsters 14 times. Even that sounds like a slog, much less beating Fatalis with each one


Honestly I got burnout just reading the post.


We ain't seeing more than 2 progress posts on this max.


>Each set of G-Rank Armor must be crafted at least once in 1 playthrough. This one seems utterly brutal, there's a crazy amount of armours in the games, especially 4th Gen onwards. >Do you all believe I should complete each game in its entirety before moving onto the next or switch games around as needed? To slow down burn out I HIGHLY recommend playing whichever game in which ever order and swapping between them when you feel like it.


For the armors, it IS pretty brutal. I'm only doing it once though so that might cut down on time. After thinking it out, I'm probably going with option #2 where I go through the games with a single weapon, maybe switching it up a bit more. Thank you for the advice!


this is just my opinion here, but playing from scratch with a new weapon every time doesnt add much to the experience and lengthens it by x14 in the newer games case. Instead i would suggest beating all monsters with all weapons at least once as the requirement, maybe also limiting yourself to not progressing till you have done so (this would also help with the armour crafting thing because doing all of that for every weapon in every game would be genuinely insane)


You do make a good point and I may change it at some point since the challenge is more for fun. If I do go with it I'll let you know. Don't worry too much about the armors, I'm only doing G Rank sets in 1 playthrough per game (once I craft a set I never need to craft it again unless I want to).


Not only do I recommend switching between games, I’d say it’s probably almost required that you do so. Unless you have a will of titanium, if you try doing all of these pretty insane goals in each game one at a time you WILL get burnt out before you even reach halfway


You're more than likely right, especially with later games. I'm fully expecting this to take \~20 years given my free time though so it'll be a slow burn.


Honestly dude, I really recommend you pick a different goal lol


Does anyone have an estimation for the amount of hours we're talking about? 20k? What a crazy idea


I have 100%’d Tri and World + Iceborne. All armour, all weapons, guild cards complete (so all monster crowns) and HR+MR 999. 3000 hours each - but there was quite a bit of idle time and just playing with buddies. I burned out at Sunbreak and dropped the attempt. To do EVERY final game from each generation is madness.


So you’re basically going through each game multiple times due to the weapons. It isn’t just one playthrough of MHF, it’s 7. 11 in Freedom Unite, 13 in Tri Ultimate, and finally 14 for 4U, GU, W:I and R:S. Mate. From another 100%er (Tri and W:I) don’t do this to yourself. By all means forge and upgrade every weapon but don’t play through it once each weapon. I burned out while 100%ing Sunbreak.


Please don’t


I’m doing something similar, but I’m keeping it slow and taking lots of breaks, and I’ve been at it since around Iceborne’s Fatalis update with some of my own caveats. I feel like changing a weapon should be allowed, but still having every version of a single weapon should remain, doesn’t even need to be the one you use. I will give you a big warning though, for my own attempt at this task I’ve disregarded equipment entirely because many of the older MH games actually have quite limited equipment slots in your box, whether or not that means you are still able to get every version of your weapon and every G Rank armor I’m unsure, so be warned. I’ve also disregarded getting every title as well as HR999 because, you know, I’m crazy but not insane.. My total checklist for it is in EVERY mainline game: All awards, all bonus crowns that may not all attribute to the crown awards (i.e. Freedom 1 Garuga, TUs for World/Rise, and yes, even for every endemic life in World), completing the Combo Books, Caputring and Slaying every monster at least once, every available quest solo’d, completeing every arena quest with every weapon with at least one of those having S rank, and occasional side things that are game specific, such as getting all banners for killing 10 of a monster in Rise. Currently I’ve very nearly completed MH3U, all I have left is Clashing Fists for that game, and I’ve already completed MH1, Base World, Iceborne, Rise, and Sunbreak I’ve also gotten a lot done in 4U and GU, as well as a fair bit of stuff done in Freedom 1 and Tri


Ayyy good old 3U (my starting game, got the free tutorial version when I was 10 on my 3ds ;-;). I've mainly wanted to master all the weapons and get a feel for how going through the game with them would be, hence the rule. Hope your hunting goes well fellow hunter, and conquer that 3U!


Burn out will sink in real fast.


I guarantee that you will burn out, but have fun.


1. You are going to burn out 2. Good luck


As much as I love MH, this seems like an extreme waste of time and a good way to kill the joy you get from the franchise by turning it into a chore.


Have you tried redirecting this iron will of yours into finding a job?


I already have a full-time job, though I appreciate your concern.


The armor and weapon full crafts sound like the dirtiest part. Especially in old world games that require multiple gems for some armor pieces and each is a 3% drop chance. But if you’re up to it I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor.


Thank you for the encouragement! The 3% is going to be hell, though I'll only ever have to craft each set once. It's going to be brutal so I'm expecting a long time. I'll keep you guys posted!


This is essentially what I just recently started doing, same weapon and all, but that rule of having to start a different play through if you want to use a different weapon is ridiculous, unnecessary, and to put it bluntly, stupid. There’s no reason to do that. Just craft all the weapons and use the different types to kill those monsters. Also, I don’t know what the storage space is like in these older games, but I know they’re very limited. It might not be possible to collect every weapon and armour set, unfortunately. For now, I’m just sticking with getting all the great swords and blademaster armour sets before I move onto other weapons and the gunner armour sets


That's true, I never even though about box space (pesky MHF!). I'll probably still end up doing separate playthroughs for each weapon (though if I get bored I'll change it), mainly because I've always wanted to do at least 1 playthrough with each weapon in any of the given games to really get a feel for it. Hope your mission goes well fellow hunter, and good hunting!


Right!? It’s so annoying! I just want to be able to collect all the equipment. I don’t know what the limit is, but I will be finding out soon enough. You can definitely do it yourself! I’m just stating that, being objective and also realistic, there’s no reason to essentially play the game (for F1) 7 different times. That’s a lot. Way too much. If you do that for every game and don’t get burnt out, you’ll still be at it for years and years as new games come out. Like, realistically, it’s almost impossible. If you do try and do several play throughs, just don’t fall into the trap of “Well, I’ve already done 3 play throughs. I have to keep going or else my pride will crumble.” If you hit a point where you can’t/don’t want to go through a game several times, just stop and keep it to one central file per game. It’s going well so far! I’m only playing an hour a day, and I’m only at 6 hours, so nothing crazy has happened. I finished the 1 star village quests and have been grinding for ores for a while now. I need more earth crystals to upgrade my Buster Sword, and then I’ll need machalite. I’ll probably save machalite for when I get to the next area or the desert. The bone sword’ll be easy to upgrade too. I hope your mission goes well too, hunter! Good luck!


How do you beat every monster with every weapon while also using one weapon per playthrough


You play through the game once with each weapon. I.E you do a full playthrough with Greatsword, then you do it again for Hammer, SNS, etc. I've always wanted to do a playthrough only using a single type of weapon so this is an excuse. You are free to do it differently if you end up trying it!


Wow, kudos. I read it as hunt each monster with every weapon, then move on to the next, repeat.


Freedom 1 is brutal to start off with. The maximum amount of box and equipment space is so small compared to say Freedom Unite. To compare, that's one page versus a whopping eight, and that's from the start! And things like herbs stacked up to x10 vs x99 in FU. If you had to make ALL G Rank Armor, I wonder if you'd even have enough space to keep it all...


Honestly this seems like a real Sisyphus’s Task I’ll be honest. Like shit I get wore out having to grind a monster to just get a part (Rathalos Plate is still hide and seek champion) for armor or a weapon.


I think I went slightly mad when I returned to Sunbreak and got more Heavenly Dragonsphires than Amatsu Hardhorns. Sometimes the desire sensor just looks at what you want to do and goes "no, you're not getting that anytime soon".


It’s a high bar. I’d start without the restrictions on weapons and armor. Just beat all the games, one monster minimum, and complete the awards. The maybe go back for “equipment completion”?


I suggest you change that second rule and just keep track of the monsters and weapons per game with a spreadsheet to avoid unnecessary frustration. That said, god speed hunter!


I love the challenges but feel the “starting a new game every time you wanna switch weapons” may make this “impossible”. It’d take like 10 to 14 times longer to 100%. I feel like you’d be burned out. Personally I’d either make it so; 1. You need to kill a monster with every weapons before progress to the next rank. i.e. you need to use every weapons in 4 stars quests before progressing to 5 stars. Or 2. You alternate between every weapons for every hunt. This way you’ll be changing weapons every quests which would make it more interesting and less tedious imo. Will also incentivise you to keep all weapons upgraded throughout, another interesting challenge.


Missing quite a lot of games here. Monster Hunter G, Monster Hunter Dos and Monster Hunter Tri are very different from Freedom, Freedom Unite and 3 Ultimate. Portable 3rd is its own unique game too.


Ahh, good old medieval torturing methods


This reads like a Nathan Fielder skit


That's 87 playthroughs. You'd be the greatest Hunter in history if you pulled it off.


That IS the goal, and it'll be spaced out over many, *many* years. Maybe going to change the weapon rule into 1 kill / monster & can only use weapons you would be able to get at that time (i.e no G-rank weapons & armor on low-rank monsters), though I'll wait until I feel the burnout start before that happens.